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Shed a Tear: The Age of Broadband Caps Begins Monday

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posted on May, 1 2011 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by charlyv

I can see a time when we're all buying internet minutes.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj
Sometimes I wish I were a computer geek so I could fully understand what's going on in cyberspace. So, forgive me if this is ignorant because I have to ask: Aren't these cap companies shooting themselves in the feet? What I see is a time when the caps get ridiculous to the point where all the companies that rely on the internet will simply by their own servers. This will enable customers to dial directly into sites like Netflix, Google, Twitter...

well the plan or thier plan I should say, is that we are now "dependant" on the internet to the point we will have no choice but to pay thier rates and fees. the same logic the oil and food industry hits us with. another case of greed restricting progress.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by SerenityGained
Isn't this a good thing though? It's like your mum limiting your TV exposure when a kid.

Maybe time to get outside and enjoy life, rather then using the net?

Ummm nah.

You don't 'lose' internet - you just either get charged more, or lose speed.

When I'm capped to 256 - Oh and btw, shed a tear? How about WELCOME TO AUSTRALIAN NET HELL, we've been here for years now... gah!! - when I'm capped to 256kbps I can still browse the web fine, Hell I can still download apps that I need if theyre not gigs... 25kb/s is not too shabby, and above that I have 200gb quota a month and never run out even when I'm downloading tv shows^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H linux distros, despite 100gb being on peak (midday till 2am PEAK, 2am till midday Off PEAK)...

Sure, if you're paying $19 a month, then you're getting a plain old bottom pounding, but then you're also not going to be doing anything to break your cap.

We used to have FREE upload bandwidth too... but more and more that's being counted towards the entire CAP.

Which infuriates me... I download from server X. I pay to download. I Upload to server x. I pay to Upload. Server x is also paying for downloads/uploads... It's a bloody double whammy...

It's like paying to get on a bus, to go somewhere, but also paying an additional fare because not only are you going to your destination, you're leaving one.

I won't shed a tear... no one who had uncapped bandwidth shed a tear for us, instead they jeered and said how retarded it was, etc etc...

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: who the nell is hell?

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

Exactly. I'm in Audtralia and I'm more than happy with my 25 gig per month cap. That's more than enough for me. I don't see how this is a major issue. You Americans have been spoiled with your uncapped service, here in Australia this is how it's done, coupled with the fact that our broadband service is 40% slower than yours, you guys should consider yourselves lucky.

Besides, if you need to use more than a couple hundred gig per month than you need to step away from the computer and get out more.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:03 AM
As was already mentioned, those of us who live out in the country have been living with "caps" already. If I go over my "Fair Access Policy" threshold, they slow me down to the point that I can't even watch a youtube video or play flash games, and that lasts for 30 days before they restore my speed. I've already had to pay to upgrade my service one level in order to avoid being slowed down, and sometimes I still get FAP warnings in my email saying that I'm approaching the threshold. And I don't even DO anything like watch movies or download music .. all I do is play Flash games on Facebook, poke around a few forum sites like ATS, and once in a while watch a youtube video.

Of course, now that I'm stuck on a PC, that stupid MS Security Essentials downloading its definition files every single day is a problem. I would guess that hardly anyone on satellite internet can use Netflix or anything similar.
There is a local provider that offers DSL, but they haven't reached my house yet although they said it would be August of 2010...

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by againuntodust

does anybody know when comicost will start doing this?

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:20 AM
Gosh with constant downloading the most I've managed was 80gb in a month there is no way you can have a normal life if u manage to dl 250gb in a month. That's insane... When you reached this cap you have to go look in the mirror and realize its time to get a life!

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:28 AM
Ahh Jeez. I am one of the high end users of the net. My apartment has 4 computers all connected to my net service and at any given time, at least one of them is streaming netflix and another is downloading something or playing a video game. This is such bull. I have ATT internet service and have gone round and round with them in terms of bandwidth and what I pay for and now they pull THIS crap?

I will be calling ATT on Monday and notifying them that if I get interrupted or inadvertently slowed because I used too much bandwidth, then I am cancelling the service. But, not before I let 300 or so people know on facebook.

ETA: ATT has a page that can show you your history of monthly usage. Although it says that It cannot gauge my current or past usage for billing purposes. It would seem that those who were previously customers of ATT with unlimited access won't be seeing a change just yet. Prolly just be the new customers at least for now
edit on 1-5-2011 by Mr. Toodles because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by LS650
"Shed a tear"?

While I might consider such a cap annoying, I wouldn't cry over it. If you aren't happy with one service, go to the competition.

All the heads of the major ISP's are in on this together. This is like the "roundtable" scenario on the movie the Godfathers. All of the heads got together to share the spoils at our expense. The tears come later when they really styart abusing the power and there will be nowhere else to go. You will either pay or you will have none of the communications that we are so used to. The Rockefellers don't even want us to have services like this where we can keep in touch. He has made that clear at some of Congresses' hearings. What they will try to do (and have already started) is just trying to frustrate people into just quitting altogether or paying high premiums. Either way they win. I, for one, only have basic cable because I just can't afford the ammenities of paying extra for the other channels no matter how much I want to watch them. Many will be put in this same situation regarding the ISPs/phone companies. Many will drop out altogtether. This way it makes it look as if it were OUR choice to stop using the technology and not their fault for "forcing" us. Jay Rockefeller believes that if he were able to get us to stop using our digital media to keep in contact (including internet)....that we would not be able to communicate so easily the wrongs that they do to us. They would be able to pass illegal policy faster and without public tension. They would also be able to move the installation of the New World Order into effect in a more timely fashion, and not have to worry about America or Canada being able to use digital/satellite media to connect in the attempt to stage protests or potential riots. The very tools that were supposed to bring us together.....will be the ones that separate us futher than ever before because at least until we as a species "learn to communicate" again without digital devices....we are no threat to them. By then..........the NWO would have already been installed and running fluently. There was a time, oh let's say late 1700-1776 that people communicated through town halls and people running messages 'unchecked' from city to city to stage events of protest. That won't happen with us......when we lose our devices we will essentially be deaf and dumb for years to come. Except for the lies they innundate us with on THEIR news. This is just an extension of the Net Neutrality Act. It will get much worse and you can thank Jay Rockefeller for this personally. No corporate veil here......this is his conquest.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

I pay $50au for 200GB.

It's really more than I need

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by againuntodust

Come on!!! You have got to be asleep, been doing this all along!!

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Beast Of Gevaudan

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by SerenityGained
Isn't this a good thing though? It's like your mum limiting your TV exposure when a kid.

Maybe time to get outside and enjoy life, rather then using the net?

Ummm nah.

You don't 'lose' internet - you just either get charged more, or lose speed.

When I'm capped to 256 - Oh and btw, shed a tear? How about WELCOME TO AUSTRALIAN NET HELL, we've been here for years now... gah!! - when I'm capped to 256kbps I can still browse the web fine, Hell I can still download apps that I need if theyre not gigs... 25kb/s is not too shabby, and above that I have 200gb quota a month and never run out even when I'm downloading tv shows^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H linux distros, despite 100gb being on peak (midday till 2am PEAK, 2am till midday Off PEAK)...

Sure, if you're paying $19 a month, then you're getting a plain old bottom pounding, but then you're also not going to be doing anything to break your cap.

We used to have FREE upload bandwidth too... but more and more that's being counted towards the entire CAP.

Which infuriates me... I download from server X. I pay to download. I Upload to server x. I pay to Upload. Server x is also paying for downloads/uploads... It's a bloody double whammy...

It's like paying to get on a bus, to go somewhere, but also paying an additional fare because not only are you going to your destination, you're leaving one.

I won't shed a tear... no one who had uncapped bandwidth shed a tear for us, instead they jeered and said how retarded it was, etc etc...

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: who the nell is hell?

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

Exactly. I'm in Audtralia and I'm more than happy with my 25 gig per month cap. That's more than enough for me. I don't see how this is a major issue. You Americans have been spoiled with your uncapped service, here in Australia this is how it's done, coupled with the fact that our broadband service is 40% slower than yours, you guys should consider yourselves lucky.

Besides, if you need to use more than a couple hundred gig per month than you need to step away from the computer and get out more.

Yes well we over here in the states live in a free nation unlike yours that is ruled by the royal queen. You be more than happy, you were raised into believing to be a slave.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by AndrewJay

Originally posted by Beast Of Gevaudan

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by SerenityGained
Isn't this a good thing though? It's like your mum limiting your TV exposure when a kid.

Maybe time to get outside and enjoy life, rather then using the net?

Ummm nah.

You don't 'lose' internet - you just either get charged more, or lose speed.

When I'm capped to 256 - Oh and btw, shed a tear? How about WELCOME TO AUSTRALIAN NET HELL, we've been here for years now... gah!! - when I'm capped to 256kbps I can still browse the web fine, Hell I can still download apps that I need if theyre not gigs... 25kb/s is not too shabby, and above that I have 200gb quota a month and never run out even when I'm downloading tv shows^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H linux distros, despite 100gb being on peak (midday till 2am PEAK, 2am till midday Off PEAK)...

Sure, if you're paying $19 a month, then you're getting a plain old bottom pounding, but then you're also not going to be doing anything to break your cap.

We used to have FREE upload bandwidth too... but more and more that's being counted towards the entire CAP.

Which infuriates me... I download from server X. I pay to download. I Upload to server x. I pay to Upload. Server x is also paying for downloads/uploads... It's a bloody double whammy...

It's like paying to get on a bus, to go somewhere, but also paying an additional fare because not only are you going to your destination, you're leaving one.

I won't shed a tear... no one who had uncapped bandwidth shed a tear for us, instead they jeered and said how retarded it was, etc etc...

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: who the nell is hell?

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

Exactly. I'm in Audtralia and I'm more than happy with my 25 gig per month cap. That's more than enough for me. I don't see how this is a major issue. You Americans have been spoiled with your uncapped service, here in Australia this is how it's done, coupled with the fact that our broadband service is 40% slower than yours, you guys should consider yourselves lucky.

Besides, if you need to use more than a couple hundred gig per month than you need to step away from the computer and get out more.

Yes well we over here in the states live in a free nation unlike yours that is ruled by the royal queen. You be more than happy, you were raised into believing to be a slave.

What an ignorant response! Was that childish dig really necessary? "Believing to ba a slave" you say? Australia is just as much a free nation as the states, but I'd be surprised if you could even find Australia on a map, let alone have any clue what it's like living here.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Beast Of Gevaudan

Originally posted by AndrewJay

Originally posted by Beast Of Gevaudan

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by SerenityGained
Isn't this a good thing though? It's like your mum limiting your TV exposure when a kid.

Maybe time to get outside and enjoy life, rather then using the net?

Ummm nah.

You don't 'lose' internet - you just either get charged more, or lose speed.

When I'm capped to 256 - Oh and btw, shed a tear? How about WELCOME TO AUSTRALIAN NET HELL, we've been here for years now... gah!! - when I'm capped to 256kbps I can still browse the web fine, Hell I can still download apps that I need if theyre not gigs... 25kb/s is not too shabby, and above that I have 200gb quota a month and never run out even when I'm downloading tv shows^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H linux distros, despite 100gb being on peak (midday till 2am PEAK, 2am till midday Off PEAK)...

Sure, if you're paying $19 a month, then you're getting a plain old bottom pounding, but then you're also not going to be doing anything to break your cap.

We used to have FREE upload bandwidth too... but more and more that's being counted towards the entire CAP.

Which infuriates me... I download from server X. I pay to download. I Upload to server x. I pay to Upload. Server x is also paying for downloads/uploads... It's a bloody double whammy...

It's like paying to get on a bus, to go somewhere, but also paying an additional fare because not only are you going to your destination, you're leaving one.

I won't shed a tear... no one who had uncapped bandwidth shed a tear for us, instead they jeered and said how retarded it was, etc etc...

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: who the nell is hell?

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

Exactly. I'm in Audtralia and I'm more than happy with my 25 gig per month cap. That's more than enough for me. I don't see how this is a major issue. You Americans have been spoiled with your uncapped service, here in Australia this is how it's done, coupled with the fact that our broadband service is 40% slower than yours, you guys should consider yourselves lucky.

Besides, if you need to use more than a couple hundred gig per month than you need to step away from the computer and get out more.

Yes well we over here in the states live in a free nation unlike yours that is ruled by the royal queen. You be more than happy, you were raised into believing to be a slave.

What an ignorant response! Was that childish dig really necessary? "Believing to ba a slave" you say? Australia is just as much a free nation as the states, but I'd be surprised if you could even find Australia on a map, let alone have any clue what it's like living here.

Yes it was necessary because it is the view of a suppressed people, no matter where they are from, or to what degree of suppression occurs, that make things like this seem normal to others. Slowly but surely all of our god given rights are stripped away while the people clap and beg for more. Like it or not, you're still owned by the queen. Just like Canada.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:24 AM
i dont post often but this whole broadband cap is the biggest crap the PTB have pulled in a while...
all im saying is when they cencored the internet in egypt the people revolted, and there doing the same here now in a more capitalist version and this calls for REVOLUTION like people have money to spare to watch movies on youtube when their governments are collapsing

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:27 AM
PS u 2 above are both ignorant and should stop fighting, it doesnt matter if your in australia or US information should be free and uncapped. neither of you are better for insulting ones queen or the others education system, we're all surfs anyways so FIGHT FOR FREEDOM AND INFORMATION

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by Beast Of Gevaudan

Don't bother with that idiot troll.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by AndrewJay

Originally posted by Beast Of Gevaudan

Originally posted by AndrewJay

Originally posted by Beast Of Gevaudan

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by SerenityGained
Isn't this a good thing though? It's like your mum limiting your TV exposure when a kid.

Maybe time to get outside and enjoy life, rather then using the net?

Ummm nah.

You don't 'lose' internet - you just either get charged more, or lose speed.

When I'm capped to 256 - Oh and btw, shed a tear? How about WELCOME TO AUSTRALIAN NET HELL, we've been here for years now... gah!! - when I'm capped to 256kbps I can still browse the web fine, Hell I can still download apps that I need if theyre not gigs... 25kb/s is not too shabby, and above that I have 200gb quota a month and never run out even when I'm downloading tv shows^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H linux distros, despite 100gb being on peak (midday till 2am PEAK, 2am till midday Off PEAK)...

Sure, if you're paying $19 a month, then you're getting a plain old bottom pounding, but then you're also not going to be doing anything to break your cap.

We used to have FREE upload bandwidth too... but more and more that's being counted towards the entire CAP.

Which infuriates me... I download from server X. I pay to download. I Upload to server x. I pay to Upload. Server x is also paying for downloads/uploads... It's a bloody double whammy...

It's like paying to get on a bus, to go somewhere, but also paying an additional fare because not only are you going to your destination, you're leaving one.

I won't shed a tear... no one who had uncapped bandwidth shed a tear for us, instead they jeered and said how retarded it was, etc etc...

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: who the nell is hell?

edit on 30/4/2011 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

Exactly. I'm in Audtralia and I'm more than happy with my 25 gig per month cap. That's more than enough for me. I don't see how this is a major issue. You Americans have been spoiled with your uncapped service, here in Australia this is how it's done, coupled with the fact that our broadband service is 40% slower than yours, you guys should consider yourselves lucky.

Besides, if you need to use more than a couple hundred gig per month than you need to step away from the computer and get out more.

Yes well we over here in the states live in a free nation unlike yours that is ruled by the royal queen. You be more than happy, you were raised into believing to be a slave.

What an ignorant response! Was that childish dig really necessary? "Believing to ba a slave" you say? Australia is just as much a free nation as the states, but I'd be surprised if you could even find Australia on a map, let alone have any clue what it's like living here.

Yes it was necessary because it is the view of a suppressed people, no matter where they are from, or to what degree of suppression occurs, that make things like this seem normal to others. Slowly but surely all of our god given rights are stripped away while the people clap and beg for more. Like it or not, you're still owned by the queen. Just like Canada.

No it wasn't. I'm not "clapping and begging for more", I just don't think this as devastating a setback as some of you are making out, it's not like they're shutting down the internet.

And I don't appreciate condescending idiots like you telling me I'm a blind slave living in a supressed nation, so give it a rest.

Regarding the Queen, I'd be little more concerned about who actually owns your country buddy.

edit on 1-5-2011 by Beast Of Gevaudan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by neo96
caps are rip offs they do this crap becausewe let them.

those jerks.
edit on 30-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

fixed it for you

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by trust_no_one
PS u 2 above are both ignorant and should stop fighting, it doesnt matter if your in australia or US information should be free and uncapped. neither of you are better for insulting ones queen or the others education system, we're all surfs anyways so FIGHT FOR FREEDOM AND INFORMATION

I agree that the internet should be uncapped, but expecting a service that someone else is providing for you to be free is a bit much, would you also expect a free house and car? Be realistic.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by kykweer
Gosh with constant downloading the most I've managed was 80gb in a month there is no way you can have a normal life if u manage to dl 250gb in a month.
Sometimes I need to download original NASA or ESA images instead of small, cropped and compressed images that all sites show, and those images are usually around 1GB, with some even bigger than 2GB.

Also, with three people using the Internet in my home, that becomes even easier to happen.

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