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UN reps beheaded in Afghanistan!!!! Oh, but, um, the ME wants the UN's help??

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:28 AM
This is my first post after initial 20 -
Just noticed this in newsdaily:

Wow. Hope this is the appropriate place to put it, and if not, my mistake. Still learning how to navigate. But - this is quite disturbing. Also saw a story that reporters heard Gaddafi's supporters in Libya shouting "Shoot them!"

WWIII? Um, close enough. We as a nation need to just BUTT OUT. Jeez. That part of the world doesn't need our "help", and we can't afford it!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:32 AM
Um - where exactly does it say they were beheaded?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Did you read this report ? It's directly under the report to which you linked:

Foreign troops kill Afghan civilians in Kandahar: police

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Mar. 31, 2011 (Reuters) — Foreign troops killed two Afghan civilians in restive southern Kandahar city on Thursday, a police detective said, days after the publication of gruesome photos of the body of an unarmed teenager murdered by U.S. soldiers nearby.

The 'foreign troops' are OUR troops, no ? And when they kill an Afghani, they claim it's because they were unable to tell the good Afghanis from the bad

Guess the Afghanis have the same problem with the 'foreigners' -- who're in their country why, exactly ?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes
This is my first post after initial 20 -
Just noticed this in newsdaily:

Wow. Hope this is the appropriate place to put it, and if not, my mistake. Still learning how to navigate. But - this is quite disturbing. Also saw a story that reporters heard Gaddafi's supporters in Libya shouting "Shoot them!"

WWIII? Um, close enough. We as a nation need to just BUTT OUT. Jeez. That part of the world doesn't need our "help", and we can't afford it!

It does not say how they died at all. And your title makes no sense. Shame about the deaths tho

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 11:19 AM

MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan, Apr. 1, 2011 (Reuters) — At least eight foreign U.N. workers were killed, two of them beheaded, on Friday in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif after a demonstration against the burning of Korans by a U.S. preacher, a regional police spokesman said.

Title makes sense if you read the article

It says 2 were beheaded.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by fenceSitter

I just looked at it again to ascertain I didn't miss the link:
Look at the headline, and here is a pasted bit from it:

"Eight foreigners were killed and two were beheaded," said Lal Mohammad Ahmadzai, a police spokesman for the northern region.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by snowspirit

Thanks, I was hoping not to be shamed and flamed in my very first post. It made sense to me!

And - for the record - to the other remark- we are PART of the UN, it's not necessarily "us."

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Dock9
reply to post by wildtimes

Did you read this report ? It's directly under the report to which you linked:

Foreign troops kill Afghan civilians in Kandahar: police

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Mar. 31, 2011 (Reuters) — Foreign troops killed two Afghan civilians in restive southern Kandahar city on Thursday, a police detective said, days after the publication of gruesome photos of the body of an unarmed teenager murdered by U.S. soldiers nearby.

The 'foreign troops' are OUR troops, no ? And when they kill an Afghani, they claim it's because they were unable to tell the good Afghanis from the bad

Guess the Afghanis have the same problem with the 'foreigners' -- who're in their country why, exactly ?

Yeah, I know what you mean...why?? And the line you copied says Foreign troops killed 2 ...after photos were released of an unarmed teen murdered by US troops? It doesn't say what "foreign country" these "foreigners" were from. Kinda ambiguous.

My point, in the end, is that whether the Middle East and North Africa want the support of the West at all is dubious.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Here is another article on this matter. Because some pastor (IDIOT) in the states burned a Quran, a mob of Afghanistan people attacked a UN compound killing a reported 20 people. Two of which MAY have been beheaded.

Now as to my take on things, I had a close friend die in Afghanistan in 2007 from an IED - I don't care what people say - LEAVE AFGHANISTAN already. We are going to get nothing my misery and pain from being there, if the people want change - they will do it themselves, we can not force it upon them.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:53 PM
Not too happy with Mr Terry Jones right now. As far as I'm concerned he should bear some responsibility for these deaths. In my opinion Jesus would not approve of what he done,at all.

An extremist from the other side of the spectrum getting people killed for attention. I bet he gets some too,I bet he has to move,change his identity and better hope anon doesnt decide to take him down a notch or two. Course anon is not who I'd be worrying about right now,nope I'd be more concerned about the one he'll never see coming. I'm sure a fatwa has been put out on him now.

Heres a little on the matter with the cretin who has inflamed the Muslims more,thanks alot stupid. No telling how many he'll get killed over this.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:59 PM
That hateful Christian wanna-be preacher is just as guilty as the Muslim extremists who beheaded the UN employees imo...

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by MidnightTide

I'm with midnight tide. LEAVE ALREADY. They will sort it out. They don't need us or the UN! How is it the US is the World's Dudley-Do-Right, when our own house is on the brink of collapse, its residents close to anarchy, and the tension everywhere is literally palpable?? I would not want the US duplicated in my country (if I had one) - I'm pretty sure I could come up with a better sytem. That said - -

Any Nut Job who thumps a completely antiquated book and makes ridiculous "fatwas"...

(which - for those less aware of these things - is an "exception" to the commandments of the Quran, wherein one is not only excused from the condemnation of killing someone, but is elevated to a hero in doing so, and if s/he dies in the process, is rewarded as a martyr - right? Correct me if I'm wrong)

.... is no worse, and no better, than any televangelist or funeral-interrupting "Christian" zealot -

ALL organized religion is problematic. ALL.
i m o
But the thread was meant to illustrate how the UN, NATO, the West, Christian charity, Zionist commerce, whatever you want to call it - has NO BIZNESS*** being there in the Arab world. They've been around a llloonggg time, and we are just the upstarts who wrecked everything, in their eyes. They are still focused on what happened thousands of years ago in terms of the Arab vs Jew issue, wwwaaaayyyyy before the US had even been a twinkle in someone's eye.

And their culture is deeply rooted in a mindset that we can not wrap our heads around. Read:

The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9-11, by Lawrence Wright

Even if you choose to believe 9-11 was a conspiracy, a false flag thing - the book will teach a LOT about how the whole thing got started and the infrastructure that will keep it alive For Ev Er.

***Oh, wait. Ha. That's where a LOT of their "bizness" originates. Strategic investments. Unlike Sudan, which has nothing we want, so, ...thumb to the nose, shoulder shrug and a resounding "meh" to Sudan.

Okay, let me put it this way - if it's not your playground - Go Home. It's like a bunch of schoolyard bullies on a fantastic scale - or worse, gobal gang-banging.
Instead of tagging stop signs, they drop in bombs.
It's appalling. If any of these people actually think they are doing the right thing, they are ALL sociopaths - nothing but greedy psychos with big guns. It makes me want to retch.

edit on 2-4-2011 by wildtimes because: EDIT: to clarify all the different "reasons" for anyone butting in at all...forgot to put in the big bucks club

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:56 AM
And for today's excitement, it's now spreading, to the south...
wow, yeah, Terry Jones....thanks so much. NOT.

Now the protesters stormed a NATO building. Well, uh, if NATO, the UN, and all the troops weren't there, this would be less complicated. (My heart goes out to the troops - btw - married to a is a best friend of mine married to an active duty troop who JUST got home.)

Anyhow - just like I stay out of the dangerous neighborhoods at night, and away from where the drive-by shootings are known to occur, and avoid the street corners where the gangbangers peddle their wares...why does the "West" insist on trolling alleyways known to be dangerous to them?
Sure, I wish the gangbangers and drug pushers would stop, but since they won't, i'll just mind my own business and let them sort it out. And sure, I'd like a bit of the cash they're exchanging, but not so much that I'd put my family's life at risk.

"Son, go down to that railroad yard, you know the one, and bring me back some hooch. If you can't, if you die trying or go insane, I'll send your sister in. Just do it. That's an order."

Eventually the gangbangers will all kill one another anyway. (just a hypothetical)

Anyone still think it's a good idea for outsiders to interfere in the Middle East and North Africa? This is a completely predictable response to what Jones did. How many people have to die??? How many of our strong young men and women have to die, be traumatized, be used as killing machines, before this stops??

How Many, Gentlemen and Ladies of the UN? HOW MANY???!!! WHY are women not running this world?
My mom and I were talking about when things get rough, in all of history - the men grab the weapons and hunker down to fight to the death, and the women grab the kids and head for the hills.

Guess I just revealed my gender....or did i??

Anyone on ATS who happens to be Arab or Muslim - wish to contribute? I'd sure like to hear from someone who knows the culture well.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:06 AM
I been thinking of something,seems this Koran burning was like done a month ago,right? Could it be more they are angry about the newer breaking story of the "kill team" ? Are we being led to believe its the Koran burning rather than the other story as a means of distraction? Actually it matters not for both stories would certainly get the Muslims bent.

I agree we need to pull out now. What do we hope to achieve? More death? Over a million dead Iraqi and Afghanastanis,over 50,000 us amputees,over 5000 dead servicemen and what? What the hell have we gained and what possibly could we or anybody gain at such a cost? Its maddening.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by nickoli

Heres a little on the matter with the cretin who has inflamed the Muslims more,thanks alot stupid. No telling how many he'll get killed over this.

Yes stupid and intolerant. But that does not excuse the hateful crime of those who did the killing - including beheading. To whoever was a naysayer on this, go check your news. Sheesh...
Islam - the religion of peace is it? Oh I forgot, it's only a minority. Pretty large and dangerous minority. Let's not forget we had mayhem after some flippin cartoons. Riots round the world and over 100 reported deaths.
Time we stopped interfering. Time we learnt you can't haul countries like this out of the stone age - or impose alien concepts of government. The classic excuse is that we are trying to make the world a safer place, I'd say epic fail on that one.
edit on 2-4-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

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