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Hacking 101: Why the US Senate hacking is BS. TPTB want you to believe.

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posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Druid42
I'll start with saying the US Senate is the latest victim from hacker attacks. Let's remember the IMF, Sony, Citigroup, Google, and the recent request by Anonymous for Ben Bernake to step down.

I'll post this this useless bit of info:

WHOIS information for : [Querying] [] % DOTGOV WHOIS Server ready Domain Name: SENATE.GOV Status: ACTIVE

Then, I'll have to say all these hacking attacks are too quick, too soon. It smells of a skunk. It smells more of TPTB wanting an excuse to censor our interweb, and get the judicial powers to do so. Pause. Think.

This is Terra Incognito as far as legal terms go. The US government wants to make it equivalent to an act of war on our own soil, and to use conventional warfare to combat it as such. What if it is a domestic attack? Do they decide to attack an individual? Bomb the house the IP is registered to? Naw, that's BS.

All these leading authorities suddenly say they have been attacked! Cyber-warfare? The wave of the future? More like, dis-information!

Before I digress how hacking actually works, give me a brief moment to explain why people hack. They are bored. They have a cause, but they don't want to be caught. They think they can get away with it. Hackers are ordinary people, with computers, and with an above average understanding about how they and networks work. They like to be able to commit crimes.

It's the freedom to do what you will is the drug. Hackers get hooked on it. They program scripts to exploit, scripts to gain access, scripts to code what they want to do.

Side: I've only saw the term Hacker mentioned in MSM. Cracker is another term altogether. Whew. If MSM mentions Cracker, OMG, it's the end of the world.

Hackers are TRUE programmers. Their heart, their soul, is into it. The MSM is reporting hack attacks from Lulz and Anonymous, but seriously, the creed is to go in and leave undetected. Pause. Think.

Lulz 'stole' 300 million user accounts from Playstation Network. They copied. They didn't steal at all. Stealing implies removing property, and they did no such thing, as all the information was left intact. They replicated the information in it's exact form, and Sony panicked, and shut down ALL their servers. OMG. Sony had to figure out how Lulz got that kind of access to their database. Minds whirled. Major event in the hacking world. Past tense, and a week from now everyone forgets.

However, there are idiots out there. They are not responsible for anything that is going on. Those 3 in Spain, Anonymous members, uh huh, scapegoats. That's how it works.

The whole ideology is that I can break into your network of computers. You don't want that. You pay people to secure your network from outside attack, but it happens anyway, because the open-source programs are better than the commercial versions. People outside your network are smarter than the people you hired to retain your network validity. Your network gets intruded. Hackers don't EVER delete or CHANGE files, they just COPY. Uhm, back up a step. I'm retired from hacking, just a consultant. Copying violates privacy. When people feel violated, they will allow NEW laws to protect them, without seeing the implications.

All this hacking jargon in the news is about privacy. TPTB want to protect your privacy. EH????? OR, Is it more about controlling and monitoring what you do on the internet? Do you REALLY want to be watched?

I already knew this is BS. But you see people tend to not know where the real goldstein is. Is there a goldstein?

TPTB will tell us what is real and unreal. Don't think just take commands. Obey and be sterile.

The elite's agenda is pure evil. Problem is. They are great(not very good but great) liars and have no moral limits at all. If they have to murder innocent women and children so be it. More football,beer and lesbian porno!

Praise Mao!

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