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Symptoms of Chemtrail Spraying

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posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Well I was under the impression that this entire thread was about chemtrails. . . from aircrafts. I'm pretty sure there aren't any 'coal powered fire stations' for many many miles from my location.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by RightInTwo
Well I was under the impression that this entire thread was about chemtrails. . . from aircrafts. I'm pretty sure there aren't any 'coal powered fire stations' for many many miles from my location.

And there are no "chemtrails" for many miles from your location either!

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by RightInTwo

Be careful of the test results you may get.
Heavy Metal Testing

edit on 6/15/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Phage

This is true. That is why you've got to find the right folks which unfortunately can be hard to do. I trust the man who is testing me. He's a long term friend. He's lost his job more than once because he refused to play the ugly game and lie to patients. He started his own somewhat private 'business' and his intent is nothing more than to help people. I'm lucky to run into someone so well studied and genuine. I intend to get his input on the whole chemtrail theory. We'll see.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:47 PM
What is the concern with Aluminum?
Heavy metals stimulate the production of free radicals in the body. Excessive free radical activity has various negative effects on the body. And, aluminum has an impressive list of dangers associated with its presence at toxic levels. There are several diseases linked to toxic levels of aluminum in the body. However, there are no diseases related to too little. So really, you can only have too much of the stuff.

Aluminum toxicity has been linked to:

•Speech disorders
•Chronic Fatigue, Weakness
•Skin Disorders
•Breathing Problems
•Genital abnormalities
•Some people are actually allergic to aluminum in any of its forms
•Researchers are now exploring the relationship between Alzheimer's disease and the increase in aluminum in the body that many people experience with age

Here also are some links that aluminum is coming from somewhere but where??

Case in CA in 2009...

Very good info...

Geoengineer David Keith announced at the AAAS meeting in San Diego, On Saturday, Feb. 20th, that the stratospheric AEROSOL geoengineering program is now considering USING ALUMINUM, over 10 MEGATONS per year, instead of sulfur. "We havent done anything serious on aluminum (studies, research etc) and so there could be something terrible that we will find tomorrow that we havent looked at it."
- David Keith, at the AAAS meeting in San Diego

Link to the AAAS meeting...


posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by RightInTwo
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Well I was under the impression that this entire thread was about chemtrails. . . from aircrafts. I'm pretty sure there aren't any 'coal powered fire stations' for many many miles from my location.

I'm sure her aren't any "'coal powered fire stations" around you too - but how about coal fired power stations like I wrote??

You are aware that polluition travels? That 54% of the US's electricity comes from coal - there are almost 1500 plants -

Only rhode Island and Vermont had no cola fired electricity stations in 2005 -

so how would you go about excluding such stations as a source for any pollution you may find, in your blood or anywhere else?

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by chrismicha77

Geoengineer David Keith announced at the AAAS meeting in San Diego, On Saturday, Feb. 20th, that the stratospheric AEROSOL geoengineering program is now considering USING ALUMINUM, over 10 MEGATONS per year, instead of sulfur. "We havent done anything serious on aluminum (studies, research etc) and so there could be something terrible that we will find tomorrow that we havent looked at it."
- David Keith, at the AAAS meeting in San Diego

Link to the AAAS meeting...


so he said that there is a programme CONSIDERING using a lot of aluminium - looks liek clear proof to me that htere is no programme actualy using it athet moment then!

Well spotted.

By all means protest, lobby, etc against these proposals for the future now that you know you don't have to worry about chemtrails in the present!

Well done!

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Okay when did I say that I was excluding anything as a source of pollution I may "find in my blood or anywhere else"? I'm aware that pollution travels, therefore an unlistable amount of sources of pollution exist. . .

edit on 15-6-2011 by RightInTwo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

When you learn how to spell, I'll take you more seriously. But to counter your statement I'll say this. If you trust the people behind your government to be looking out for the interest of you and not benefit them. Then you're entitled to your beliefs but I believe differently sir!

I think you just get a kick out of denying the truth and try to disprove your reality. Whatever world you live in must really be small and only encompasses you. Step back and take a look at the big picture.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Kudos to this comment. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed English isn't his native language.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:17 PM
From this link...


In general, age-adjusted death rates have declined from 1980 through 2007 for white males and females and black males and females. The rate decreased an average of 1.4 percent per year for white males, 0.8 percent for white females, 1.3 percent for black males, and 1.0 percent for black females during 1980–2007. It's easy to just "say" or "claim" widespread sickness and poisoning, but in the mean-time, death rates are declining.
How can that be ?

Doesn't anyone check the real data ?...or is reading an opinion in someone's blog....good enough for you to decide on the state of your nation's health ?

The info I included above is not all-inclusive, but is surely enough to question the OP's post, and included links.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 10:31 PM
In this link related to the OP's link(s)..

.....The author states where he got his information from...

This overview is a partial list of health problems reported by private citizens to Chemtrail researchers.

...that's NOT a fair cross-section of the population, by any means.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 02:03 AM
im a little late in my post but here goes...
so i dont doubt the possibility of chem trails. sure, those grid like lines that do not dissipate for hours could very well be what you claim. i just have a hard time with a couple of things.
for one, like another poster replied, wouldnt spraying also damage the so called elite who do this? they would also be hurting themselves.
second, i live in hollywood ca. we get sprayed, well at least i think that is what is going on, on a regular basis. i am a picture of perfect health. i have absolutely nothing wrong with me. and im very glad about that one
i should also mention i am not vaccinated and IF i get sick it is for maaaaaybe one day out of a year. so why do i not have symptoms?
im not disagreeing and saying they are not spraying us. i have seen for myself. im just wondering why it only would effect certain people???

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by EternalSkeptic

Are you really preggo ?
Congrats !

I live in LA too.
In the past 2 years, I have begun working-out again, and now I feel better than I have since my 20's.

Many, many, many people exercise outside.
These people breathe more air, and deeper than those who do not exercise.
In the "poison chemtrail" theory, these people should become more toxic more quickly.....and in turn, sicker. Such is not the case.

In fact, those who exercise indoors still breathe outside air....unless their building contains HEPA type filters....and very few have filter systems like that.

More any ailment...most are DOWN since year 2000

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by EyeDontKnow

baaah! I was about to post the Google chart that allows you to see the mortality rate for any country. It shows the same data. We are living longer every year, in every city, around the world. If that is the case, whatever they are spraying is helping, not hurting. It must be vitamins. Since you damn kids won't eat your green vegetables, your government has to constantly spray you with the vitamins you are lacking in order to keep you healthy.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

your quote :Geoengineer David Keith announced at the AAAS meeting in San Diego, On Saturday, Feb. 20th, that the stratospheric AEROSOL geoengineering program is now considering USING ALUMINUM, over 10 MEGATONS per year
Your insight :so he said that there is a programme CONSIDERING using a lot of aluminium - looks like clear proof to me that there is no programme actually using it at the moment then!
now lets use the whole quote shall we i'll just add the finishing bit.
quote: instead of sulfur.
"We havent done anything serious on aluminum (studies, research etc) and so there could be something terrible that we will find tomorrow that we havent looked at it.
So lets recap i agree that it dose suggest that aluminium is not being used yet but dose suggest that it could be used to replace the current method of using sulfur.
So dose that not in its self say that there is geoengineering going on

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by EternalSkeptic

did you ever wonder why MJ always wore a surgical mask when outside?
Most of the power elite don't walk about like we do they have a car take them to places how much time do you think they spend outside on a daily basis and if you where in the loop so to speak wouldn't you then limit your exposure by installing air purifiers within your home after all if you had the money would you worry about the cost?
Also i would like to add that whatever effects that a spraying of our atmosphere wouldn't really begin to show for at least 20 to 30 years prime examples of this is asbestos,mercury in the hatters trade and the illumination paint used in watch painted the bad effects do not show for at least 25 to 30 years.
edit on 18-6-2011 by djcarlosa because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2011 by djcarlosa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by EyeDontKnow

Your data is based on 1980 to 2007 have you got something a little more up to date i mean we are already half through 2011 perhaps you can provide data from 2007 to 2011?

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by djcarlosa

Deaths from heart disease and cancer have fallen sharply in the last decade.

Between 1999 and 2009, death rates fell by more than a quarter for men and over a fifth for women, according to the figures from the Office of National Statistics, which said they were now at their lowest since records began in 1841.

It's hard to get a precise death rate as the total population size is only recorded every ten years in the census, and then still incompletely. Theoretically you could calculate it from births, deaths and immigration records, but those records are somewhat variable and incomplete (illegal immigration for example). Population is always going to be something of an estimate.

Here's the CDC's births and deaths for 2009-2010

No significant change in those two years. Both average 7.9

Figures in the CDC report are per 1000, and on the graph it's per 100,000, so 7.9 in the table would be 790 on the graph

There's some year to year variance because of the weather (colder winters = more deaths), so you need to look at the overall trend so see if there's anything going on. Overall the rate is downwards.

And it's not entirely simple. If the birth rate continue to fall, the death rate (per head of population) will eventually rise as the average age of the population gets older. The baby boomers in the US will tweak the death rates.

Probably a better indicator of some kind of "Great Cull" would be an unexplained increase in a particular TYPE of death. Currently though there's nothing to indicate anything like that is going on.
edit on 18-6-2011 by Uncinus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Uncinus

a star for you thanks for the info and link and i agree it would take an increase in death's of a few particular illnesses but as i put in one of my earlier posts the real effects wouldn't be apparent for at least 20 to 30 years as with most illnesses caused by poisoning agents.
Many times throughout recent history the use of a metal/chemical has been used for its good uses in building,paints or food preservatives and only after 25 to 30 years do problems begin to show themselfs and of course by then it's to late for that generation all that can be done is remove the product so that the next generation don't get poisoned.
Now i wouldn't blame TPTB because they wouldn't have known you only see the good side and on this premises if they thought that these agents where needed because they help repair the global warming problem then the down side won't show until its to late so its a case of time will tell who knows perhaps in the future it will be proven that plastic bottles we drink from cause us harm the Mobil phones etc etc.

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