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Overpopulation? Elitest Propaganda and Damned Lies Lies Lies!

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posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Essan

The OP addressed that. Using vertical farming in the cities, we no longer will be farming in the countryside, which can be reclaimed by nature and animals.

Using the newest technologies we could easily house 40-50 million people in a city the size of New York. 100-200 story structures are here already on the low end and on their way in the high way. People need to get out of "having to have" their stupid lawns and stupid houses that are way too big for them in their stupid gated communities.

When we learn to live closer and more compact (I've lived in the country and loved it, and I've lived in the city in a compact apartment and also loved it) we don't have to worry about animals going extinct due to loss of habitat as we won't be encroaching on it anymore.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by spikey

in addition to all your brilliant evidence we are also not overpopulated yet because a population can get as big as it can be sustain if we were overpopulated we would notice a signifigant drop(2billion plus in 10 years) and there would be no growth in our popultion

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by die_another_day

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by die_another_day

How about each person that requires a resource be allowed to creatively use the resource.

Or.. you distribute it the same way everything else is distributed. How do you think all the JUNK gets from China to the US Walmarts?? DAILY.

There is no distribution problem.

With property rights, courts, patents, and HOARDING behavior.

How can resources be "distributed?"

Suicidal behavior (Greed, hoarding, fear of lack of resources) are not consistent with reality. So maybe the first question would be how do we encourage reality? Or eliminate delusion? Just by living in reality and not propagating unreal myths like "overpopulation" is a start.
edit on 18-4-2011 by rwfresh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 06:59 PM
OP says: “Let's take the most important requirement there is first..Air..without it, we all know we're toast in minutes...but there is plenty of breathable air and we can produce more if we ever needed to, so that's one required resource there's plenty limited resource issue there.”

****Oh really? How is more air created?

OP says: “How much available land is there for farming, growing our food? Plenty.
Every single human being on this planet, could theoretically fit (with room to spare) in an area the size of Texas...every one of us.

****Do you realize that for each of us to grow our own food would be a full time job.
This would require several acres of fertile soil. There needs to be machinery to cultivate; or do you propose we use horses? Then there is the preserving of the harvest. Are you able to do any of this?
If you put everyone in Texas, most of them would die. Best idea you have so far.

OP says: “Vast areas of our coastal waters, landlocked lakes, reservoirs and international waters at sea (avoiding international shipping lanes), could easily be used as space to build extensive networks of floating land required for farming *at all*, everything would be grown at sea.”

****I guess you are unaware that ALL our waters are polluted, not only with industrial waste, but with humans Feces!

Do you want us to return to 1800’s way of life? Sounds like it. No industry…where is all this equipment you are talking about going to be produced?

OP says: “ Even using clean burn coal technology, the world has enough accessible coal to last (conservative estimates) approximately 2000 years. So, plainly our energy resources are plenty...and inexhaustible (Solar and wind).”

****And who is going to mine the coal? And obviously those mining the coal and manufacturing the plant growing equipment will NOT have time to grow their own food.

Imaginary money? How are all the workers needed for support of this system going to be paid? In carrots and potatoes?

Nice Science-Fiction piece. What time-frame is it set in?

And do tell us, why we need more people in this world?
And Exactly where will they live?
In hi-rise condos?
And what do you do about those neighborly squabbles?
Just how do you keep the peace in your Utopia?
Meanwhile “Rome” burns.

And you all who think that because the world’s population could physically fit into Texas or Australia obviously have not done the logistics. The statement in itself is a fallacy. In fact only those with limited reasoning powers are foolish enough to repeat it.

To ACTS 2:38 , God said to go forth and multiply and REPLENISH the Earth.
Look up the meaning of the word “Replenish”.
He didn’t say go breed yourselves to extinction.

There is already fish farming in the waters of lakes and the seas. There are so many fish in one area that they feed them anti-biotics to fight the disease that comes with the pollution they create by being so tightly packed.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:05 PM
I just want to weigh in support of the OP, that this planet is more than capable of supporting the needs of twice its current world population of over 14 billion plus, (I saw it said on TV).

Its really the human element that is the biggest obstacle, called greed.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:06 PM
Nice presentation but you've demonstrated that you've probably never been anywhere for any length of time.

Anyone traveling overseas in the past 30 years would have quickly noticed the overcrowding trends and the single most finite resource that's been lost is space and privacy. Too many people everywhere. And most of them are under thirty years old and packing Guide Books that tell them where all the really interesting places are located.

30 years ago, and even 20 years ago, professional travelers and backpackers followed the good weather and the social scene to the most pristine locations. Now those in the know travel to those places in the off-season, if at all, and do so in hope to find them unspoiled by excess human trash. Simply too many, too common, people in all the good places now.

As with everything else, the trendline is down, down, down; but the funniest thing is that for the youngsters coming up today, this mess will be remembered as "the good old days." But guys, you should have been 'On the Beach' in Ko Phangan 30 years ago, or Goa India, or the Greek Islands, or Bali, or Alaska, or even Mexico, or a hundred other places that me and my friends partied-in during the "hey" day..

It was Heaven then and pretty much the opposite of the deteriorating situation now. But, if you happen to find a special place take some hard earned advice: "Don't tell anybody." Especially not the Guide Book weasels.

edit on 18-4-2011 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2011 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2011 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2011 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-4-2011 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:13 PM
Seems like this is going off the assumption that EVERYONE is a farmer. Then you have to take into account all of the land used for just about everything else that doesn't involve farming. You were also talking about the abundance of water. The water from the ocean is salt water. As for the lakes, are we just going to run pipes to all of the obscure lakes wasting time and energy? What about the desert? Then you were talking about how much land we have. There are only like 57 million square miles of LAND on earth. There's almost 7 billion people.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by bettermakings

Sub-Saharan Africa could literally feed the whole world, without destroying any virgin rainforest.

So where IS overpopulated?


Really?? Then why can't they even feed Africa. Why are Africans always starving?
Why is the US sending them food and $$$ to buy things. They should be making money on
those crops to buy things. But they aren't.
That's where overpopulatat is.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:22 PM
Why did someone decided to theoretically place eight billion people in Texas to support the validity of overpopulation, when they could have used the eleven time zones of Russia to further their argument?

Hey, even Alaska is bigger than Texas??

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by spikey

Overpopulation? Elitest Propaganda and Damned Lies

The problem is no longer merely seeing... identifying what is happening. It is too late for that. The task now is in preventing what is coming.

The globalist vision is to unite humanity under a one-world rule. To do that would give the elite complete control over all aspects of agriculture, energy, business... as well as who lives and who dies. To get there, the nations of the Earth must be convinced that there is no other way. We have to walk away from everything; our forms of government, our constitutions and our liberties.

Willingly surrendered. Period.
Those are the rules that even the elite must follow. They cannot forcibly take it from us against our will. We must hand it to them freely.

So, here we are back to where we are... which is about halfway to the point where even a general uprising would be pointless. But that's the other thing because... if we allow our societies to degenerate and devolve into anarchy, then the greater sum of humanity will see the globalist agenda as a legitimate option... maybe the ONLY option.

Yeah. We are pretty much damned if we do and damned if we don't.

I'd like to offer this as well... that the biggest obstacles to the globalist agenda is the western democracies and their constitutions that guarantee freedom and the right to choose their own paths. In particular, the US Constitution creates an armed society that is not going to go easily. Across the Atlantic, the English Defense League (EDL) has arrived in much the same form as some here in the states and like those here at home, are being hounded and labeled as being radical and racist dangers.

The globalists are not going to play fair and they will not go away. In fact... we should probably count on the fact that they will eventually win and drive human civilization into a small box.

If this cup does not pass... and I do not think it will, then it has only just begun.

edit on 18-4-2011 by redoubt because: typos

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:36 PM
Ok, so what happens when we reach "double the population" and it's no longer comfortable..or should we just leave it to fate and wait and see?

It's only a matter of time till we hit that double fgure as the world's population is growing exponentially..
edit on 4/18/1111 by Braintax because: edit to add

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Viking9019
I've never believed in overpopulation and i've read somewhere that the entire worlds population could fit into Australia and have enough land and food to survive.

Survive where, in a dessert?

I think you may have a report from a pressure group backing 'this or that' country which are attempting to secure political sway in Australia through migration. It's all about resources these days, and as it stands wars will certainly break out. Looking at Australia, it becomes obvious how little there is to go around.

For example, many countries are using every tool imaginable to buy into Australian farming land to sure up their food supply, and not just China and India but countries like Canada too.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh

Originally posted by die_another_day

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by die_another_day

How about each person that requires a resource be allowed to creatively use the resource.

Or.. you distribute it the same way everything else is distributed. How do you think all the JUNK gets from China to the US Walmarts?? DAILY.

There is no distribution problem.

With property rights, courts, patents, and HOARDING behavior.

How can resources be "distributed?"

Suicidal behavior (Greed, hoarding, fear of lack of resources) are not consistent with reality. So maybe the first question would be how do we encourage reality? Or eliminate delusion? Just by living in reality and not propagating unreal myths like "overpopulation" is a start.
edit on 18-4-2011 by rwfresh because: (no reason given)

There is no such thing as "fear of lack of resources."

Scarcity is what creates value.

Scarcity is what creates the market for people to exchange what they don't have in.

Sure we may have enough food to go around.

But what about everything else?

What about Oil? Gold? Education? And perhaps even Love?

We are constantly using up resources and destroying the environment that provides for us. In the future, I won't be surprised if the population decreases to an equilibrium.
edit on 4/18/2011 by die_another_day because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:43 PM
The elite's overpopulation propaganda is easy to expose when we realize it is fundamentally not about how we use and allocate current resources or the amount of thought given to potential resources we could develop in the future for not only dealing with current population but also in tolerating a potentially much greater quantity without reducing the quality of life for all or for the earth.

It is about power. For the elite. For the few, over the many.

The rest is debate to cast this fact in the shadow while pretending to appeal to higher concerns.

Why? Because the first thought should always be, what can we do to improve the quality of life now, and how can we improve it for future populations.

Not: current life on Earth as it is is unsustainable and should be 'gently culled' (to use fuzzy warm terms for the deep ecologist in us to adore).

It is the equivalent of saying, I own chickens in a little box, I don't feed all the chickens equally, therefore some should die because most are clearly dying, and adding any more would aggravate this terrible situation. Oh and some began eating the box (Earth) in futile attempts to survive in these conditions, which would result in everyone being exposed to the elements and dying. Enter the box and see for yourself.

It's time we start thinking like humans, and ask the real questions. We can at least begin by asking why life is the way it is on Earth.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Sorry to burst your little bubble, but this utopia looks very nice on paper, from the comfort of your western living room, thrown with such generosity into the virtual world of internet, which, by the way, only about 20% of the world population have access to.

At least 80% of humanity live on less than $10/day.
At least 22,000 children DIE EACH DAY due to poverty.
Some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water, and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation.
And there is a lot more to talk about that.

If this seems like "there is more than enough for everyone", then I agree with you; overpopulation is not a problem at all. Let's bring some more.

But in the meantime here is a nice video based on reality, about the BIG WORLD, and it's real overpopulation problems.

The World in 10 Seconds

I really, really recommend this video to anyone not sure about overpopulation.
Let's deny ignorance.

edit on 18-4-2011 by WhiteHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by WhiteHat
Sorry to burst your little bubble, but this utopia looks very nice on paper, from the comfort of your western living room, thrown with such generosity into the virtual world of internet, which, by the way, only about 20% of the world population have access to.

At least 80% of humanity live on less than $10/day.
At least 22,000 children DIE EACH DAY due to poverty.
Some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water, and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation.
And there is a lot more to talk about that.

If this seems like "there is more than enough for everyone", then I agree with you; overpopulation is not a problem at all. Let's bring some more.

But in the meantime here is a nice video based on reality, about the BIG WORLD, and it's real overpopulation problems.

The World in 10 Seconds

I really, really recommend this video to anyone not sure about overpopulation.
Let's deny ignorance.

edit on 18-4-2011 by WhiteHat because: (no reason given)

Notice that overpopulation happens in every population of organisms and even in our very own human families.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions

Originally posted by wcitizen
IMO the overpopulation story is a myth designed to form a (sick) rationale for a huge population cull. The real reason for the cull is so they end up with numbers they can FULLY CONTROL. They know they can't control current population numbers if enough of us rebel.

I'll roll with this reasoning for a second.

So how many of "them" are there?

10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000?

Let's go with a million...

okay, so right now we're almost at 7 billion, so the ratio of "us vs them" would be roughly 7,000-1

so they kill 80% of us, and now the ratio is 1,400-1

How is that much more manageable?

Try again, please.

I heard there are more than a million of them. The bloodline elite houses and their minions plus the brain washed slaves sold and selling their corrupt illusion as normal. But their mindless plan is unraveling and it is they have the most to fear by the expeditional awakening of people.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by WhiteHat
At least 80% of humanity live on less than $10/day.
At least 22,000 children DIE EACH DAY due to poverty.
Some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water, and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation.
And there is a lot more to talk about that.

If this seems like "there is more than enough for everyone", then I agree with you; overpopulation is not a problem at all. Let's bring some more.

But in the meantime here is a nice video based on reality, about the BIG WORLD, and it's real overpopulation problems.

Economic warfare.
Destruction of the natural environment.
Resource inequality.

None of this proves overpopulation true.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:07 PM
Having lived in the Philippines for 7 years, I really believe that many of the "elite" are very comfortable with high rates of population growth. High rates of population growth, when not accompanied by a corresponding rate of economic growth, leads to a labor surplus that drives down wages. This is basic economics, isn't it? If anyone really believes that there is no need to control the growth of populations, then they should also be promoting a world wide redistribution of wealth to eliminate the poverty that accompanies high population growth.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Jonas86
Forests are being destroyed, millions of years old ecosystems chopped down to lumber. That's enough for overpopulation for me. We don't need billions of people.

There are plenty of other solutions for building residences. And most of the "millions of years old ecosystems [being] chopped down" are more for oil in the rainforest than lumber. Plenum energy would eliminate all such behavior. It would also eliminate fracture drilling and other evils.

Originally posted by ViperChili
reply to post by Amaterasu

Uh adding 100 million people in under 50 years is not maintaining.

A 33% increase in population in a mere 4 or 5 decades is skyrocketing, not remaining stable.

Hmmm. Perhaps I misremember. Seems we had 300 million for quite some time, but looking up on the web that was just since 2006. I retract.

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