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"The first great war of the 21st century... has begun"

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Once again Gerald Celente telling us like it is. No pussyfooting around just straight to the point and honest. He made these predictions 2 years ago that it would begin after the economic crisis and used history as his guide, as all intelligent people have done. History is not just the past it can be a guide to the future, one that allows us to change things, but only if we acknowledge and understand what is occurring.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:00 PM
WW3 hasn't begun. The foreplay to WW3 might have, but not WW3 itself.
Stop the fear monger...

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Jepic
WW3 hasn't begun. The foreplay to WW3 might have, but not WW3 itself.
Stop the fear monger...

I'm pretty sure the OP didn't state that it was WW3....did you even read the title properly? I'm wondering if you even watched the videos, which were quite informative and intelligent. Your comments are juvenile and uninformed. Good day to you.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Jepic

yeah because the OP is fear mongering...

why dont you (and a good number of the other people on ats) learn what the definition of the term 'Fear Mongering' means.

you should of watched the videos instead of acting like a troll.

good stuff OP. i watched this on alex jones last week. really informative stuff. hopefully things will change soon

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:11 PM
WW3 may not have begun, but the stage is set for it. Im not sure how much longer some of the other powerful nations will accept the US having a hand in so many other countries political affairs.

All of this happens with the US citizens being blissfully ignorant to whats actually happening in our own country.
Check for yourself, every news station is constantly reporting on foreign affairs, while our economy goes to hell.
Gas prices went up nearly 50 cents, after the crap in the Middle East started but you dont hear a thing about it in the media.
The poor Japanese have gone and are still going through hell and you rarely here a thing about it. The Govt controls the Media, the Media Control America.
What can be done?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by XelNaga
reply to post by Jepic

you should of watched the videos instead of acting like a troll.

Okay, so, one of the things I've noticed at ATS is really bad grammar and poor english. It doesn't make the writer appear too intelligent and we might want to raise the bar here on this site.

"You should of . . " That would be "You should HAVE watched the video . . . " should have watched is a verb, folks.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by neOrevolutionist

Originally posted by Jepic
WW3 hasn't begun. The foreplay to WW3 might have, but not WW3 itself.
Stop the fear monger...

I'm pretty sure the OP didn't state that it was WW3....did you even read the title properly? I'm wondering if you even watched the videos, which were quite informative and intelligent. Your comments are juvenile and uninformed. Good day to you.

I assume you are too young to know that the term "great war" is another description of a major conflict. Actually, it was the name for WW1 before there was a WW2 which more than rivaled it, and thus, required terms to differentiate them from one another.

"Great War" can be applied to another cat-and-mouse game, that of economic war, and it is already in play.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Misoir

No a large part of the elite is mad

following a supposed story in a book, as they misunderstand it

this is mad


THis is crazy

I mean : You win the world etc

you should h finish this mess after WWII

I mean :

See BUsh jr, a newborn, that create wars, for ? following a book ?

The spectacle is FINISHED

the end

of human stupidity

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:35 PM
Well, actually ill answer my own question about "what can be done"
IF you want my opinion (the sensitive type can stop reading here)

I believe that a purge is needed in the country, something like the Chinese did and the Russians before them... Do you really believe that Sodom and Gomorrah isnt based on at least some fact?

Most military strategists say that you need to remove the head of the snake before taking on the forces but what do you do when the snake is actually a hydrant and has many heads?
Elections are useless, the Tea Party is useless (surprise) political party change is useless, its all one huge conglomerate and nothing short of a rebellion will fix it and following an unlikely successful rebellion, a purge.

A purge of bankers, media and hollywood moguls, scientists, drug addicts, military leaders and most of the judges and police forces in the country.

I realize that this cant and wont happen in todays society, (since weve evolved past such horrid measures) but theres a reason that it has been done in the past.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by starwisdom

Originally posted by XelNaga
reply to post by Jepic

you should of watched the videos instead of acting like a troll.

Okay, so, one of the things I've noticed at ATS is really bad grammar and poor english. It doesn't make the writer appear too intelligent and we might want to raise the bar here on this site.

"You should of . . " That would be "You should HAVE watched the video . . . " should have watched is a verb, folks.

Way to correct somebody's grammar and simultaneously screw up the quote forum code.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by TriForce


Yeah, I think you got it here. One thing though, you left out five words.

The Govt controls the Media, the Media Control America.

I find this better understood by adding "The corportations control the Govt. " in front of The Govt controls the Media

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by TriForce


Yeah, I think you got it here. One thing though, you left out five words.

The Govt controls the Media, the Media Control America.

I find this better understood by adding "The corportations control the Govt. " in front of The Govt controls the Media

Excellent point, im sorry that I missed that in my rant but thank you for adding it.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:59 PM
There is nothing Great about war, its the F answer on the tests of life and these tests relate to our progression or regression in the next.

This is the kind of hype and hoola that the matrix coders and spellcasters use in their headlines and media. And it gives a terrible cookie implant on the minds of children and adults alike. I cancel it forever.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:11 PM


The Madness of War

Behold the dank and musty ruins,
the shattered glass and raw graffiti.
Emblazoned symbols of defiance
exposing the glorious land’s demise.

Vivid images tantalize the mind as
maddening sounds orbit the streets,
Red-eyed victims cry out in pain.
Voices scream, sirens blast.

Makeshift shanties offer no escape,
lacking insulation from destruction.
Man’s inhumanity toward man
re-creates the prehistoric beast.

No winners in this game of war.
The prize is utter devastation.
No beauty lies within the ruins,
only shallow lakes of salty tears.

Dying thoughts and pictures
gathered from another life,
colored by time, but not forgotten,
offer rays of hope for peace on earth.

Myrna Beth Lambert

I dunno, it just spoke to me.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:12 PM
WW3 will not pit nation against nation
but instead will pit every populace against
it's government (TPTB, Bankers).

has already started covertly by poisoning the gulf
and radiating the air and confiscation of our homes
and taking the money away from people.

Yet we do not fight back .... !!!

They are winning cuz we're doing nothing
except watching American Idol !!!!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:36 PM
Remember the WHO?
"Meet the new boss , same as the old boss"?
What we have here is the same thing.
This isn't WWIII. It is World War.
WWl never ended, it just heated up again.
WWll never ended, it just kept simmering.

When we check our European history, we see that all those wars they kept fighting? They were not about the Frenchmen against the Englishmen or the who evers fighting the whoevers. It was about the Royal Families fighting the Royal Families and all the rest of the people getting sucked in for stupid reason after stupid reason. Usually it was for resources so the kings and princes could continue to live like kings and princes.

Once the world turned industrial, the wars became about production and who could control the resources. The world powers started changing in many cases into non royal hands as the owners of the production processes gained wealth. In most cases they were no different from the Royals they were replacing. They used the Royals by paying them money and allowing some to keep their thrones. They used the common people to produce for them and make them richer while staying well hidden behind a cloak of nationalist pride.

These forces were happy to just grab and steal the resources and land and labor of those who could not put up a fight. When their interests came up against the interests of other producers they would fight wars for the control of these resources.

WWl?? Known at the time as the Rich Mans War. Come WWll they were careful to not let it be seen that way.

From my perspective what we have today is a much smaller world. All the free resources are no longer free, but under the control of one power or the other. They are fighting still. One war, different heads, like the Hydra..

As much as I don't like the solution, I think I have to go with Tri, up the thread there.
Or in the words of my favorite historical revolution "Off with their heads"

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by neOrevolutionist

You don't seem to know that the term "Great War" stands for World War, so tell me why I should take your next comment seriously. The first thing that came out of your mind was trash. Will your next comment be alike? I hope not...

edit on 2-4-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by XelNaga

I'm pretty sure that doing a thread that states that "the Great War of the 21st century has begun" is fear mongering alright... Unless you think a Great War is nothing to fear...

Gimme a break. The Great War has begun... With who? Libya? You consider what's going on in Libya a WW? Get outta here...

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:34 PM
There there Jepic have a tissue and stop your crying.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Jepic

I read this and I was reminded of a qoute from the late '60s.

"What if they gave a war and nobody came?"

I once believed that. As I have gotten older, and observed human behavior, I have learned that some people are just evil. They force their rules on the people, interpreting and enforcing the law as they see fit. But if anyone believes the events in the middle-east are simply the result of the masses rising up against the evil rulers, then I've got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona. That is not to say that these leaders are not evil. If you look at their records their is no doubt about it.

If anyone could dig deep enough, we would find that George Soros and his band of merry men are behind this, in order to bring about the new world order, a cashless society, and One World Government,

I have to agree with the op. This is the beginning of the end. .Armageddon is upon us.

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