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This whole thing is getting a little sickening...

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 03:28 PM
I am reffering to the Casey Anthony case thats saturated the airwaves as of late. I was just watching it on TV and is it just me or does the way they "report" this whole (insignifigant, in my opinion) thing feel like a sports or arena style commentary...its sick.

The pampered up talking heads on TV are all acting like commentators and need to chime in every 2 minutes.

I feel like they cant just leave the live feed on and let whoever wants to tune in to it, just do so...

Its so obviously dramatized and sensationalized and its driving me nuts. Don't get me wrong, this certainly isnt the first time the news media decides to report on something as unimportant as this but damn....

Sorry guys, just a little frustrated hearing everyone talking about it as if they personally know whats going on...its just so unbelievably #ing stupid.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Jugtalicus

I completely agree! It's a mockery of what's left of our justice system. It's also a shame that there are so many people flocking and fighting over a seat in the court to make a spectacle of something like the death of a young child. The media aren't the only ones who are making it stupid, everyone participating in the trial are all making this absurdly overdramatized.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 03:35 PM
They learned that the public loves sensationalized destruction of lives back in the OJ Simpson case.

A real view into ourselves as a whole.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:59 PM
It's just the media distraction of the season. There is always at least one story like this they follow and "analyze" (for the dimwitted public they believe is too stupid to figure it out for themselves) at any given time, and it is usually about a murdered child or pretty white woman. Natalie Holloway and Stacy Peterson, for example.

Once this Anthony trial plays out, you can expect that within a matter of days they'll find another similar story with which to occupy the American Idol/TMZ crowd 24/7. These cases are neither unique nor remarkable--they happen every day, everywhere. The media seem to just pick one and run with it. It's a perpetual distraction, from more pressing matters, for people who can't seem to live any other way but through vicarious experience of the train wreck that is American society.

And, at the same time, the advertising revenues generated are quite lucrative, I'm sure.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by jude11

Kurt Vonnegut once wrote that the best entertainment was seeing somebody's status suddenly change: i.e., either rags-to-riches, or riches-to-rags, so to speak. Not only about money but life in general. Hence the appeal of this trial, such as it is.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 04:15 PM
I think it's the "news" once again making the local become the global. All other points above are valid and tie in. The murder matters to people in Orlando, but why should it matter to someone in California, I'm sure there are plenty of murders there to discuss.

What ever happened to going down to the court house and watching a trial?

One more thing...Why is it that some trials allow cameras and blow by blow reporting and others require an artist to draw pictures in charcoal pencil???

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Sphota
I think it's the "news" once again making the local become the global. All other points above are valid and tie in. The murder matters to people in Orlando, but why should it matter to someone in California, I'm sure there are plenty of murders there to discuss.

What ever happened to going down to the court house and watching a trial?

One more thing...Why is it that some trials allow cameras and blow by blow reporting and others require an artist to draw pictures in charcoal pencil???

It's up to the judge. Some will allow them and some won't.

They've tried to get cameras into the Supreme Court many times but thankfully the Court has denied that sensationalism to penetrate their chambers.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Mapkar
reply to post by Jugtalicus

I completely agree! It's a mockery of what's left of our justice system. It's also a shame that there are so many people flocking and fighting over a seat in the court to make a spectacle of something like the death of a young child. The media aren't the only ones who are making it stupid, everyone participating in the trial are all making this absurdly overdramatized.

I know.....Meanwhile 5 kids somewhere near their own house probably just died and nobody makes a deal of it.....

Why this one child?

why this specific case?

If it's not important than we need to ask why now?

What is the significance of the timing ?

What else is happening right now that is more important ?

there lies part of the answer.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 04:53 PM
I think every once in awhile people like to watch the court system in action. A little girl horribly murdered and a beautiful mother and it all comes together to make an interesting story. Sure it happens alot and not all of them are covered but I don't really see anything wrong with it.

I find the court precedings fascinating myself especially considering what is on the line. This is the real world and not some made for t.v. movie and in my view, anything that increases people's knowledge on the court system is a good thing. Much better for them to be glued to this then watching sex in the city.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 02:40 PM
Just to add to the sickening aspect of the sensationalism of our justice system, has anyone seen the new show "Police POV"?

Is that real? It's the same format they use on all those lame shows that use clips of accidents and car chases and other personal mistakes, where they repeat the action scene some 5 times between commercial breaks. The only new difference is that we are "seeing" from the point-of-view of the police.

It's a bit troublesome in my opinion.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:18 PM
They usually come up with some circus story like this to keep the lemmings distracted.
This might have to do with keeping Libya on the down low. No Libya news coverage lately.
casey blah blah blah blah anthony is all I hear.
edit on 5-7-2011 by indisgust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by kro32
I think every once in awhile people like to watch the court system in action. A little girl horribly murdered and a beautiful mother and it all comes together to make an interesting story.

It's not about watching the court system in action. It's about entertainment.

There will be a lot of disappointed people right now because she was aquitted. No execution to them would be like a power blackout in the final minutes of a sporting final.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:25 AM
If it bothers you so much why do you watch it?

Turn off the t.v., mute it, get up and do something else?

Is somebody forcing you to sit there and listen to the commentators? Is there a reason you can't pick up a newspaper the following day and see what happened or google the case for details?

It's like somebody sticking their hand in a fire and complaing that they are tired of getting burnt.

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