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DARPA's Automated Video Surveillance Will End Public Anonymity

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:38 PM

DARPA's Automated Video Surveillance Will End Public Anonymity

To be in public is to be on camera, but most video footage is discarded, as only so much can be sorted and analyzed — until now. DARPA has created a technology that can index and analyze video in real-time, marking the end of anonymity in public places.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Now, anything that happens in public will be public record.
In the not-so-distant future, it may be possible for anyone to Google your name and find... in addition to your Facebook page that photo of you that you did not want anyone to know about.

Video Image Retrieval and Analysis Tool (VIRAT) is now
able to describe specific human activities in real-time.

Beyond surveillance, this automatic video tech could make all uploaded video searchable, regardless of tags or descriptors.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:51 PM
Have you seen those geeks in the movie "Eagle Eye" who run this shaznatt??

Oh god we are so doomed. Well unless it turns out like Batman and we've got the driving Mrs. Diasy guy there to provide the moral bouyancy and he threatens to quit if its misused. Without that, the MPD/DID victim called Batman might not know wth to do with that power! He might go bad with it, you know "power debauches the soul" or however the saying goes?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 02:00 PM
In the Communist System the block party concept, of one or two people in every apartment building and on each block spying for the communist government was something we often decried to great political fanfare here in the west while condemning it soundly.

Now as the sophisticated hi-tech version of this is rolled out in more and more American and Western Communities it's no longer considered an assault on liberties and privacy by a overly intrusive government but an anti-crime and terrorism tool.

Just like in the Communist Block Party system you 'have nothing to fear if you aren't doing anythign wrong' and should welcome big brother keeping a watchful eye out for you and your comrades.

Funny how we were able to see that for what it is, and can't see this for what it is.

Oh that's right, it was our government then too, telling us how to view such things as bad, that is today telling us to view such things as good, well at least when it's our government doing them.

Great find, star and flag.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
Now, anything that happens in public will be public record.
In the not-so-distant future, it may be possible for anyone to Google your name and find... in addition to your Facebook page that photo of you that you did not want anyone to know about.

Welcome to Vegas
The casinos have had facial recognition video for years. If you are not wanted the video can catch you coming in the building and alert security. And there are very few places you can go in Vegas without a camera. The Channel 8 news station has one on the top of Mandalay Bay for example that is so powerful they could zoom in on a fire in Henderson over 10 miles away

NSA Supercomputer (this is the old model

BTW the reason that 'THEY' collect trivial data on everyone and anything is that they need all that data in order to create an AI

edit on 8-5-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 08:02 PM
In the not so far future you will be able to go on line and it will be something like this'
You "I wonder where Bill Smith is right"
Computer " Enter full name and address or phone number mailing address"
You "Ok that is Bill G. Smith phone 1-555-1234
Computer "Tracking".....................OK, Bill G. Smith is a the Wal-Mart on second and main on aisle 6 buying cat food"

Any one will be able to track any one with just a few clicks of the key board. No more hiding for the bill collectors.

Bill collector="If you can buy cat food you can pay your bills"

No more keeping secrets from the landlord
Landlord="You know having a cat is forbidden in your rental statement, git rid of it or move out"

No more hiding from the pest that always wants you to some something for them for free.

Pest (calling on cell phone)="Hi, Bill, I see that you are at the store will you pick me up a few things I will pay you next week?

That all may sound funny and far fetched but just think about all the people you want to hide from or just plain do not want to have anything to do with being able to find you any where at any time.

I for one do not like where this is headed

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 08:54 PM
Saw that coming long ago..
Dont worry Big Brother knows whats best and is taking care of everyone.. All hail the new totalitarian states of amerika.. My sympathy to the american people the nightmare is begining for you.. The average chinese now has more freedom than the average american.. Ironic..

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by fixer1967
In the not so far future you will be able to go on line and it will be something like this'
You "I wonder where Bill Smith is right"
Computer " Enter full name and address or phone number mailing address"
You "Ok that is Bill G. Smith phone 1-555-1234
Computer "Tracking".....................OK, Bill G. Smith is a the Wal-Mart on second and main on aisle 6 buying cat food"

Any one will be able to track any one with just a few clicks of the key board. No more hiding for the bill collectors.

Bill collector="If you can buy cat food you can pay your bills"

No more keeping secrets from the landlord
Landlord="You know having a cat is forbidden in your rental statement, git rid of it or move out"

No more hiding from the pest that always wants you to some something for them for free.

Pest (calling on cell phone)="Hi, Bill, I see that you are at the store will you pick me up a few things I will pay you next week?

That all may sound funny and far fetched but just think about all the people you want to hide from or just plain do not want to have anything to do with being able to find you any where at any time.

I for one do not like where this is headed

Precisely why I prefer to live far from any city. Have no bank account, no car, no license, no utilities - entirely solar powered. Prepaid mobile under name of someone who is now deceased. No street addresses or even streets where I live.. No property or other taxes.. Etc. And unless absolutely necessary I stay the hell out of cities.. I owe no one and ask nothing of anyone..
Saw it coming years ago..

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 09:07 PM
ah well, we DID allot for it to happen , tragedy, if you were to ask me.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

Have not seen that, a movie?

Thanks for your comments

Its like this, 1984 - they are behind schedule.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
BTW the reason that 'THEY' collect trivial data on everyone and anything is that they need all that data in order to create an AI

Thanks for the tip!

Very interesting.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:05 AM

When we burn down the establishment, they can take as many pictures as they like.

Hell, I'll even smile for them.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
Precisely why I prefer to live far from any city. Have no bank account, no car, no license, no utilities - entirely solar powered. Prepaid mobile under name of someone who is now deceased. No street addresses or even streets where I live.. No property or other taxes.. Etc. And unless absolutely necessary I stay the hell out of cities.. I owe no one and ask nothing of anyone..


You have an IP address

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

In the belly of the beast

It’s interesting to me and somewhat mind-boggling, that at the exact same time Mossad-Wikileaks’ Julian Assange goes on-air with RT and talks about how social networking sites like facebook, google, yahoo and soforth are intelligence agency databases – that the CIA and NSA etc have specialized intel interfaces and “back door” access to all of the networking sites, and further that by entering ones friends and personal data they are doing free work for the intel agencies, adding info into their ever-expanding database of information on the public-at-large – that I am involved in events for one of the large sites aforementioned. In doing so, I’ve reconnected with some old friends and have shared some interesting conversations on recent events, and I am so relieved to hear that so many people are one way or the other on the same page, that this recent OBL horsecrap is exactly that, a hoax-psyop.

We’ve known for some time that the NSA was partnered in the developing of most if not all the top sites, plus was also partnered by Microsoft in the development of its latest Windows OS versions.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:32 AM
Look at it this way. It'll continue growing to invade deeper. Remember..the patriot act? Bush2 sized it all up after being told by his controllers. The one that had in stitches was no more "frivolous" lawsuits against big, doesn't a Judge decide in all cases if suit is frivolous???


posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by burntheships

You know, I watched a CSI episode one time and this technology was used. I saw it right away and realized what it was and knew it was or was going to be real. This was some time ago. The characters who play the taxpayer funded employees put a name and number in the computer and every image of that individual became instantly available. I did not however see an instant live camera grab though. All of it should be abolished now. Great find.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Expat888
Precisely why I prefer to live far from any city. Have no bank account, no car, no license, no utilities - entirely solar powered. Prepaid mobile under name of someone who is now deceased. No street addresses or even streets where I live.. No property or other taxes.. Etc. And unless absolutely necessary I stay the hell out of cities.. I owe no one and ask nothing of anyone..


You have an IP address

Using mobile not p.c and should things get that bad will pitch the mobile. Got along fine in the days before the advent of such devices can easily live without one again. Its a convenience - not a necessity.. But you are correct on i.p addresses even with proxies your screwed just takes bit longer to locate.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by smallpeeps

Have not seen that, a movie?

Thanks for your comments

Its like this, 1984 - they are behind schedule.

Yes, Eagle Eye and that Gene Hackman/Wil Smith conspiracy movie as well (can't remember the name), you get to see these super-dorks who are at the helm of such systems. Picture the Comic Store Guy from The Simpsons but with significantly less ethics, and you'd be close. So looks like careers in pervish window-peeking, eavesdropping and stalking will be the true high paying skills of the future.

College student and their faculties are already geared up for this dystopian hell, so they'd be the ones to blame when it all rolls up. I blame the Universities before the government. Universities, BUILD the government. And they set the policies by using their owned, fratboy plants that they get into the government.

Example would be the classic in-your-face moment where they have two bonesmen run against each other. Haha, that still cracks me up that anyone votes after that Bush vs Kerry joke election. Too funny. Can you imagine the recently added bonesmen? The ones who are in their 20s? What assheads they must be, and yet, they may in fact believe they will rule us. Haha, as if.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
I think you are loosing track of how the system tracks people. Imagine a grided city with a rfid reading checkpoint at each lighted intersection. Now imagine a computer system building a database of where each citizen last crossed. Then consider that each city in the nation(s) will be interconnected and running on an eye-on-the-pyramid system. No gps needed. Small power requirements. No j-walkin'. No trespassin'. Always on the street, in the matrix, headed somewhere. Wearing GAP jeans that you purchased 56 days ago, wearing Nike shoes, smoking Kools. Last visited doctor September 1st, crossing intersections approximately 23.98 times daily. The very concept of a man with a gun saying "papers... papers please", with a stern voice, is a redundancy; everywhere you go your papers are read, for political purpose and for profit. Is it now? Is it 2009? Is it coming 2012?

China wins bid to install sensors on nafta superhighway? NAFTRACS rfid
Total Domain Awareness

I am,

Sri oracle

That was a comment I made in 2007 from the thread "You are already RFID chipped". There are many good subject matter "keywords" for more info in my posts which continued onto page 6 (click link).

thanks for reading!

the system knows, its watching, you are corralled like livestock constantly,

Sri Oracle

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