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Court: Dad can paste daughter's face on porn photo

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posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Partygirl

Seems like every day brings a new awful story of new depths of human depravity. You don't even have to read this gruesome story to get an understanding of what happened, but the thing I wonder is: How can the court system let this go unpunished?

Its a sick world and getting sicker. I don't know what to say I hate this story and I feel like hitting something but I guess I'll just not do that right now.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Well need to say more

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
Everything else is
man made.

The hilarity in that statement is astounding. The Bible was man-made Boon and you know that. Now, the knowledge shared within those, that's all up to the belief system of the reader.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:13 AM


posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime

I'm 34 now, so it's OK for me to sexually fantasize about a 13 year old girl because I was 13 years old once?

In a word, yes.

Is that seriously your argument??

That was roundabout what his argument was...bit oversimplified, but sure.

Prisons around this country are full of people just like you.

Actually, incorrect. prisons require victims.
He is saying imagination...remembering.
I remember quite often the antics I got up to when I was 15...when I was 15, I was dating a 36 year old god man...I could tell you stories...but anyhow, some of the hottest things I got up to was when I was underage and technically being "molested"...I had a fake ID...and always acted a bit more mature for my age. so ya, the local dives were great hunting ground.
Not all of them were adults of course, plenty of school parties where some very interesting senarios happened...I think about them today still and how fun they were.

But, thats not the point either...point is, whats in your mind, what you draw out, or I guess todays new drawing (computer graphics) is just fantasy and the expression of.
doing this ultimately is a normal output to a degree, so long as your not fixated on that some circles, they would argue its a very healthy outlet..especially if you are having desires to do something. just go away, do something, entertain yourself, and stop thinking about it verses tuck it away and let it manifest in worse ways.

I do agree with the courts decision, because the pictures were not child porn, but the Dad should get a bullet in the head for even doing something like this

There it is again. Bullet in the head for someones fantasys
People like you make me much as I hate goodwin's law...I gotta say, how very nazi of you (actually, that would be extreme even for nazi's)

... because I would hate to see what he does next.

most likely nothing considering he is probably a bit red faced at this point

For the record... I have no problem standing here all "high and mighty" with my "holier than thou" attitude, because I have never sexually fantasized about a child.

I have never fantasized about actually murdering someone...I guess that makes me much better than you

funny...moral superiority...your never on top of the pile, which makes you just varying degrees of sewage in comparison.
Whats that expression..judge not, lest ye be judged.

incidently, before you start to question...hell yeah I fantasized about underage girls...when the 18 years old timer rang for the olsen twins, I, along with the rest of the guys at the bar, cheered. and it wasn't because we felt they were going to make enlightening voting contributions.

I am sure however its never crossed your mind...ever are not even a human actually, your a robot running strictly on law verses any ingrained biological desires natural to the rest of the species.

see...its people like you whom actually would end up the worst type...its one thing to admit and control yourself (18 watch), its another thing to fully deny...if you deny, you have no control...and that makes you a liability.

Incidently, I know you weren't replying to me, but felt that your reply to boondock was exactly the issue I was bringing up so far. denial is far worse than acceptance and control is the overall point.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:20 AM
WTF? It seems this ridiculous ruling would also allow that same man to reproduce said photos and pass it around to a bunch of sickos, all with his daughter's face on it. I say again, WTF?

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:21 AM
I find it extremely interesting that this guy has his appeal answered to his request, while the guy who remixed the video of the kids singing goes to jail. This is the country we live in?

Evan Emory was arrested after creating a YouTube remix video that showed him, fictitiously, singing an inappropriate song to elementary schoolchildren. As you might expect from West Michigan, a part of the country that boasts the street with the most churches on it and the most pews, prosecutors were anxious to answer the angered battle cry of parents everywhere and charged Emory with "manufacturing child sexual abusive material." Obviously, no children were harmed in the filming of this video, but prosecutors argue that the video gives the appearance of children being abused.


posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime

I'm 34 now, so it's OK for me to sexually fantasize about a 13 year old girl because I was 13 years old once?

In a word, yes.

In a word?


posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:30 AM
The BIG thing here is, a persons thoughts no matter how dark should not be illegal.
I don't believe any forward thinking individual could argue this.
And this is where I find the OP's story.
The guy just had some dark thoughts
Yes he did indulge in some pixleification but I was not aware that there was a law on the books by that name, or that it was a word at all.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

Originally posted by Forevever

I take responsibility for all the choices I made as a teenager. Whatever parts of my brain hadn't completed forming, had no bearing on the choices I made. I do not deny or regret them.

You can take responsibility all you want, the second half of this statement is absolutely FALSE. And not just because some people say so. Because of good solid science.

How old are you now? You dont write like someone much out of adolescence now.

Since it is widely hypothesized (no actual proof that I can find) that the final development is the Executive Function - and its widely believed that impairs a persons ability to understand consequences - and CAN LAST until the age of 25 (some have it as high as 27)..... man this opens a can of worms, everyone here under 27 is wrong.... (where's my eyeroll)

- but just for arguments sake

I understood consequences as a teenager.
How do we determine when exactly it ended if its a "maybe"?
And if it does last till 25....Why are people not protected to the age of 25?

Since no scientific minds have answered these questions, I don't really expect you to.

Additionally, children as young as 10 years old have been tried as an adult, under the belief that they understood not only what they were doing was wrong, but that they understood consequences. This leads me to believe that the development can end at any age. Stop writing off teenagers as idiots.

And to the person who asked my age, I'm 37
Best quote: "These results are telling us that things are not as simple as some people have thought"

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Also, I do agree with pretty much everything you say - and I will be reading more into Executive Function

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

incidently, before you start to question...hell yeah I fantasized about underage girls...

You think you really needed to say that explicitly? Lol. Its very clear from your argument that you are defending him, because you think its okay for you.

The only question I have is, do your children sexually excite you? Because the disgust people are feeling for this guy is primarily that he wants to have sex with his underage daughter, not just some underage girl.

Its kind of a red herring to drag your defense of this guy off into generic "underage girl" land and so far from "incestuous pedophile" land where it belongs.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by g146541
The BIG thing here is, a persons thoughts no matter how dark should not be illegal.

where has that even been suggested?

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

When you boil this whole topic down it falls into the realm of thought crime.
The only real victim here is a picture.
From the proof so far available to us.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Prisons do indeed require victims, and how many people in prison today have wild imaginations? The difference is that the people in prisons acted on their imagination. People like me make you nervous?! Good... that's the point, and my ultimate goal. Stay away from my daughter and keep your sick and twisted imagination to yourself and you will have nothing to be worried about (not you specifically, that was said in general).

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

When you boil this whole topic down it falls into the realm of thought crime.
The only real victim here is a picture.
From the proof so far available to us.

Then maybe you should READ THE ARTICLE that states the father attempted to ply his daugther with drugs and take naked photos of her.

yeah, no victims..

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by The_Phantom
Yeah, and in his mind he was having sex with his daughter.

IMO you would be correct

but thinking it and doing it
are 2 different things by
man made law.

By God's law they are the same.

"By God's law they are the same".....please provide proof of what you say......

I think the actions of the father are wrong and part of his plan leading up to a sexual encounter with his own daughter....he got caught before that part happened......I think jail time for him is necessary.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:54 AM
I figure all the people that get so freaked out about this, well, I think thee doth protest too much.

Like how the most virulent anti homo politicians are always the ones getting busted for being gay perverts.

Obviously, if this freaks you out so much, it's because YOU HAVE THESE KIND OF THOUGHTS YOURSELF.

Do NOT go to this webpage. There you will find perverted incest pictures of LISA AND HOMER SIMPSON. If you even open the link, according to you, a SWAT team should immediately break down your door and give you "a bullet in the head", as has been recommended for this guy. How do you like that, you mouth breathing hypocrites?

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

The only question I have is, do your children sexually excite you? Because the disgust people are feeling for this guy is primarily that he wants to have sex with his underage daughter, not just some underage girl.

I think thats a fail question - simply because the article says he was not in her life at all for the last 12 years - hardly a bond
but I do agree its high up on the creepy factor
but how about people who give their kids up for adoption, then find them years later and get married.... it happens - pretty often actually

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Forevever

Since it is widely hypothesized (no actual proof that I can find) that the final development is the Executive Function - and its widely believed that impairs a persons ability to understand consequences - and CAN LAST until the age of 25 (some have it as high as 27)..... man this opens a can of worms, everyone here under 27 is wrong.... (where's my eyeroll)

Im glad you saved your eyeroll, because it has nothing to do with "everyone under 27 being "wrong."" "Wrong" is not the point, at all. Nor is "everyone" the point, as individuals physically mature at slightly different rates. That sound like a typical adolescent to parent exaggeration of the truth. "You NEVER let me do ANYTHING." Rather than a more reasoned, and technically correct evaluation of what the facts are actually saying.

Originally posted by Forevever
And if it does last till 25....Why are people not protected to the age of 25?

Thats the smartest question you have asked so far. Its a very good one. One reason is, the hard science (brain imaging) is relatively new. (Although do note that you cant be President of the US until after 35, obviously, some people even back in the day had noticed that the 21 year old standard was a bit overly optimistic. )

In a word, too many people would lose too much if we raised the age of legal consent to match the science. The military would lose the right to harvest young people while still brash and foolish, credit card companies and other credit agencies, corporations of all kinds, who LOVE children, adolescents and young adults as their prime target for advertising, etc.

Too many people want to exploit children ASAP to have reason, not greed and self interest, rule the day.

Originally posted by Forevever
Since no scientific minds have answered these questions, I don't really expect you to.

Actually lots of people have made good arguments about raising the age of consent to match the science. And stopping the trend or punishing children as if they had the same reasoning capacity as adults. The main problem is, too many people in America who get all their information from TV, not science journals. The masses in general are poorly educated and ignorant about science. Even many college educated folk will go out of their way to avoid having to take more than the bare minimum of math and science.

Originally posted by Forevever
Additionally, children as young as 10 years old have been tried as an adult, under the belief that they understood not only what they were doing was wrong, but that they understood consequences.

Again, you reason like an adolescent. The fact that children as young as ten are tried as adults says nothing about what they understood, or when development actually ends. Nothing. At all. It says everything about the politics in a specific area.

Originally posted by Forevever
This leads me to believe that the development can end at any age.

Im sure it does. And its very bad reasoning and logic all the way through.

Originally posted by Forevever
Stop writing off teenagers as idiots.

If you had taken the time to read any of the actual research, you would understand that this has nothing to do with "teenagers being idiots." Its very specific functions that this late developing region controls, and it has little to do with overall IQ.

Originally posted by Forevever
And to the person who asked my age, I'm 37

Well I guess you cant hope for much natural improvement then. You have the reasoning skills of an adolescent. But that happens too. Not everyone actually does learn to reason at the highest levels.

edit on 9-6-2011 by Illusionsaregrander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

Originally posted by SaturnFX

incidently, before you start to question...hell yeah I fantasized about underage girls...

You think you really needed to say that explicitly? Lol. Its very clear from your argument that you are defending him, because you think its okay for you.

Actually, I am not defending him as a person at all...frankly, the guy is a bit off the chain and could be dangerous to society.
I am defending fantasys as a concept in general because should even the most disgusting of fantasys become illegal, it will rapidly become a monster and puritanical witch hunting for naughty thoughts and representations.

This guy as a person...probably is a perverted arse that I would not enjoy the company of...but then again, I rarely discuss peoples preferences and friends may have all sorts of things I would deem twisted kink..not my business, and until someone screams rape or molestation, its not my business...and its their right to continue doing whatever makes them happy.

The only question I have is, do your children sexually excite you? Because the disgust people are feeling for this guy is primarily that he wants to have sex with his underage daughter, not just some underage girl.

I have no children..however, do actual children and not the 16 minus a day type children excite me? no, I am driven by normal adult feelings. post pubescent fantasys and such. however, I also enjoy the concept of two females...being friendly. That is actually slightly unnatural, however, it is acceptable anyhow due to societys programming and it doesn't actually supress anything.
as far as incest..well, no, that doesn't float my boat either really (however, I do have a cousin in canada..she is a bit older, but damn she is cute)...still, no..not my overall fantasy.

And I don't shun people whom do like thinking about such things. Some people may be simply considering dark stuff to like, some may be trying to get over issues, etc...but until it turns into actual touching, then its just fantasy.
I defend fantasy overall and more importantly, I am against thought police.

Its kind of a red herring to drag your defense of this guy off into generic "underage girl" land and so far from "incestuous pedophile" land where it belongs.

well, ok, I was being general...however, a pedophile is an attraction strictly to pre-pubescent girls (aka, we are talking 10). that term is overused first off to where even that word is becoming less and less meaningful. no, someone drooling over a post pubescent "legal" underage is not a pedo..the danger with making words less and less meaningful is you start to make less wise people think they are a monster they are not.

it was slightly a strawman argument however that I added...I admit to that, however, this is so distorted to begin with, that it seems well within the thread.

I would be more alarmed if this guy was taking say, his adult girlfriends face and putting it onto a childs body..just for perspective
and ya, that thought that suddenly caused far more outrage in your subconscious is because then you know there is a clear issue.

This guy is wondering what his daughter will be like as a sexually active adult..thats actually what is going on here...its just a bunch of gray, and the only black and white issue so far is the legal status of this...which its not illegal...everything else is moral wordplay and philosophcal spin.

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