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Did my son see Mothman?

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posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Your son could have rarely happens in children but it does happen.

Autowrench sounds like he has a case of it.

OMG. LOL! I worked in a Psychiatric Facility many years ago and this is definately not schizophrenia which is a serious issue, a devastating illness and bears no relation to what is going on. I respect Autowrench and value his comments which I have seen else where on ATS. He is not alone in his time warp ideas . . .

Children with spontanous past life type memories are not unheard of and have actually been studied scientifically. Reincarnation is accepted as truth amoung a huge portion of the earths population. I don't know what to think - but I am open based on things that have occured in my own life that are difficult to explain. So some might think my son is a reincarnate while others would seek to excorsize him - it is all in the interpretation.

Really we are all crazy in some way aren't we??? I mean obviously you have not read the post or you would see my son is seeing a therapist, a well known highly trained woman who is not at all alarmed by my son. This is a place we come to discuss alternate issues - nobody can prove the exisitance of "spirit" to another just as if you were blind at birth I could not describe color to you. I have seen color and so therefore I know it exists. How do you explain blue to someone who has never seen? Perhaps some human beings "see" on levels which others of us can only dream???

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

That was a very informative link, thank you. Given that my mother had that ailment I am very vigilant about maintaining good mental health in myself and my family members. When I had one really bad bout of inexplicable occurrences I attacked the problem very rationally and pragmatically both on a paranormal front by doing a home blessing and cleansing and seeking help from my doctor. I do the same for my own child and keep her pediatrician apprised of any and all concerns. The pediatrician is well aware of my daughter's more eccentric sayings and believes there is no cause for alarm but has set us up with a reputable psychiatrist we will be seeing in a couple of months for a full evaluation and consult.

But the paranormal can't be ruled out, either. Even with a schizophrenic. My dad and I were in perfect mental and physical health when we witnessed very odd inexplicable manifestations around my mom during the worst of her illness. We saw shadow beings and objects moving around and strange lights and other things. It is only logical, having made such observations, to hypothesize that there MAY be something in the structure and/or the functioning of a schizophrenic mind that can draw or generate what we call "paranormal phenomenon." Conversely, I have known too many gifted people for me to think that the paranormal is the sole domain of the mentally, ill.

I'm a huge fan of all that the many brilliant doctors and scientists have done to increase our knowledge of this wonderful mysterious world we live in. But it is the height of hubris to think we have discovered and catalogued all of its wonders and mysteries. While your link is certainly appreciated, by me, anyway, and NOT to be dismissed offhand, it was perhaps a bit disrespectful to dismiss Autowrench in such an offhand manner and to assume that schizophrenia could be all that is going on with Birdisdone's son.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 08:24 PM
Uh oh we seemed to have strayed a bit off topic. So, getting back on, is there anyone here familiar with moth man lore who can rule out this particular sighting? I'm inclined myself to attribute it to a sleep paralysis manifestation/ hallucination, but I don't know enough details to feel comfortable settling on that conclusion. I haven't had time to research the subject myself today. It's a shame the child wasn't able to look and see if the thing had the famed glowing eyes. But maybe that's a good thing. Who needs a scare like that at any age?

Autowrench, do you know of any inter dimensional beings who might fit the description we have here? Or is your knowledge of the different dimensions more along the lines that there are just multiple parallel existences similar to this one?

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 08:44 PM
My main concern was of this hypothesis that these sightings are portent of doom.
Combined with my dream just 2 days before the huge quake in Japan - (I dreamnt I was in a parking lot and cars were buckling around me and I just "knew" the earth was going to be moving) - I am concerned over my son's vision. In my dream I also had a moment where I felt like Obi Won - that a great disturbance in the force would occur or that many lives would be lost in an instant. Unfortunately my dream became reality 2 days later.

One significant thing that happened to me occured in my youth (I have said things that are unexplainable have occured in my life) my mom was in a boating accident. She suffered an extreme head injury and never regained conciousness. On the 7th night of her coma I woke and went to "pray" or communicate to her that it was OK to let go. She passed from this earth during my moments of prayer (I know this as the time was seared into my mind from looking at a large digital clock which felt important - and later I would be quite alarmed to see that time on the death certificate) I felt her leave this plane across the miles that sepereated us, having confirmation was my first experience of the profound nature of the unexplained. Since this experience many years ago - I fear my "sense" as it does seem to forbear some misfortune. I do not like to "get that feeling" and I rarely know exactly what it means - so it is a "sense" more then an ability.

Now my son seems to be exhibiting this "sense" - of course it has not been comfortable for me to live with so I do not wish it upon my son. I am not at all happy about what the Mothman might mean. I tried to "feel around in it" and the response seemed to be connected with these terrible storms in the south. I want to add that it seems Mothman does not enter households and is reportedly only seen outside. My "feelings" have never involved visions - sometimes vertigo and headaches. This sighting of my son's was a new twist and based on my own experiences I brought it here. I thank all of you sincerely for your input on this matter -
edit on 17-4-2011 by TheBirdisDone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:47 AM
I'm a little bit confused, given that my morning coffee hasn't kicked in, yet. Do you think your son's sighting was connected to the storms that already passed by, or something coming up that has not happened yet?

I feel something is "off" worldwilde, myself. A lot of people seem to. Not just on this forum, when I go out to the park with the kids or to the store I catch snippets of conversation and it's amazing how many people of all kinds and ages are remarking on things not feeling right with either the weather or the world in general. Of course the economy is in the toilet but where I live we don't really feel the full brunt of that because so many people are employed either by the federal govt or with its contractors. So there's something a bit more to the doom and gloom I'm hearing about besides the usual economic stuff. Besides, having lived through the 70's and all that horrid turmoil with the end of Viet Nam, Watergate, long lines for gasoline, etc, and leading into the Cold War fear of all out nuclear confrontation with USSR, I can tell you it is still worse now. People feel something off with the very earth itself these days, not just the workings of government.

So maybe we can rule out Moth Man specifically, but that still leaves us with some sort of manifestation that may be a portent of doom. The question is, what is the nature of this "thing"?

I did do a bit of research on Moth Man since I last posted. I still question whether such a beast exists. It is still too possible the witnesses saw an owl or a sandhill crane or that there was a lot of hoaxing involved. At any rate it was a very region-specific entity at one time. Moth Man sightings elsewhere outside of the original sighting may be due to the power of suggestion or hoax. The other possibility is that the creature does now exist, but only thanks to so many people believing in it. If that is the case and through our collective conscience we can somewhat will such a creature into existence, then that can indeed bring us back again to what your son saw. It's an interesting thing to puzzle over, for certain.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:13 PM
He had his vision before the storms - so my theory was more along the lines of if this was prophetic. I don't find that I buy into mothman myself. It is interesting though that how he described his vision. I hold the theory that there are certian psychological similarities in visions and events. Brain chemistry?

I did have that strange fleeing shadow experience, which is hard to discribe. It was like I saw part of something - moving rapidly through trees, except the vision occured in the open. There is something about that sinkhole behind us. I feel I see things down there at times. It could be the play of shadows from a circling hawk or other large bird as we have many of them. But it strikes a rather ancient cord in me that seems to resonate precognitively.

I have to be careful about the feeling of doom you described Sheepl - I have to withdraw from stimulation and be careful about exposures. For those of us with sensativities I think we need and extra layer of care. I used to enjoy reading Ellie Crystal's fun/informative metaphysical site - now I find her concentration of a Holographic Universe with the program coming to an end is just too much for me.

Here I go changing my own topic but I can say this. When I was deployed I was AWASH in electromagnetic fields, Radar, communications devices, jamming devices. It was a HOT ZONE. I wonder if some of this collective feeling of doom originates in being constantly bathed in this stuff now. What does all this wireless technology really do to our brains? If sound waves can change brain waves - and brain waves effect how we feel, why not electromagnetic vibration. Something to consider as we work to understand our sensativities

edit on 18-4-2011 by TheBirdisDone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Your son could have rarely happens in children but it does happen.

Autowrench sounds like he has a case of it.

Actually, friend, to say that you sound like you have schizophrenia. Do not insult that which you cannot understand, or are too ignorant to grasp. Wake up and see the light, friend. Mental illness is simply a way for normal folks to label things they cannot, or will not understand.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 05:38 PM
Clearly this is similar to something I experienced as a child as well. My imagination and intelligence was so high that I had vivid dreams and envisioned scenarios I would create.

Your son is creative, and imaginative but not supernatural.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by TheBirdisDone

I hope everything works out fine for you and your son. A lot of people discount this kind of behavior as an over active imagination, and maybe sometimes it is, but i do believe that sometimes its not.
A friend of mine moved into a house, with her two young daughters. I used to live next door to this house when I was a kid. I knew the couple that lived in this house, me and my sister used to pall around with their kids. The mother died about 12 years ago, and the husband and the children, now grown up, have long since moved on. The lady(mother) was a bit strange, she had really bad OCD, except we didn't even know what OCD was when we were kids, we just thought she was a bit 'mad', but looking back i can see that she was very obsessive.
I was recently talking to my friend, who now lives in the house in question, and she said that her youngest daughter, who is 3 years old, has been talking about seeing a woman in the house. She told me her daughter's description of the woman, and it is exactly the same as my memory of this lady, she had a very distinctive face. My friend, and obviously her very young daughter, did not know this woman. When I told her about the people who used to live there my friend was a little shocked, her daughter is a bright and intelligent young girl, but she is very plain and serious about this 'person' she sees in the house and keeps asking her mother who this lady is and what she is doing there.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

Your avatar is beautiful. Since I do not really know the true answer to these things - I have created rituals around suggestions from friends who lean heavily into the metaphysical. Some Christians might rebuke the devil. But I just set intention, and have even burned sage to "clear" the house while saying little peace and release prayers. It might be helpful for your nieghbor to do this, it calms me in some ways even if it is nothing more then a ritual. I told my son to tell the spirits to go, he can even yell "get out" at them if he wants. I also told him he could invision a little force field of protection around him like the girl uses in the Movie The Increadiables. He then asked why not put it around our whole house mom, so I was like - that sounds good.

If this is all "imagination" then "imagination" can be used to normalize the situation - that is what I think anyway, and it might be helpful to be creative when helping children process their fears about what they may or may not be seeing. Lets be honest, Catholism is a pretty big main stream religion and even they excorsize. Perhaps it is the ritual which has existed across cultures for many years that is important in sending these spirits away.
edit on 19-4-2011 by TheBirdisDone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Joaquin
Clearly this is similar to something I experienced as a child as well. My imagination and intelligence was so high that I had vivid dreams and envisioned scenarios I would create.

Your son is creative, and imaginative but not supernatural.

Joaquin - how have you been in adult life? Did your intellegence and imagination prove to be fruitful for you? Was this supported while you grew? Do you work or go to school in a vocation that is creative? Or have you let your gifts go and become more rational? I certainly let my gifts go for many years and functioned in a very non creative way. I hope you are still stoking the flames of your intellegence and imagination.

I cannot be sure of the supernatual . . . which to me is defined by things we just really cannot explain. There seems so much of that. Religious faith is a belief in the supernatural - yet most church goers would deny there is anything supernatural about their faith. Curious when you think about that isn't it?
edit on 19-4-2011 by TheBirdisDone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by TheBirdisDone
My son is unusual. He is early in his 7th year.
Above normal maturity level for his age. Academically average - but highly intellegent.
He claims he can see spirits and told me how he sucided as a cold, hungry solider by shoting himself because he "just couldn't take it" he demonstrated with a toy gun - told me how he used his foot to pull the trigger, this freaked me out because he was not even 4 when he told me this story. He has intense interest in the Civil War.

Yesterday during a short walk he talked about "other dimensions" as in we found a car part (the seat adjustment handle) and he was messing around with it and then suddenly threw it aside and said it was a handle into another dimension. Later on the same walk he started talking about time being in a great time circle and man would disappear from earth and dinosaurs would come back and then man would come again and have to think everything already thought all over again, and George Lucas would have to make Star Wars all over again. That seemed his greatest concern. LOL

This morning on the way to school he told me he had a visitor to his bedside 2 days ago. He described it as a person wearing statue of Liberty type robes, but said it had huge wings like a bird - I asked him if it was an angel? He said no, and that he wasn't sure because he was afraid to look at its face and could not move. Later I told a friend this because my son is frequenlty a topic of conversation and she said "Mothman - he saw Mothman!" She then said she was covered in chills.

I looked it up. What does this mean? I have had psychic sense myself which I brushed off as crazy as I grew older. I am a Veteran though and I saw things in theater - my mind has been changed since. I now don't question things but I still don't understand. I did dream of a quake 2 days before Japan. I almost threw up when I saw the headlines. My son, and his abilities make me less skeptical but I still struggle to understand - and you can't just talk about this out in the real world. So we sense.

I have a sense of dread myself lately & strange dreams myself last night - but this "sighting/dream" of my son's causes me great concern. I plan to talk to him about it more after school - all of it, the dimensions - what does he mean? The time loop. The vision. I've grown accustomed to our strange talks. I don't' try and encourage, I just ask him and try and remain as supportive as possible - because I believe there is much in this world that we don't understand.
edit on 15-4-2011 by TheBirdisDone because: clarity

Sounds like you're son is the long lost twin brother of the kid from the shining

but, in all seriousness, that sounds nothing like mothman. I have never heard him depicted as wearing 'robes' or having feathery wings, so much as leathery bat wings, or moth wings, a satanic presence. I'd seriously take your son to a therapist to get his head checked, he seems pretty screwed up IMO, being able to grasp those things without any prior knowledge of them, or find out where he learned stuff like that, because if someones putting crazy sh*t into his head, it certainly can't be healthy.

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