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conspiracy contest "fun" make a conspiracy you know to be totally false.

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posted on May, 18 2011 @ 06:23 PM
let me point out this is for fun and laughs. real conspiracies should be avoided from this game.
Points will be awarded for originality,being funny, believability, this is how the game will work the first poster will make a theory then at the bottom give the topic for the next person to write a conspiracy about.
so the first poster will make a theory. I'm letting the first poster write about anything then he picks what subject is next to be written about.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 06:43 PM
My conspiracy is that life as we know it is not a reality but a test and that everyone is the same person at different and at the same time. Everyone is the same person and we as an individual are learning the rules of the Universe by living Billions of lives and having to make trillions of decisions all at the same time to achieve the wisdom of life, happiness, vengeance, hatred, and of course love. And we have lived all life on our planet we will then be born into a civilization that is far beyond our ability to perceive. Something along those lines.


One Love.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:55 PM
my theory is that the OP is actually a lunatic illuminati member hell bent on receiving ideas on what to perpetrate in the world next and he will choose the best one and actually carry it out

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:00 PM
perhaps this thread should be in the chit chat forum...
This way, some of the more easily confused, wont be.
Just a thought

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 11:00 PM
My made up conspiracy:

Britney Spears did WTC. She hijacked and flew all of the planes, but the towers weren't real, they had already been beamed to Mars by the Reptilians. And Britney managed this because she is a clone, an alien clone, created by the Reptilians, who love pop music and use it as a tool to enslave mankind. They did 9/11 as a smokescreen to kill Seth McFarlane, who is in fact the second coming, but he smarted up to their plot and "accidentally" missed the doomed flight that fateful morning. Ever since, he has done battle with the Reptilian controlled media with such wonderful programming as Family Guy and American Dad, and he only made the Cleveland show to keep people off his trail as the Messiah. The antichrist is Justin Bieber, and when he comes of age in 2012 and reveals himself, Armageddon will commence and the final battle between McFarlane and Beiber will begin. It will be a karaoke battle. McFarlane will win because he can actually sing, and knows every song ever written. Bieber will be cast into the lake of fire and the Millennium will commence and there will be much rejoicing. And cake.
edit on 18-5-2011 by nithaiah because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by nithaiah
My made up conspiracy:

Britney Spears did WTC. She hijacked and flew all of the planes, but the towers weren't real, they had already been beamed to Mars by the Reptilians. And Britney managed this because she is a clone, an alien clone, created by the Reptilians, who love pop music and use it as a tool to enslave mankind. They did 9/11 as a smokescreen to kill Seth McFarlane, who is in fact the second coming, but he smarted up to their plot and "accidentally" missed the doomed flight that fateful morning. Ever since, he has done battle with the Reptilian controlled media with such wonderful programming as Family Guy and American Dad, and he only made the Cleveland show to keep people off his trail as the Messiah. The antichrist is Justin Bieber, and when he comes of age in 2012 and reveals himself, Armageddon will commence and the final battle between McFarlane and Beiber will begin. It will be a karaoke battle. McFarlane will win because he can actually sing, and knows every song ever written. Bieber will be cast into the lake of fire and the Millennium will commence and there will be much rejoicing. And cake.
edit on 18-5-2011 by nithaiah because: (no reason given)

My theory? My dog is a government disinfo agent.
I swear!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 11:06 PM
and after the cake the Villagers,, lite their tourches and yelled,,

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by BobAthome

My dog is a government disinfo agent. they yelled,,,

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 11:15 PM
Food for thought,

There is a nuclear power plant under Pine Gap supplying power

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 11:27 PM
Mine is that the human race is the first succesful artificial intelligence living in a 3d virtual computer being controlled by a 10 year old who thinks that this is the best game ever.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:07 AM
Janet Reno is really Popeye the
sailor man dressed in drag

Hilary Rod-Iron Clinton really
has a swinging ****

Osama Bin Laden was really president
and was murdered cuz he had a real
copy of his brother Obama's long
form birth certificate which showed
he was actually born to 2 lesbian
virgins on Venus who smoked crack

Porn is really the real world and
the actors are normally prosecuted
for illegally downloading historical
documentaries of humans

Ants are the real PTB and there are
more of them than us

Wile E. Coyote actually caught the Road
Runner and instead of eating him, turned
him into a Broadband Internet Service

The chit will never hit the fan cuz chit
will be prosecuted for domestic battery
and lose his 2nd Amendment rights

Marijuana is not an illegal drug, it is
a portal to another dimension

The NSA and CIA and DHS know more about you
than your spouse (ok, maybe that's fact)

"Don't touch my junk" translated into
Pleadian means: "Please, more more"

There is no debt crisis, they got all
our money and went on vacation to Vegas
and wasted it on Reptilian Hookers

A sperm bank is not really what it appears.
it is a DNA collection office for alien
mutant engineering.

Next time your pet looks at you funny,
he's wandering if you really are the alien

Area 51 is not really Area 51, it's really
Aera 15 as read by the dumb dyslexic alien
who showed to work the next morning drunk
who was supposed to name the place

Northrop Gruman is not really a military
entity. it is the name of a finely crafted
beer you can only get at the base on the
dark side of the moon

That image of the gorilla on mars was just
George HW Bush pulling an all nighter and
doing his impression of bigfoot

Every conspiracy you ever heard was true.
They won't admit it cuz u would just
call them a liar anyway

The Rothschilds are really midgets
on steroids

Football did not originate on this planet.
It came from a reptilian game called
Hang the hag

Plastic has another use on Neptune.
It is used to filter out moon particles
for consumption

Asteroids are not what they appear.
They are really particles from God
sneezing. Bless you

In the 13th dimension, TPTB are really
the slaves and we are their masters

On Saturn, every child reaching 3 yrs of age
already has their UFO Driving License.

(and last but not least)

At ATS, giving stars and flags are really
meaningless. Clicking them just lets the server
know you're not dead yet

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 06:24 AM
well I'm disappointed.
i was expecting more responses
in this thread.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by nithaiah

This is no conspiracy, its common knowledge

I was hoping there was a good reason for the Cleveland show.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 11:48 AM
This was obvious, but it proved a point that conspiracies can happen everywhere if you look hard enough and have some imagination. Please leave everything in this thread, dont bump the one im linking, just read some fun stuff there lol

Girl Scouts Celebrate 100 Years in 2012

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Shouldn't all these fake conspiracies start with the line:"A report circulating in the Kremlin today"?

For a whole big smorgisboard of phony conspiracy theories you just have to stop right here:

Hoax Stories-R-Us

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 04:06 PM
After his faked death in 2005, Michael Jackson and his doctors finally completed his total transformation into a white woman.

Using offshore funds accumulated during the singer's career, he reappeared on the world scene as "Paris Hilton" (named after his favorite hotel). Unfortunately, the numerous surgeries destroyed the singer's singing voice, so she (he) turned to hitting the club scene with Lionel Richie's daughter Nicole. (who he met during the making of the "We Are The World" song and video with her father.

So yes, Paris Hilton is actually the post-op Michael Jackson.

(for entertainment purposes only, in the context of this thread)

posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 04:20 PM
How fun...good thread!

When TSHTF I think all Wal-Mart super centers are going to be turned into FEMA death camps! The inventory will be cleared out and chain link and razor wire will go up.

There are already plenty of outside flood lights in the parking areas and I suspect that each shopping center (once it is fully equipped with the NWO's security) could easily hold 20,000 or so souls. The buildings will be used for storage and mass extermination with already usable truck docking out the rear to haul away the dead body's.

Not to mention Wal-Marts ever expanding global reaches...they should easily by now have connections locally and abroad to put this plan into action.

Careful shopping fellow ATS'ers...You thought they were just after your money!

How is that for a conspiracy?

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:33 AM
my theory is that the australian government is putting nanobots into the blood of exported cattle that relay sound and location data back to a computer system underneath the wangi wangi hotel ( my local pub) so that jullia gillard can find a lesbian bride so she can stop sleeping with kevin rudd and tony abbot

thats mine i dare you to come up with one wierder than that


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