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The Largest Structures in the Universe: The Great Walls - "Do They Contradict The Big Bang Theory?

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by boncho
There is no way were are alone in the Universe. IMO.


It is impossible we are alone. Every time somebody says something along the lines of 'we are alone, there is nobody else out there.', I post a fail pic.

Onto the topic at hand, I am not surprised really, nowhere even close to surprised. Science is just another religion, something based on faith. Unlike other religions, science changes constantly to agree with the natural world, and it will always be changing. We know nothing. Why can't we come to understand this?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:11 PM

We are truly insignificant

We are ONLY important to ourselves...and that is it....

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by itsatrap
It has always amazed me at how arrogant scientists have become to assume that they have "figured out" the universe. The scientific culture has seemed to have forgotten that theories (like the big bang, string, and gravity) are meant to be improved upon, adapted, revised, or possibly even thrown out in the face of new data. Copernicus, galileo, kepler, and newton among others, all had groundbreaking theories that changed the game forever (and some suffered viscious persecution for it), yet their theories were a work in progress and were adapted as new data

Science has become, ironically, a religion itself. With differing theories polarizing groups like christians and muslims.

I'm not saying science is wrong, I'm just saying that it tends to act a little childish when things don't go as expected.

It's always amusing to hear these sorts of claims from people who have quite obviously never met or talked with an actual research scientist - physicist or otherwise. If scientists thought they knew everything, they wouldn't have a job. I've never met a research scientist in my entire life who had been so daft as to suggest they know everything about the universe. Or everything about anything, for that matter.

There are theories and models that are accepted by most and objected by some. You cannot make the religion analogy though, because unlike religion, when presented with contrary evidence, science will adapt and change to better understand things. Religion will not do that.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Exactly, *snip*, that is all.

edit on 2-4-2011 by Davian because: (no reason given)

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edit on Sat Apr 2 2011 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:38 PM
If we were truly insignificant, an intergalactic empire wouldn't be manipulating this world to the extent we now witness. On a side note, I love seeing the shackles of science broken. Just when you think you have the place figured out...

Something big is brewing on this blue dot.

Something we sorted through the entire universe to incarnate into...

Sit back... relax... and acknowledge your higher self. That blows all conceived notions away.
edit on 2-4-2011 by Mayura because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:16 PM
I love this. When I was very small, maybe 2 years old, I would make my own mind ache thinking about the infinity of the universe...extending forever in one direction and forever in the next direction...forever in every direction. I always wanted to 'ask' someone. But, then I figured everyone felt the same. Ha. Silly me.

The other day my husband was saying something like, "you know they are just now discovering that there are 'planets' in other galaxies'. And, he said it all excited-like. I just looked up at him with a 'huh?' look on my face. I mean, I knew that all along. Didn't/doesn't everyone know that??? hmmm. (: Thanks for a great post.

Infinity. Definitely one of my favorite words. Definitely.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:29 PM
Men have never really accepted new ideas. Our schools and general thinking are cluttered with beliefs long proven absurd by contemporary knowledge. Ideas are welcomed as long as they don't contradict theories on which scholarly reputations have been erected.
I'm on the "infinite" side of the room.
Excellent post OP.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

Dear AdamsMurmur

I just had to answer you here.

Mistake, accident, or by design it is quite obvious that it does not matter.

In that we as we exist here could never ever understand any being that was capable of designing such a thing.

So as I assume are referring to the existence of GOD it really dose make that totally irrelevant.

It just doesn’t matter.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:50 PM
Seems that space is like a Mobius loop and perhaps we are looking behind us through the whole universe.
If it is just really large then time to rethink a lot of presumptions about cosmology. Either way the ramifications are huge.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

More hysterical jumping to conclusions by the Daily Galaxy, one of the most unscientific sites on the Web.

The Great Walls [1] [2] are very big but very, very far away. According to our current models of how the universe evolved, they look like they’re older than the universe. But the age of the universe is pretty well known. It is more likely that the models are wrong, and the Great Walls evolved in some way we don't yet know about.

Here's a page about how we learn the age of the universe. You'll see that we have quite a lot of data to go on. One single anomalous result is sufficient, of course, to call our ideas into question – that's science – but the problem is more likely to lie with our interpretation of the Great Wall data than with our estimates of the age of the universe. And certainly not with the Big Bang theory; that’s pretty solid.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:02 AM
I've always liked to imagine that the universe is limitless and that there have been multiple big bangs.

If our "universe", which I like to think of as a super galaxy of galaxies
, began as a singularity, why can't there be other singularities that just haven't had the right conditions to set off and create a new "universe" but with the same laws and properties as our own. If we are all in the same limitless space so why should another "universe" have to have different physical properties than our own, as many scientist propose.

If we were able to see to the edge of our universe, see more empty space, and far off in the distance we see a speck of light, well then I guess I'd be right

edit on 3-4-2011 by masterkoifish because: spelling

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by masterkoifish

Yea then we'll see a bunch more of those specks of light, and eventually they'll form into spherical masses, some form into great walls, which further form into even more gargantuan spherical masses, and so on until everything is exploding into masses of material and fusing back into a singularity everywhere on any possible scale we can see or even imagine, the question is: is there eventually some great end to this?

The universe really is incredible.
edit on 3-4-2011 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

It is beautiful to just sit back and gaze at the stars every now and then. Makes you feel connected to the universe just a little bit more. Good post, star well earned!

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX

Some physicists such as Max Tegmark believe the universe is actually infinite in size. If the galactic density of our own neighborhood is typical across this entire domain, and according to the data from the satellite COBE, then our bubble-universe should contain at least another 10 to the power 100 galaxies.

How can something that expands out on all directions (supposedly) be considered infinite to a scientist? Is.t that rather like believing in the Impossible.. The Scientist might as well believe in God.

Unless the there is a mechanism for the infinity like say the surface of a rubber band or that thing that's like a rubber band that's cut and twisted and pasted back together.. forget what it's called.. someone will know. Just seems that infinity is a concept a scientist should not believe.. it's too mystical-impossible-fantastic sounding.

I have a huge problem with the Big Bang. There ant many science "facts" that it does not account for and other theories that fit the facts way better. I read about all this once. It seems we only are taught the Big Bang through political pressure years ago when this theory first hit the scene. It never was the theory that fit the most facts the best. I'm sure this info can be Goggled. I'll have to find the info and re-read it. was good stuff.
edit on 3-4-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: editing

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:14 AM
I've been recently checking out other theories because the Big Bang doesn't make sense to me if we are in a universe of filaments connected by galaxies. It just didn't click right with me. I've been checking out a theory called "plasma cosmology". I'm not that educated so I can't say who's right, but how can a "structure" like our universe be expanding at the speed of light? What structures expand, unless it is being destroyed or growing? There are other answers out there.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:19 AM
BS. The universe ain't so big!
I can annihilate it all completely with one squeeze of a trigger.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by boncho
There is no way were are alone in the Universe. IMO.


i don't think anyone doubts we are alone in the universe, what people doubt is whether these unknown beings have developed a way to cross these great distances and visit our planet.

there are so many unknowns in physics that it will take inspired genius to figure out.

so when God is ready to let us know, some person in the future would be inspired with this knowledge.

unfortunately it has been prophesied that we are a doomed race. so we'll probably never know what's out there.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:41 AM
Everything contradicts the 'big bang theory' .

The fact its called a theory is the first hint but the real one is everything we know and see came from a big bang of nothing, with nothing, by nothing, to produce everything we see today. This cannot happen without something in a different dimension than ourselves causing it.

In my opinion evolutionists (a natural progression from big bang) have the most faith of all humans on earth and I am humbled by that faith because, it's way beyond what anyone believing in a supernatural power in a different dimension using different forces than we can yet understand can believe.

Everyone to his own though, I'm not going to tell someone who has more faith than me they are wrong, we'll just find out for ourselves after death instead. If they're right they've lost nothing.... but....

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by randomname

Originally posted by boncho
There is no way were are alone in the Universe. IMO.


i don't think anyone doubts we are alone in the universe, what people doubt is whether these unknown beings have developed a way to cross these great distances and visit our planet.

there are so many unknowns in physics that it will take inspired genius to figure out.

so when God is ready to let us know, some person in the future would be inspired with this knowledge.

unfortunately it has been prophesied that we are a doomed race. so we'll probably never know what's out there.

If you tell someone the world is ending you counter every rational sense in their brain. Prophecy of doom = control. Non of the religious texts in the world will be able to convince me that the world is ending, just as no matter how may Nibiru believers could do the same thing.

Look at what humans have done in the last century, to think an alien race couldn't have discovered light within a million year headstart is just silly.

Are we alone? pfffft. Watch the video again. How arrogant are we to think like that?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:51 AM
This just makes me wonder what happens when we die do we reconnect with the vastness of everything or is it over Maybe were the infection on something bigger and better miniscule in retrospect but im ready to find out If not my life was and will be fun until that day

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