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The ongoing crisis in the middle east

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:27 PM
This is my fist thread so please be nice.

Its more of a question than a conspiracy theory.

So we have all been following the crisis in the middle east recently, Starting with Egypt,Tunisia,Bahrain,Libya,Yemen.

The western government almost always has something to say when it comes to this sort of thing.

But what about Ivory coast???

Reuters news agency reports of 1000 civilians killed in peaceful protests there.


Not like whats going on in Libya with rebels with some very heavy artillery.

It almost screams OIL that the western government are not doing anything for the people of Ivory coast.

So the government chose to help armed rebels rather than unarmed civilians. Wheres the logic in that???

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Seabas1123
This is my fist thread so please be nice.

Its more of a question than a conspiracy theory.

So we have all been following the crisis in the middle east recently, Starting with Egypt,Tunisia,Bahrain,Libya,Yemen.

The western government almost always has something to say when it comes to this sort of thing.

But what about Ivory coast???

Reuters news agency reports of 1000 civilians killed in peaceful protests there.


Not like whats going on in Libya with rebels with some very heavy artillery.

It almost screams OIL that the western government are not doing anything for the people of Ivory coast........ Now you're getting it. Yes it is about oil and other resources. It is also part of a grand plan to surround and sqeeze Iran. Qaddafi is also an easy target and scapegoat because alot of people know who he is and he's been branded as nutty as saddam. Yes it is hypocritical, but they have to sell it to the sheeple somehow. Some think Obama is using this situation to raise the debt ceiling and make himself look stronger for election 2012. Overall, yes it does stink to high heaven.

So the government chose to help armed rebels rather than unarmed civilians. Wheres the logic in that???

edit on 2-4-2011 by colbyforce because: Oops, screwed that up didn't I

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