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I'm not afraid to take a stand to make a change & everybody come take my hand!!!!

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posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:19 AM
To make this very clear, these entities are real consciousness soul, and from a completed system, the separation, and when others believe we're creating them this isn't true, we're attracting them, law of consequence or cause and effect in this interactive holographic school.

It all comes down to how we live and the frequencies we're putting out. Its all about Love, and the Real Definition of Love, Love is the other, doing good works and caring about others. If the world had more Love, the entities would have far less access.

Also, we want everyone, including those sealed for now, to be make retrievals and there is a time when this is possible, some have said after this completion and transformation of this system. Which many believe will be on this next cycle, that the separation is occurring. In short this is a time that is unknown in the hands of the Designers/Creators, EU, Family of Light.

I have a guess even, that it may be related to Sagitarius, which is the dwarf galaxy earth truly belongs to, but we now are joining the milky way, and then there is a planet like Saturn which is coded in all the religions and their words, even the English language by the controllers here, and it certainly looks sealed.

So lets get That Love On!!!! Its the solution: joy, happiness, helping others, equalizing, turning the pyramid system upside down to equality and Infinite Family, gentleness, kindness, forgiveness, not retaliation or arguing, going the extra mile for anyone in need, forgetting self, putting others ahead of self, sharing, caring, and peace.

ARKs = Acts Of Random Kindness.

Elenin = Every Loving Energy Now IS/Says No Worries!
edit on 15-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice
A must come back and read. I can tell.

No time now.


posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by timewalker

But there is always time for there is no time my friend

Kind Regards


posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:30 PM
Well I couldn't keep shut up for long

About that game with the million… don't reallying know the game but guess it is something about winning?!?
Well I could only hope I could do the same as Brianegan, or zaper so much love and compassion on both.
If I was being in my 'evil' mode I might win'm all, then destroy them (burning at open screen at best) and then ask if that really changed anything at all… But that would be an evil attempt provoking peoples set of values.

Thoughts: how could we keep contact if the internet breaks down, could we meditate together getting to know eachothers energy signature? Would any be interested? I would I always get happyness and inspiration from you, and that would be hard needed in troublesome times.

Much love

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by laffoe

Thoughts: how could we keep contact if the internet breaks down, could we meditate together getting to know eachothers energy signature? Would any be interested?

Busy busy busy bees is the way of life in humanity and none wish to keep still for one second. Came forth a busy bee and broke its wings then stood still realizing how truly is the world to be. Everything went silent and the busy bee heard its own thoughts learning to what truly is to mean to be in contact with the others.

Words, signs and signals are not important for too many mind does one have, slowing down is the key to understanding what it means to be one. Go into a street and stop with all the busy people in a hurry around you, close your eyes and feel them all around you. Everything will become still and explained as Yoda said "You must unlearn what you have learned and that it is only different in your mind".

When you see beyond that rainbow you realize that you can feel the whole world at one moment in time where there is not time. First you will cry for the pain of those around you and you will understand what it means to be in the shoes of another. Go beyond that and feel the love of the world and those in it then you will truly learn real love of what it is to be. Give not onto thee but give to the others what is important and what is not there is no matter. For when you are still you are like water reflecting everything around you so be still my friend.

Kind Regards


posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice


posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by laffoe

I think a meditation group or effort to not only do this but include more and more, is what is needed. We're not to fight evil with evil, or use other negative methods, but Love and spreading awareness and raising the frequency for awakening. Also really seeing equality, starting to dream what we wish would be here, and meditating/praying, sending a lot of happy emotions to it.

For example, I see the world and Africa, every child walking out of this:


withe beamships in their backyards, free. Equal, and sharing, advancing.

I see us caretaking nature, and communing with dolphins, sharing and progressing. Spiritually awakening.
Increasing the love, and the frequency, being taught by Love and positives.

Much Love.
edit on 16-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thank-you Unity
Most inspiring!
May you be blessed and infinite protected!


posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 02:57 PM
What is the essence of the creators?

It is creation that is within us our thoughts and understanding, through to the creation of nature, life, understanding and learning all around us. For a souls is part of that essence that transpires into life like a shard of an original a mere spec of creation. Thus we are all coal that came from diamonds that are ready to become diamonds, for no one is greater or better as all are equal born and equal seen as coal in the mist of creation.


What is truly free and what is really a will?

Yes!! I believe we have a choice to make for certain reasons and yet at the same time there is a side that we are destined to do something.

For example we take choices and the destination is there to reach, but…. The way you get there is different to the choices made. However, what if all the choices are already made to a plan and you are merely carrying them out in a sequence. Is that truly freewill? Maybe it is and maybe it is not but yet we do have a choice of what we can bring into our life, so while we have a choice there is a freewill and it is our right in life.

As there is a will to change something there is a way and if there is freedom to do so then you are truly free. Then in which case means you are truly free for what it is you are doing.

So a will also freedom goes a long way but yet the choices we make are planed, however we chose which ones to take and use.


What is a negative path and a positive path?

How do you define a path when there is a plan to travel by it from beyond and above, as we act on a way of a lesson to learn from both sides. Thus we must experience darkness and light for both paths can teach us many things. So duality is truly an illusion to the situation that is raised through out the time, resulting in confusion to many for both paths are there for a reason.

Which results in us wondering many things regarding the situation and teaches us many things, so any path is the same for both teach a lesson and for both are there for us to learn about.

So is there then a right and wrong? yes there is and no there is not for a person travels both paths at times for a reason. Yet still it is not ok to murder and hurt those around you.


What choice you make?

When you die ask your self these 3 questions:

Did I have joy in my life?

Did I give others experience of joy,love,happiness and understanding in their life?

Did I approach every situation in life with love, understanding and willingness to change it for the better?

So.... this is the 3 questions you must ask yourself when you die and try to understand that if you need to go back to Earth to learn more should you do it. Because everything will be measured in an instant all the things you did and how you made people feel will suddenly fill your heart with those same emotions. Which is why reincarnation back to Earth is at times our own decision due to the fact that we realized that we have much more to learn or experience.

But...... at times when we learn our lesson here and understand that enough was taken in, then we can either go back home to our real home. At times we can choose to go to a higher dimensional planet with bigger lessons to take part of to learn even more.

Thus as you see my dear friends at times it is up to us and at times it is up to what we did in our life that counts. However, there are also cases where people forget everything and are not able to learn, but get caught in the main stream of flood for earning money,jobs, greed and many other things that take our focus off learning the lesson we came here to do. These people repeat the lesson of the same life at times different life over couple times to wake up to their true self and understand that there is a reason behind everything.


A perfect flower and cup of knowledge!!!!

For this soul is an empty cup shall we call it that and you are merely poring the the tea in into it. Drop by drop of tea the cup fills until it is full and the full state of the equal state happens.

Every soul varies in its own way that is why it happens differently.
For when you pore the tea quickly the cup holds too much too fast and the tea flows out of the cup making a giant mess all over that brand new floor
. But when you pore the tea slowly you fill it perfectly to a state that you want it to balanced and perfect in its own way. This happens to our body for if we become our true selves too quickly the body can be damaged in the process. But when we pore it slowly drop by drop, we get a perfect balance and the soul prospers like a perfect flower of life

For everything must be balanced and not forced for even the perfect flower can prosper into something bad. Also this should be done gently for it is the only way. As a wise man once said to me "Patience leads to understanding and Understanding leads to true knowledge".

So this is basically how the soul and the full state of knowledge works.

Anyway TMA is back to his secret layer to lay low for some time

Just kidding off to write something new stay tuned

Kind Regards


posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 03:00 PM
Too many cookies at 4 am
Im about to go on a sugar rush
Will you join me ?

Kind Regards


posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

However, there are also cases where people forget everything and are not able to learn, but get caught in the main stream of flood for earning money,jobs, greed and many other things that take our focus off learning the lesson we came here to do.

The state of forgetfulness is also part of the lesson.

For this soul is an empty cup shall we call it that and you are merely poring the the tea in into it. Drop by drop of tea the cup fills until it is full and the full state of the equal state happens.

In order to fill the cup with tea, the cup first needs to be turned the right way up. Many have their cup turned upside down, so no matter how much tea is poured onto them, their cup remains empty.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 09:27 PM
drip, drip, drip

grin =)

Nicely put

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:02 AM
I would love some cookies

And an empty cup

Much love to you my friend
inspiring as always

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by mysticnoon

Ahh yes the test of remembering
forgot to mention that thank you kind stranger

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:43 AM
I was wondering to ask people their view this time

What would you like to hear about next you pick the subject

Kind Regards


posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
I was wondering to ask people their view this time

What would you like to hear about next you pick the subject

i will be glad to hear your thought or ramblings about "free will".

in fact, the question is for all, all of us, what is your thought please.


You are going with the life flowing ethical, careful, you love to love... be in peace, trying not to harm ( i know now at my current age this is pretty difficult, our decisions could hurt people).
Then... some x day when someone has a hard choice to make and you are involved bang! you prefer to make a kind of "choose" to avoid a bad path or a terrible consequence, maybe a suffer to that person (maybe a friend, your partner, your brother etc)

The involved person knows and "follow" this circunstance of "easy way maybe" cause is resolving some thoug situation at the moment and... mmhh he is not making a choice then? are we making the choice, interfering his free will? or in fact he has made ​​his decision of "not to chose" and his free will is not interfered by us?

I dont know if my explanation makes sense heh my english is very bad sometimes

edit on 18-4-2011 by zaper because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by zaper


I got your idea of what you tried to say and interesting wondering of such a question, if we are able to interfere in their freewill to make their day better

Very good question TMA back to his secret cave for research stay tuned good sir

Kind Regards


posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by zaper

The involved person knows and "follow" this circunstance of "easy way maybe" cause is resolving some thoug situation at the moment and... mmhh he is not making a choice then? are we making the choice, interfering his free will? or in fact he has made ​​his decision of "not to chose" and his free will is not interfered by us?

The friend made the decision to follow your decision, so in this situation there is no interference of free will, or better stated, his freedom to assert his own will.

Free will, I think, just means being free to will, but not necessarily that there are any realistic choices or options.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by mysticnoon
reply to post by zaper

The involved person knows and "follow" this circunstance of "easy way maybe" cause is resolving some thoug situation at the moment and... mmhh he is not making a choice then? are we making the choice, interfering his free will? or in fact he has made ​​his decision of "not to chose" and his free will is not interfered by us?

The friend made the decision to follow your decision, so in this situation there is no interference of free will, or better stated, his freedom to assert his own will.

Free will, I think, just means being free to will, but not necessarily that there are any realistic choices or options.

Thanks for your thought
Its a complex rambling because maybe the friend is telling you "i dont want to make a choice" and i will be with you until you chose for me (you are suffering because following the path make feel bad to you and leaving it too) so you shut up and stay that way for a time, yeah suffering the thing but the other person is happy.

Finaly you leave the path just when you are sure the other person is fine and without suffer. Your choice is to go away. Your free will was executed all the time but the other person avoid the fact to make a choice just flowing "going" with the circunstances.

Then even if you didnt never force the other person to think about a decision, its not an interference in your view point, rigth? Because the "no-choice" was in fact a position of his free will.

Dang! then we are not interfering their free will
(heh sorry private joke)

lolz laffoe... we are screwed! muahahaha

edit on 19-4-2011 by zaper because: meaning

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 01:16 AM
Will read with interest. Agree there is no time its all about distance/metres!

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