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*snip*washington hashtag takes Twitter by storm

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by boncho
Twitter always confused me, twits and twats and everything in between. I never understood it and probably never will. That is probably something I should tweet about...

Looked at it once and it brought to mind teenage girls in the 13 year old silly phase calling each other to spread the latest gossip and discuss which boy has the cutest backside in Junior High.

Tweet, tweet.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:11 PM
Twitter is the biggest joke I've came across in my 25 years on Earth, and I've met alot of idiots and funny people.

Glad to know that (maybe) some perceptive people use Twitter for reasons besides Sheen and Kardashian.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:21 PM
Not surprised in this day and age.

Economics is primarily a business of calculation and not philosophy. Washington is, once again, making our future a chip with which to gamble for political influence.

They will never be held accountable in any significant manner, so they will continue to operate in a manner that serves their personal interests.

Until severe punishments are handed out through legal means, they will sell our future for their own profit.

All the while blaming "parties" and passing laws that inhibit our ability to assert our right to remove incompotent government and replace it.


posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Conditional amnesia.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

Twitter is stupid, that being said I agree with that washington guy or whatever that said you will send combat troops to warzones for 8 hours but you wont lower taxes on the rich

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:10 PM
Can't they trace you on twitter...why would annonymous use this? Come on guys wake up...theres posers who think they are in it, then there are those who are really in it getting paid by uncle sam

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:24 PM
Wow, I've fallen behind. I don't understand anything...#@#@#??? I don't use twitter. I guess this is a good thing...? Does this mean people in the streets soon, I'll do that...but, it took me too long to adjust to facebook.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:29 PM
It's all controlled propaganda!

I hope they impeach the SOB!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:40 PM
There will never be a "Revolution". You can bet your ass there will be another civil war. There are two sides in America, and it's not the People Vs Government. It's right vs left. A lot of people say "Oh no, they're just trying to divide us!" We're already divided.

If people start calling for a revolution, and it starts happening? What then? Would the Right help put the left in power so they can continue with keynesian economics? Spending us into oblivion wanting no debt ceiling? Would the Left help the right cut away their entitlements and consumer/employee protections?

I'm sure there are things a lot of people can agree with. Many people are sick to death of the wars, and the way things are going now. But I don't believe that provides enough common ground. And that's not even going into the people who are just blindly going day by day. Always checking straight party ticket and not even bothering to read the names on the ballots when it comes time, they've got to hurry home and watch another episode of American Idol, or see if their "Team" won the politics game. Do you really think they'd do anything other than blindly support the government during a revolution? I don't know if I'm just pessimistic, but I believe those who are aware of whats going on are in a minority to those who don't.

The answer is no. No sane person would help someone they disagree with on a fundamental level come into power.

There may be one ray of hope. Ron Paul might be the best hope for America. The far left hate him, the far right hate him, but thousands upon thousands of normal americans, the middle of the road, the heart and soul of America love him. We would have a hard time finding things to agree on together, but if when the smoked clear, if he stood triumphant I believe left and right could find common ground and truly begin to heal.

At any rate. Please forgive me if I don't lose my # with joy over a hashtag.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Tweets do not a revolution make.

How sad that some in this day and age can believe such a useless gimmick can cause real change.

It's disrespectful to revolutionairies everywhere.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:20 PM
FYI - It's been changed to #FYW on twitter because they don't want the censorship to be what holds it back.

And yeah, it's just words...but I can't tell you how refreshing it is to actually hear the voice of Americans after the constant flood of MSM, government, polls flooding the world with false information about how "We" supposedly feel.

Even *I* was beginning to believe we were ALL really that stupid and blind...but reading all the responses on this twitter feed painted a completely different picture for me. Before that I didn't even realize I had given up hope on my own country.

Wait...What was that? Oh my gosh...I think I almost felt a twinge of hope jump back into my heart.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by SavedOne

As far as the top 5% paying 45% thats not where the line should be like the top 1%.Why punish self made millions.Thats not the problem its the majors like the companies sittin on the very top of the pyrmid

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:37 PM
How about ###YOUWASHINGTON for your propaganda crap news stations that tell us what we are to think every day. Giving only THEIR side of the story while the nation screams at their TV's and are never heard. For telling the rest of the nation what we Americans "really want" using stupid made up polls and lies, when you have no damn clue what the heck any of us want. I heard 2 women on the news this morning talking about why men are more out of work than women and they played it down as if it were nothing and even equated the suffering of women to it when women everywhere (by ratio) are doing a lot better than men in the recession. I found it sickening that for a problem with men....they had women to explain it in their typical..."move along, nothing to see here" fashion, but if it were women who were suffering or even remotely not being treated equal during this recession.....they would nearly set the world on fire to get the message out. This was CNN. The news station who won't even hire women unless theyre hot. Hypocrites! #### YOU TOO Brooke Baldwin and whoever that other blonde chick was....who cares!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by iamusic

This is not how we revolt, this is how we spread the word and try to awake those who don't know, at least some of us are trying to do something about it, even if it is just informing others.
I f you look at all the tweets they are from from both sides, the only thing in common is that we are all tired of what is going on and we are united in trying to fix what is wrong. Tweeting, facebooking? or even sending emails with information on how we are being taken advantage off, is all good, it doesn't matter how we spread the message, what matters is that more people unite and they know that they are not alone.
Win or fail, at least I know I tried.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Elieser
reply to post by iamusic

This is not how we revolt, this is how we spread the word and try to awake those who don't know, at least some of us are trying to do something about it, even if it is just informing others.
I f you look at all the tweets they are from from both sides, the only thing in common is that we are all tired of what is going on and we are united in trying to fix what is wrong. Tweeting, facebooking? or even sending emails with information on how we are being taken advantage off, is all good, it doesn't matter how we spread the message, what matters is that more people unite and they know that they are not alone.
Win or fail, at least I know I tried.

This is absolutely how we revolt. This is pretty much how the flame started (not to mention the very real flame in Tunisia) in Egypt; Facebook and Twitter.

Every since Hammurabi, rulers around the world feared the day that their citizens will have the ability to instantaneously communicate with their fellow comrades. We are there. We are witnessing the crest of the change of how civilization will be ruled. I know I sound dramatic but it's been long coming and is only natural. They've warned of this for hundreds of years.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 06:38 AM
We don't need a revolution. What we need is a to-do list. One that has the names, addresses, travel routes and schedules of the richest 25 business people and their loved ones on it.

You want change? Then change the people who run everything, and put the fear of God into the rest of them. Nothing else will ever work.
edit on 7/27/2011 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

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