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We Need To Close US/Mexico Border Now !!

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posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 10:04 AM
I agree with the legal aspects of the LL1 Post BUT...the non aliegance from Ilegal and LEGAL aliens to the US flag or constitution is ...most of the times because of dscrimination and the hardship these groups had to endure, so the clump togheter in gethos so their loyalties lies in their nationality, my point is that the US has not provided an identity to these people and their sons, hence those problems.
also the last part of the post along with:

___________________Our resources are being drained at $56 billion annually. Immigrants send $15 billion back to Mexico. They send $25 billion back to South America and $16 billion back to Asia. Our annual trade deficit exceeds $400 billion. Over $100 billion in cash flows out of our borders for drugs. We pay billions for illegals in our medical systems, schools and ESL classes. According to Professor Borgas of Harvard, American workers lose $133 billion in wages to illegal aliens taking over American jobs.

This guy needs to go to Hardvard again because the math is wrong if americans loose 133 bn a year and the average paiment for illegals is at least a third of a LEGAL worker the real ammount the make is around 350 billion a year.

THAT IS WHY THERE ARE SO MUCH ilegal inmigration...MONEY.....

But back to the original post the real problem are not American People (read south of the border) but ilegals from other countries and maybe arab in origin that Look like "mexicans" Id be worried about them as hell, and i think the US government shoul be doing something about it...nut guess the guys at the hill and the White house are more concerned in the next 4 years than anational security.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by TexasConspiracyNut
This was in todays paper.


Immigrant 'catch-release' policy criticized

Lack of detention space has led to 400,000 fugitives who are 'other than Mexican'

Here are a few paragraphs:

In particular, they're worried about what they derisively call the Department of Homeland Security's "capture and release" program.

Brought on by a shortage of detention space, the program allows immigration officials to routinely release tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from countries other than Mexico after extracting a promise from each to show up at a future detention hearing.

Homeland Security officials acknowledge that more than 70 percent of those released disappear from law enforcement's radar, resulting in a fugitive population of 400,000 nationwide.

"I don't think people realize that 15,000 of these people (non-Mexican migrants) have been dumped in communities in Texas in the last eight months," said Republican U.S. Rep. Henry Bonilla, whose district includes nearly 800 miles of the Texas-Mexico border.

Nearly half of non-Mexicans arrested since October 2003 were released on the U.S. side of the border, according to Department of Homeland Security statistics released last week to the Chronicle.

So far this fiscal year, which began Oct. 1, 2003, Homeland Security officials released from Border Patrol custody 21,979 of the 49,705 illegal immigrants from countries other than Mexico, known to the Border Patrol as OTMs, said spokesman Mario Villarreal.

Releasing people claiming to be from South America that cant speak Spanish! What's up with that?

That is scary! It would different if they WERE Mexicans being released INSIDE the US Border but NON-Mexicans!!! "What's up with that?" You are right, this is total BS. I wonder why they would only release non-mexicans, hmm i guess it cost too much to send the others back home. That is why we need to bring back the German Death Chambers!! Im sorry i was just kidding. This US Government needs to stand up and do SOMETHING. Releasing thousands and thousands of non-mexicans is rediculous. It is obvious we do not need to worry about Mexican Terrorist but we do need to worry about Non-Mexicans getting through the southern border. Why release Non Mexicans, can someone point that out to me?

We know Bush is lolly-gaggin on the Border Issue but what does Kerry plan to do. Oh yea...he wont do anything either because it might effect his support from the Hispanic Community. More BS from both sides!!

[edit on 9-8-2004 by AntiPolitrix]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 02:56 PM
Don't close the borders, if you do that then people who go alien hunting will have to find another way to protect the country.(I mean illegal alien, not ufo alien)

But yes, a wall would do us good. And people who compare it to Berlin wall and wall in Israel, there are major dif. Berlin Wall was in the middle of a city, keeping people from fleeing the commie controlled area to the free area. Israel wall is to keep the terrorists from blowing up kids and buses. Wait, why is that bad? How is putting up a wall to keep your people from getting killed bad? Must be pro-terrorist. The wall on the US/Mexico border would be keeping out not only infiltrators, but the military out to. Did you not read the article? Google it, our people are attacked by the Mexico military monthly. A wall would keep our people from getting shot and killed while drugs and infiltrators cross the border. It would not only help in the war on illegals working for 5$ a day costing you and me a job, but the war on drugs also.

And to those who think it is racist to want the infiltrators stopped, f*** you. Do you know what the Mexicans do on their southern border? They put whatever military that isn't shooting at our men down there. The Mexican southern border is heavily guarded. Are they racist? They don't put a wall of fence or concrete up, they put a wall of tanks, guns, and bombs up.


posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 03:20 PM
James if MExicos southern border is so heavily guarded, can you explain me how the hell the 4 south US states have Honduran, salvadoran, Nicaraguan, Costar Rican, colombian etc etc people???

Oh wait I remember there is a tunel......

The Mexican Army is laughable in armament the US yhey basically help in case of natural emergency dont rant Google it....


posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 03:22 PM
James if MExicos southern border is so heavily guarded, can you explain me how the hell the 4 south US states have Honduran, salvadoran, Nicaraguan, Costar Rican, colombian etc etc people???

Oh wait I remember there is a tunel......

The Mexican Army is laughable in armament the US yhey basically help in case of natural emergency dont rant Google it....

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 07:45 AM
Atleast we are at an agreement that something has to be done. It sounds to me like the money that is being sent home out of the USA (est. 300 billion) would cover the cost the US government (My Tax Money) is paying for medical care, food, water, somewhere to sleep, cost of deportation, and property damage caused by illegals entering the country. Not to mention the fact they ARE stealing tax paying Americans jobs.

I still can't believe the US Gov releasing Non-Mexicans inside the US border, Non-Mexicans, what the hell. We need an administration with balls that is not worried about re-election and will do what ever it takes to make the US safe again.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 04:43 AM
yeah right.
close the borders, cut phone lines and don't forget to shut down the light inside.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 04:10 PM
The United States government is ignoring the problem of illegal crossings, even though we are being shot at - pelted with rocks & bottles you name it.
It almost seems to me the southwest no longer belongs to us, they cross at will. Federal Prisons are loaded down with illegals that deal in Weapons
and drugs doing SOFT time. Once deported, they cross back the next day to do it all over again. I say send them to a place like Guantonimo Bay - then see if they want to come back to AMERICA !! It's sick that we are to hold our return fire when fired upon. Where have our rights gone ?
Pregnate mexicans cross to have their mutant offspring born as U.S. citi-
zens, all the better for Welfare, food stamps & free medical. SOME are even on SSI. WHAT the HELL is wrong with this picture ? They are using our resources and laughing in our faces. I live in an area that used to be nice. Now the invasion has turned it into a nightmare - gangs rule the streets, cars and junk line the curbs, just like down in mexico. They are dirty people that live in a dirty country. You wont see me spending any tourist money down there that is for sure. Thats another thing, the employers that use illegals should be prosicuted to the fullest. That would be a good place to start. These mexicans send the tax free money that they make down to mexico when it should be put back into our economic structure. WE THE PEOPLE should have not only the Border Patrol on the job, but our National Guard Troops also. WITH ORDERS TO SHOOT FIRST
ASK QUESTIONS LATER ATTITUDE. I'm disgusted when I drive down the street and can't read the store signs - THIS is AMERICA !! It's time we took it back !! FIRST OFFENCE: DEPORTATION SECOND OFFENCE: 5 YEARS AT GUANTONIMO BAY THIRD - 10 YEARS AT GUANTONIMO. Make them understand we are Not going to put up with this # anymore !!


posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by cyberdude78

Dude, the men and women in the national guard fight to protect us. I wouldn't go dissing them. I would like to see you do their job. Then we'll see if they do anything.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:41 PM
I thought that the NAFTA obliterates the need for a real border anyway. I thought that NAFTA was based upon the European Union so that there is no need for borders and everyone can move freely between canada usa and mexico to get a job and live where they want. Moving closer to a 1 world government, as the conspiracy nuts say.

Anyway the US gov will never build a wall or fence at the mexican border. Doesn't matter who you vote for.

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