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New World Order IS NOT A THREAT. Let them have an NWO

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posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 02:32 PM
NWO: Sure, someone like a dictator would rule our world someday. But the Illuminati: NO! The Illuminati can never be possible because they were trying to liberate the Education System from false Catholic teachings. Like how the sun revolved around the Earth, we were in the middle of the Universes/Galaxy, ETC. They were actually doing a good thing here because they wanted to save people from the senseless killings because one person disagreed on a single teaching.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Pervius

You make some good points Pervius. If people turned away from technology and adopted more natural, simpler lifestyles etc, 'they' would loose the tool to more subtle forms of control and find it more difficult to introduce a non monetary based economic system that will be precursor to total globalisation and the death of individual and national autonomy.

What 'they' fear the most is their own mortality and anything 'they' cannot control. So yes, tech will help 'them' take control of the 'world', ie all wealth and resources.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by doctornamtab

We're at the transition point from nation to world government. This is because the failings of national government are completely obvious to people. The leaders aren't organizing for world dominance, theyre organizing world government because thats the ONLY way they can maintain their power.


Personally, I believe nationalism to be a neo-form of globalism. As in it is the foundation. People came to America to become nationalists, turning into globalists. Nationalism is a stepping stone for people that are not as high on the totem pole. Of course people from countries with a weak geopolitical influence will be nationalistic, because they are on the weaker side of the power struggle.

That being said:

"NWO" Should never be referred to as a group or organization, it is an idea. It should be referred to as globalization, and it is nothing new to this world.

Nationalism will not stop globalization, only hinder or strengthen a country and its people depending on how long it takes them to be part of the globalization process.

Is globalization a bad thing? You can expect standard of living to change throughout the world. For some countries to be winners and some countries losers.

For all the people in the West who are used to living off the backs of other countries (myself included), it means that there will be sacrifices in the future. (Depending who is in control of the globalization movement). It could provide better living conditions, but that means someone else will suffer in another country. (There is only so much to go around).

Is "NWO" BS? Yes. It's a term, hype, a talking point for the people that coined it. And for the people against globalization it has been the same thing, but used as a fear tactic. It has no meaning.

The gains from globalization are much larger than the overall losses, but there are losers in each society. Reorienting social adjustment-related policies to empower workers so as to strengthen their ability to withstand shocks—of whatever origin—and benefit from the opportunities created by globalization is a necessary complement to the types of policies that have been discussed in this paper.

A paper on Globalization

edit on 23-6-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by doctornamtab
Ok so I've been around these threads for a while. I've seen the movies. I've read the books.

I think all this NWO garbage is fear mongering, plain and simple. Its a way to sell websites, movies and books. It keeps Alex Jones in business. It keeps the Tea Party in business.

But reality is, the NWO is NOT a threat to us.

Why you ask?

Because the entire history of civilization is the history of our leaders running away from us. The cycle works like this: organize into groups, corruption is exposed and leaders are accountable, our leaders organize into larger and larger groups, repeat.

Lets get down to it. First we start with tribes, we find our leaders are corrupt and we organize into villages. Next, we find our village leaders are corrupt and we organize into cities. City governments are also corrupt so we organize into city-states. City-states flow into nations and this is where we're at right now. On the cusp of the inevitable world government.

Our leaders are ALWAYS corrupt. The only difference is the size of the group being governed and the accountability related to the size of the group. The smaller the group the more accountable (and impeachable) our leaders. This is why we've been moved into larger and larger groups. Because we always find out our leaders are corrupt and we chase them out of office. We then organize into a larger group where they can hide their corruption for a while.

We're at the transition point from nation to world government. This is because the failings of national government are completely obvious to people. The leaders aren't organizing for world dominance, theyre organizing world government because thats the ONLY way they can maintain their power.

We, the people, overtake every government from tribes to nations. This is why local governments are MOSTLY free from corruption, We, the people, have overtaken local government and even state government to a point. We'll overtake the eventual world government as well. We'll take over the solar system government when it comes around. Its our history and its our future. So worries about NWO are unfounded. Like everything else, they're based on profits for private companies that benefit from the fear.

I say, let them have their world order. The sooner they have one the sooner we will take it over.


This sounds like a script...



posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by boncho

So who do you think is stealing trillions of dollars to use for black R&D projects? And what do you think the end game of this project is going to be? You think it's for the good of humanity? I would say no, it's for control. The "NWO" might just be an idea, but it's an idea formulated and being carried out by some secret organization behind the scenes. You would disagree with this?

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by OMsk3ptic

So who do you think is stealing trillions of dollars to use for black R&D projects? And what do you think the end game of this project is going to be? You think it's for the good of humanity? I would say no, it's for control. The "NWO" might just be an idea, but it's an idea formulated and being carried out by some secret organization behind the scenes. You would disagree with this?


This post is 3 parts fear, 2 parts disillusionment and 1 part reality.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Signals

Hahaha awesome. Not a psy op. Just someone with more hope than doom. Its really easy to look around and say "depopulation", "world war III" and all that. But I'm trying to do something a little different and find a reason to hope in these dark times when we're slip sliding towards a world government.

Its going to happen, I'm sorry to say. But that doesn't mean you have to like it and that doesnt mean you have to sit around and gloom about it.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:31 AM
I'm just browsing around, first post ever on the NWO, never really studied it much, maybe someone can send me a pm to a link that can make me learn more about it, I know a little. Reason why I posted is because I see NWO alot on here and just pass it by, but I mean what is there to fear if any type of '' NEW '' order was to take over?

I mean as far as I can see what we got now ain't working, and I see it getting worse. Maybe I'm just a ratard on this subject but I just had to get that off my stem.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by boncho
This post is 3 parts fear, 2 parts disillusionment and 1 part reality.

Care to elaborate?

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:51 AM
What do you think NWO means? Fascism is fascism, but the term or idea of NWO?

Its historical understanding is the new cycle, after an ending, with a die off. Historically those small groups that survived with the old religions and knowledge, ie technology were demonized and hunted down for centuries and killed off because they want control over the minds of the people. So NWO is a cycle, of destruction and a new age.

In this case, its going to be helped along by them.

Because nature isn't complying, in that, alot of people are awake world wide and some are protesting, alot are saying NO to war and corruption and want a more equal world. And that changes frequency. Earthschool is highly interacitve. More people love and raise children than would ever murder anyone.

So they're helping it along with their HAARP, scalar technology, directing things at the sun, poisoning and destroying, earth and ocean, whilst blaming the people, and though all along since the 80's at least, they could have changed the electrical grid over and done some great technology change overs to clean energy, and real make work project, employment projects and economy boosters, they have chosen to make people even more dependent on a fragile infastructure.

Because they want to bring in cataclysm, and their new world.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 09:02 AM
I don't agree with your assertion that 'we the people' got rid of our leaders and organised into larger groups.

Tribal cultures were obviously smaller(still are, I'm speaking in past tense here, but there are still existing tribal cultures)everybody knew each other, and you or I could've been elected 'a leader' by proving ourselves worthy.

As populations grew, it became more beneficial for groups to organize into small permanent settlements, and as technology(farming, husbandry, etc.) advanced we built castles, walled towns etc.

Ok, I'm sure you know all this, but my point is that as we organised into larger groups the opportunity for the 'leaders' to take the piss basically grew. The larger the population under the rule the further removed the ordinary people became from their leaders/rulers.

This, to me is the same as how the big organised religions gained dominance hundreds of years ago, small tribes had their shamans, their connections to the spirit world, he could of been your dad or your brother, you knew them and trusted them, the same as you knew the leader of your tribe. Nowadays, well look at the vatican for example. The larger the population of followers the bigger the gap between the leaders and the ordinary folk, the bigger the chance of corruption.

I'm no expert on the NWO, it seems to me to be a result of the progression of modern western society, the larger the population, the bigger gap the between the leaders and the ordinary people, the bigger the chance for corruption.

I would also add(and I'm not bashing here) the more listeners somebody like Alex Jones has, the less I am inclined to trust them.
edit on 24-6-2011 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 09:52 AM
A one world government is inevitable; we will not survive without it. How do you expect us to reach for the stars if we can’t unite our own planet?
Stop the fear, what you’re really afraid of is having to share your stuff. A one world government couldn’t be just a few people, there would have to be representatives in every country and those that have, will have to share with those who have not. Each country will get the resources they need, and once done our world advancement will finally begin. I often wonder how many brilliant minds we lose because of starvation and war. You ever think that there is some poor starving kid in Ethiopia looking into the night sky and suddenly understands everything. Hawkins’s great mind would be wasted if it wasn’t for technology. Sure there will be corruption there always will be, but perhaps if the leader of one country had to answer to the leaders of the rest of the world and its people, that corruption will be squashed sooner than later.
If every country had access to food and education, it will become harder for a leader to bull# them. Education and the end of starvation will also bring the population under control, all or ancestors no matter where they came from wanted lots of kids, but not just to have kids, up to half died and the rest had to help farm. The future is coming if you like it or not, I see a one world government as a good thing, we live on a speck of dust in the universe and if we can’t find a way to live together and save this little spec how will we reach our potential.
Perhaps Aliens don’t introduce themselves because we are too divided. Let’s share our world with everyone, educate and feed everyone. Then reach for the great horizon. How much money could go into research if we stop spending it on new ways to kill each other?
Lets raise the education of the entire planet, feed everybody, and the inevitable outcome will be peace (you don’t need to rob your neighbor if you already have what he has).

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by doctornamtab

I'll support them if they give me a nice 4 bdm house & garden with a 6 figure pay and laptop with only 2 to FB and one to ATS so I can look busy without actually doing anything in my new job.

edit on 24-6-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

VERY well written. I like the way you think.

Sure, there is more "space" between us and our leaders now than in tribal days but thats because ALL leadership is corrupt. Tribal leadership works better (though not perfectly) because the leader is more accountable and more easiliy overthrown/replaced. But we're past that stage now and we need to come full circle and reintegrate tribal law and governance into a technological age. I think it IS possible to have individualism and collectivism, look at any sports team. It has its stars and its personalities who come together for a collective effort. Being on a team doesnt mean you forfeit your personality. And being under a world government means a country loses its personality.

Perhaps a world government would end up as more of a republic than a dictatorship. I find it hard to believe that nationalism will fade away, theres too much culture and love for your own people for us to give up our individualism so quickly.

Why do NWO gloomers think we're so easily swayed? Why dont they believe in people's ability to take control of their lives and assert their individualism? Sure, we're on a path to homogenous Western culture becoming world culture but that doesnt mean that the people in those cultures become robots.

The myth of a gloomy NWO is really predicated on a mistrust of humanity. They think that we're all "sheeple", stupid TV watching dolts, borderlining on mentally retarded. Now that may be true of people ON television but you have to be a lonely, sad and insecure person to want to be on TV in the first place so its not a true cross section of humanity.

Taking it one step further, maybe the myth of the gloomy NWO is predicated on the vision of humanity that spills out your TV, not the humanity you see in real life.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Paul47
Stop the fear, what you’re really afraid of is having to share your stuff.

Very true, private property is a VERY new invention. People don't realize that private property (and privacy itself) are new concepts to humanity. Our sense of self has been coopted by these products and we think that if we give up our stuff we give up ourselves. We must make the distinction between the crap we have and the people we are.

If every country had access to food and education, it will become harder for a leader to bull# them. Education and the end of starvation will also bring the population under control,

Free food. The first and foremost human right is something NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT. What good is it to guarantee free speech if we cant guarantee basic biological necessities. First we must meet our global biological needs, then we move on to sociological and psychological needs. We've set up society all kinds of backwards.

The future is coming if you like it or not, I see a one world government as a good thing, we live on a speck of dust in the universe and if we can’t find a way to live together and save this little spec how will we reach our potential.

But wait, I thought that if everyone acts selfish and greedy THAT would make the best society (sarcasm). How anyone can believe that capitalist nonsense is beyond me.

(you don’t need to rob your neighbor if you already have what he has).

Theres no such thing as crime if theres no private property. What is there to steal? Its kind of like how its not adultery if you're not married. The concepts of marriage and private property are intimately related but I"m not sure many people have spent time thinking of it that way.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by doctornamtab

In all honesty the concept of a 'One World Government' is to me nuts, in the sense that it is totally unachievable.

We have a habit, as westerners, to view events in Europe and the US as having total precedence and absolute implication for the rest of the world. I don't believe this to be so.

I truly believe that one of the main sources of trouble on this planet is the American military industrial complex.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by seabhac-rua
I truly believe that one of the main sources of trouble on this planet is the American military industrial complex.

Well yeah. If you're the military and you want to continue to be given massive funds, but there is no war to be fought, what do you do? The answer is so obvious, yet there are so many naive people who just can't recognize the answer staring them right in the face. And if you point the answer out to them, they will just say you are delusional or paranoid or a fear monger etc.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Resentedhalo08
The New World Order is not a threat?

Hmmmm right...

What you fail to mention is that in going from level to level of control and power they are actually working to an agenda and have been doing so for many many years, there is an end game and that is where WE the people have no chance of ever rising up again. Can you not see that if we don't take action soon, if not now... then there will be no opportunity to rise up and take the power back.

How much research have you ACTUALLY done in this area? Or have you just been swallowing the regurgitated crap that is fed to you by people such as Alex Jones, David Icke, Maxwell Igan etc?

Do some actual research for yourself, if you haven't done so yourself... get off the internet and go down to a large library, do your research from source materials, go through government records... and yes you do have a right to go to your local government records office and request certain documents, just ask the custodian of records.

I have researched in this area for over 10 years and what I have found is interesting to say the least, if you actually thnk the masses can rise up and take power again then think again.

The time is now...
edit on 23-6-2011 by Resentedhalo08 because: (no reason given)

I find your post very interesting.
I do not believe in the conspiracies of a NWO in such a fashion that you speak.

You boast the liberties that your country offers you to 'research' this area. But if that is your claim here is the interesting part. You seem to be denouncing the very same freedoms that allow you to "research" this area.

To rise up against an oppressive government, which the final agenda is not made clear by ANY organization, secret or not. I don't buy it. The sheep cry to be safe from the big bad wolf.

Bottom line really is to keep the sheep fed and safe and they'll continue to provide wool, meat etc. The liberties being taken away are the only way to restrict the ACTUAL risk of offenders of the sheep. Sad...but true.

In many versions of the final "agenda" scenarios it winds up with the destruction of many of the flock to manage the few left.

I'm not sure this is sensible when the flock mostly obeys, contributes blindly, and maintains the appetites of the greedy.

I believe we have already been duped. We are already living their 'agenda'. It seems to be working out pretty well for them don't you think?

We gripe and moan globally (internet, radio etc), and the only uprisings that take place are the riots for the loss of the stanley cup. Really boasting what freedoms we do have. Then pissing on them.

I was in law enforcement for a while. I saw corruption. I saw greed. I saw violence and death. I saw it even worse in the public I swore to protect.

I saw a lot of good as well. Don't get me wrong..

What is the better system when you think about it?

Anyways, I enjoyed reading your posts, and somewhat understand what you are saying. Would like to hear more of what you know, through your research, whether I agree or not. You are at least saying it in a sensible way.

For the time being I agree with the OP. There is no threat. We were still asleep when they dreamed up the system today.

edit on 24-6-2011 by Demoncreeper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 11:17 AM

This is why local governments are MOSTLY free from corruption,

They are just as corrupt as the national ones, at least around here in central Europe, IMHO. Some people believe there is even more corruption, due to closer ties among politicians themselves and less media coverage.
edit on 24/6/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

edit on 24/6/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by seabhac-rua

In all honesty the concept of a 'One World Government' is to me nuts, in the sense that it is totally unachievable.

GMO crops, Genetically Modified to produce it's own toxins to keep pests away. Another benefit is the bacteria in the crops DNA making that toxin/poison to keep pests away......gets into your intestine/Colon.

While in your intestine/colon that GMO crops bacteria continues to make those toxins/poisons. If you are young, your body will replace cells fast enough to keep going. But once you hit 35 and cell production slows down...or some other thing effects your body to slow down cell replacement.....that Toxin/Poison making bacteria in your rear will cause Cancer eating your poo hole out.

That's how they'll take total control and kill of the planet easily. They will have a vaccine or a suppository to kill off the GMO crops bacteria in their colon/intestine.

Pigs refuse to eat GMO crops:

Somebody's killing off the world to make it their OWN.

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