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Insomnia, and NOTHING works to fix it. I am looking for those who might be able to offer their exp

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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Smoke 1 or 2 joints and you will be sleeping like a baby.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by TheArchaeologist
Hello, I am in my mid/late 30's.

4 years ago I had a traumatic even happen to me, and since that time I have had issues with anxiety. I am not a wallflower, I THRIVE on extreme sports, racing, snowboarding climbing, you name it. However this issue involved a child, and affected me in ways I cannot explain.

I'll skip over therapy etc. Yes, I have been.

Here's where I am. I can take 5 lunesta, and literally 10 klonopin, and it does ABSOLUTELY nothing to help me sleep. Please don't explain how dangerous this could/can be. I am well aware. However after living for years not being able to sleep, you become less worried about such things.

I am not ignorant, I am not a drug addict, I am not a drinker, I have a high level job, but lack of sleep or poor sleep for about four years is just too much.

The pharmacist says ambien and lunesta ARE the two most potent out there.....I am half afraid to ask the doctor again because he really is trying.

Anyone else had this problem? Did you find a drug that worked?

Thank you in advance!

Please no PROPOFOL JOKES. This is quite serious. And I would prefer no herbal remedies etc, not that I dont believe in them, but I am well past the strongest stuff out there.

Smoke 2 cones of marijuana about 1-2 hours before you want to go to bed and you'll be out like a light (100% serious) ... i had sleeping problems for years before i discovered how good it was for sleeping ... i would literally be up till like 5 am in the morning every day (even on work days) just lying in bed trying to sleep, now that i smoke before going to bed I have never had troubles sleeping since, and i sleep straight through and have sweet as dreams to boot.

Don't dismiss this if you really have trouble sleeping because this will help you out for sure. If you are in a state that allows medical marijuana insomnia is almost a guaranteed prescription ... make sure if you do this you choose an indica strain as the sativa seems to be more of an up and go strain.
edit on 12/6/11 by King Loki because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by SinkingSun

I understand that concern, but diet can change the way we look at things, including how we handle stress and react to events that occur around us. That's why we seek 'comfort' foods when we're stressed out, even if we don't understand why.

By moving to a plant-based diet, it helps eliminate the toxins that comfort foods put into us (bad things like dairy, wheat, sugars, fats), and magical things start to happen. Weight normalizes, stress levels decrease, feelings of inadequacy may lessen, etc.

I'm absolutely against taking pharma drugs to solve these problems. By drugs, I'm referring to substances obtained at a drugstore (like ambien and the like), and other off the shelf man made things that were mentioned. They mask the problem rather than helping the body rid itself of the toxins that may have been contributing to a problem such as hyperthyroidism, or many other symptoms that a SAD (Standard American Diet) contributes to.

Sleep is a complex subject, so is diet. The two are likely related since diet brings in most of the chemicals we have in our bodies. The next thing to check would be the substances we bring in outside of diet - personal hygiene products, cleaning products, water, air, and other products we come in contact with. In some cases, we are systematically poisoning ourselves needlessly.

So I'm still sticking to my guns on the fact that a plant-based diet can provide relief here. It's not the easiest fix -
it's not a 'magic pill' to take to get you to sleep, but it can be a life changer & life saver.

Certain substances like melatonin and many other supplements are certainly fine - I don't consider them 'drugs'. They are relatively well studied, safe, and even part of a raw/whole foods/living foods diet. It's the pharma drugs and other substances I'm more concerned about. These 'quick fixes' don't always work out as such, and deviate the body from the reality of healing. I do understand there are other plant based substances, classified as drugs, that also can be considered healing foods.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by oxford

Interesting concept, about crossing hemispheres!!

What about crossing the eyes, and focusing on the 'third eye' or pineal gland? Any thoughts on that? I've heard that helps enter a meditative state; but haven't had any personal luck with that approach. But I've read it makes sense for periods of meditation.


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:11 PM
I think the jury is in, the majority of people agree that you should smoke some cannabis before you go to bed and you will have no trouble sleeping, as long as it's an indica strain. Don't waste hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars on pills that are addictive and might not even work depending on your individual brain chemistry, because there's a natural, non-addictive remedy out there that is an almost 100% guaranteed fix to your insomnia. If you live in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, D.C., Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, or Washington, hit up the doctor, get a "green" card, and smoke yourself to sleep.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:19 PM
When it comes to insomnia, the only thing I recommend is adequate exercise - not too much, not too little and a good indica or indica-dominant strain of marijuana to smoke or vaporize at night. If you live in California like me and are over 18, or one of the other 12 states or so where it is legal to do so, go get a medical marijuana prescription and go to your local dispensary and they'll help you find the right herb. You will be amazed at how well it works once you find the herb that's right for you.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by gconran

The hemispheres stuff is interesting, its being pioneered in research for post traumatic stress induced by being in theatre/combat.

I personally would avoid any third eye meditation if your trying to sleep, it is more likely to buzz you out, insomniacs are already great friends with 'wired' lol

Just breathe and go through each area of the body totally relaxing it, i.e breathe in, relax part of body on the out breathe (after you have done arms head legs etc) you can work back through the body and do the internal organs aswell (this is an old qi gong practice).

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:21 PM
OG Kush 34% thc, thats a very strong strain of marijuana if you live in california and can get it medically, in your case you can.

if that does not work try the pill seroquel , it is called the zombie drug, because if you can actually stay awake you look like a zombie because you are mostly asleep and walking around. Finding it might be difficult but I can tell you if you stay awake through that, you need elephant tranquilizers or something lol

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:23 PM
Sounds like you have it in your mind that Nothing Will Work.

Therefore, nothing will work.

It's all in your mind, and yours is already made up.

Change your mindset and the rest will follow.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Jrocbaby

OG Kush is actually not real good for sleep - high THC content is not a good indicator of a good sleepy time herb. OG Kush has alot of Sativa in it - that's where the high THC comes from. It's the CBD's in herb that give you munchies and make you sleepy. THC is the psychoactive stuff that makes you high. It can make the mind too active at night. But you are right about OG being great - it's my favorite strain and a joy to grow.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:28 PM
I don't think smoking pot helps, I use to smoke an oz a week and still be awake for days.

Awake and stoned is the same as awake and drugged on medication, but it is still 'awake'.

Either way it masks the symptom, but does nothing for the root cause.

Find peace in your mind.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by oxford
I don't think smoking pot helps, I use to smoke an oz a week and still be awake for days.

Awake and stoned is the same as awake and drugged on medication, but it is still 'awake'.

Either way it masks the symptom, but does nothing for the root cause.

Find peace in your mind.

Do you know what strain you were smoking ? ... ive never seen anyone in my life stay awake for days on weed never ever ever ... especially if they are smoking the indica strain rather then the satvia strain (not that the satvia strain would do that either) ... smoking pot will 100% help, no doubt in my mind. I was in the exact same situation as the OP and marijuana was the only thing that helped straight away then continued working.

Id assume if you did stay awake for days on weed it would more then likely be from a street dealer and more then likely sprayed with chemicals (most commonly fly spray) to make it heavier so they could make more money on sales ... its common and dangerous tactic with dodgey street dealers.
edit on 12/6/11 by King Loki because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:52 PM
I found what helps me the most is to start lucid dreaming when I close my eyes.
Lucid Dreaming Wiki

Stress and no exercise are other common reasons why I can't sleep. Stress can come in all forms, even worrying about that I have to wake up soon. Lucid dreaming works to take my mind off it.

Good luck!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by TheArchaeologist

I had this (insomnia) a while ago to. I have no idea why, maybe it's just a sign of the times. Really, the best thing to do is just to do whatever you can to get through it. For me, it lasted several weeks off and on, but now *knock on wood*, i've been fine.

Hope it all clears up soon

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by King Loki

I've tried all strains Loki, it helped sometimes, but overall it doesn't solve the underlying root cause of 'why' you can't sleep, thats the real point isn't it.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
I too suffer from insomnia I guess but I have it under control and it doesnt really bother me anymore.

I sleep about an average of 25 hrs a week which seems to be enough for me.
I was once like your self and just couldnt sleep, what helped me was setting up a routine that I did every night before bed.

For example, dinner at 7, tv till 9, an hour on the net, shower brush teeth, go to bed read an hour then lights out.

The first few nights it wont work and youll be restless but stay there and in a few days your body will get the idea.

Vigorous exercise during the day and using lavender soap and oil on your pillow also help.

Try it dude, if it doesnt work Ill flash my bare bum on Bourke st (Aussie saying, Bourke st is very busy)


IKnowStuff I totally agree with trying your method or mine.. they are both similar but involve retraining your mind to accept sleep routine.

I too suffer insomnia, and have taken a range of meds to help me but they werent working either so about a year ago I began training my brain to "reboot' differently. I used ear plugs and and eye mask as a way to shut out everything. For me its an overactive brain issue, i am writing a book series and love to study and research and I tend to start thinking new ideas when i try hit the hay...and plus I never really liked going to bed
too much to doo!!

Anyway I've gotten to the point where its now a mindset and I dont need to wear the earplugs/eyemask everynight and Im not taking any meds at all for nearly a year now.

Hope this helps.

Have the best day

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by TheArchaeologist

Sounds as though you are suffering from quite a bade case of insomnia. This NHS website gives a few tips & advise on treatment for insomnia...I think you should have a look into the 'Cognitive and Behavioural Treatments', as you pointed out your insomnia was induced by a trauma.

According to the NHS site, Cognitive and Behavioural Treatments "aim to change unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that may be contributing to your insomnia."

Another thing the site says you can do is take Benzodiazepines...Although it's normally taken in severe cases & can lead to depency. All the info is in the link.

If this doesn't work, then what about a large dose (but not too large, as it's possible to OD I think) of valium?

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:34 PM
I tried working second shift but never third. I didn't really like second shift either. Some people easily get into a rythm of waking up and doing what they do through the day. Its all about training yourself to wake up early and exert as much energy as you can throughout the day. I guess some people though still have insomnia. A good but not so healthy alternative is a big $30 bottle of Tylonol PM's or even better an off brand with the same ingredients the key ingredient is diphenhydramine (benedryl) mixed with acetaminophen. You can find diphenhydramine without liver damaging acetaminophen.

But when you put a long day in after years of training, you will find yourself not even needing to pop a tylonol pm.

They key is dont let your mind stress out about the sleep. If you dwell on it you will create symptoms not even related to sleeplessness that will compund the issue and it will snowball in your mind.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by TheArchaeologist

Take a 2MG Xanax bar and smoke a bowl of potent weed and I guarantee sleep will come easier then with those stupid sleeping pills. I've seen people drink vodka (to extreme excess) and take ambien to sleep and STILL be awake (not a pretty sight...), which is amazing to me but apparently there are situations where these sleeping pills are not effective...

Go to the doctor and say your anxiety is off the charts, tell him you can't walk into a room without developing a cold sweat. He will prescribe Valium, but those won't help much more then the colonopins do. Tell him they aren't working and they'll move you up to xanax bars. Just don't get too hooked on it, but it's better then being hooked on opiates I promise you that...........
edit on 12-6-2011 by slayer420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by King Loki

Originally posted by oxford
I don't think smoking pot helps, I use to smoke an oz a week and still be awake for days.

Awake and stoned is the same as awake and drugged on medication, but it is still 'awake'.

Either way it masks the symptom, but does nothing for the root cause.

Find peace in your mind.

Do you know what strain you were smoking ? ... ive never seen anyone in my life stay awake for days on weed never ever ever ... especially if they are smoking the indica strain rather then the satvia strain (not that the satvia strain would do that either) ... smoking pot will 100% help, no doubt in my mind. I was in the exact same situation as the OP and marijuana was the only thing that helped straight away then continued working.

Id assume if you did stay awake for days on weed it would more then likely be from a street dealer and more then likely sprayed with chemicals (most commonly fly spray) to make it heavier so they could make more money on sales ... its common and dangerous tactic with dodgey street dealers.
edit on 12/6/11 by King Loki because: (no reason given)

Oxford has a point, as your body becomes more tolerable & immune to the effects of sweet marijuana, it is similar to just being awake & drugged up, which can mask the sympton rather than completely nullify it...It happened to me a lot, I would smoke so much & still be completely awake & aware, albeit a hazy head.

However, it does sound exaggerated slightly that somebody could smoke an oz (especially if it was an indica strain/hybrid) & not go to sleep for days. It's true that it depends on the quality of weed you can get...A fat smoke of cheese would definitely get me so stoned & I would have no troubles falling into a nice deep sleep!

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