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Chemtrail Activity Northwest Indiana

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posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 08:51 PM
Hey ATS I live in Northwest Indiana and the trails here are are thick and very plentyful. Is anyone in the area?

They really began a few hours ago and we watched them build up for hours, my phone wasn't going to take pictures that back it up-but you know what a chemtrail looks like-dozens of lines everywhere.

There hasn't been any more planes going over and all the chemtrails have spread out and look like a smoggy filled atmosphere.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 08:54 PM
Cool, please make sure you get some pictures (I know you phone wouldn't do it justice) but if it continues, please find a camera or borrow one and post some pictures to back up your statement.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by samlf3rd
but you know what a chemtrail looks like-dozens of lines everywhere.

It's not "chemtrail", it's CONtrail. And they've looked like that for three-quarters of a century:

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 09:05 PM
Here's what Flight Aware knows of around NW Indiana right now -

I believe it has a facility to go back in time too so you can check what flights went over earlier

Edit: Can't find a method fo checking the near past - is anyone a bit more aware of how this works??
edit on 13-6-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by samlf3rd

I wonder if these contrails could possibly have some sort of connection to one of the busiest airports in the world.

How many airplanes does it take to transport 75 million (+/-) passengers per year?


posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by samlf3rd

The problem is now a worldwide concern for all beings. Living on Venice beach, due West of Los Angeles California and due East of the Japanese reactor accident keeps me on my toes always. The newly developed methods of chem-trail busting is currently done using 6 foot metal poles (3 inches in diameter) filled with quartz crystal stones set in a circle and mounted in a metal shaving filled hardened bases using a quick setting solution. There has also been pyramid constructions using heavy wire and crystals in these constructions as well. This chem-trail affect is being done in order to rid the planets populace by 90% by the year 2029. This has been planned for sometime by the Grey's/Renticuli now housed near Dulce NM deep underground military base(D.U.M.B.). The Grey's signed a treaty in 1930's with FDR allowing them to pick-up animal and humans for experimental purposes. They shared the "sonar technology with us allowing the Allied Forces a victory over the Nazis. Now days they have facilities set-up where they drain the pituitary glands to recover the small amount of serum taken from these individuals. This is then mixed with an assortment of chemicals to provide food for this alien race. the view the human element as a "coc aine-high" affect and are now addicted to our hormonal output. They have instrumentally kidnapped our children and have them now for this purpose. The clock is ticking! The Grey's have complete control of our Democratic and Republican Presidents to date. This was the reason for the JFK assassination as well as Phil Schnieder and Bill Cooper two "whistle blowers" now dead as well. Be for warned now, and don't be surprised by this one man.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by NewDavid
reply to post by samlf3rd

The problem is now a worldwide concern for all beings. Living on Venice beach, due West of Los Angeles California and due East of the Japanese reactor accident keeps me on my toes always. The newly developed methods of chem-trail busting is currently done using 6 foot metal poles (3 inches in diameter) filled with quartz crystal stones set in a circle and mounted in a metal shaving filled hardened bases using a quick setting solution. There has also been pyramid constructions using heavy wire and crystals in these constructions as well. This chem-trail affect is being done in order to rid the planets populace by 90% by the year 2029. This has been planned for sometime by the Grey's/Renticuli now housed near Dulce NM deep underground military base(D.U.M.B.). The Grey's signed a treaty in 1930's with FDR allowing them to pick-up animal and humans for experimental purposes. They shared the "sonar technology with us allowing the Allied Forces a victory over the Nazis. Now days they have facilities set-up where they drain the pituitary glands to recover the small amount of serum taken from these individuals. This is then mixed with an assortment of chemicals to provide food for this alien race. the view the human element as a "coc aine-high" affect and are now addicted to our hormonal output. They have instrumentally kidnapped our children and have them now for this purpose. The clock is ticking! The Grey's have complete control of our Democratic and Republican Presidents to date. This was the reason for the JFK assassination as well as Phil Schnieder and Bill Cooper two "whistle blowers" now dead
as well. Be for warned now, and don't be surprised by this one man.

Wow, how many conspiracies did you manage to combine?

1. Chemtrails.
2. Orgone chem busters
3. JFK Assassination
4. Cattle and human abductions
5. Dulce
6. Deep Underground Military Bases
7. Grays

Well done!

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by NewDavid
reply to post by samlf3rd

This has been planned for sometime by the Grey's/Renticuli now housed near Dulce NM deep underground military base(D.U.M.B.).

Hard to argue with that!!

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 11:06 PM
Satellite photo for the area:


The weather was moving from west to east (left to right on the image) So I imagine you had nice little fluffy clouds early on, then it was clear, then there was some contrails ahead of the weather, then the weather arrived?

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by Uncinus

we will have none of that! Keep your witch craft and chicken bones out of these discussions!

What is it you keep calling that stuff you use.........Oh yea, science! that stuff has no place in these discussions!
edit on 14-6-2011 by network dude because: chemtrails are fantasy

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by NewDavid

That's nuts. Throw crystals at the aliens, I hear they hate that.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:37 AM
I love how everyone assumes things. I played basketball for four hours watching planes (not landing at O'Hare airport) There were so many trails within hours it filled the whole sky, and appeared to be clouds.

Just for this thread I am going to set a camera outside and record the whole day. It usually starts off nice and sunny, then hours of airplanes fly over-again not landing in Chicago, I live 45 minute from O'Hare-in traffic) then all the sky if filled with artificial clouds created by planes flying over.

So if you don't know what I am talking about then you have never payed attention to the sky above you.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by samlf3rd
I love how everyone assumes things. I played basketball for four hours watching planes (not landing at O'Hare airport) There were so many trails within hours it filled the whole sky, and appeared to be clouds.

This does happen with contrails. It has happened for decades.


It varies with location, time, and the weather.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by samlf3rd
Hey ATS I live in Northwest Indiana and the trails here are are thick and very plentyful. Is anyone in the area?

They really began a few hours ago and we watched them build up for hours, my phone wasn't going to take pictures that back it up-but you know what a chemtrail looks like-dozens of lines everywhere.

There hasn't been any more planes going over and all the chemtrails have spread out and look like a smoggy filled atmosphere.

Yes, they've been chemtrailing here too this last few days.

Don't let the deniers bother you, don't doubt what you see and know.

One day the criminals responsible will be held accountable.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by samlf3rd
I love how everyone assumes things. I played basketball for four hours watching planes (not landing at O'Hare airport) There were so many trails within hours it filled the whole sky, and appeared to be clouds.

Just for this thread I am going to set a camera outside and record the whole day. It usually starts off nice and sunny, then hours of airplanes fly over-again not landing in Chicago, I live 45 minute from O'Hare-in traffic) then all the sky if filled with artificial clouds created by planes flying over.

So if you don't know what I am talking about then you have never payed attention to the sky above you.

Well lots of aircraft fly over there on the way to their destinations, and yes the can make contrails that can on occasion last. Thats not suspicious of anything other than airplanes and cloud exist

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Funny that a non-chemtrail believer looks at flightracker as if you wanted to find the planes that were doing the chemtrails. You should know that not all flights are provided to the public. Their is a block list. The call sign will be replaced with BLK. You should know that.

I have watched flightracker while they are spraying and the planes never show up there. And, I know there is a 5 - 15 minute delay before publishing.

Also, I have noticed the MODIS and the other NASA imagery is modified. How do I know? Because I know what they sky looks like and when the planes make the trails. It is funny how the images provided by them does not even match what I saw those days.

To the original poster of this thread. Yes, those a chemtrails and not contrails. You are correct.

Game on.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by afw2121
Also, I have noticed the MODIS and the other NASA imagery is modified. How do I know? Because I know what they sky looks like and when the planes make the trails. It is funny how the images provided by them does not even match what I saw those days.

That should be easy to demonstrate. Take some photos, and compare them with MODIS.

I did it once and got an exact match:

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Uncinus

Good for you!

I am just positing my personal experience(s) that others can relate to. Anyone can look outside and then download the MODIS pictures to prove that they do not always match what it looks like outside.

And, no I am not going to post any pictures for you to prove it! It is true and I do not need to prove it to you since you are a non-chemtrail believer.

Nice try.

By the way, when is your lunch break and do you work 2nd shift?

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by afw2121

Yeah, so all of the sudden Nasa is changing weather imagery to do what exactly?

As if your 'chemspiracy' wasn't full of enough holes already....don't create more.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by adeclerk

Funny how you turn this around. It is not a conspiracy if it is fact

Yes, I have have caught NASA and the MODIS imagery not matching to the real weather where I live. And the date and times match. I know what it looks like outside when they spray and the imagery does not match.

Sorry to upset you but maybe there are people out there who do not want us to know what chemtrails really are.

Why are you on this chemtrail thread again? Especially if you are a non-believer.

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