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(IRONY) The muslims are aggressive and backward [Video Proof]

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posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by spy66

I'm not arab, I'm black, so how does my first impression ring muslim? I'm tired of these stupid assumptions like every muslim is arab. You fail.

ETA: And MUSLIM isn't a race so how is my BODY muslim?!?
edit on 28-5-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by RizeorDie
reply to post by here4awhile

If i was putting down those who commented without reading then i wouldnt have starred them for standing up to the muslims. but why comment if you dont read the thread.

have a good one!

I'm sure they did read the just hadn't made it clear what your point was until after those posts...

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:41 PM

not to the videos which I found irrelevant but to peoples responses

All these idiots who had a go at the OP obviously simply read the thread title and didnt bother to watch the videos (I actually came close to writing something similar myself but realised what was going on mid way through the 2nd vid

I get your point but if were gonna look at it like this lets also bring in some vids from not so moderate countries and see how they stack up.

If Im not mistaken most of those vids are from lebanon which from what I know is still very moderate with a large Christian community.

As for giving an accurate winow into the mindset of the average muslim in the middle east I think the vids were a fail but Im gonna flag ya anyway for being creative and most likely getting some hate mongers on this site to look and see that Muslims dont all belong in the backwards, gun toting, capitalism hating basket.

Nice work

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by here4awhile

Originally posted by RizeorDie
reply to post by here4awhile

If i was putting down those who commented without reading then i wouldnt have starred them for standing up to the muslims. but why comment if you dont read the thread.

have a good one!

I'm sure they did read the just hadn't made it clear what your point was until after those posts...

Those with a modicum of intelligence didn't need it to be made clear. It was clear from the start.

It was an ironic post to show that there are very few differences between mainstream East and West.

Only the extremists think anything else.

The OP was extending an olive branch and it was slapped from his grasp by Western extremists.

Shame on you all!

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:45 PM
This thread is complete proof that there are folks here who dont even bother READING threads that they reply to!!

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by
reply to post by spy66

I'm not arab, I'm black, so how does my first impression ring muslim? I'm tired of these stupid assumptions like every muslim is arab. You fail.

Yeah i failed.
To understand that you are not focused at all.
You wouldn't get this even if i drew you pictures, with a white man and a black man.
You might not see the difference between you and a white man. But the white man might. He might even associate you for being a Muslim. You see, its not what you think that matter its what he thinks as well.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by RizeorDie
thats exactly how it works. you can judge the people by what they watch.
what? thats just ridiculous
you judge people by there actions not by ads shown in there country by international companys

observation: all the people who answered without properly understanding the OP were apologist answers.

conclusion: apologists don't know what there defending they just have to "be the hero" no matter what

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by pplrnuts
This thread is complete proof that there are folks here who dont even bother READING threads that they reply to!!

You think this is bad? Go check the UFO/Alien forum.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:51 PM
Most here that bash muslims and see scary JOOOSS around every corner are pretty far from "awake" . They obviously have never been to an Islamic country nor decided to speak with a Muslim or Jew themselves before making absurd assumptions... and swallowing pure propaganda. Besides cultural propaganda, as a person who is not a Christian or a Muslim.. looking in from the outside of it : CHristianity is as much of a religion of hate as Islam depending on who is wielding the power/book/religious clout.

What we found in Iran was ( of course this was before the present regime) that the people there are JUST like us.. same hopes and dreams.. and very very civilized. Very cultured and decent. They are being fed the same propaganda about us in the US though : we're uncivilized and etc.
They have plenty of examples and films to "prove" it. They, like us, have a govt out of control. They, unlike us, dont believe pure propaganda.

A bunch here already know this, so sorry if Im repeating a tired old story, but my husband's ex is an Iranian. As in born in Tehran and her father was the Shahs cardiologist. We visited and I was shown complete hospitality. Most are quite educated and mostly educated in Western schools and uni. The fascinating thing was that I was continually mistaken for an Iranian... Im 100% NDN. Siksika ( Blackfeet) first in the family to be born off Rez.
I guess when youre brown its true: we all look alike
Now as you can imagine, they dont get exposed to very many pure NDNs there. It was quite the learning experience for all of us. Imagine, I dont eat babies and run around in a loincloth and they arent pooping in a corner of their dirt floored hut... and they never once tried to kill my Infidel ass. AMAZING..

OP, youre going to get a bloody forehead here banging your head against a brick wall trying to tell some the truth. I have been called disinfo and govt shill among other more T&C non-compliant terms for daring to tell the truth : There really are christians in Israel, there really are Jews and christians in Iran, Israelis arent necessarily Jews and Iranians arent always Muslims who want to murder your infants. Not every Jew is a millionaire who wants to take over the world and not all Muslims want to convert you or else.

I dont know if I buy into it, but one person I was speaking to the other day said the TSA thing here was 2-fold. Erosion of our rights and passively preventing Americans from seeing other cultures and religious-based cultures ( Islamic countries) for themselves.. and seeing the truth. We in the US are pretty insulated because our country is so large and we have so much right here to amuse us
I am thankful that my lifes journey has allowed me to travel to MANY countries and actually lived for periods of time in a few... as a civilian and not based on mil ground in each place. I am appalled by some of the threads here that are complete disinformation concerning a few countries in particular. It would be like someone in Iran posting threads of the Ghettos in Detroit, East St Louis, and a run down Barrio.. and then them claiming THOSE REPRESENTATIONS ALONE are all that America is and are representative of all of our citizens. Lies are lies.. and disinformation is disinformation.... regardless if it is ignorance or on purpose.

I can tell you that I once believed in the propaganda in my youth.. UNTIL I experienced and observed the truth myself. I am ashamed of some of my previously held prejudices. My husband is a combat vet, Marine. We were awakened to the truth of things far before he fought. The truth is.. like here.. in Iraq, Saudi, Iran, Libya... there truly is a segment of radicals. They are disgusting animals who use religion as a weapon. They ARE animals and dangerous. I can see here in my own country, the US, that it is ABSOLUTELY no different. Im not a lib or a conservative, not a dem or repub.. but I watched Bush's speeches as he made them. Watch how nationalism and God is invoked to justify war on a vague enemy : the terrorist. This is why others in non-christian countries ( as if we are christian here) believe and say that Bush provoked a holy war and Obama is continuing it. It wasnt pulled out of their asses with no reasoning. I could go off into 50 directions from here.. this all ties into our soldiers now being the highest suicide rate of any war, etc etc etc.. there is a lot of damage when one realizes we are fighting an unjust holy war against the wrong enemy. My husband realized it when he was shot and almost killed by an American made weapon in the hands of the enemy. The enemy wasnt the average Iraqi or Kuwaiti. Not even the average Muslim.They didnt find it laying in a ditch somewhere for an entire group with ammo and accompanying paraphenalia and happen to pick it up. "THEY" arent even the average citizens of these countries we are soft occupying. Blah blah blah.. I am off topic and might wander in conspiracy-land from here....

OP.. thank you for making this thread.. thank you for trying.. and please, please.. know you have support here even if its not the majority. If we're all real lucky : One day the posters here will READ a thread before they make stupid comments.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by spy66

Says the guy with a veiled baphomet photo as his avatar.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by RizeorDie

And it's people like you who have probably very little contact with Muslim men, you probably work with one who seems like a nice guy and therefor believe they're all "nice guys". Now I dislike Muslims, but not in their country. Because when they're in their country, they're not trying to screw my culture over. It's the minute that they get off the boat/plane/car in my country that they start demanding that we accept their way of life and our way of life be damned.

It's a politically incorrect truth. Islam doesn't immigrate, it conquers. Look at Sweden, Norway and the U.K. Sure, there's some peaceful Muslims living there and here. However, once you get to know a few you start to realize that they clearly draw a line between themselves and everyone else. It wasn't more then a few weeks ago where I sat in a coffee shop with a person I thought was different. He was Muslim, but spoke like he wanted to be a Norwegian. After a while, I hear him utter "Damn those Christians".

It's also no surprise that the rapes that happen in Oslo, are foreigners. To be more blunt, Muslims. Hell, the two biggest and baddest gangs in Oslo are made up by non-western immigrants. Per population, there's about 4x more crime in Oslo then in New York! (This happened after the 90's when mass immigration was in full swing.)

I know you won't view these videos, I also know you'll call me racist for not agreeing with your politically correct la-la land ideal(s). Guess what, tough. I've lived for several years in the United States, a couple in and around Asia and spent time (service) in Iraq and live now in Norway. I've seen this first hand, my mother was also living with an ex-Muslim for over ten years whom I learned a great deal from. Even he says that Norway (and many other countries) are screwed if they don't start putting their foot down on Muslim demands.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Frontkjemper

Didn't you read ANYTHING prior? The OP IS muslim!

And again, what about us muslims who are AMERICAN?? Have been here since SLAVERY. you know, the ones who came off a boat against their will way back in the day.
edit on 28-5-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by
reply to post by spy66

Says the guy with a veiled baphomet photo as his avatar.

Yes he does.
I hope you have noticed how different we are "You and Me". This is exactly what i have been talking about.

But you haven't had the knowledge to see it yet. I also mentioned that earlier to.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Advantage

Our differences has nothing to do with religion.
Because you have differences within religion as well.

Our differences are always our own opinion compared to other peoples opinions, regardless of religion, color, nation or race.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by MiTS1965

so we're all western extremists for not seeing a smidgeon of irony? really? they all said things backing up muslims how does that make them extremists...seriously dude

btw i wasn't one of the people to try and be first post but I understood the point when it was made...stop trying to make him into a muslim hate crime victim or whatever you're trying to do when nothing like that has even happened...seems to me everybody in this thread so far has a modest respect for muslims even though most of us are from the western nations...
edit on 28-5-2011 by here4awhile because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by here4awhile
reply to post by MiTS1965

so we're all western extremists for not seeing a smidgeon of irony? really? they all said things backing up muslims how does that make them extremists...seriously dude

btw i wasn't one of the people to try and be first post but I understood the point when it was made...stop trying to make him into a muslim hate crime victim or whatever you're trying to do when nothing like that has even happened...seems to me everybody in this thread so far has a modest respect for muslims even though most of us are from the western nations...
edit on 28-5-2011 by here4awhile because: (no reason given)

I'm not. You are.

I said we should all get on.

Yet you still seem to want to promote conflict.

All I have ever said is we are all equal people in this world. You seem to see that as some sort of threat.

Why is that? Why do you feel you have to defend yourself when all I said is we should all just live together?

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 05:26 PM
Looks like Hollywood is infecting the brains of Muslims as well.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by MiTS1965

I'm not the one trying to promote conflict by calling you an extremist am I? did you even read my original post? there is no extremist ideals at all...I think you're being a bit melodramatic so go ahead and try and promote us westerners as "bad guys" I could care obviously don't know what you're talking about

Just to add...I was never trying to shoot him down or anything...I believe that muslims are good people and I actually have a good friend who is one...there are bad eggs over there just like there are here
edit on 28-5-2011 by here4awhile because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 10:14 PM
S & F for the post. I got your irony from the second I clicked the link.

I read a bit down on the replies and realized I got farther than most just by clicking.

I thank you for helping us establish a textbook case of certain posters not reading the posts or watching the videos at all. It shows there are users here whose sole purpose is to continue to divide we, the people. That or they are just spreading hate that is evidence of their own intense fear (they will deny that too).

Overall, this thread was a great experience. A+

edit on 28-5-2011 by BadMagician because: department of redundancy department

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 10:40 PM
Didn't take long for me to realize the irony the OP was trying to make

Yes OP we must do something with these ne'er do well's! Their minds are being poisoned and made useless!

P.S. Wow to all of those responses !

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