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Malema: White people are criminals

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

I love how people always use this point to justify past aggressions of white people. As if tribal warfare somehow compares to genocide of multiple of cultures and theft of their lands. As if the worst tribal war over hunting grounds was somehow equal to the Trail of Tears. Learn2history, jesus h christ.

Tell that to the people hacked to death in Rwanda, Ivory Coast etc- of of course it compares, human evil and murder carried out on ethnic lines

Also, all the people who say "I cant be held liable for what my grandfather did!", arent you settinga precedent? What about Mexicans coming here and forcefully evicting you from your home, would you just shrug your shoulders and move on? Why do you expect other people to?

This makes little sense- what is the comparison with clearly not being liable for what our grandfathers did (do you believe the sons of rapists should be imprisoned) with someone, be they Mexican or otherwise, invading your home now, like now in the present?

War is a symptom of the human condition, but white people seem to have been exceptionally devious and cold hearted about it, especially when it comes to people that arent white.....sorry, thats just history.

Sorry, that ain't "history", that is cherry picked history from an anti white racist

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

White people are not the only ones to have ever committed genocide.

This has been done over and over and over again by people all over the world.

Cold hearted genocide, warfare and murder is not a whites only privilege.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Well, he does make some great points for his people and if I were the Oppenheimer's I would get ready to exit quietly and leave the stones.
People are going to take this and run with it. Although I disagree with the premise since it is racist as well - Who can blame them?

Malema pushed his nationalisation agenda, saying the government could not afford to create jobs or to build a university in the Northern Cape – a 2009 campaign promise made by Zuma – because “there is no money."

“Where is the money?

It is in the hands of the Oppenheimers, who mine diamonds right here in Kimberley and leave nothing behind.

“One family has benefited for generation after generation,

but there is nothing looking like a diamond here in Galeshewe,” he said to enthusiastic applause.

“Political freedom without economic power means nothing.

You can vote until you turn yellow, but without economic freedom it means nothing,”

We have the same problem here in the US. We vote but we have no economic freedom. We can't even afford gas to move around our country. Here in the US all our best assets are already being used by The Elite (richest 1%) They happen to be white but all white people are not thieves any more than all black people are.
edit on 8-5-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by blueorder

No one is suggesting its a 'contest'.
At least, not a close one.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:18 AM
Reply to post by jimnuggits

Right. How many times have i got to say this? i had nothing to do with apartheid, my friends, some of whom are farmers had nothing do do with apartheid. Yet now, these farmers must pay the price for past transgressions?

Do you fail to see the unfairness of this? They, now, get punished for what their grandfathers did?

Furthermore, tell me how i took the thread out of context. The news article, headline included, says what it says. I mere brought it to your attention.

Some farmers here, have had family farms in their possession for over a hundred years, working it, growing it and making a success of it. And now, should they just give it up? Just sell it for a pitance, that is not close to market value?

Look what happenned to Zimbabwe. Once it was one of the richest countries in africa. Then Robert Mugabe came into power. He decided that all white owned farms should be given back to the indiginous people, and white farmers got chased out off Zim. These indiginous people got the very fertile farmland, and messed it up. Now look at Zim, a mere shadow of it's former self.

The problem here is that most indiginous black people are not commercial farmers. They belief they produce just enough for themselves and their families. Which is fine. But, if this is being done on the land of a previous commercial farmer, that was taken from him, it is not good.

For if there are no commercial farmers to provide its nation with meat, milk, corn, maize, etc etc, then this becomes a big problem.

So before attacking me with your condecending tone, read up a bit, see past the colour line.

I was born and raised in SA mate, this country is as much mine as it is the indiginous people's. I have a right to land, just as much as the next guy, no matter what colour.

This article goes to show how power corrupts. It is not even racism anymore, it is past that.

But hey, you don't live here. So you can keep on posting your post fromyour cloud up in the sky.


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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:18 AM
i think a good start at getting rid of rqacism would be to quit teaching children in school the history on slavery, let that be something to be taught in college. and as far as white people being "criminals for stealing land from black people". dont forget that blacks from africa used to sell there own into slavery. maybe had they not done this the white people would not have thought to take there land as well? either all ethnic groups are gonnahave there racism, atleast so long as we keep teaching our children about slavery and putting that crap in movies and tv shows.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:19 AM
All he is doing is fueling the KKK and Neo-Nazis and giving them more recruits(not me of course).

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:19 AM
I'm white and proud of it. I don't hate any race and I've never stole land. This Melema and the people that follow him are sick. Instead of him pointing out that most world leaders are mad men & women that have enslaved humanity for eons, he makes it about whites vs blacks. Does he realize that African history is full leaders raped and pillaged? I guess not.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:22 AM

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:28 AM
Quit carrying dead people's baggage. White people, as a whole, have nothing to feel guilty about. I don't blame white people for any of my misfortunes. I don't have the right. For what? Land? Things that happened, not my lifetime or yours. I'm tired of people pointing fingers at white people.

Look beyond race and see the bigger picture!

Love your fellowman.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

I'm not suggesting at all that racism against white people is RIGHT. I am not saying it is FAIR.
I am saying that, until white people can come to terms with the racial injustices it has committed in the immediate past there will be a backlash against it.

I don't doubt that there are innocent people getting hurt, that's the nature of oppression. If even one of us is being treated unfairly, we are all being treated unfairly. I feel for your plight. Racism ends up hurting both 'races', all for the profit of a few.

I always believed that a racist should use only innovations that were first discovered by their own race. White racists shouldn't stop at traffic lights, or use an air conditioner. Brown racists shouldn't listen to Eminem, or use light bulbs. No open heart surgery for you Mr. Klan Member.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:32 AM

i had nothing to do with apartheid

I do, it was pleasant, forgive me,im white

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by jimnuggits

The only people who need to come to terms with racism is racists.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
If we truely wanted to erase racism, we would wipe out all history books and remake it showing no instances of racial segregation.
Then our racist past would go from school taught, to conspiracy theory, to forgotten..then we could judge people based on who that individual is verses what historically is the role of a skintone. heh

History is constantly being rewritten by the powers that be to hide their dirty shameful deeds and to claim others legacies. Throwing away or destroying history books wouldn't change a thing because the seeds of racism has already been planted.

As far as alot more blacks statistically in prison, well, that makes sense considering black people are also typically alot more poor than the white counterpart...and its poverty that makes people commit alot of the crimes that fill up the question (most crimes being from trying to get some money).

Blacks are in prison because of poverty? Nonsense. Those history books may not be telling the whole truth but glimpses of the truth is there regardless to how desperately TPTB try to hide them which allows one to see some of the reasons blacks are disproportionately in prison.

As far as why black people are generally alot more poor than whites or hispanics, well, we can speculate on that. I believe it to be that they are quite recently human (in regards to law) and so are still getting over that bit...but poverty in capitalistic ndustrial nations will always lead to desperation and crime regardless of skintone

May I ask where you are getting your facts?

This Malema is an idiot.
People have been stealing land since the founding of it black, white, brown, etc made very little difference...take the land, enslave the population, pay homage to king.
We are above this nonsense now (hopefully) and so let the racial or heritage injustice meme drop also.

To be honest I really don't know a lot about this Malema person so I don't know if he's idiot. My question is name a group that has gone around the world systematically robbing, raping, pillaging, enslaving, and murdering like an unstoppable machine in the last three hundred years?

No unfortunately everybody is not above the nonsense because the racial and heritage injustices are still being perpetrated and looked upon with no compassion (or more to the point as "just business"). The nonsense you speak of is only nonsense when you're not on the receiving end, it becomes something totally different vice versa.
edit on 8-5-2011 by Chai_An because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by JJDoggie84
I'm white and proud of it.

What...did you win a arm wrestling match or something to become white? How can you be proud of something that was not in your control?

a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
the state or feeling of being proud.
a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.

No instance of that is fitting to someone whom believes them to be simply equal to others regardless of skintone.

You can be proud of yourself, and comfortable with your ethnic heritage
You can be proud of your ancestors accomplishments
But what exactly is being proud to be any color?

We are taught that pride is good...and it is to an extent for things we accomplish. Being white/black/brown is no accomplishment though...and in this case, pride is a word of superiority.

Your comment is in fact elitist.

A better way to state it without getting into trouble would be "I am a proud white man" this sentence, being white is simply a descriptor of who you are, but could easily be removed...but you stated you have pride for simply being born white.

the way we state things often is an indicator of how we were conditioned.its healthy to reflect on how you process things and what statements your making to your subconscious.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:39 AM
since the person who made these remarks is spondent to his own social issues and local social psychology systems, why do people feel incited at his testimonies. the replies in this thread are like a cosm unto society; i once had a white friend who i mentioned actions of racism against my character to: and the only reply i received was shock and disbelief followed by a vain attempt at feeling like i victimized the person who admitted to being my friend by means of even my natural expression. in short you cant tell white people about your discrimination woes they feel like your giving them a hard time; and the guy is right you cant use the system that is in play for institutional xenophobia/racism to construct your own change.

if your white and feel like someone is being "anti-white" racist to you or "reverse racist" to you because you hear a black person talk(inset other minority group) about their own issues of injustice; dont feel bad, ive never met a "on the level" white person who can hear me say and express my disdain over a persons actions towards me that are racist: without getting involved and either playing victimized or feeling like they are on a eugenics crusade and i am statistically at fault for the ways another person has chosen to receive my dharma.

if your not white you either profit on the ways you interact with white people by ways of how their racial groups "fruits" are, or; you take your whippings and beatings in silence and pray that your own children through the fruit of your labor does not intermarry or cohabitate with that which you know by confirmation does not have your own best interest at heart. and this is not racism but wisdom gained through sight.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by JJDoggie84
I'm white and proud of it.

What...did you win a arm wrestling match or something to become white? How can you be proud of something that was not in your control?

a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
the state or feeling of being proud.
a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.

No instance of that is fitting to someone whom believes them to be simply equal to others regardless of skintone.

You can be proud of yourself, and comfortable with your ethnic heritage
You can be proud of your ancestors accomplishments
But what exactly is being proud to be any color?

We are taught that pride is good...and it is to an extent for things we accomplish. Being white/black/brown is no accomplishment though...and in this case, pride is a word of superiority.

Your comment is in fact elitist.

A better way to state it without getting into trouble would be "I am a proud white man" this sentence, being white is simply a descriptor of who you are, but could easily be removed...but you stated you have pride for simply being born white.

the way we state things often is an indicator of how we were conditioned.its healthy to reflect on how you process things and what statements your making to your subconscious.

Dude that post makes me proud to know you.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Chesster

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by JJDoggie84
I'm white and proud of it.

What...did you win a arm wrestling match or something to become white? How can you be proud of something that was not in your control?

a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
the state or feeling of being proud.
a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.

No instance of that is fitting to someone whom believes them to be simply equal to others regardless of skintone.

You can be proud of yourself, and comfortable with your ethnic heritage
You can be proud of your ancestors accomplishments
But what exactly is being proud to be any color?

We are taught that pride is good...and it is to an extent for things we accomplish. Being white/black/brown is no accomplishment though...and in this case, pride is a word of superiority.

Your comment is in fact elitist.

A better way to state it without getting into trouble would be "I am a proud white man" this sentence, being white is simply a descriptor of who you are, but could easily be removed...but you stated you have pride for simply being born white.

the way we state things often is an indicator of how we were conditioned.its healthy to reflect on how you process things and what statements your making to your subconscious.

Dude that post makes me proud to know you.

Why because you hate your race?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by JJDoggie84
I'm white and proud of it. I don't hate any race and I've never stole land. This Melema and the people that follow him are sick. Instead of him pointing out that most world leaders are mad men & women that have enslaved humanity for eons, he makes it about whites vs blacks. Does he realize that African history is full leaders raped and pillaged? I guess not.

I see this a great deal in this thread. I do not see a need to be defensive.

It's not our affair. It is not our country.

Why go off topic recalling black on black genocide?
He did not say this did not happen also.

This man is trying to get his people basic necessities like food, medicine, housing, education and if he does not upset the status quo (the Oppenheimer's) he will not be successful. I wish him the best and if he has to use my skin color to do it, I don't hold that against him. Go for it.

I think they should boot the Oppenheimer's out and keep their own diamonds.

Any one of us would do the exact same thing were it our land. Do you think the Alaskans are going to let Exxon have their oil without something for it? I would void old, corrupt contracts and treaties made among crooks for my property also.

This is no reason to take offense.
He is not talking about nor threatening you.
edit on 8-5-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

I just sent Malema a check for 500k to support his cause I suggest others send what they can.

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