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GloBULL Warming: An Encounter

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 06:26 AM
OK. This has been bothering me for a very long time now. I need to get it off of my chest, hence it is in the "Rants and Raves", section.

The Earth is NOT a living, breathing, thinking, knowing, caring, un-caring, life form! I am so SICK of this Mother Gai B.S.!!! The Earth has no clue we are on here. We are insignificant and mere pimples on its butt! (If there were an Earth Butt...) I hate this: "Oh, Mother Earth is mad at us! That's why we’re are having this "crazy" weather and natural disasters like Earthquake, maaaaaaannnnn..." Listen hippy, put down your bong. The trees are NOT watching you. The Earth is not loving you for planting trees and throwing away garbage. It could give two craps what you are doing here in your spec of time.

If Earth is "alive", are other planets "alive"? Can I bust out my radio telescope and have a sit down chat with Mars, for example? NO! I can't! If you think you can, you need some SERIOUS help!

"Wow maaaaaaannn, you sure are angry and I hope Earth shakes you up or blows you away duuuuuddddeeee..." Do it Earth. Shake me off or blow me away!

I will continue to turn on all lights during Earth Day. I will continue to NOT recycle and face the $25 fines. (I believe I am up over $1000 now...
I will continue to educate people on the fact that Earth is NOT alive! I worship my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. "Whoa maaaannnnn, you believe in a flying spaghetti monster too?" Well to answer that, I believe in that more so than I believe that the Earth is alive!

I bring up this rant because the other day I overheard a comment while out grocery shopping. I like to eat healthy so I was in the Natural Foods section of the grocery store. I picked up my Oval shaped Wheat Cereal (shout out to my Brits! Former Air Force in Lakenheath, UK!) and I hear a Mother tell her child the following: "No dear. You can't have that. It isn't Eco Friendly. It is made from non-renewable sources and will hurt Mother Earth. You wouldn't want to hurt Mother Earth would you Dear?" I kid you not. I can't even make this up. So, I let out a fairly audible laugh and chuckle looking right at her. She looks up at me and asks, "What's so funny dear?" I go onto to explain to her that it takes FAR more energy to recycle something or create an "Eco-Friendly Product" then any of those evil non-renewables. I told her to go home and do a little independent research.

THEN, she goes on to ask me, (I kid you not!): "Well what about GloBULL Warming? Don't you care about Global Warming?! Rising Oceans, this extreme April Weather we are having! It's 80 degrees outside today!" I go on to further explain that she is mistaken. I DO, believe in GloBULL Warming. It's called Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. I state that the "strange 80 degree day outside", is simply also known as Southern Pennsylvania Spring Time Day... She is speechless. She simply gets a blank look on her face and glances down at her child. Her child is looking up waiting for her to say something. An awkward silence bestows us. Then she replies, "Whatever! You won't be laughing when you are knee deep in Ocean water one morning!" I simply reply in a smart ass way, "Well gimmie your address, I'll come pick you up in my canoe and we can row further inland..." She storms off with child in tow.

Ahhh... The simple joys of being a "Right Winged Extremist"! Feeling good about myself and laughing off the stupidity of the odd argument I just had, I grab my pork rinds, pick up my 12 gauge ammo, and walk out into my gas guzzling planet-killing SUV. Home sweet home. Back on the Farm...

Sustainability... What a laugh. She tried to tell ME, about sustainability and regrowth.

- Right Winger signing off

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 06:47 AM
I live for moments like you just described. I love offending libtards. I do, however, feel sorry for their kids.
edit on 12-4-2011 by OptimusSubprime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 06:47 AM
You really sound like Bill O'reilly with his whole *how did it get there?* rant. I get it, global warming may be hard to grasp as the U.S. hasn't been the only country to experience severe weather changes. The truth is that you can't deny that humanity hasn't had a severe impact on the environment-Chemical pollutants being a byproduct of industrial development, Co2 being released at a higher amount than the biosphere can handle, massive amounts of greenhouse gases that are inarguably keeping temperature levels slightly higher than they should be. This isn't an issue of right-wing conservatives or left-wing liberals, it's a matter of actually knowing what's going on in the world. You'd be a fool to think that we're not going to squeeze every last drop of oil within the next couple of decades or that we constantly waste huge amounts of drinkable water which will be a commodity much more valuable than oil will be in the future-the fact is that if we do not at least conserve the basic staples of survivability then we are doomed as a race...simple as that. I don't want to call you ignorant nor do i want to give off the feeling of arrogant self-righteousness but when the shtf no amount of guns or ammunition will save you from a future of unending and unchecked consumption. Just my 2 cents.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Daedalus24

Actually I can confidently and comfortably deny that humans have had an impact on the environment. Now I will say we have impacted the environment as we humans may perceive it (litter, trash dumps, etc) but as far as the Earth is concerned we haven't hurt or impacted it one bit. I think it is pretty arrogant for we humans to think that we are powerful enough to effect and/or change the Earth good or bad. Here's how I see it... everything that we humans have, use, produce, manufacture, throw away, consume, etc is originally from the Earth, much like a beaver building a dam, so that would make it natural. To me that means that since it came from the Earth then when it returns to the Earth then the Earth knows what to do with it (CO2, other "greenhouse" gases). Now don't get me wrong, I think we have an obligation to treat the Earth with respect only because this is our home and I don't want my kids and grandkids growing up in a trash dump, but that is the only reason. My gas guzzling SUV has no impact whatsoever on the Earth or the temperature outside, if anything I am helping to feed some trees. If the sea levels are going to rise and consume half of the Earth as Al Gore claims in his ridiculous farce of a "documentary", then why did he purchase a $9 million sea side estate in California last year? The global warming argument/agenda was created for elites to profit from and control the ignorant masses. It went something like this...."Hey, how can we make a boat load of money all while controlling what everyone drives, eats, and all the other aspects of life?" Al Gore.. "Hey I know, lets invest all of our money in a bunch of "green tech" companies and then convince the ignorant sheeple that it's for their own good. We'll also pay off the politicians to pass legislation mandating that everyone has to purchase our products and services" or something like that.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by Daedalus24

There are a lot of environmental scientists that have the opinion that the CO2 levels are rising in our atmosphere because the oceans are releasing trapped CO2 due to increased sun activity. I for one think that is much more logical than the SUV argument.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Daedalus24

The truth is that you can't deny that humanity hasn't had a severe impact on the environment-Chemical pollutants being a byproduct of industrial development

Sorry. I do and I can. Fart in a massive warehouse. Walk over to the other side and tell me if you can smell it... (If you can, congratulations!)
You want to talk scientific? Research dispersment and dissipation.

when the shtf no amount of guns or ammunition will save you

It may not save me but it sure does give me a greater upper hand!

You'd be a fool to think that we're not going to squeeze every last drop of oil within the next couple of decades

I believe in alternative fuel sources. Coal and Natural Gas are great resources to end our dependence on foreign supplies! All of those could be tapped until batteries are better and furthered...

Ya didn't want to sound self righteous? Really? You REALLY didn't? You did, I'm just pointing it out.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by NeverApologize

What do you think about the hippie known as Nicholas Tesla who advanced the idea that what we call inanimate matter was in fact alive and conscious, but on a scale we could not grasp?

But I agree, people are mostly informed through MSM... and we know where that leads! More so if you aren't "awakened" on certain facts of life.

As for the idea of "Mother Earth" shaking us off to punish us for our attitude... If we follow that logic, animals must be basterds too, because they are affected indiscriminately by "Mother Earth's" shaking... So... the concept of Mother Earth is the exact same concept as God's...

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:05 AM
On a localized level, I can observe a tangible man made change in the environment caused by fossil fuels. Fossil fuel emissions release particles into the atmosphere that the sun breaks down to form smog. The greatest concentrations of smog form in densely populated areas. It is pretty undeniable that smog is caused by man and the science proves it.

When your start talking about global warming there are so many more factors to consider. Science can never predict with 100% accuracy whether or not global warming is caused by man or not; however, science is the best tool we have to form a factual basis on the truth of global warming.

Both sides of the scientific community have valid arguments that cannot be ignored but the majority of the scientific community believes mankind is responsible for global warming.

Since I am not a scientist my opinion is primarily based on tangible changes I can see. Large smog formations, ice caps melting, animals disappearing and/or dying, and adverse health effects on humans all correlate with man's industrialization of the earth.

It is unfortunate that politics plays such a large role in forming peoples opinions. Politics is used to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. The greedy and tyrannical people of this world use this tool to further their own selfish agenda.


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