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the air smelled and tasted metallic today in Arizona

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:02 AM
Now, I don't consider myself a particularly paranoid person (then again, I am on this website! lol) but I just wanted to report that when I went for a walk this evening, the air tasted and smelled metallic.

I've never smelled metallic air before. I've smelled dusty air, snowy air, and polluted air....but never metallic air. Makes me wonder if we're getting some of the radiation from Japan.

I would have blown this off as my imagination, but my friend went to urgent care today because of breathing problems (she's never had asthma or anything else before in her life), and the doctor told her that lots of people have been coming in the last 24 hours. And on top of that, last night, my glands suddenly started getting very swollen. I didn't think anything of it until I went for a walk this evening, and the air tasted and smelled metallic.

I live in Arizona, in one of the suburbs of the Phoenix area. I don't have a geiger counter, but if anyone in Phoenix does, I'd love to know if it was high today.

Edit to add: It was very, very windy today, and for the last couple of weeks, it has been much cooler and cloudy and more rainy than usual. Plus, I am also starting to get a really bad headache, too. I hardly ever get headaches these days.
edit on 8-4-2011 by nikiano because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:12 AM
I was researching mrem's and mSv's this morning in order to figure out what was lethal or not. Found this video from my local news website.The video may help you understand your situation better. About 1/5 of the way through the video is a radar-like display of fallout as it moves across the Pacific.

edit on 8-4-2011 by michaelwpayton because: Additional info for the video.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:16 AM
I have been noticing that here too for yesterday and today, and I smoke so my smell and taste senses are dumbed down. Of course, there are a lot of oil refineries and chem plants here, so that could be it too. But it has been windy as hell for yesterday and today and the clouds are taking on a greenish grey color again. Last time I saw them this way I just assumed it was light pollution and went back inside.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:18 AM
Sounds like you got a bad case of chemtrails.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:31 AM
Outside all day digging up backyard to get it ready for a plot of watermelons, carrots and other veggies. Wind was high today but no problems with the air.

To be honest, I just got back from work this month and the AIR QUALITY in AZ is much better than anywhere else I visited. From Denver to Florida they all had grey sky's. Texas was worst, especially in the gulf. Had a headache for two days after swimming in gulf...

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by nikiano

Sorry man...I live in Phoenix also near South Mountain and noticed nothing of such. I would be interested in any Geiger readings tho.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by nikiano
I hope I don't screw this posting up as I am new here,but wasn't sure if you are following this site There is a monitor in Prescott and one in Phoenix it looks like.The readings in AZ don't look too bad,so hopefully this puts your mind at ease.I also had the same thing going on today,but thought it just being paranoid.I have no way to know as there are no monitors in MN.I also think some people are much more sensitive than others when it comes to their bodies sensing things.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:47 AM
Please let me know if I need to worry about the gulf at all. I live no more than 10 minutes from it. On days where the wind comes from the South, you can smell the saltwater in the air.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:56 AM
I live west of Phoenix and didn't notice anything. I'm not trying to be objective but a metallic taste or smell can be a sign of Diabetes or a Brain Tumor.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 01:33 AM
I noticed the same metallic smell in the air. It's probably just air pollution I never would have thought of otherwise if there wasn't a nuclear meltdown going on across the Pacific.
edit on 8-4-2011 by northexpedition because: spelling

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 01:39 AM
I was up in Phoenix today for about 3 hours, sitting outside watching my kid at baseball practice. Did notice quite a bit of wind, skies have been gray because we have a huge rainstorm that's supposed to hit us this saturday... loads of people around me were having allergy problems... Migraines, Runny Noses, some coughing... I think its all the yellow pollen in the air. Didn't notice a metallic taste or smell.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by northexpedition
I noticed the same metallic smell in the air. It's probably just air pollution I never would have thought of otherwise if there wasn't a nuclear meltdown going on across the Pacific.
edit on 8-4-2011 by northexpedition because: spelling

Exactly what I was thinking. I normally wouldn't think twice.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 02:00 AM
I have been getting a runny nose/sniffles right when this fallout reached the west coast. The problem is, it's hard to tell if that's what it was, because it could be spring allergies. I was thinking maybe the elevated radioactive particles in the air could be weakening my white blood cells and allowing more germs in my body. I normally never get sick because I exercise so much. I found it kind of uncharacteristic to be getting a runny nose all of the sudden.

I've also been taking potassium iodide specifically made for nuclear emergencies, and I have been getting side effects here and there (difficulty breathing, metallic taste in saliva) but otherwise ok.

It's an emergency situation when there is 181 times the legal limit of radioactive iodine in the rain water. Potassium iodide has been used for hundreds of years, and people have taken it at much higher doses. I am not concerned about the side effects. I am taking a necessary precaution.

edit on 8-4-2011 by northexpedition because: photo

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 03:26 AM
I just woke with breathing problems just like two nights ago. Both times it was raining heavily. I have also noticed here in Utah the metallic smell and taste. Runny nose, migraine, a low, husky voice accompanies the breathing problems. A good friend in Portland, OR facebooked two nights ago, mentioning the same symptoms. I didn't tell her that I was having the same problems, I just told her to stay out of the rain and take wheat grass to help oxygenate her lungs.

Lots of people here are having the same problems. It is hard to believe it is paranoia when I didn't expect this and woke twice from sleep to find it raining. Two nights ago, I googled 'xenon' and learned it can effect the lungs.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by nikiano

just to suggest that you might look towards that 'Intel' microchip production facility there.

i know that when Motorola was still operating down there in the Salt River area that they would release crud into the atmosphere and ground all the time... in fact that whole Salt River bed area is listed as a super fund site (sorta like the contamination at the infamous Love-Canal as a comparable super-fund site)

i am not 'saying' the smell came from the Intel plant--- but that it is something to consider,
why don't you consider being a free lance investigator and monitor the plants' surrounding air
perhaps in association with the big players like The Sierra Club.....


posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 04:54 AM
A metallic taste and smell in the air can be nothing more than the sign of a heavy thunderstorm approaching. That taste and smell comes from increased ozone in the air from the ionization of the thunderhead. Not something you might experience too much in a climate as dry as Arizona. Nor would be the increased humidity that would come with it. You're more likely experiencing that than you are radioactive fallout from japan. We even get this in New England and always have for as long as I can remember.

To recap:

The smell is likely ozone from a charged atmosphere common with rainstorms.

The difficulty breathing during the rainstorms is most likely due to an increase in humidity from heavy rain, not too common in an arid dry region like Arizona.

Humidity, particularly heavy humidity in an usually dry environment, particular in springtime when flora us starting to bud can and likely will irritate the sinuses. This can lead to a sinus headache, which if you've ever experienced one can be quite as painful as a migraine.

I doubt it's anything more than that. Not radiation, not leaking chemicals from fabrication plants.
edit on 4/8/2011 by dethduck because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/8/2011 by dethduck because: I really really hate text prediction

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 05:13 AM
a metallic taste can mean a brain tumor, also it can mean acid reflux. I would be consulting a doctor if it continues.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 05:22 AM
That's what I love about ATS, everything HAS to be the absolute worse case doom and gloom scenario. No room for the mundane here.

I give up! I'm done with ATS!
Yes, it's radiation, chemtrails and HAARP!
That's all any of you want to hear so enjoy your lives living in constant fear.
edit on 4/8/2011 by dethduck because: Fed up!

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 07:12 AM
I took a type of antibiotic for my tooth problem and guess what? On the actual side effects list it has "metallic taste" as one of the expected effects. And it caused me to taste metal sometimes, it's weird.

But don't fool yourselves folks, the fallout has covered the entire northern hemisphere at this point. We are all exposed now. The guys popping the KI may not be that stupid. In fact they may be the only smart ones, only time will truly tell.

We are all exposed now. The concentrations are low, but steadily rising as more fresh fallout comes from the reactors. This process will continue and the contamination levels will steadily increase as time moves on.

For very short lived isotopes like Iodine 131, we have to factor in the fact that it decays to negligent amounts within a few weeks. But also we have to add the fresh batch of I 131 that continually gets deposited.

And we do not nor will we have any accurate numbers or charts to work with in order to develop a decent math formula to determine exactly how much of this stuff is here, and at what rates it dissipates etc.

This stuff is everywhere and it disperses randomly. There is no way to measure it with any true accuracy.
You can only measure one specific spot at a time, with a detection device. Maybe if we had a billion detection devices all over the place we could get a better big picture of this whole thing but we are extremely unprepared and have almost no equipment to deal with this.

The equipment that does exist is typically government or corporate owned and could easily be manipulated.

Point is, this boils down to trusting your gut instincts and common sense. Facts are in short supply and only the extremely fortunate have the luck to deal in them.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by dethduck
That's what I love about ATS, everything HAS to be the absolute worse case doom and gloom scenario. No room for the mundane here.

Are you saying that the multiple meltdown is a hoax?

Because if there really is multiple meltdowns in real life, than it is a worst case doom scenario. In reality.

If there is a multi-meltdown, than the Sky is Literally Falling. That's why we call it "Fallout". Get it???

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