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Swedish royal scandals with prostitutes and drugs to unravel.

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posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:11 AM

Swedish royal scandals with prostitutes and drugs to unravel.

The Swedish king's friend secretly recorded by the gangster leader's bodyguard

King's closest friend Anders Lettenström has bandats the sly when he calls "The Godfather" Milan Sevos bodyguard for help to silence the scandal of the king's women's affairs. The disclosure of the talks is played on the radio today. - Will there be an economic solution, many people will not stand, "says Lettenström of the bands.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:11 AM
According to Expressen, there are eight hours of tape recordings of conversations as "The Godfather" Milan Sevos bodyguard Daniel Webb had with Anders Lettenström and other royal friends.
The talks were recorded at a handful of meetings last November, shortly after the scandal book on the King came out.
The recordings have been reviewed by Daniel Webb to a freelance journalist and author Nuri Kino, who comes out tomorrow with a book on Milan Sevo, entitled "The Swedish Godfather".
Talks referenced in Kino's book and is played today in reports made by Swedish Radio.
On the tapes heard how Lettenström gives Milan Sevos bodyguard Daniel Webb in the mission to find out what porno club owner Mille Markovic has played for sensitive images and other material about King:
- I think you should take the contact and then try to find out: What is the agenda? What he wants and what he says Lettenström.
"Playing the same game plan"

When SR ask Webb why he thinks Lettenström and royal friends turned to him for help, he replies:
- I think they wanted someone playing the same game plan as Mille Markovic. And then they thought well, in all their haste, or in any other way at Milan Sevo.

One of the main sources

Expressen revealed last fall that the porno club owner Mille Markovic was one of the main causes behind the scandalous book about the king's women's affairs.
Markovic claimed in the book including the monarch and his pals feasted on Markovics svartklubb Club Power - along with strippers and criminals with links to serious organized crime.
Markovic also hinted that he had surreptitiously filmed images of the king in embarrassing situations.
King's friends Anders Lettenström and Aje Philipson denied when they had no contact with organized crime.
Must have met the "Noppe"

The tape recordings that are now revealed, however, show that Lettenström in November turned to Daniel Webb, bodyguard to the man identified as the leader of the so-called juggemaffian - "The Godfather" Milan Sevo - for help to cover up the scandal.
One of the meetings between Lettenström and Milan Sevos bodyguard and close confidant of Daniel Webb should have taken place on 9 November, Oscar theater, where Lettenström is chairman.
Other meetings will have taken place in the private and exclusive club "Noppe" run by the royal friend Noppe Lewenhaupt, in cars and in a coffee shop on Kungsholmen in central Stockholm.
Daniel Webb says in one of the talks with Lettenström that he thinks he can get Mille Markovic to go out and refute their claims about the king, but it will cost money royal friends:
Lettenström answer:
- Oh well. But let me consider and see what has become and how we can deal with it and see if there actually is any place of meeting. The risk is that he lives in a fantasy world in the piece. Maybe, I do not know. Everyone wants to actually have peace and quiet and escape this misery.
Another of the king's friends, Aje Phillips, confirmed for the Swedish radio that he knows that Lettenström and Webb met and discussed the royal scandal, but denies that he is involved in any way:
- I did not know about this meeting until long afterwards. So I have no idea about this. Do not get mixed up in it either.
"Has declined"

Expressen has sought in vain Anders Lettenström for comment. To the Swedish Radio he says:
- I have not given anything to any assignment so that's completely wrong.
In an email, type Lettenström:
"I have never met or spoken with Mille, Milan etc. I have to be confronted by acquaintances an offer to buy photos and denials of lies which I declined."
Palace spokeswoman Bertil Ternert told Expressen:
- The king has no knowledge of this conduct in these matters.

edit on 19-5-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 06:14 AM
Nice way of posting the video of the speech which was played in slow motion for comic value.

Here's the real version:

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 06:21 AM

This idea of royalty, that one person is more than the other based on birth, should burn across the globe. I bet 99.9% of royalty across the globe are suffering from psychosis and numerous superiority complexes.

I'm just awaiting the British royal house being stormed by pee'd off Britons. I will celebrate with you then.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Zamini

There is not over just yet. The swedish masonic boy is gonna have what they deserve and the king 2

This is the part I think will set the swedes on fire

Now think Mille Markovic disclose material
In the book "The Swedish godfather" revealed that the king's close friend Anders Lettenström contacted Milan Sevos bodyguard to silence Mille Markovic and to purchase pictures and movies.
But there was no deal - and now thinks the former porno club owner to disclose the material.
- The whole world will see, "said Mille Markovic to

King and friend Anders Latvia's relations with Milan Sevos bodyguard revealed in a new book by journalist Nuri Kino, published tomorrow, Friday.
In the book "The Swedish Godfather" - which is about Milan Sevo as being the ringleader of the so-called juggemaffian - reveals that Mr Lettenström contacted Milan Sevos bodyguard, Daniel Webb, in connection with the scandal book "The ofrivillige monarch" was released last fall.
The two met several times after that the king kept his notorious press conference about the book.
Secret recordings

Of secret recordings of meetings is that Anders Lettenström wanted Daniel Webb's help to silence Markowic Mille, who was one of the sources of the King's Women's Business in "The ofrivillige monarch".
Daniel Webb said during one meeting that he believes it will cost money, whereupon Lettenström answer:
- Oh well. But let me consider and see what has become and how we can handle it and if ever there is no place to meet. The risk is that he lives in a fantasy world in the piece.
Mille Markovic claims that he was negotiating his silence with the king's friends.
But there was never any deal, according to Markovic.
Raised the price several times

This after he says he raised the price several times.
- It's a completely different price valid, "says Mille Markovic to
Mille Markovic says now that he is going to reveal what he knows in his own book. The movies and pictures that he says it would be published on a pay site on the internet in connection with boksläppet, according to Markovic.
- I will use the pictures and movies in any other way now. I'll post them on an Internet site in connection with my book comes out so that the whole world will see, "he says.
Mille Markovic continues:
- I'm not afraid of Milan Sevo and Daniel Webb. I'm afraid of what the police and royal friends are doing. They can do whatever they want and turn everything to their advantage or to my disadvantage.
"Will even worse"

Mille Markovic says that the police are watching him closely after "The reluctant monarch" was released.
- There will certainly be even worse when my book comes out. Then everything will come up. I want the whole truth to come forward, "he says.

Link 2 source

edit on 19-5-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 07:23 AM

The Swedish king´s bastard son with singer camilla henemark from army of lovers

Marley Henemark will probably be Sweden's first black head of state.
Henemark Marley is the king's secret son
Published: 2010-11-10
Tell your friends:

Swedish consulates can now reveal that the relationship between the artist Camille Henemark and King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden in the mid 1990's led to the hitherto unknown son Marley Henemark inception.

When Camilla learned she was pregnant, she traveled to Nigeria where she gave birth to her son in great secrecy and named him after his lifelong idol Bob Marley. He was then taken care of and brought up by relatives of Henemark Nigerian father.

Marley Henemark is now 15 years old and going at a fine boarding school in Britain, something that is relatively common among the Nigerian upper class. The boy is reported to have good grades, be very articulate and is active in school sports.

Several familiar sources are now talking to Marley is in fact the second heir to the throne shortly after Princess Victoria, it has long been clear that Princess Madeleine can not be heir to the throne when it is impossible for her to find a representative man, Carl Philip can not either become monarch because of his mental disabilities.

Princess Victoria is the first to the throne, but because her husband Prince Daniel has had a kidney transplant, it is uncertain how fertile his sperm is. It is therefore likely that the marriage between Victoria and Daniel are childless, in such a situation, Marley could rise straight up to the throne.

Goran Stollerud professor of political science, commented;
- Depending on the Victoria and Daniel's living situation, it is entirely realistic to Marley Henemark become Sweden's first black ruler. Just as in the U.S. with Obama may be when Sweden's first black head of state.

- Several people have said that the King is an ordinary person and that he should get to # around just like everyone else. But that is exactly what a monarchy is, kings, queens, princes, princesses are not normal people, they are born into their profession, no man in the whole of Sweden is born into a profession, explains Stollerud.

link 2 source with picture of the swedish king´s bastard son

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by stavis

Also; is a well-known satirical news blog.

You might want to review your sources, dude.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by aboveGoos

You got to be kidding me
that is one of the 4 biggest newspapers in sweden, please dont bs this thread.

Here is todays new about the matter:

Porno club owner Mille Markovic up the sensitive images for TV4. Anders Lettenström who is close friend of King Carl Gustaf has bandats the sly when he tried to buy porno club owner Mille Markovic silence. Photo: TV4 and Stefan Söderström
Here are the sensitive images up
Here porno club owner Mille Markovic up the sensitive images that the king's friend, Anders Lettenström, wanted to buy.
- There are famous people, and the girls are known as well, "he says in TV4.
Later told TV4's Johan Stambro that the King was featured on two of the pictures.

Anders Lettenström, who is close friend of King Carl Gustaf, has bandats the sly when he tried to buy porno club owner Mille Markovic silence.
On the tapes asking Lettenström what kind of sensitive images that Markovic has - and wants to buy his silence through talks with "The Godfather" Milan Sevos "bodyguard" Daniel Webb.
In TV4Nyheterna Markovic showed the pictures for the news channel's team.
- There are two men who have sex with each other, while men are watching, "said TV4 reporter John Stambro, who saw the pictures, in the element.
The images of authenticity can not be guaranteed, but they are under TV4 reportage team "credible and quite extraordinary."
- There are famous people, and the girls are known as well, "said Markovic.
Refusing to comment

- This person is probably the greatest of them all.
Mille Markovic explains that he has saved the pictures to "publish them at the right time and place, to protect themselves against organized criminals."
Anders Lettenström was confronted at the airport on Thursday of TV4Nyheterna - but he refused to leave comments.
- I am totally uninformed about what has happened. I need to put myself into the matter and come back happy, "he said.
When TV4 reporter John Stambro ask him why he was talking to Daniel Webb is Anders Lettenström just quiet.
In TV4's 22 broadcast may Johan Stambro question by Bengt Magnusson whether it was the king of the images. Stambro answer:
- It would be strange to say anything else. Markovic says, that it is the supreme, the greatest. So yes, it was the King on two of the pictures.
To explain TV4 on his blog why the editors chose to publish Mille Markovic information on what the pictures show:
"Markovic let our experienced team to see what he claims to be part of an extensive material. We can not guarantee the authenticity of images, but consider them as credible, and as embarrassing to the king.
We also know that Markovic materials have been concerned about the king's friends and that they apparently were willing to come to grips with the criminal agent to stop the publication.
We therefore choose to publish the interview with Markovic, well aware that his credibility is questionable. "

Link 2 source/Expressen
edit on 20-5-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by aboveGoos
Nice way of posting the video of the speech which was played in slow motion for comic value.

Here's the real version:

I understand that you are liking the swedish king very much, good for you but keep in mind that the speach is free atleast 4 now. I will update this story and take care of
Also this story needs to get out with proper facts


posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Marley Henemark the swedish king´s bastard son

Here she is La Camilla one of the swedish king´s many flirt´s

edit on 20-5-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-5-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by stavis

No I assure you I'm certainly not kidding you; and Svenska Dagbladet ( are two entirely different things.
I can buy you quoting Expressen as they are an established newspaper, and so are Svenska Dagbladet. But is purely satirical (and really quite fun at times). I'm not saying everything they write is a lie, but while some things are based on true events, most of it is made up on the spot.

I understand that you are liking the swedish king very much, good for you but keep in mind that the speach is free atleast 4 now. I will update this story and take care of Also this story needs to get out with proper facts

I don't really understand what you're trying to say here. Nowhere have I said that I favour our king or even monarchy as a system. The speech is free? Well yes it was broadcasted, but you posted one which was knowingly manipulated for #s and giggles.

edit on 20-5-2011 by aboveGoos because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:09 AM

You got to be kidding me
that is one of the 4 biggest newspapers in sweden, please dont bs this thread.


Its a joke site. Look at their articles, haha. One is that our major magazine publisher (which among other things, publish Donald Duck magazines) is going to release two new papers aimed at 10 year old boys and girls. One is called "Boobs N Ammo" (for the boys of course) with articles such as how you grab girls without being noticed and the other is called "Girlie" with articles such as how you womit, a list of ugly old men in your neighbourhood and how you do great blowjobs.


edit on 21-5-2011 by merka because: (no reason given)


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