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Is junk food child abuse?

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posted on May, 9 2011 @ 08:37 AM
lets just close down all those junk food companies, and further destroy the economy, with lost jobs. down with fast food, down with chip, cookie, ice cream, and cereal companies!!!!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:07 AM
Yes, it is. Parents are responsible for the wellbeing of their children. When they make their children obese, it is child abuse plain and simple.

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76 Live free or die. Morality should not compromise freedoms in any way. I should be able to eat, and let my kids eat, whatever they want. As long as I am not infringing on others rights I should be left to myself to do what i please.

But you ARE infringing on others rights in this case. You are infringing on the right of your children for reasonably good diet. There is no question about that. You should be able to eat whatever you want, but your children are separate beings with their own rights.
edit on 9/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

How is this any different than having your children go around hungry? Bad diet is a bad diet. Both extreme cases should rightfully be considered child abuse.
edit on 9/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

5'11 and 125 pounds for a male is very thin and underweight. That is not healthy, just like being overweight isn't. I'm about 5'10, the same weight and female. I can't imagine how thin a man must be at that weight.

I enjoy a nice burger, chocolate, cake and treats once inawhile. Is that unhealthy?NO! Do I eat it everyday? No!
edit on 9-5-2011 by inanna1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Freedom_is_Slavery

When your child is as big as a four wheeler at the age of 2 or 3 or 4 then I can defintely see junk food as child abuse or neglect. Those people need to have their children removed from them they obviously have no clue how to raise a child. They are giving the child death sentence. It's disgusting!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:08 AM
How about genetics? Some people have a natural propensity for gaining weight.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by thorazineshuffle
How about genetics? Some people have a natural propensity for gaining weight.

And those need to be on a special diet. They need to be treated like they have diabetes or any other illness, and if you're feeding them especially junk food, then they need to be removed from the parents because they obviously have no regard for their child's health! It's even more dangerous for them!
edit on 9-5-2011 by ldyserenity because: what hapened to my letters they dissappeared

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by inanna1234
reply to post by muzzleflash

5'11 and 125 pounds for a male is very thin and underweight. That is not healthy, just like being overweight isn't. I'm about 5'10, the same weight and female. I can't imagine how thin a man must be at that weight.

I enjoy a nice burger, chocolate, cake and treats once inawhile. Is that unhealthy?NO! Do I eat it everyday? No!
edit on 9-5-2011 by inanna1234 because: (no reason given)

Speak for yourself buddy.

I am 100% healthy and have never had any medical problems. Take zero medications, etc.

You can say I am unhealthy all you want, but reality is I am one of the most healthy humans you will ever meet.

Also, don't underestimate my size you would be very surprised.

And I eat whatever I want pretty much. No diets or anything fancy. I do avoid junk food usually, and cook at home with fresh produce.
edit on 9-5-2011 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by thorazineshuffle
How about genetics? Some people have a natural propensity for gaining weight.

No matter what, they have to consume more calories than the use in order to gain weight.....I believe in Scieeeeeeennnncccccceeeeee

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Amen to that. My brother was on a strict no junk food diet, he was very hyper active and I had to adhere to it as well. While I did find it a bit unfair, seeing my friends eat their candy bars and drink their soda, while I ate some sort of rabbit food, eventually a child will be accustomed to eating healthy and you dont miss what you dont really remember. Parents need to remember that feeding your child goes beyond just making sure they are full.

Convenience foods are way too dominate today. Time management runs our lives and our diets suffer for it.
Ive worked with alot of East Indians and we've talked about our differences at length. One thing I had to mention was the lack of obese east indians we had working in our workplace compared to all the canadian heffers walking around (our job was sitting in a desk all day so it was an odd occurrence lol). We got to talking about eating and shopping habits and many had mentioned our poor selection of produce and the higher prices. Due to this increased price my mother actually gets an added dietary "bonus" on her disability check since her disease requires her to avoid any processed foods if possible and in doing so increases the amount she needs to spend each month. It's either that or suffer a hospital visit as consequence. Western society is so flawed in this department.

Parents are responsible for their childrens health, but society today is demanding otherwise and makes compromises for them: "Too busy or tired to make 3 lunches? WE WILL DO IT FOR YOU! Give your kids lunchables! Covers most of the food groups and is similar looking to real food!" If only they said that in their advertising lol

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:46 AM
Here we go again with people telling parents what they can and can not do. Reminds me of the spanking law. Kids just need to run around and play more often, instead of playing video games or watching TV. Child abuse is when you beat the living crap out of a little kid, not for giving little johnny a freakin cookie. Those two scenarios should Never be classified as the same, Ever.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by sbc650mike

Good point, we shouldn't use the term child abuse so lightly, it will only lead to problems down the road.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:53 AM
I agree, we should be able to eat what we want and when we want, it's our lives...that being said, the welfare of our children should come first. Junk on a daily basis would be bad, ofcourse it would but it's their lives
I admit I eat junk food but I also make sure I eat plenty of fruit, home made meals etc.

So yes, while junk food is bad if eaten too much of, I wouldn't class it as abuse.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:05 AM
If I put just enough arsenic in my child's food so that when they reached about 40-45, their liver & kidneys packed it in and they died, would it be any different to feeding my child just enough trans-fat and preservative laced junk food so that they died of a massive heart attack by the same age?

Would you consider one to be murder and the other not? If so... why?


posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

A lot of people don't have diseases and don't take medications. Does that mean you're not putting yourself at risk?

Man - Height 5'11" - Healthy Weight Based on Height is in Between 146 pounds -184 pounds

Just because you have no health problems now, doesn't mean you wont have any later on in life. I'm only saying this out of concern. You''re very underweight for a man. Being underweight can also give you a heart attack and many other diseases. Take care

edit on 9-5-2011 by inanna1234 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2011 by inanna1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:32 AM
I have a 15 year son who doesn't eat his vegtables, I am so tired of begging and lecturing. I actually paid him $2
to eat his brocolli the other day. It seems hopeless. I try not to buy any junk food Then their Dad goes out on the weekend and buys potato chips, candy, and soda. On Monday, I put half of the leftovers in the garbage.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:46 AM
I'd say it's neglect rather than abuse. It would be like allowing your child to smoke cigarettes from an early age; it's the same idea basically.
I don't know why but nowadays it seems like everyone finds it acceptable to be overweight or obese, and many people I knew years ago who were in average health have become significantly overweight.
It's all in the culture and the poisons people take, imo.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by trollz

I also noticed clothing sizes changed. When I was 16/17 I was really scrawny and was 5'9 and 110 pounds on a fat day. I wore a size 0. fast forward 8 years later and my body filled out to a more curvy, yet still thin, Cameron Diaz type figure at 125. I now wear a 00. How does ths make sense?
edit on 9-5-2011 by inanna1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:40 PM
"Is junk food child abuse?"

Nope, bad parenting and a lack of nutritional knowledge is unfair but pretty common these days.

Junk or fast food won't kill no one as a treat or a one off, it's when Mum's and Dad's start letting their child eat a full fry up for breakfast every morning, gorge on bags of high fat/salt crisps and living of bottles of Cherry coke you start to see a problem...

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76
Live free or die. Morality should not compromise freedoms in any way. I should be able to eat, and let my kids eat, whatever they want. As long as I am not infringing on others rights I should be left to myself to do what i please.

I will give you that right, just as long as you give me the right to never pay a dime in taxes that would help you or your family for polluting yourself when it comes time to pay medical bills through Obama Care/Medicare/Medicade or any other social constraint that may be put on me to take care of you or your kin.

With that being said, I hope you, nor anyone in your family gets sick. I dont wish that on anyone, but I didnt want your comment to slide unchecked either.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:12 PM
Yes. It's paramount to giving cigarettes to your children. But people really can't think for themselves. They need MSM propaganda wars for them to understand it's a bad thing to do.

This is elementary common sense. If giving junk food to children is good then giving them cigarettes or any other harmful drug is also good. Maybe I'll give my little cousin some vodka tonight because he enjoys it and might kick up a fuss if I don't? Is this justification?

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