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Disclosure is coming people....

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by WingedBull

And so what? Everyone realizes that. It is, again, the assumption of arrogance among UFO believers. You behave as if this common belief somehow makes you special, makes you better than everyone else, just as the faithful in cults and religions do.

Well, I think the root of the problem is that you feel slighted, and not special because you were left out of the UFO Loop. Be thankful that you didn't have to be scorned and feel humiliated your entire life, because I know for a fact they are real and got to go up in their space ship, and they have never been Unidentified to me. I don't believe anyone that has had a close incounter to this truth; that the government has been lieing about for 70 years. The only reason these new documents are in the Vault and being annouced on MSM, is a way for the government to eat crow and admit they have been lieing to the public; Because the public is going to say well if you have been lieing about that "What else have you been lieing about." People that have been in the Loop will tell you that, """Every Life Form on This Great Earth is Special""
I you knew how special you are you would be out in the Street Hugging Everybody, and So Would Everybody Else. That is the message we we abductees, have been trying to tell you, and all we get is grief and a lot of this.

Mods we need face that show Love not all these Mocking Heads.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

I don't understand why fbi has send on his website his hidden data.
I think fbi wants to us make believe a thing to hide another thing

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by forall2see
Just saying it is BS means nothing anymore, can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are not real. In just this week; huge blue Flashing Lights in Mocow, Madrid Spain, Italy, Japan, New Zeland, Israel, France; So all the Hoaxers got together all over the world and Hoaxed almost 10 videos of the same thing. And even have the bad bad taste, to do it right before a 7.1 earthquake in Japan. That is so distasteful if hoaxed; they would have never shown it on the News...... But they did. In Japan on the News is a double screen, showing the Japan bright blue flashing light, right next to the Madrid Spain, flasing light. [I post the original of the Madrid, where you can hear the wind, people talking, car horns, etc. Someone on Project Camolot has contacted all the sources of these videos and confirmed on their part that these are Not Hoaxed Videos. [about 10 of them] They are going to be all over the place, everywhere, very soon and that is why US gov, has to fess up to all their lieing they have no choice now, and they know it.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by coolottie

Can you post links please ?

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Pittsburgh

Or you could remain humble and understanding of the fact that everybody has a different viewpoint that affects their perspective and interpretation of the information available. Just a thought. I try to remain open to ALL possibilities, that way I don't blind myself to one outcome or the other.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
Let's face it....We already know the truth. To deny ET's exist is the same to me as saying we don't exist!
We live on a floating rock in a galaxy of billions of floating rocks! A galaxy in a ocean of billions of galaxies. A universe billions of years old. The ability and knowledge to leave a planet and reach space does exist and can be attained by intelligent beings. But do people fathom this? No... most morons are more concerned about what the Kardashians are wearing.
The reason I say don't hold your breath... is because the people that have the CONTROL over crashed UFO"s have access to technology beyond their wildest dreams. With that information and access comes....Power!
It's the people "or person" who has control of that power that scares the hell outta me. It's not the White House. or the Senate. Military? No one branch. CSI? OSI? NSA? It's something uncomfirmed....which makes it unknown. What about the people that do know the truth? What are their intensions? Betterment of mankind? You gotta ask yourself Who has the ordasity to keep UFO information from the public? A small group of people "or person" that decide what's best for everyone else? What monster ego's they must have. That's what scares me. Not UFO"s.
These POWERLORDS will not give up that power!

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:53 PM
Before anyone gets too enthusiastic about some disclosure, I urge them to read "Revelations" (nothing to do with the Bible) by Jacques Vallee. Although it was written in the '90s the information contained is still pertinent at this moment . What the author deals with are some of the games governments may be playing with the UFO subject and the UFO community to further an agenda which may be of a nefarious nature. "Revelations" can be read for free on "Scribd". Another good read is "Mirage Men", same subject but more contemporary (2010; not available on-line).

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Reply to post by sir_slide

What! Really! Thanks for blowing the cover on this subject! There is no way information like this could be confined to some meaningless conspiracy forum.....right?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:01 PM

I for one and a little shocked as to the lack of attention being payed to the FBI VAULT of files recently released, among them are some MJ 12 stuff, and as some people on here know files that verify THE ROSWELL case.

Your link is just to the main page. There are 16 sections to the UFO documents. Care to tell us which ones are MJ 12 stuff? Surely you must have seen them, if you're so enthused, so please save us the search! I've been though them all before, and don't recall any such smoking gun docs...but I'd love to be proven wrong.

The only new thing is CONFIRMATION of aliens landing at roswell by the FBI......

Again, which doc confirms this? Note, there are everything from news clippings to tall tales in these docs too, by the way.

I don't remember there being less than 16 parts the last time I went through these, but could be wrong, so maybe a project to go through and look for any new docs.

edit on 12-4-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

It's not.

Stop posting ignorant threads like these.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by annella

Originally posted by ButterCookie
reply to post by sir_slide

S & F

I agree...I was also shocked at the recent PUBLIC news by MSM about the FBI documents confirming Roswell....

I actually think this 'leak' was a deliberate attempt, to warm the American public to the idea that they 'officially' exist...

partly censored FBI document of 22 March 1950 shows that a story very similar to the one told by Fick was also in circulation in Washington, DC. A one-page report from the FBI Special Agent-in-Charge at Washington, Guy Hottel, to J Edgar Hoover, reveals that:

Some interesting reading here concerning the validity of Guy Hottels report re the 3 x 3ft bodies etc....
Source and story of Aztec Case and Guy Hottel
edit on 11-4-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-4-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

the last part in your link doesnt exactly give me a great deal of confidence that the whole piece is very well researched:

'In addition, an alien craft disabled by "high-powered radar" is implausible given that ordinary airplanes can fly without incident through radar, and "high power" radar is not enough to damage even conventional electronics.'

thats pure nonsense...its like saying water cant drown people as fish can swim quite happily in it...shockingly ridiculous logic being used there...

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:06 PM
What I like about the disclosure stuff is that, in my opinion, we are simply going to relearn about everything we forgot.
This is a very old planet, with lots to tell and we know very little.
I only hope we're not too stupid or unmanageable and warrant extermination.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:08 PM
That this thread is even here tells you Disclosure is not close.

When Disclosure comes it will be so ho-hum/yawn nobody will notice or care.

We still have a long way to go.

I would expect the following...

-Undisputed confirmation of microbial life outside of Earth

Once this firestorm dies down then...

-Undisputed spectral data supporting life on a Earthlike planet, far, far away from Earth

Once this firestorm dies down then...

-Undisputed confirmation of a radio signal from the other side of the Milky Way. Translation-its just counting.

So on and so forth till the day comes...

"Well we knew they were there all along, we were not ready. Turns out Earth is the short bus of the Milky way."

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Masterjaden

I agree with this. I also kinda think it a possibility that perhaps the world's (most powerful) governments have been in contact already and our world has been invited into some sort of galactic federation or council, however the stipulation would be that we have to be a unified WORLD as opposed to a fractured one in order to actually gain entry. Or maybe I just read WAAAAYYY too much sci-fi.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:15 PM

'In addition, an alien craft disabled by "high-powered radar" is implausible given that ordinary airplanes can fly without incident through radar, and "high power" radar is not enough to damage even conventional electronics.'

thats pure nonsense...its like saying water cant drown people as fish can swim quite happily in it...shockingly ridiculous logic being used there...

Without knowing the drive device of the aliens, or the drive's susceptibility to unexpected types of interfering waves, it's nonsense to assume we can state unequivocally what would or would not affect them... Radar may or may not have even been in their distant past, and given the relatively new usage of it at the time, it certainly could have been an unforeseen factor, just as much as anything else.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:18 PM
personally i won't believe it till i walk up to the little green alien and shake its hand


until it shoots me with its plasma gun

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Your link is just to the main page. There are 16 sections to the UFO documents. Care to tell us which ones are MJ 12 stuff? Surely you must have seen them, if you're so enthused, so please save us the search! I've been though them all before, and don't recall any such smoking gun docs...but I'd love to be proven wrong.

Hi Gazrok,

He's talking about the file at the link below (which has been available for years):

All the best,


posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

You speak as if you already know they know. You speak as if Aliens have visisted earth, You speak as though you'r in the know. No one is and no one knows whether "aliens" have landed on earth or even exist elsewhere in the universe, we can use probabilities and still be far from the truth.

You've watched a few youtube documentaries right? A few awful Jesse Ventura programs. Watched the disclosure project.

Hahaha GL and HF.

P.S Give me a shout when some actual irrefutable evidence is found - I'll apologise for everything above, except Jesse Ventura's show, i love a good conspiracy and some proper investigation but June Sarpong? ROFL. Come on Jesse.

edit on 12/4/11 by awake_and_aware because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:27 PM
I just do not get people's want for misinformation instead of truth. Why would one go to a vast source of misinformation like the internet for records on such an issue? The biggest puff of smoke up your sphincter since television(and its content) is the Internet.

If you want disclosure you are going to have to dig up some dead bodies and resurrect them somehow, other than that the people who are currently "in the know" have covered up every single page of official content on the subject matter, and if you trust what tbt_b deem trustworthy of actually taking as the truth I feel for you.

Here it is 50-60 years down the road and top secret classified docs have just been made available to the GP for review. I, Personally would not ingest any of whatever comes to light about cosmic matters from the government, you would be a fool to believe what they "disclose" to you. Thank god for TRUTH & the independent mind.
edit on 12-4-2011 by maestromason because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Vandalour
Disclosure for me is when aliens and ufo will be breaking news worldwide, and "they" present themself on live broadcast, and USA's secret projects regarding aliens is no longer a secret
edit on 12-4-2011 by Vandalour because: (no reason given)

I hear this so much...."Aliens should 'present' themselves and it be Breaking News...."

Imagine an advanced race (has the technology of space flight, even in light years)

First of all, they need a reason to visit planet Earth.....

If they do have a reason, why do we think they feel a need to be 'visible' to, or make announcements to us?

Communication could be one possible barrier, but the most important thing we need to realize is this:

Extraterrestrial civilizations out there do not, by ANY means, feel 'compelled' to make themselves known to us. They are not on their home planet (for example) saying, "Lets travel 100 light years all the way to that little bitty pale blue dot. I heard they don't believe in us! We should go and announce ourselves!"

What if there is a planet somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy ( 2.3 million light years from the Milky Way Galaxy) that has a civilization that believes they are the ONLY ones in the universe?

Are we going to risk the dangers and energy traveling that far, to 'prove' ourselves to them?

Why does mankind have this arrogant complex that other worldly beings must 'prove' or 'show' themselves to us?


edit on 12-4-2011 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

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