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David Icke Actually Telling It Like It Is

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posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:04 AM
Go David Go - I've followed you for 20 years and have all your books - You are THE REAL DEAL and you are finally being listened too. I know your health and finances took a real bashing but hey you got back up and didn't give up and I know you never will!

Thanks for the thread OP S&F

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:04 AM
he and ALL the, lets call them "speakers", are NWO because they tell us we cannot do anything instead of giving real advice how to stop the problem...just think about one is telling us to cash out our bank accounts, sabotage nestle factorys or storm your local town hall or loot a wallmart... if alex with his millions of followers, or zeitgeist or icke are getting people together and, here comes the reason, would start to take responsebility....we would have the revolution everybody is talking about...they are just useless story tellers...most of them payed by "nwo", aipac, united nations or whatever you call them
edit on 31-5-2011 by Hessdalen because: mindcontrol

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by Seekeye2

I have been following his ideas for the last 8 or so years. I must admit that the reptillian ideas are a bit 'out there' in my opinion but the rest of his work (which is fully reasearched and facts traceable through extensive notes) is brilliant and extremely thoguht provoking. Problem - Solution - Reaction, extremely plausible and it all sounds extremely likely.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:06 AM
David Icke is my hero. He has awakened many including me. Even if you don't believe everything he says, he has taught people to ask questions.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by thedarktower
ok, im not the biggest fan of David Icke, i find the whole reptilian thing a bit hard to swallow, but some of the things he says are really starting to make me think this guy might have more of a clue than we think

or this

even this

maybe icke is on to something, maybe not, but I am starting to listen to him more and more these days.

BTW Mods, if this is in the wrong forum feel free to move it

Thanks for sharing OP, Im in the same ball park as you, I think David Icke is definitely on to something with the whole NWO thing, But telling people that the Queen is a reptile puts people off abit,

I think Alex Jones put it very well, He said " David Icke has this fantastic conspiracy, But he puts a huge turd in the puch bowl when he starts talking about reptiles"
edit on 31-5-2011 by Seabas1123 because: mis quote

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:21 AM
"I think Alex Jones put it very well, He said " David Icke has this fantastic conspiracy, But he puts a huge turd in the puch bowl when he starts talking about reptiles"

Personally I've never found the reptillian theory that ridiculous, I think that there might well be interdimensional beings around us. Whether the queen is one, well that is David's theory based on reports he heard, his opinion. I think he is brave for talking about the theory that he believes in.

I do think it's slightly ironic though that as a Christian, Alex Jones believes in a God that lives in a place called heaven and had a son that rose from the dead.....yet thinks Ikes's reptillian theory is too far out

I really think Icke has got the right idea about how the universe works as did Bill Hicks, pity that most people respond to him with a knee jerk, herd mentality type of ridiculing instead of actually listen to what he is saying.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:32 AM
I never watched any of this stuff, except Grandstand football results lol. I read one of his books, then did a little thinking myself, yes just because you read his books, doesn't mean one stops thinking.

He is right on quite a bit actually, sure the way he presents it, straight in your face out there no dancing about it, is what makes people think "quack".

I prefer the direct approach than pussy footing around a subject.

edit on 31-5-2011 by zookey because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:43 AM
I went to watch him speak in little Totnes years ago with a couple of girl friends. He was entertaining and extremely interesting, afterwards I bought a couple of his books. I hadn't heard of him before I went to his talk. About 10 odd minutes after he started talking a rawkuss young Jewess stomped into the room and sat down in front of me I knew he was onto something. People come in quietly so not to disturb others, this girl marched in forced her way along a row and sat in the middle.

After a few minutes, she started up trying to drown him out with her squawking and standing up so I couldn't see anything waving her arms about. When she sat down I tapped her on the shoulder and asked if she had paid for a ticket to come in, as I had paid for mine and wanted to both see and hear him. He dealt with her brilliantlyand politely and was obviously use to being hassled.

I was surprised and a bit shaken about this because he hadn't said anything direct about the Jews at that time and had been talking about humans not being aware of what was going on around them.

Peace reigned for a while and all was quiet. Then again this woman started up. I took off my stiletto shoe which was hurting and accidentally it got onto her seat stiletto up. She eventually sat down and got up again straight away, where upon I demanded my shoe back , my friend said it sounded almost as though I thought she had taken my shoe which I hadn't implied at all. She hissed at me "I am Jewish!" - so I hissed back "My Grandmother is Jewish, so what". She then left and didn't come back.

We ran a gauntlet when we left the hall but I noticed although she glowered at me and had at least a dozen young blokes and some girls with her no one said anything, bit like a standoff. It was I suppose the defining moment when I knew I would never take up a family heritage and I could see why my Mother was not interested and had had me educated in a convent. I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the talk. I think he has guts to campaign as he does. I took issue with his reptilian ideas until I took the concept metaphorically.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 08:08 AM
I think he has allot of good things to say and I listen, where I have a tough time however is when he speaks about the reptile thing. The interview he did with the African chief turned me off. I just thought it was out there that aside I think Mr. Icke makes good sense in allot that he says.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 08:15 AM
Icke's a lying tax-dodger who once used the same accountancy firm used by the same people he claims are evil. He's had off-shore bank accounts and basically uses the same techniques to grow his wealth as those terrible illuminati. By his standards of accusation, that makes him one of them doesn't it? By the same thinking...maybe he likes screwing little children too? Little kids and sacrifice?!

I'm using an extreme argument to highlight how easy it is to make sickening allegations at the expense of others. His style and technique is all about focusing hate on people.

What exactly is he 'telling like it is?' The Royal Family are murderous satanists and pedophiles? Reptilians rule the world? He's telling people what they want to hear by mining the same books and sources they all read. Why else has he been a moving target since he started? He's adapted to his audience year after audience that's out there as one of the most gullible sections of society.

Do our politicians screw us over? Yes they do!
Do business folk screw us over? Yes they do!
Are they in bed together? Yes they are!

Do we need some manipulative piece of crap like David Icke to point this out? Isn't it obvious already? Geez, why exchange one set of liars and frauds for another set?!

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

He's telling people what they want to hear???

What is wrong with you?

We need people like him to connect some corrupt dots in this cynical world.

And you come here and tells us we already now this, what he talks about?

Do you see any change?

Do you see anyone do anything?

No cause you don't do # either... just hate cause a person like icke tells us how it is. and you mean somehow he talks about stuff we already know....

Maybe for a change, go and do some research, and come back with something that can make us evolve in physical and mentally...way...

But i guess not, its not you goal in life, you are born to be a nutcase hater... oO so sorry about that statement.

Maybe is true?

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 08:41 AM
Hi all my audio is not working...would someone please tell me what David Icke is saying? Thanks

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by azbowhunter
I ALMOST watched a video or two above in the OP. But I have to be honest, I am having enough time trying to deal with my government acting the way they are, I can't allow myself to become scared to death of the prospect of lizard people running around causing trouble in my neighborhood.

The last time I let myself become strayed from the points and topics I find important (to me) I scred the poop out of myself. I decided a little entertainment would come from reading about Black Eyed Kids.

Never again!

Lizard people...... really?

When fear is turned around , it becomes almost unstoppable , I was scared in 07 when the research i done led me across many subjects , so i know how you feel as for . Hollow Moon theory , well , Nasa says now the Moon has Water the size of Earth ....inside!!!!!! , To all the People , Get REady For Anything !

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by caladonea
Hi all my audio is not working...would someone please tell me what David Icke is saying? Thanks

Nothing of real value. Anything that he states that is truth can be found right here at ATS.

He is a disinformation specialist.

He presents valid information 90% of the time, but it's the 10%, which happens to be total crap, that does the damage.

It ruins not only his credibility, but the credibility of anyone who shares his valid ideas.

The same goes for Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, etc...

Princess Diana was NOT about to expose the royal family as being reptilian.
That has got to be the biggest load of garbage that seeps into the public from his insanity.
She WAS, however, set to begin campaigning for the humanitarian rights of the Palestinians.

How do you think that would have gone over?

Like a lead zeppelin.

He is a shill, either knowingly or unknowingly.
He discredits the 9/11 movement by even slightly associating himself with the truth, and allows the people with power to keep power by making them out to be reptilians.

Everyone should see him for the lunatic fringe that he is.
edit on 5/31/2011 by Josephus23 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Icke's a lying tax-dodger who once used the same accountancy firm used by the same people he claims are evil. He's had off-shore bank accounts and basically uses the same techniques to grow his wealth as those terrible illuminati. By his standards of accusation, that makes him one of them doesn't it? By the same thinking...maybe he likes screwing little children too? Little kids and sacrifice?!

I'm using an extreme argument to highlight how easy it is to make sickening allegations at the expense of others. His style and technique is all about focusing hate on people.

What exactly is he 'telling like it is?' The Royal Family are murderous satanists and pedophiles? Reptilians rule the world? He's telling people what they want to hear by mining the same books and sources they all read. Why else has he been a moving target since he started? He's adapted to his audience year after audience that's out there as one of the most gullible sections of society.

Do our politicians screw us over? Yes they do!
Do business folk screw us over? Yes they do!
Are they in bed together? Yes they are!

Do we need some manipulative piece of crap like David Icke to point this out? Isn't it obvious already? Geez, why exchange one set of liars and frauds for another set?!

So what are you doin about it ? Apart from some Rant ? Any idea why TPTB do the things they do?

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by caladonea

Never heard of David Icke ?

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Josephus23

Holy Crap Man, WTF are you doin here ? Fragile Earth ?

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Anunakki

We need people like him to connect some corrupt dots in this cynical world.

No we don't. You maybe?

Maybe for a change, go and do some research, and come back with something that can make us evolve in physical and mentally...way...

Okay. We've now left the physical world behind and our conversing in some other dimension....a dimension where you feel 'physically and mentally evolved' by the words of Icke. That sounds pretty needy.

reply to post by StaceyWilson

So what are you doin about it ? Apart from some Rant ? Any idea why TPTB do the things they do?

If there is TPTB, they are after wealth and's that simple. In history, it's always been that way and will probably always be so. We could all get together and buy all 20 of Icke's books and the ways of history won't be altered at all...he'll be even richer and carry on touring.

My points are that Icke doesn't deserve hero-worship and, as a messenger, he's not the clearest or even most consistent. He's changed his views repeatedly and latching on to the banking crisis is just what he does. You'll notice that he's moving away from the 'child-molester and satanists' schtick of 10 years ago and setting his stall out to appeal to the widest market?

Personally, I only see hate in his messages and it's mostly for that reason I dislike him. Humanity doesn't need fear and hate-mongers....there are far too many already imo.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Who in your heart of hearts does speak clearly , who are these others that are better than Icke ?
I want to hear them for myself .

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 09:34 AM

sorry, after this, it's real hard to take him seriously.

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