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DDDG ackronym for Schizophrenia men

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posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:51 AM
National warning about the popular drug Zyprexa which is widely distributed to Schizophrenia patients made from grass, produces an 'Epileptic' like side effect from insects in the bloodstream that leave their feces behind. They gave them the term DDDG.

DDDG stands for, D.umb D.og D.rug from G.rass.

As far as we all know, voices in the head are for religious purposes, but what does that have to do with taking medication, I dont know.

I just wanted to let you all know, how cruel people can be over political adjustment to the mentally disabled.

My personal experience with Zyprexa includes these side effects still on-going even 5 years after I stopped taking the Zyprexa drug.


Zyprexa = Grass, same as Dog Medication

Abilify = Peanuts

Thorazine = Goat secretions

This stuff is widely published allready except for the drugs contents which I just added but I just wanted to get your guy's opinion on it....

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:03 AM
I met the creator of the Zyprexa drug here in a San Diego Hospital, and her and I did an investigational emergency test because she admited to me that she screwed up bad with the Zyprexa drug and she needed a fix.

Well, her urine in my bloodstream was the only Venom we could come up with, but it worked. Just take your meat, potatoes and vegtables if you suffer from these effects.


posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:17 AM
this is certainly a better laid out post than the last one of yours I seen...

I would like a source for the information you presented...

Well, her urine in my bloodstream was the only Venom we could come up with, but it worked.

and I'm not sure I even remotely follow what your trying to say there...

care to explain?

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by firstonterror
I met the creator of the Zyprexa drug here in a San Diego Hospital, and her and I did an investigational emergency test because she admited to me that she screwed up bad with the Zyprexa drug and she needed a fix.

Well, her urine in my bloodstream was the only Venom we could come up with, but it worked. Just take your meat, potatoes and vegtables if you suffer from these effects.


What you talking bout Willis?

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:26 AM
I'm seriously not making fun of you, but this post made my eyes pop. With all compassion, untreated schizophrenia is not a good place to be, and I hope you will seek better help.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by firstonterror

Well, her urine in my bloodstream was the only Venom we could come up with, but it worked

So you had her inject her urine into your veins????? Seems completely logical

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 02:28 AM
Go see a doc friend. Not in an insulting manner either. Most doctors are not out to get you. If you are completely opposed to any medication there are other options and or treatment plans available. Your post concerns me. I'll be happy to help in any way possible. Have you per chance ingested large amounts of '___' at any point in your lifetime (not a joke at all)?

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 02:34 AM
I dunno. Some people call me a medical hero for exposing this truth and sacrificing my life to find a cure.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by firstonterror

Explanation: S&F!

Personal Disclosure: I was on Zyprexa / Olanzapine, which makes one VERY photosensitive, for 8-9mnths... I couldn't sit in a dark room during the new moon with ATS dark screen on without feeling like my face was on fire

P.S. Time for a GLOBAL class action methinks!
What do my fellow members, who are likewise affected in an ongoing way a long time after the fact, have to say on this?

I detest litigation... but this is no joke and I feel compensation should be forth coming! Acting in ones best interest [Dr's and all other health proffessionals etc.] is awesome... but it only works if one gets it right! Specifically here and there a misdiagnosis may occur... but the generally held point of view is that it didn't or hardly worked [placebo?] and the side effects are affecting me now a full 8months after discontinuing that 'pharmacological substance' [aka Zyprexa].

edit on 26-5-2011 by OmegaLogos because: Edited to add commas to clarify and not become cause for misleading my fellow members!

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by firstonterror

You seem to have good intentions...

But trust me...
your sacrifice would just be another statistic...

A statistic that would be used to valid the claim

"Medication is necessary for proper treatment... just look at the number of people who rejected medication... such a sad ending for those people..."

ateuprto may have said it best...

Go see a doc friend. Not in an insulting manner either. Most doctors are not out to get you. If you are completely opposed to any medication there are other options and or treatment plans available. Your post concerns me.

Also firstonterror... don't be offended...
but i've suffered from "delusions" before and I got help...
Without that help... I would have possibly been just another statistic.
Also... I do not take medication... couldnt afford it if i wanted...
but through therapy and self realization that I needed serious help...
I am much better off!

I don't want you to be involved with such a negative statistic...

edit on 5/26/11 by EvolEric because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by firstonterror
I met the creator of the Zyprexa drug here in a San Diego Hospital, and her and I did an investigational emergency test because she admited to me that she screwed up bad with the Zyprexa drug and she needed a fix.

Well, her urine in my bloodstream was the only Venom we could come up with, but it worked. Just take your meat, potatoes and vegtables if you suffer from these effects.


This is formal thought disorder my friend. I encourage you to seek help.

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