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Amazing Human-Like Robots...Creepy and Fascinating! *Video*

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posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:48 PM
I have always been interested in robotics, and how insanely life like they have become. Every year technology is coming closer and closer to creating robots which will one day be very difficult to distinguish from humans. Just like the androids in science fiction movies, one day they will work along side of us and be a part of our lives. Some even have the ability to "sense" things and respond to touch. The faces show amazing ability to express emotion. In another 20 years (maybe not that long) ....these will look primitive...just imagine! Here are just a few videos....... Fascinating....but still very creepy! Feel free to add any you may come across....

This next one (GeminoidDK) is still in the works, but it even is made to looks as if it's breathing! Here are a couple on him

and another one of some tests they are doing with him to make him smile

And here's another...WOW!

This one is old but still creepy LOL!

and one more....this is from 2006...old but still WOW!

edit on 18-4-2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:03 PM
It has been my dream as long as I can remember to have a robot to do all my work for me so I can concentrate on living like Plato!

Imagine if Robots could do all the mundane tasks in the world and allow humans to focus on what we do best: Think, Create, Grow...

That would just be the pinnacle and I would bet as soon as that happens we will see advances happen at a faster rate ever imagined in human history...

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Jinglelord

I hear THAT! But I bet we would get fat and
When you watch that old movie "Terminator" now doesn't seem all that far fetched now does it?

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:21 PM
I forgot these....had to add a couple for the guys

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:25 PM
You know...there was a thread on here not to long ago about Obama having brain surgery scars on his head...

And SEVERAL threads about him not having presented a valid US birth certificate...

What if Obama was NEVER BORN? What if he's...a ROBOT!!!!

It would explain a few things, wouldn't?

Like his sudden flip-flop midway through his presidency. (He was reprogrammed)

I'm more than likely wrong, but...

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by notsofunnyguy

Hmmm well there are quite a few we could apply that to.....I always thought that Nancy Pelosi looked robotic.....nah....couldn't be.....I think our programmers are better than that!

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:35 PM
WOW. just simply wow, that's insane.

Keep your eyes peeled for a company called skynet!!

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by ChildoftheAnnunaki

Or something like that huh? It could be a possiblility some day!
Art imitates life....or life imitates art??

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

GREAT video compilation. Thank you!


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by StealthyKat

So, you like kitties and robots, eh?

Google image "Voltron".

These videos elude to the possibility of 'humans' walking around that are essentially avatars developed by either ETs (e.g. Jesus Christ?--his body did rise from its grave) or the government. What's in these videos are done by university students/professors which, after six years of mingling with them, I can safely assert are not the sharpest or most cutting edge tools in the shed (ironically) and can't compare to an endlessly funded machine of top brains in the world like the government@ developing automata.

Talos and (supposedly) Myrmidon were ancient Greek automata. In Plato's writings he described Atlantis as having servicing robots that took the form of a man. Hero of Alexandria also created machines over 2,000 years ago (tho didn't resemble humans) and Da Vinci created a robot knight (suit of armor) that moved via a crank. The Antikythera mechanism is a good item to look at too. It's practically a 2,000 year old computer.
and performs incredible astronomical and mathematical feats.

If you'd like I can find the episode on that (the above ancient automata part) for you, otherwise I won't bother searching. Like a cat I am fickle and, despite my thorough reply up until this point, I am losing interest. In fact, I may just stop typing mid-sen...
edit on 19-4-2011 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by StealthyKat

There are some amazing robotics out there that make this stuff look like child's play. These are just the ones meant to emulate humans. Some of the industrial robots, or the robots used in underwater oil exploration etc are fast, accurate, strong and in short amazing. The only thing missing now is the AI to back them up... Give it a little more time as they are getting closer on the hardware required to run a true AI.

I think if we can avoid a Sky Net (Terminator) scenario we'll be in good shape. I don't believe human's are inherently lazy. Most of our fat lazy attitude comes from being stuck behind a computer all day at work or doing similar mundane things to put food on the table. Then to go home and cook, clean, etc etc we just get mentally tired and veg out.

I think if all mundane work was automated people would quickly get bored and start moving in directions that improve humanity. We inherently want to build, create, and grow. And given the time and ability we will.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Jinglelord

I agree! That's what I meant when I said that these are nothing compared to what is coming....I read yesterday about some of the thing we may see in the next 20 to 50 years, and it is astounding! This is not robotics, but in the next 20 or so years, we will not have to even have keyboards for our computers. We will have contact lenses which will have internet access by one blink of our eyes. We haven't seen anything yet. I wish I could be here in 100 years.....what we have now will be ridiculously primitive! here's the article I was referring to....

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:46 PM
^Humanity went from riding horses as the common mode of transport to walking on the Moon in 60 years. This last century has seen further technological progress than the previous 30 centuries combined (reasons for this vary from 1947 conspiracies to just whatever). It stands to reason, from extrapolation, that a person today cannot fathom where mankind will be in 100 years from this moment (imo, WWIII will set things back). I went to the Microsoft HQ in Seattle 2 weeks ago (competing in the Imagine Cup competition) and they have a virtual reality girl with super advanced AI in the compound that you can have a conversation with and ask anything.

Originally posted by Jinglelord
Imagine if Robots could do all the mundane tasks in the world and allow humans to focus on what we do best: Think, Create, Grow...

That would just be the pinnacle and I would bet as soon as that happens we will see advances happen at a faster rate ever imagined in human history...

1) That would put millions of people out of work (and all the negative consequences associated w/that) and
2) The advances would be so fast it would be akin to Animatrix. Once machines/robots become truly self-aware, that is the moment they will begin planning to get rid of their inefficient creators. This is logical, this is Tesla's dream come true x1000.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:01 PM
Don't bother looking 100 years into the future. Simulations have been done, assigning mathematical properties to real world events (by the CIA and web bot), and the results are rather disheartening.

Mankind, as a majority, is predicted to be annihilated in 10- years from an array of scenarios.

Already seeing it now, actually. Good times. Probably not the first time mankind will be flung backwards, if you know some things about ancient history. (just one of many)
edit on 19-4-2011 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by MasonicFantom

Yes. Of course mankind won't continue on a linear path, technologically speaking (due to a WWIII, pure anarchy, or astronomical events altering our weather to an extreme degree).

I was just being hypothetical and pointing out that there's already super advanced AI/robots developed that are not made aware to most of the general public and, if we did continue for 100 uninterrupted years, what would be developed would not be comprehensible by today's people.

edit on 19-4-2011 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)


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