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Star Found Shooting Water "Bullets"

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posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by buddha
you all just fall for this joke!

if water was close to a star it would be so
hot it would separate to oxygen and hydrogen.
and in deep space its below -200'c
and a total vacuum.
and Comets are ice from other gasses not water.

Guess you didn't read the article, which states:

Once the hot gases hit the much cooler surrounding material—at about 5,000 times the distance from the sun to Earth—they decelerate, creating a shock front where the gases cool down rapidly, condense, and reform as water, Kristensen said.

At -200C, it's called ice. Most astronomers believe comets are composed of "rock, dust, water ice, and frozen gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia." Coincidentally, these organic molecules are all good for life to start.

The panspermia theory is starting to look more plausible. When I first read about support for panspermia by the late Nobel prize winner Professor Francis Crick, co-discoverer of DNA. I thought he had lost it, but now I'm not too sure.

Many meteorites have carbon and even amino acids in them, again building blocks of life. And of course there is the famous martian meteorite that supposedly contains fossilized bacteria in it (ALH84001). It is also 4.5 billion years old, when there was still no liquid water on earth.

So can any bacteria survive outer space. Probably more than one, but I found this one interesting. It's called Deinococcus radiodurans or as microbiologists like to call it, the Conan Bacteria. It can survive 5 MILLION rads of radiation, extremely low temperatures, acids, dehydration and lack of nutrients.

The ability to survive so much radiation (like found in space) is what most interests microbiologists, the bacteria form groups of 4 or tetrads:


When damaged by radiation they repair themselves quickly:


They're not sure exactly how it does this but it looks like it compares itself to the three other clones in the tetrad and fixes damage, much like a RAID hardrive system would. It would be perfectly happy on mars and maybe even this or others like it are hitching rides of meteorites.

Note: panspermia doesn't answer how life originally started though, it just states life may have been brought here from elsewhere.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Amazing. This seems so unbelievable given what we general think stars do and are made of. Truly amazing.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:07 PM
Maybe I missed this but... where does all the water come FROM? I mean, there must be so much water being expelled, but where do they actually come from and how were they created in the first place....

It makes me think of the "black hole sun" from Soundgarden + hollow earth theory?! Now you got something that makes since, a black hole in the center of the sun (or maybe all stars/planets) feeding matter from one side of the black hole to the actual star/planet overall mass.

Which means over millions of years all stars, planets grow in size ... yet if this is anything close to being truth, the question remains... where are all these matters come from? Maybe the blackholes are a doorway not just to other spots on universe, but rather another dimentions?!

ahhh.. I hurt myself! Pulled the few muscles I got in my head...

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:08 PM
the worlds largest water fountain? maybe this is where comets come from! imagine how big a rainbow it would create.... space - something new to think about every day.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

but where do they actually come from and how were they created in the first place....

Stars are basically fusion reactors where elements combine and form heavier elements and energy. The most well known is two hydrogen atoms fusing and producing helium and energy. But the closer to the center of a star, the higher the temperatures and pressures, so heavier atoms can fuse producing even heavier atoms. The diagram below shows this in a star about 100 times bigger than our sun:


The star is mostly hydrogen, but near the core, heavier elements are formed. Supernovae and supermassive stars create even heavier elements.

It is a little more complex, this thread contains more information:
edit on 16-6-2011 by Nicolas Flamel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:44 PM
Random speculation:

I wonder how interesting it would be to find a star system that is surrounded by water
from a dyson sphere style outer ice casing potentially hundreds of thousands of miles thick, to a liquid level encompassing the entire spherical area where liquid water can exist (potentially miles upon miles thick) to a massive gas area above the waters.

of course we wouldn't see it due to the ice coating around the entire sun...but imagine finding such a place through some highly advanced observation...

now imagine being on the interior of that, seeing this seemingly infinate sphere of ocean

Now imagine being a fish in that ocean

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by acidsweep

Originally posted by Magnum007

No way!

god did all that! god created everything! he did it in 7 days! you are blaspheming blasphemer! water is from god and only god! hare dare you bring science into this!!!




actuallllllly... god created everything in 6 days.. and took a break on the 7th day for some "me" time. lol...

True true... good observation! I guess that was the day he needed to rest and take a giant, eternal leak through the stars...


posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 04:39 PM
Absolutely unbelievable! star and flag. We really do know very little about our Universe.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
But imagine what this actually means... this is just one star. If this one star does this, then there are an infinite number throughout the universe that also do it. All of that water has to end up somewhere, and imagine all of the planets that the water ends up on. That is an infinite number of habitable planets that could support life.

That would be the same argument for life.


But imagine what this actually means... this is just one star. If this one star does this, then there are an infinite number throughout the universe that also do it.

to ...

But imagine what this actually means... we are just one life saturated planet. If this one life saturated planet does this (produces an abundance of life), then there are an infinite number throughout the universe that also do it.

edit on 16-6-2011 by alyoshablue because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain
Maybe I missed this but... where does all the water come FROM? I mean, there must be so much water being expelled, but where do they actually come from and how were they created in the first place....

It makes me think of the "black hole sun" from Soundgarden + hollow earth theory?! Now you got something that makes since, a black hole in the center of the sun (or maybe all stars/planets) feeding matter from one side of the black hole to the actual star/planet overall mass.

Which means over millions of years all stars, planets grow in size ... yet if this is anything close to being truth, the question remains... where are all these matters come from? Maybe the blackholes are a doorway not just to other spots on universe, but rather another dimentions?!

ahhh.. I hurt myself! Pulled the few muscles I got in my head... you not understand how black holes work? there isn't "another side" to them. they're the most solid things in the universe. you're thinking of wormholes, or portals, or something.

humans already travel through multiple dimensions, but we can't observe it directly. time is the dimension directly above us, and we can see its effects as we travel through it. (in fact, time is the only reason we can actually see effects).

pictures and drawings are 2D. yes they can exist in 3D and all the dimensions, but there isn't a point because they still can only be expressed by the two dimensions they are made up from.

i think this is very cool, and unexpected. if someone came up and said "dude, there are these stars, and like...they shoot out water!" most of us would assume they were smokin something.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 06:16 PM
The most abundant elements in the Universe are in order, Hydrogen (1), Helium (2), then Oxygen (8), and then Carbon (6), then Nitrogen (4). Iron (26) is 9th, followed by Sulfur (16). I don't think liquid water is being thrown from a star for space surfers to catch a wave, there is a science but it is not liquid water per se in the entire path. But being 2 of the 3 most abundant elements of matter, it's not surprising someone would postulate such a visual theory and leave it to imaginations to dream up a bunch of poppycock ideas from.

Elements of the Universe
Periodic Table

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 06:27 PM
this might bring us 1 step closer to the origin of life. and the fact that its sun: our sun provides light. that one provides water. Both are cornerstones of life, yes some creatures prove that light is not entirely neccessary but they are not as advanced as mankind per say and we wont survive without light, so do you think suns play an ever greater role life than what they let on?

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Visionaryium

You are but 'stardust', there is no mystery there.
It all started when the young Universe cooled enough for Hydrogen to bind, then coalescing into stars that created heavier element through fusion by gravitational pressure. But EU proponents don't believe Hydrogen could coalesce without electricity, but that's another story. Just go with the elements are created by stars.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 07:53 PM
Could it be Heaven? i dont know, that picture is beautiful though. Amazing find OP.
S&F for you, this could open a whole new generation of research

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 09:01 PM
Next thing you know, it will be raining men!

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 09:18 PM
and in other news, the sun revolves around the earth.....

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 09:24 PM
The power of infinite. Nothing will ever be able to understand it, not even itself. It just IS! Constantly changing, evolving more and more. This is why society is the way it is currently, because we do not embrace change but fear it, hold onto past beliefs. Let go of the past, attempting to flow upstream while the stream flows downward gets Us nowhere. Embrace the future.

Nothing is impossible.

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by zarp3333
Isn't that the way it seems to go with great ideas created by intelligent minds? You come up with a profound idea that is ridiculed because it goes against the paradigm only to find out latter that you were correct all along. At least you get to see vindication within your own lifetime. You have a leg up on Galileo.

NASA stated emphatically that other than the odd comet our solar system was devoid of water.
What we are finding is that water seems to be everywhere in the galaxy except for comets. For whatever reason finding water on comets, the so called balls of ice or dirty snowballs, remains elusive. I find this to be very ironic to your personal experience.

I wouldn't be too hard on NASA, this is the way of the academic world. If they were to take on too many theories at one time they would be lost in a sea of information. Our understanding of the Universe is growing at an exponential rate.

Here is another theory: Stars are living beings.
This is a very old idea that appears to be making a comeback. I think by the very definition of life we can indeed include stars. There is an interaction with the stars in the galaxy, the planets that orbit them and the life that exists within and on these planets that has yet to be understood.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:02 AM
Our physical bodies were all born at the birth of the universe. We are all the same physical age. We all came from the same source.
The universe has shown us it recycles itself over and over. Your body is not you, think of it as a car. This part is easy to grasp.The difficult part to explain is conciousness or spirit.It doesn't belong with the rest of the physical world as we know it. We might have created this ourselves and are just living in these bodies for the experience.
The big bang sems similar to "turning on the power" of a computer. This life seems similar to current online massive role playing games. Consider a group of entities that want to experience life in the most basic physical level.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Nicolas Flamel

That is a great diagram.
Fission stops at iron perhaps making it an abundant metal, however I didn't check on that.
Though the gases seem abundant but do not weight so much.

Interesting that iron is so influenced by magnetic flux and is the
last fission product. Indicating a stopping mechanism perhaps.

The link

So there are TWO main processes that create the heavy elements--the s-process and the r-process. And keep in mind that these heavy elements are very rare. Stars don't like to make them, because these reactions rob a star of energy. As Croswell writes on page 107 of The Alchemy of the Heavens, "a star cannot easily engage in such energy-depleting reactions, just as a company cannot afford cotinually to lose money."

There are theories on mass and energy being supplied external to the star as perhaps
from the ether as an opposing view.

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