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How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Whirpool

So what should be the punishment to a person AND a Corporation that knowingly funds a group that terrorizes an entire Nation?
There were 14 people killed in Juarez in just one day last week, an average of 5 a day this year in Juarez alone.

Shouldnt these cartels, who maintain an organized military, be considered a terrorist organization?
And if so, then the people AND Corporations that fund them, would be guilty of aiding and funding a terrorist

I guess the 100 million dollar bribe was enough to satisfy the Feds.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by TriForce

I suppose they should be considered a terrorist organization. And for whom ever is funding them well.. they sure are doing and dam good job by giving them Powerful and fancy weapons.
Next thing you know they are going to get hold of Nuclear explosives and then things will get even more out of hand than they are now.
Maybe the book " The Next War" by Casper Weinberger & Peter Schweizer will be considered a prophecy since they predicted a scenerio like this, or even Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advance war fighter 2.

And youre right about the Feds being satisfied because everytime there is a shooting they are the first ones to run out the door

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by TriForce

So what should be the punishment for the governments that institute prohibition policies knowing full well what crime it will create and hardships it will place on its people but do so anyway just to cash-in on the super-inflated prices it puts on these commodities? What punishment for super-power governments that pressure all other govenments to go along with them while they use drug-money and drug-power as a political tool to support and topple smaller governments at their choosing? What punishment for those governments that coerce nations to fight their drug war while they themselves dump drugs on their own streets to fund covert operations?

Who are the bad guys in the Drug War? Is it the ones that use prohibition as their own cash cow and their citizens be damned? Or is it the organizations that just continue to get the goods to their market?

When there are the beheadings you hear about here do you really think this is a case of the evil cartels going after honor-roll students? When heads roll these are people in it up to their ears. Very few citizens are just getting caught in the cross-fire. These things are being carried out with precision.

edit on 4-4-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
Every Wachovia executive should face charges and prison time for this. There is no way this was confined to a branch level.

Oh, you want to extend the reach of that money right up the ladder into government overseerers at all levels. Either they were bought off or they were told hands off the case because the money was helping the economy.

Nothing is as simple as it seems in government, politics and big business.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Remember in the 80's the war on drugs? reagan, our government, was telling us not ot do drugs ect..and today it seems thier involved in it, government..must be looking for money so esperatly, their importing cociane and distributing it to citizens or illegals, so then they could be arrested it funny how it never made it too court. i never understood that. i mean, its still run by narrow minded humans. if i have to go to court, what excludes them, makes them so special? i bet, it was intentional..wachovia was told by someone they were not gunna get n trouble insider, someone on they never bothered. possible reason.
well. it does go tos how, even our government dosnt care about you. thier gunna do ilelgal things to make money, and make you or me pay for it, legally or financialy. sounds very NWO ro staliniish dosnt it? imagine if we didnt have a constituiton, and things were still built on capitalism..wede be in cremation camps probably for failing to pay off a credit card bill* while these guys, government, would bring in cocoaine, heroin, coke, yuo name it, make $$$ then arrest and imprison without the right to lawyer or air trial.

Thiers a Wells fargo bank whre i work. it used to be a wachovia, cool place. Now its snotty and too corporate. ie ffin hate it thier, and the employees. I was running a deposit one day like 4 weeks ago, they know who i am* first time in thier, after converting to wells fargo. WOman came up to me, asking if ide liek to pen an she was all ito me or checking me out or something. she knows im nthier form my job, not personal business..i told her no, i have a bank i like already. she was cool with it, but still..i wanted to ask her, yeah can i have some of my bailout money back* lol after reading this, next time, pull her aside, n tell her i have $20 million in snow to bank..what can you do for me* see if they pull me aside for business*

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:58 PM
When I saw it was Wachovia, I was like "awe not my bank" then I was like "well that explains why they can offer such excellent banking sevices to their customers." I have a free checking account and a Way to Save account that earns 3% with some limitations, but it's still awesome if you ask me. I just switched to them because my old bank started to charge a $7 monthly fee on my "lifetime free checking account". Go figure. I'm very happy with Wachovia for now.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:10 PM
Well, there's the answer to my question about why these illegal's drug gangs are allowed to flourish. I've disliked that bank(former dealings with them) long before I've heard of this, hah.
edit on 4-4-2011 by dreamingawake because: more...

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:27 PM
I've opined plenty on the criminality of the banks over the past three years. This story is almost a year old why in the hell is the media only covering it now? Could it be because there was a year deferred prosecution agreement that is up or for all intents and purposes has expired, and now the media may report on it since Wells is now off the hook for any chance of being prosecuted? Is it any wonder no one trusts the MSM anymore? I can name two financial bloggers that covered this over a year ago. Where the hell has the mainstream media been since then?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by jefwane
I've opined plenty on the criminality of the banks over the past three years. This story is almost a year old why in the hell is the media only covering it now? Could it be because there was a year deferred prosecution agreement that is up or for all intents and purposes has expired, and now the media may report on it since Wells is now off the hook for any chance of being prosecuted? Is it any wonder no one trusts the MSM anymore? I can name two financial bloggers that covered this over a year ago. Where the hell has the mainstream media been since then?

Moreover, this was printed in UK media and I am in Mexico. The US populace was probably meant to sleep right through it.

edit on 4-4-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:44 PM
Another 1991 Slacker Movie Prediction. Talks about the Government using profits from the 80's Cocaine trade from the Medellin Cartel

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Here's a link to a 4 minute video that explains a bit of how the money laundering aspect happens across the border.

Drugs, Banks and Money Laundering


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776
reply to post by Agarta
They will never learn until there are consequences for their actions.

Or until we get rid of the need for money...

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:01 PM
i wondered what the spike in deaths were about this year...i blamed 2012 lol...its always about the money!!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

Ha!!! $100,000,000 on one plane in one drug deal. Ha. Yeah, I am sure there is only one done a year. Yeah right!!! You could buy 50 used russian subs (see source) and have $50 million left over to buy arms, men, hot chucks, planes, a nuke, and a Bush pedigree. Its a loss. The drug war has only one way to end it and it wont happen. Legalize drugs. Or God could return. This is unbelievable.

Launder $400B get fined about $150M who wouldn't do it? As Oscar Wilde said, "I can resist anything but temptation!"

If we don't stop worshipping these damn celebrities in office we are destroying any future for our children, theirs, and maybe even ourselves.

Disgustingly Shameful. Not one person in jail.
Russian Sub for sale $1M

edit on 4-4-2011 by sirjunlegun because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:06 PM
This is why I support LEAP. Prohibition presents opportunities for the criminally minded, and things like this happen, along with a slew of other things far worse, on a daily basis. I recently subscribed to the theory that the US government is either directly involved in, or turns a blind eye to, much of the smuggling and other drug operations that take place involving the US. If you don't think so, do a little digging, and you will see some discrepancies. I'm sure there are multiple threads on ATS as well dealing with the subject. Maybe that is part of the reason our borders aren't secure, but that's just speculation.

So from what I gather after reading the OP, Wachovia is basically getting a slap on the wrist. Even though the fine was large, what does that accomplish? It puts money in someone's pocket for sure, and if there were individuals with some rank in the company who knew this was going on, and profiting from it, they will just figure out how not to get caught next time. The US will never win the war on drugs, and our economy would be much better off if they legalized, regulated, and taxed illicit drugs, because face it: if someone wants to do drugs, they will find a way to get them, and all this does is support the bigshot dealers in Mexico and Columbia, among other places. The only way to do away with these drug kingpins and their cartels is to undercut them...sell the same product at a cheaper price. If you are interested, do some research into how much it costs the taxpayers to jail non-violent drug offenders, as well as the percentage of individuals in jail and prison who were non-violent drug offenders.

Of course if legalization of illicit drugs ever happened, to make it work there would have to be strict laws in place to ensure maximum safety for not only the user, but for the public as well. I personally do not believe that legalization will raise the crime rate, but in fact lower it. Did you know that a large percentage of murders in the US are drug related?

Although these are my words, they have all been spoken more eloquently by the members of LEAP, and I suggest you check them out. You may scorn me for my views, but I would like to see you tell the doctors, lawyers, police officers, judges, etc, that comprise the organization that they are wrong, when they are the ones who see the relevant information on a daily basis.

Sorry to go off topic a bit, but imo this is the only way to keep things like this from happening, at least in my opinion. If someone wants to debate it with me, send me a u2u, as I won't be getting back on this thread.

edit on 4/4/11 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

I feel your pain. I would agree with most of what you say but you summarized the problem in your first paragraph.

"Prohibition presents opportunities for the criminally minded, and things like this happen, along with a slew of other things far worse, on a daily basis. I recently subscribed to the theory that the US government is either directly involved in, or turns a blind eye to...."

US involvement has been seen many times over, it's well known. And prohibition does present opportunities, for everyone involved. Corruption, governmental collusion, is not the least of the opportunities but is in fact of the most prevalent opportunity taken in this drug war scam. Drug money goes all the way to the top so we are told to turn a blind eye, some smoke and mirrors for the folks at home and it's gone. Incidents like Wachovia vanish before our very eyes. This one did, they're in the clear now. Poof!

Don't even worry about the rest of the scenario, if it ever happens there WILL be tough restrictions on it, guaranteed. Otherwise, drugs are dirt cheap. They are only valuable in this artificial scenario we play them in. One would think there would be some countries that would have drugs completely un-criminalized. Yes, there would be but drugs are only valuable when the whole world plays this game. All world governments are expected to to go along with the drug war. World contol over our number one blackmarket enterprise and no new upstart players allowed in the game - that is what the war is about. Backyard garden-variety drugs, no matter popular and benign they seem to be, are among the biggest threats to the game. They will never be permitted. That is why most of the drug war's attention goes to marijuana eradication.

If portions of the population wake up to what is going on and protests this strongly enough, they have places to put them.

edit on 5-4-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:24 AM
Just imagine the billions that are laundered undetected. This is just the tip of the iceburg. Every bank is guilty of the same deeds. When the authories are in charge of the drug business this is how things go. This punishment is just for show, to lead us to belive that someone is actually going after drug dealers and their money men.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by stirling
This is all just too blatantly disgusting.
Meanwhile people get felonized for smoking pot.

These ass&^%les laundered a third of a TRILLION dollars and they walk away

That's right... 1/3 of ONE TRILLION dollars...

A stack of one dollar bills as big as the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING.

Sri Oracle

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