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FTC says "yes" to Facebook activity inclusion in background checks

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:10 AM
If you think these statements we type on this board aren't being covertly analyzed.You remember this ,the internet is not at all protected.
COMSEC in effect all stations this net.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:49 AM
To be honest.. I hope they find it, see it and take note. Perhaps enough people will stand up all at once and do something about it instead of just letting themselves get steamrolled on a daily basis.

Oh damn... I probably could get arrested for such a statement under the patriot act. (reading the fine print again)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by loam
reply to post by ReadyPower

Are you applying at the bank as ReadyPower?

If ATS and facebook accounts are connected, they can find that out.

If Readypower is Tom Quentin Pfenig then everyone with web access can know it. And banks have web access.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:17 AM
I use Facebook because it makes it embarrassingly easy to get hold of someone and try my best to ignore all the other unpleasant features and aspects involved; deactivate everything, start with the wall itself, you will have a nice blank profile.

I'm saying the above for practical purposes, as personally I can't really see the point in complaining about data treatment in the context of a CIA data-mining project.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:25 AM
Going to be pretty interesting for one of my friends.

Quite often his facebook account is "fraped" with some rather colorful stories about him having peculiar, erm, lets say interests

I am semi-serious though, what about facebook account hacks etc, it happens quite often?

The internet has its blessings but it also has its curses.

I agree with some other posts on the fact that only what you post can be seen.

Facebook cannot read minds, at least not yet.

edit on 21-6-2011 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 07:04 AM
What would be really scary is to find out that everything you post goes up into a cloud, and retrieved by your employers, police, etc.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 07:07 AM
The only way your privacy will not be violated is to drop off grid completely. That means no internet, no phone (cell or land line), no bank account, no utilities. If you must use the internet, use the computers at a public library. And if you do, make sure you use an anonymous proxy to keep trace backs at bay for at least a little while. Paranoia? Probably, but in this day and age everyone suspects everyone. Even people that U2U me are suspect (one I think is an agent). Here are some things you can do to limit exposure:

Burn anything with name/address on it, even junk mail.
If you sign up for sites online, use aliases.
Don't trust anyone online.
Use anonymous proxies for surfing.
Don't bank online.
Watch for patterns in your daily routine. They can be used against you. Change things up once in a while.
Don't join customer rewards programs. They track your buying habits.
Use cash as much as possible. They can track your debit/credit card purchases.

These are just a few things you can do to keep your information private, and to also keep anyone from profiling you.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

If ATS and facebook accounts are connected, they can find that out.

they are: [atsimg][/atsimg]

through nasty LSO cookies

"Flash cookies are relatively unknown to web users," it said, "even if a user thinks they have cleared their computer of tracking objects, they most likely have not." The article further asserts that some websites use Flash cookies as hidden backups, so that they can revive HTTP cookies when user deletes them.

edit on 21-6-2011 by Hessdalen because: mindcontrol

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:09 AM
Things to remember:

1. If you post it, you own it.. be careful what you share
2. This only impacts public profiles

My profile is private and I check privacy settings once or twice a month at least because FB is known to add in a new setting every once in a while.

Ultimately #1 is the most important, if you don't want the world to see it don't post it on the internet regardless if your privacy settings.. your information is sitting on someone elses equipment and from there who knows what could happen to it.. be smart.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Hessdalen

they are: [atsimg][/atsimg]

through nasty LSO cookies

LSO can be disabled, I turned mine off a few months ago... flash still works, I ran Flash Cookie Cleaner and a few other tools to verify, still no LSO's set on my machine.. I think LSO should be disabled by default and the first time a site tries to enable it, you should be prompted.

Check out and look for "how do I disable local shared objects"
edit on 21-6-2011 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:22 AM
is it me or is it a nice coincidence that the co-owner of facebook was at the bilderberg meeting only a few days ago

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by miniatus

or like i did: install ghostery

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

Totally agree - think George Orwell could c into the future. I dont give a # who reads wot about me, i also have nothing to hide, but that's not the point is it? The point is if they want to use it against you they will, coz truth, honesty, love and compassion dont make them enuff profit!!

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:16 PM

This is a paper i wrote in my mass media class that sums up this topic niecely, regarding a couple supplied articles, i will try to find links to them otherwise the names and publishers are presented.

Social networking sites are not just a way for people to communicate with peers and family; they are proving to be a valuable tool for social change. Online interaction is changing the way people voice opinions and go about their daily lives. From altering the way we conduct a conversation to being a catalyst for political change; social websites like Facebook and Twitter are changing the world that we live in. This subject was extensively explored in Clive Thompson’s New York Times article “Brave New World of Digital Intimacy”

People usually up-date their status one to two times a day but sometimes many more. By allowing people into their day-to-day lives a new sense of “ambient awareness” is a becoming a popular phenomenon. Clive Thompson recorded this as being “very much like being physically near someone and picking up on his mood through the little things he does — body language, sighs, stray comments — out of the corner of your eye.” These one to two sentence blurbs of someone’s thoughts are giving people new insight on their friends and allowing anyone who is interested a glimpse into a stranger’s life. These constant up-to-the-minute updates are the backbone to what is becoming a social revolution and are a key asset to what is social networking.

Some people crave this type of interaction Thompson writes “When they experienced this sort of omnipresent knowledge, they found it to intriguing and addictive.” By participating in this incessant online contact people are creating an entire new facet of their lives and devoting a huge portion of their attention on projecting themselves towards others. This type of interaction is affecting people’s lives in many different ways. For some it is strengthening bonds between good friends by allowing a constant feedback and acknowledgement of their daily activities. For others it is an outlet for meeting new people and holding less personal friendships by having hundreds of acquaintances. Either way it is greatly affecting the amount of and the way that we hold relationships as a society.

In 1998, the anthropologist Robin Dunbar argued that each human has a hard-wired upper limit on the number of people he can personally know at one time. The introduction of social networking on the Internet has challenged this hypothesis. How is it possible that people have thousands of “friends” on the Internet? Is it that they are not actually personal relationships or is the introduction of technology into people’s social lives increasing this “Dunbar number”? In my opinion having Twitter followers and Facebook friends does not automatically warrant a personal relationship. These people that you might not necessarily know but you know of, I don’t believe count towards the number Dunbar is referring to. This kind of non-personal relationship I feel counts against your ability to hold meaningful relationships by trivializing what a relationship means to an individual. I agree with Caterina Fake’s statement “These technologies allow you to be much more broadly friendly, but you just spread yourself much more thinly over many more people.” By undermining the meaning of a friendship or personal relationship you are left without the skills necessary to be closely connected with the people who are closest to you.

Caterina commented on the fact that she had not yet met her friend’s one-year-old child “I thought, I really should go meet her in person. But it was weird; I also felt that Flickr (a picture based social networking website) had satisfied that getting-to-know you satisfaction, so I didn’t feel the urgency. But then I was like, oh, that’s not sufficient! I should go I person!” This introduces the concept that by going on your computer and looking at someone’s photo album it satisfies the normal urge you have to see that person face-to-face. Caterina was able to recognize that this was not a good habit and that seeing someone in person is important, the question is, is everyone as sensible as Caterina or would they allow this online voyeurism to satisfy that need? By allowing the pictures on your online profile to represent you as a person, do you feel accurately represented? In my own experience I think that this view of someone can be extremely jaded. If someone were to judge me by my pictures online they would think that my entire life consisted of going on vacation, going to concerts, and partying. In reality this is only a small portion of my activities but you wouldn’t usually post a picture of yourself studying or hanging around watching movies.

By allowing your thousands of online acquaintances this glimpse into your personal life, how personal is it really? This is where privacy setting becomes such an important tool in the world of online sharing. You have the option on Facebook to only allow people who you have accepted as a “friend” to view your profile or to allow anyone who wishes to see everything including your photos and personal messages. It is my advice to use this to your advantage and make your page private and most importantly be careful who you allow access to your information. Think about it from the context of walking along a busy street in a city passing by hundreds of people every minute, would you want every one of those people to be able to view photos of you and your family, or listen in on your conversation with your significant other?

On the topic of privacy and the sharing of personal information there has been a recent judicial decision made by a Long Island judge according to a recent article in Newsday “A Suffolk County judge has ordered a Long Island woman to open up her private Facebook and MySpace musings to a chair company she is suing in a personal injury lawsuit.” This event raises many questions on how safe people feel documenting their lives on the Internet. In my opinion this decision is a direct violation of the privacy that people expect when using social networking websites. When you click the button making all of your posts and information private it does not have an attached copy of the
Miranda Rights informing you that what you post can be used against you in court. It is my belief that if this warning were displayed people would not use these services the way they do so now.

Social Networking sites are revolutionizing the way people interact and communicate. Some may argue that this is for the better; in my eyes it depends on what aspect of it you are looking at. The concept that information can be reviewed and commented on instantaneously, creating social change and progress is a very helpful and forward thinking movement. The way that social networking is being used by most people as a way to keep in touch with friends and acquaintances has a possibility of being detrimental to societies normal social constructs. All in all I think that people who choose to use these websites as a form of communication have to be careful; they need to be careful of how they let it affect their personal relationships, who they share their information with, and most importantly what kind of information they choose to share.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:23 PM
From the humble beginnings of online chatter, private (rooms) and face book I have always been worry at the repercussions of posting, the only side I post is this one with my husband reluctance even to this site, he works for the government and one thing he has learned so far is that if you want to keep your clearance stay away from posting boards, everything you say can be used against you.
I don't facebook, tweet or whatever.

I am exclusively on ATS

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:46 PM
Oh dear lord.. so glad I dont live in america right now!

Im all for background checks.. if you've got nothing to hide then whats the problem etc. But, if you were up to anything dodgy, then what on earth do they think you're going to do, post it as your status on facebook? - eg: 'John Smith has just returned from his KKK meeting, and has a HUGE blood stain on his hood from the goat he sacrificed.. how annoying'

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:21 PM
I just deleted FB for good. I mean if FB is not the biggest intel gathering op in human history then I don't know what is. I'm on twitter, but I don't think any of my tweets will haunt me, pretty tame stuff. FB has always been at war with privacy, creepily so. I won't miss it. and zuckerberg always has that mocking, disrespectful, frat boy attitude, very cavalier with people's information, even from day one. # him..

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

Saw it coming long ago. Good thing I have a whole zero years of facebook posts for anyone to go through

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