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What makes you think you have a free right to anything online

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 01:26 AM
"the longer i try to think about this and put it down into words the more i forget it, sorry if my typing is a bit incoherent"

As i was watching you tube videos posted here on the site by various people with stuff they found, i came upon an interesting question. I think i already thought about this a long time ago and this why i don't play by the rules when i'm online.

the question is hard to put into words for me so the headline of this post is the most accurate i can probably get it, maybe its better to share how i arrived at this rather than tell you what i think outright.

Ok so lets say i'm pissed off about the whole deal with the government shutdown and i make a video and posy iy online, sure i may get some hits and a few people agreeing with me and my video is never deleted by you tube

Or how about this, as a military member i cannot just simply go online and post a video and not expect my command to just let it slide once they get wind of it, so i may get someone to dress up in uniform and post upload a video with my comments, once again the video stays there and never gets deleted, just like any UFO, NWO, or pretty much any conspiracy video that has never been taken down.

What if territory follows here:

What if these people are allowing these rants online on purpose as a means of letting people vent their frustrations in order to calm them down in the real world,

This is only great unless something like Egypt happens and then they have the power to shutdown the internet so its only a perceived freedom there.

If these videos mattered they might be on the front page of some news paper tomorrow. but even then they might end up as a quick side paragraph on the news paper, just like any important story on your news channel.

BTW this is why i have not watched TV anymore since 2008 it truly is making people stupider by the day, if you want a good example of this just go watch family guy and if the jokes start making sense to you, well congratulations you have been demoted intellectually..

Anyways its free of ads if you download it online FYI.

Back to my train of tough, my gut tells me i am being lied to about a lot of things and they are trying to make me stupid so that i will not be smart to see whats going on around me, this is why i dont watch tv, i do get my fix of anime and movies online but TV and news is out of the question if it comes from CNN FOX, or their ilk.

Any important news you want to know about the world you must look to outside sources for some perspective otherwise you will just see a news block about the next poodle to win some prize dog award or how many people are riding on metro (the final answer to that is too damn many).

OK i do not wanna be a drag or turn this into a rant more than it already has so signing off.


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 01:49 AM
Well if governments really are puppets to somekind of "organization" that means that these people are freakin geniuses that will always be 100 steps ahead of us. They dont just choose anyone to be part of the FBI or CIA and what not, they want the best, the smartest and the strongest. So in reality im probably going up against someone who can pass an exam 100% more faster and more accurate than me. We shouldnt underestimate their inteligence if we dont know whats really going on.
They are masters of psycology, but even the best have a weakness and thats the first thing a Predator always looks for on his prey

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 01:49 AM
using family guy as a method of pointing out stupidity shows your own.

this program often parodies real social issues, and points out the stupidity in our society, moreover, it can give a laugh too.

you set yourself up in your post telling us how you are better because you dont watch tv.

that is just lame.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:31 AM
hey dont bash him. hes right. the tv is full of lies and dumbs down people. stop trying to nitpick and just focus on the main point of his post. the tv is brainwashing and programming, hence television PROGRAMMING. or television PROGRAMS. i agree with you op.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by razor1000

Are you saying that I should have to pay for corporate advertisements on the internet, come on, dont talk rubbish. Why should I have to pay for something I dont want?????

Why should I pay for music where the artist is long since dead. Why should I have to pay into the dead artist's estate?? I should I provide a living for the kids and grand kids of dead artisist. Theres a lot of "you-should'nt-get anyhting-for-nothing on this website, how about directing some of that towards the kids of dead artists?? Why should the kids or grand kids or even great grand kids of dead music artists get something for nothing?? What do I owe them? Why should I have give them a meal ticket for life???

Why should copyright extend past the life of the artist????? I repeat, why should I havve to pay for music where the artist is long gone?

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:13 AM
The internet is just a communication tool. I do not have to pay when I talk to my family, I do not have to pay when someone wants to give me a message. I might have to pay when seeking professional advice.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:28 AM
You are proceeding from a false initial premise. If I can make any sense from the OP, I would have to say that an animated television show has little if anything to do with the internet as a whole or the original idea behind it's creation. For those of us that were there at the creation, we know what the purpose was. Sharing of information. Not, advertising, not a revenue stream, not a tracking tool. It has, of course, been allowed to become another device for "allowed" rights as opposed to given rights.

The important aspects of this discussion to take away are these. The idea behind America is that we give the government it's rights, not the other way around. The internet has been allowed to become the opposite. Call it corporate greed, NWO, big brother, whatever. What it amounts to is that it is now a tool for two classes, the controller class and the consumer class. But, OP, is there another class that uses the internet? That is your real question.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by thegasface
hey dont bash him. hes right. the tv is full of lies and dumbs down people. stop trying to nitpick and just focus on the main point of his post. the tv is brainwashing and programming, hence television PROGRAMMING. or television PROGRAMS. i agree with you op.

Classic example is more people voted in the 2004 American Idol finals then they did for POTUS with something like 135,000,000 votes for Idol v like 110,000,000 in the 04 race. This is sickening and depressing as people tend to care more for false idols then they do about what is going on in their own nation.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by thegasface
hey dont bash him. hes right. the tv is full of lies and dumbs down people. stop trying to nitpick and just focus on the main point of his post. the tv is brainwashing and programming, hence television PROGRAMMING. or television PROGRAMS. i agree with you op.

Have you seen Youtube?

Talk about dumbing people down...

The internet is just a means of communication, there is nothing on it to help you be a critical thinker, you have to do that on your own.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by okamitengu

i'm sorry you feel that way however i dont know if you are insulting me because i used an award winning tv show as an example or because you somehow feel my not watching tv make you feel that i've insulted you somehow.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by bussoboy

i dont think we are in the same page i was never referring to paying for content this is about a perceived freedom of expression in a medium that is controlled by whoever has their button on the off switch.

i think the example i was trying to make last night was that no one makes a big deal about a post online as long as its left alone but if its blocked or deleted somehow it becomes more important. when i said thati dont play by the rules of the internet i meant that i'm first a pirate and second a consumer. and no anything online should be free.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:26 PM
i like family guy, and i like south park. both use biting satire as social commentary.

thats all.

you can hate on tv all you want, (:

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by razor1000

What makes you think you have a free right to anything online

You are 'free' to choose what you consume as long as you continue to consume in the 'free world'

Communists, capitalists, governments, terrorists are all synonymous to the people who say freedom does not mean free to be dumb. Chuck D

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:39 PM
this is not about TV man, this is about the powers that be let people talk all they want and post their videos online so as to make people think they have some freedom of expression online. this is hardly far from the truth, think about this, everything you do online legally is logged on a server somewhere, so if a video on you tube revealed a leak, this user can be tracked down all the way to his neighborhood, from there you can do some investigations into peoples backgrounds and acquaintances this will lead to finding the source of the leak, or they can just turn of this part of the internet,


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