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Existence...everyday life....what's the point?!

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posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:19 PM
I may just be in the middle (or the void) of an existential crisis with this, but I'm feeling an odd sort of clarity here...with regard to life, existence, reality, etc. I was hoping this would come with kind of an Ah-ha! moment, instead...there's nothing.

All the things we here at ATS want and crave. Not gonna happen.
There will be no Disclosure.
There will be no mass UFO/Alien invasion.
You will never truly understand the phenomena of "ghosts".
The government will never please, or be honest with, you.
The knowledge of what this world is, how it really works, and why...will never be divulged to the people.

We are made to rise every morning, go to menial and meaningless jobs, and waste years trying to earn your life. Your living. Day after day, all the same. And for what? Worthless paper? Material things you're convinced you need? Fleeting moments of what you think is Joy? Why? What are we doing? What are we learning?

Everyone's here dying to "Live"...and living to die. Everyone's got an opinion, a need to know...and yet they don't. And they won't. And around we go. So...what's the point? What's the point of "living", when we obviously aren't?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:23 PM
Is there anything you love?

I don't need a second line.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:27 PM
Life doesn't have any meaning or point to it whatsoever. Congratulations on establishing that.

The deal is though, the fact that it doesn't have any meaning, you get a chance to give it your own.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by ChaosMagician

My sister, my mother.... I don't think I know what "love" is supposed to be, outside of what I feel for them.

Why does that matter?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by starsyren

aah existential nausea.

i think we all suffer from it at one time or another.

about once or twice a year i get the 'nausea'

yes, when you get down to it, we are all essentially meaningless. tiny bundles of molecules on a small rock in a probably infinite universe.

and thats it unfortunately, we live and die, in the blink of an eye of infinite time.

enjoy it while you can
edit on 18-5-2011 by Onet Wosix because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by starsyren
reply to post by ChaosMagician

My sister, my mother.... I don't think I know what "love" is supposed to be, outside of what I feel for them.

Why does that matter?

You continue to be for the things you love. It's a very simple way of looking at things but it's completely true. Unless it would benefit what you loved more to not be... if it was possible to look at it from that angle.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:35 PM
I just can't seem to wrap my mind around why, since Man kind learned to think, the same mysteries of Life still exist. This world has seen trillions of souls pass through and no one's managed to wink out a single answer to the Why's of this world...

How has mankind not died off of depression at this point?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by starsyren
I just can't seem to wrap my mind around why, since Man kind learned to think, the same mysteries of Life still exist. This world has seen trillions of souls pass through and no one's managed to wink out a single answer to the Why's of this world...

How has mankind not died off of depression at this point?

Basically to experience, that's the only thing you really do all the time.


posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Why are we here? To learn.

What's the purpose of life? To love.

edit on 18/5/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:42 PM
The purpose of life is the evolution of one's soul through the accumulation of experiences.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:48 PM

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by starsyren

You know....I feel the same as you most of the time with regards to the society the Elite have built. Its a feeling of powerlessness to our society in a whole. As Adam said, we are here to learn and show and accept love. Thats it. Without condition, without hate, we are here to accept one another's differences. Thats how I see it anyway. You are just in a bit of a slump as I am. If I had a job to go to (Im a Realtor) every day I THINK I may be happier but it is still the same ole society that I do not want nor care for. The basis of our people have changed over the years to the like I cannot accept nor will I ever. We were intended to experience more....
When it is all said and done and you take your last breath you will finally be back home and feel the peace you so search for here on this plane of existence.

((((HUGS)))) for you doll!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by starsyren

As to your statement regarding the "Why's".

Seek and you will find.....I did and found the "Why" to my existence and I am at peace. What I am not at peace with is my human race... some of US are truly evil and wish to harm others on a daily basis. Its hard to believe and grasp that there are people who could care less about the blood that gives us all life.

Smile, and change your way of thinking when anything negative comes in! There is always light.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:02 PM
This is a tough topic.
Personally, I have recently had a lot of my questions answered but I can give you no definite proof to what I know.
That's the funny thing about life, no one else can live it for you; you will have to come to your own conclusions.
But I do know that there is a purpose for your being here, just as everyone has a purpose. There is more happening right around than your five senses are telling you. There is no such thing as an accident, even the things that seem bad at the time, because it's all about learning.
Search your heart, ask your questions, and don't forget, you are loved and watched over always.

Love and Joy
PS: Look up Dolores Cannon, she has some intresting insights.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Karbofos

i think you might be happy to find out there is a way to get out alive! it is through a process called "quitting," wherein one usually gives some type of notice to their employer that they will no longer be working at that particular establishment. i think you personally may want to look into this if your current job requires you to give up your life if you want to work somewhere else!


It is perhaps true that those things that so many hold dear may not be of great importance, however it is not in what is "felt" that we find meaning alone, it is also through the one who is experiencing.

It is not so much a meaningless prison because of what happens, but how we approach and choose to look at what happens. The deception is in thinking that those things even can "imprison" us. We are not victims, and are responsible for our own perspective on what is occurring, and what actions we will take to grow in the direction we are aiming.

The point of life does not reside solely within society, or disclosure, or government transparency. So, when we do choose to have our reason for living sourced in things like a 9-5 job, consciously or mindlessly, it can feel empty, pointless, and in vain. However, if we get up in the morning with the intent of being grateful to simply experience life, beyond our good/bad preferences, there is just so, so much to learn no matter what we are doing (and whether we like it or not).

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:13 PM
Firstly, all the things you mentioned that you say are not going to happen, how can you say that for certain? you can't. Who knows what the future will bring. I for one am forever the optimist.
And with regard to what to live for, we live in a monetary system, so inevitably we will have to work for "bits of paper",many of us in jobs that aren't exactly our dream jobs, but that is the world we live in for the moment.
We CAN actually have a say in this matter though. We can pursue a job that involves a love of ours or a hobby as such, or train in a course to enable us to do so. I personally love cycling and would love nothing more than to have my own bike shop at the foot of the french alps selling top notch bikes. This is something i am going to pursue starting by learning bike mechanics and how to build bikes, then who knows.
Even if the world is a messed up place and all our governments lie to us continuously, there are still lots of things to enjoy in life.
And on a final note, i have a family, a large extensive family who i love very much. I also have lots of friends who i also love very much. If that isn't reason enough for getting up out of bed everyday then there is something wrong with you.
Here's hoping you at least try to snap out of your apathy!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:14 PM
If a person finds themselves feeling this way, and asking these questions, that's a life changing realization. Such longings for meaning leads you to the inward journey, the spiritual path. Through meditation, devotion, prayer/chanting and preferably the help of a self realized guru (like Sadhguru on YouTube) it is possible to live your life full of bliss joy and inner wellbeing regardless of circumstances or material wealth.

It's only because we have been brought down to such low states of energy and awareness that we blindly pursue external solutions and grow bitter, unfulfilled and dissatisfied with our lives as a result.

We all should persue spiritual paths to find the inner solution. If an individual ignores this journey, they will definitely end up living meaningless and empty lives, always searching for something on the 'outside' to make themselves feel happy.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by sinohptik
reply to post by Karbofos

i think you might be happy to find out there is a way to get out alive! it is through a process called "quitting," wherein one usually gives some type of notice to their employer that they will no longer be working at that particular establishment. i think you personally may want to look into this if your current job requires you to give up your life if you want to work somewhere else!


It is perhaps true that those things that so many hold dear may not be of great importance, however it is not in what is "felt" that we find meaning alone, it is also through the one who is experiencing.

It is not so much a meaningless prison because of what happens, but how we approach and choose to look at what happens. The deception is in thinking that those things even can "imprison" us. We are not victims, and are responsible for our own perspective on what is occurring, and what actions we will take to grow in the direction we are aiming.

The point of life does not reside solely within society, or disclosure, or government transparency. So, when we do choose to have our reason for living sourced in things like a 9-5 job, consciously or mindlessly, it can feel empty, pointless, and in vain. However, if we get up in the morning with the intent of being grateful to simply experience life, beyond our good/bad preferences, there is just so, so much to learn no matter what we are doing (and whether we like it or not).

Quitting is not going to help. Because it would be done by the same person who applied for that job. Next best thing to happened - will be applying for the same meaningless job. Back to the same story.
There is a huge difference between making money and doing what you love.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by starsyren

Your just in school now/ spiritual school. Take it easy and learn what you can so when its time to be graded you graduate and dont come back to this school. You may go on to a school of HIGHER learning.

BE well.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:24 PM
Unless you want to redo this class again?

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