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Congressional sites crash after Obama's speech

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:30 AM

What'll crash your servers faster than a Drudge link? Possibly President Barack Obama.

Monday night Obama took to the bully pulpit and asked Americans to contact their members of Congress and urge them to reach a compromise on the debt ceiling. Since the prime-time, televised speech aired, websites for Hill leaders have been down and other Congressional sites have been on the fritz, including the House Democrats' Budget Committee site. The New York delegation's sites have been down, also.

Source #2
S ource #3

So Obama goes on television and encourages the American people to call their representatives and demand there be a compromise on the debt ceiling then the phone lines for Congressman and Senators go down, were slow, or just not loading properly. But of course that is just a mere coincidence.

Now look what the results of a Tea Party run GOP has done for the party’s poll numbers:

Do you think the policies being proposed by the Republican leaders in the U.S. House and Senate would move the country in the right direction or the wrong direction?

July 18-20
Right direction: 37%
Wrong direction: 58%
Difference: -21%

When they lost the 2006 elections to the Democrats they were down only by 17% with 12% having no opinion, now they are down 21% with only 4% with no opinion. Even after the government shutdown of 1995-1996 which damaged the Republicans they still held +4% in polls believing they had the right policies for the country. Not once in this polling data have Republicans been as bad off as they are now.

Obama’s approval rating stands at 45% and a disapproval of 54% which is -9% which is bad but manageable, it shows more Americans actually agree with Obama than the GOP right now which would explain why their sites are down.

The same question asked about Republicans was also asked about Democrats which showed 43% believe their policies take us in the right direction and 53% believe they would take us in the wrong direction which is a difference of -10%. What this really shows us is that Americans do not trust either party with our future but by an 11 point spread trust Democrats more than the current GOP.

So it is no surprise to me that it was mostly Republicans receiving ‘warm’ calls from their constituents.

Approval/Disapproval ratings:

Democratic Party - 45/49%
Republican Party - 41/55%
Tea Party - 37/47%

It appears to me the Tea Party movement is more disliked than the Democratic Party and the GOP is more disliked than both of them.

edit on 7/26/2011 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Misoir

The Republicans are WORSE than Obama, amazingly.

the republicans, since Reagan, have led to tax cuts out the wazoo. Trickle Down never happened, CEO pay ExplodeD, offshoring/foreign investment exploded, S&L debacle.
Lets not forget the biggest crook ever, NIXON and his 1971 Bankster?Rothschild swan song, the Great Idea to take us off the Gold standard.

unless you are the elites, or there richest 5% lap dogs, why would a sane person support them. The biggest crooks in american govt are Republican liars of the highest order

Nafta anyone?, which was planned and drawn up by REPUBLICANS, not Clinton..

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:56 AM
Why on earth would anyone receiving a handout disapprove of what this poor excuse of a president is doing?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:05 AM
So what is this in real numbers ?Percentages can be (purposely) deceiving:

Mr. obvious says:"
55% 0f 100 calls is 55 people; 55% of 1000 calls is 550 people agreeing or disagreeing".

What's the error percentage(+- 3%)?

Sorry without further research ( that quite frankly I'm not willing to do; just to play the"you suck; we don't" game) your polls are meaningless (easily spun) number play.And political trolling for "republicans are stupid; but liberals are better. " (stars and flags)"

So your polls say over half disapprove of Oh-bama; AND the right...big deal...
edit on 26-7-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by Misoir

The Republicans are WORSE than Obama, amazingly.

the republicans, since Reagan, have led to tax cuts out the wazoo. Trickle Down never happened, CEO pay ExplodeD, offshoring/foreign investment exploded, S&L debacle.
Lets not forget the biggest crook ever, NIXON and his 1971 Bankster?Rothschild swan song, the Great Idea to take us off the Gold standard.

unless you are the elites, or there richest 5% lap dogs, why would a sane person support them. The biggest crooks in american govt are Republican liars of the highest order

Nafta anyone?, which was planned and drawn up by REPUBLICANS, not Clinton..

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:12 AM
Most of the people I know tried contacting the local senators to tell them NOT to compromise on the budget ceiling. Enough is enough.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:56 PM
While people continue to argue democrats are better than republicians, tea party bad or good for all, TPTB are moving right along in their forward direction. Democrats, republicians and now tea party, that is all an illusion. It is designed to keep everyone focused on who is worse and who did what. Real issues that need to be addressed are lost in fighting over what political party is best. Let me break it to you.. democrats,republicians and tea party they are all the same. there is one goal TPTB have and what road to take to reach their goal is of no concern. The dems, republicians or tea party appear to have different views but that is only on the surface. In reality they all have the same goal to work towards. It will only be when the people of america realize this and stand together that we may have a chance to stop what is being planned. Remember the phrase ' Divide and conquer'. This is the plan of TPTB and it works splendidly.

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 06:30 PM
seems to me the only party that hasnt spent 14 trillion dollars is the ones everyone is hating on

the teaparty

and whats all the demogaguery about?

smaller government who spends within their means.

your right those evil teaparties!

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Misoir

There was a time a few hundred years when there was a small group of British subjects who, had they done polling at the time would have received massively high unfavorable ratings. I doubt they would have cared, they were too business winning their freedom and founding a nation.

I don't seek to make the two equal in any measure, simply making an illustration.

People don't like confrontation outside of stadiums. They don't like ambiguity. They are afraid that the status quo is being shaken. That uncertainty is being fueled by the media who is reporting on this as if its OJ and AL Cowlings in the white Bronco.

Its too soon to draw conclusions about what folks will ultimately think about this. If the markets tank a few thousand points, we make some serious progress toward fiscal sanity and the markets recover (which they will), the numbers will turn dramatically.

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