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Telepathy or going crazy?

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:11 PM
~Sighs~ I'm very reluctant to post here because at the moment my brain is at a total wipe out and I feel emotionally and pyschologically drained. But thats not the point, the point is I wants ya'lls opinions and experiences. If your a skeptic and you "MUST" make your point, do it in a manner where I can respond and make a decent conversation out of it instead of rambling off the top of my head in an angry manner. This all started April 4, 2011. I was asleep and I thought my friend, we shall call her C.H. because I doubt she would want her name plastered on this forum, had called me multiple times asking me about our friend Josh and if I had heard from him and why wasn't he answering her text. I kept tossing and turning in bed trying to make her leave me alone thinking I was on the phone, telling her no I had not talked to him but I had talked to him earlier on the phone at around two in the morning. Well, she quit talking to me and I was apparently still asleep. So when the phone rang and I answered it I was shocked and somewhat pissed off to hear her asking me about Josh again. I sighed, grunted and gritted my teeth and told her exactly what I had told her earlier, that I didn't know where he was and that I had only talked to him earlier at like two in the morning. Then I told her I was still sick and that I had been sleeping when she had called me and that I was still trying to recupoorate and we got off the phone. Getting off the phone I tried to go back to sleep and still being pissed off at her when I couldn't go back to sleep, I got up for the day and decided I would take a look at my phone log to see how many times she had called me. To my amazement she had only called me "ONCE" at 2:49 P.M. Now, it was normal for her to call me about fifty times in one sitting ((Exaggeration but it feels that way.)) and get her answers out of poor old me who felt like a rag doll when dealing with her but to my amazement she had only called me at that point in time we had just talked with each other. Now, to myself I began wondering..... was I really talking to her in my sleep? Did I have a psychic forseeing of her calling me and asking me that question? Well thats my story.... ya'lls opions will be most appreciated and my sincerest thanks to all of those who replied in a nice civilized manner.
edit on 5-4-2011 by Rishiana because: More info needed

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Rishiana

Either that or you read your phone wrong. If you can rule out logical explanations, then yeah, you either foresaw, or had a glimpse of your friends thoughts.

Several things have happened to me in my life, and this was actually one of them. Nothing so personal, a movie scene popped into my head one evening, a movie I hadn't seen in several years. I made a mental note of it, wrote it down, and found out about an hour later that my best friend, who lives below me, was watching it at that time. I found it on his living room table when I went down to visit.

I believe everyone has these abilities, but alot of people are blind to them and their potential.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Rishiana

My phone deletes the old call from the call log and only keeps record of the new one. Any chance yours does this?

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:25 PM
Very interesting.

Sounds like you could have had a psychic moment. I swear, it seems like a lot of people who happen to have a psychic moment, end up having one that involves the phone for some reason. I haven't had one in a while, but when I do, I will often have an over whelming feeling that a certain person is about to call and then they do just seconds later.

Or sometimes I will have this strong feeling that I should call some one and they call me seconds later.

Anyway, it sounds like perhaps you were almost in touch with your friends mind. Perhaps she was sitting there, thinking about calling you to find out if you had heard from your other friend, and you were picking up on her thoughts?

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Ryanssuperman

Well, I had should rule out the phone log as a possiblity but its still too early in my opinion to call it any of the such you just said. That and I've made online predictions before and gotten them correct, in which case one of them got me the wonderful man I met on ATS now and am happily dating ^_^ So you could be right..... but I need to rule out all the logical explanations like you said. Thanks for your reply ^_____^

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:26 PM
My phone will only show the latest call but, if I click on properties of that single phone call in my call log, I can view a complete history of that phone number. I bet if you looked you have the same option.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by scojak

Hmm..... I have no idea if mine does what you say or not. Normally mine keeps all said phone call logs for that day until I erase them myself off of my phone or otherwise. I can always call my phone provider and find out my call logs I guess for April 4th for the girl I was talking too. Thanks for your response!!!! I'll check this out when I get home.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth
You could have a point love >,> Then again I get psychic moments with you all the time it seems like don't I? XD

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by towhisper

o_O I'm learning something about cell phones today XD Let me take a look quickly and do what you just said to do alright? Thanks for the post!!!! This ought to rule out the phone log as a possibility or else solve the mystery case ^_^

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:38 PM
To towhisper, is details the same as properties?

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Rishiana
reply to post by gimme_some_truth
You could have a point love >,> Then again I get psychic moments with you all the time it seems like don't I? XD

Yeah, that is true. You have had your moments.

Quick, what color are my eyes?

But yeah I am curious to see what you find out about your cell phone as suggested by that other poster.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth

Originally posted by Rishiana
reply to post by gimme_some_truth
You could have a point love >,> Then again I get psychic moments with you all the time it seems like don't I? XD

Yeah, that is true. You have had your moments.

Quick, what color are my eyes?

But yeah I am curious to see what you find out about your cell phone as suggested by that other poster.
BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But yeah, looking at the details that shows every single phone call by said C.H. it appears she only called me once love.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 06:04 PM
Youre friend sounds scarry. Perhaps you should switch off your phone during the night, and make it clear to her that you will no longer be her source of emotional energy, as she is clearly being parasitic.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 06:12 PM
Your not the only one experiencing such things. i know others who are, and alot of others will start to go through this as well. just last week is when i started believing it was telepathy or something along those lines. my girlfriend had told me that whatever she did or got for me i didnt have to get her back. i was half asleep when she told me this. next thing i know i can hear her thoughts. for the record we are about 17 miles apart. anyway i than told her i knew what she was getting me, how much it was, what the color combination was and everything. it just arrived at my house yesterday. i was dead on. she now thinks i can read her mind when i want and shes kinda freaked out by it all haha. i can assure you i have no control over what im experiencing, its all been discovered by accident. pretty interesting stuff

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:02 AM
Here's my shot at answering your question.
Do you smoke, like a good crawfish boil, enjoy the occasional daquiri, eat deer sausage or found a baby in a king cake this year? Just asking because only a true coonass aquarious would have to ask if they were crazy. I'm sorry, but your gonna have to just deal with it.
All joking aside though, most people in Louisiana have psychic abilities. (I think its all the pollution from the refineries.). But before you go deciding if you have read your friend's mind why don't you ask her how many times she called? And tell her to feel free to read some of my posts. I mean it couldn't hurt right?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 07:34 PM
Although I still support my last comment, I think, additionally, you need to be able to decide who can speak into your mind, as, from experience, when the minds of others connect to your mind, its not really a telepathy, its more like being controlled by the thoughts of others, as the thoughts of others will always be able to outnumber our own thoughts - true telepathy would be a choice.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by SystemResistor
Youre friend sounds scarry. Perhaps you should switch off your phone during the night, and make it clear to her that you will no longer be her source of emotional energy, as she is clearly being parasitic.
~Giggles~ Parasitic wouldn't even describe her but lately I've gotten away from her thank god. Though I will say this.... she is clingy as hell and she hadn't called me at night..... I believe it was during the daytime.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by HispanicPanic
Your not the only one experiencing such things. i know others who are, and alot of others will start to go through this as well. just last week is when i started believing it was telepathy or something along those lines. my girlfriend had told me that whatever she did or got for me i didnt have to get her back. i was half asleep when she told me this. next thing i know i can hear her thoughts. for the record we are about 17 miles apart. anyway i than told her i knew what she was getting me, how much it was, what the color combination was and everything. it just arrived at my house yesterday. i was dead on. she now thinks i can read her mind when i want and shes kinda freaked out by it all haha. i can assure you i have no control over what im experiencing, its all been discovered by accident. pretty interesting stuff
Hmmmmm....... the only weird thing is this only happened to me "ONCE" since then. So yeah..... fluke or what I dunno? What about your experience? Has it happened again?

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by LuisCyfer
Here's my shot at answering your question.
Do you smoke, like a good crawfish boil, enjoy the occasional daquiri, eat deer sausage or found a baby in a king cake this year? Just asking because only a true coonass aquarious would have to ask if they were crazy. I'm sorry, but your gonna have to just deal with it.
All joking aside though, most people in Louisiana have psychic abilities. (I think its all the pollution from the refineries.). But before you go deciding if you have read your friend's mind why don't you ask her how many times she called? And tell her to feel free to read some of my posts. I mean it couldn't hurt right?
~Sighs~ Why don't I ask you if your head is screwed on right? But no.... I eat crawfish... love the stuff..... and point blank I'm asking because I don't quite believe what I just experienced. So yeah..... you need to read the entire post before making rude assumptions. Btw, I haven't drank alcohol since last year. Neh...... I'm not an alcoholic and I don't smoke blunts or any kind of cigarrettes.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by SystemResistor
Although I still support my last comment, I think, additionally, you need to be able to decide who can speak into your mind, as, from experience, when the minds of others connect to your mind, its not really a telepathy, its more like being controlled by the thoughts of others, as the thoughts of others will always be able to outnumber our own thoughts - true telepathy would be a choice.
True, but I went into a trance one time and talked to someone through my mind before.... actually quite a few times. It was interesting >,>

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