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URGENT - MUST SEE - Updates on Fukushima -- Fairewinds Associates, Inc -- March 31, 2011

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by TheSparrowSings
So, what they need to learn from this is that ONE MONTH AGO, Japan was a very different place. The world was a very different place. Its time for us to start over-engineering everything. Stop building the sensitive energy systems in natural disaster zones and build to withstand even unheard of phenomenon (Magnitude 10 quakes, 600 km/h winds...)

Or... Let loose Tesla's free energy and lets get off the dirty stuff.

edit on 31/3/2011 by TheSparrowSings because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:16 PM
Excellent post I just watched it and then searching youtube I seen he also did a second video as an update to this one, here it is.

Basically this #4 was doomed as soon as it exploded. They need mass evacuations.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Thats all I have to say about that....

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

You and your wife are wonderful people. Everything will be ok with you...Keep with the same mind and heart set you've established and keep ascending. Remember... NO FEAR.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:37 PM
This guy states it is already coming down in the rain and has been for a week - he provides charts etc please take a look. Report 1st April (?) Sounds genuine.


Thanks for sharing that very good Video - clarifies just what everyone has suspected and the MSM have gone very quiet on the Nuclear problem - just telling us the very bare minimum.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:21 PM
Thanks for this post, this is the kind of straight talking & information that people need to hear right now & I'll come back to that point at the end.

First, I have a few questions about what Mr Gundersen said in this video presentation.
Anyone who wishes to check Mr Gunderson’s credentials can google his name & will easily find, as I did, that he is a (renowned) expert in the nuclear field, at one point being called as an expert witness in the Three Mile Island inquiry. So he checks out & knows one end of a reactor from the other.
However, a few things got my attention in this video; firstly, he pauses when recalling the meaning of the acronym "IAEA" as if unsure of the last letters' meaning (1:58). For a man of his stature in the nuclear field, this surely is an acronym that should trip right off the tongue without hesitation? Secondly, and more importantly, he says that radioactive "CERIUM" is being released (4:38). Whilst Cerium may well have been detected in the soup of decay products, I feel sure he meant CAESIUM, which, as far as I understand is one of the key signatures of a meltdown & would be present in the large volumes he suggests. He refers to "Cerium" as a heavy element. It isn't, it's a Rare Earth Element (REE) & among REEs it isn't considered heavy. He also said "200 tons of radioactive material are being poured into the reactors every day" (1:00). Erm... really? Odd.

Am I being pedantic, or are these slip-ups on the most basic of details pretty unforgivable considering the verifiable scientific standing of Mr Gundersen? I just think this is extremely strange. Is this just the downside of advancing age? Personally, I don't believe a man of science would make such basic mistakes.
The conspiracist in me was expecting to see beads of sweat on his forehead!! lol

What do ATSers think?

Back to the straight talking & information I mentioned at the beginning of this post.... I can't speak for media releases of other countries, but here in the UK, I have been glued to the news since this all kicked off, & have been waiting for an PROPER government broadcast in response to the situation. I have one question: WHERE THE HELL IS MY GOVERNMENT AND WHAT INFORMATION & ADVICE DO THEY HAVE? Really.... where are they???? HELLO???

Star + Flag for the first properly informative explanation I have seen on the issue, even with inaccuracies.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
Excellent post I just watched it and then searching youtube I seen he also did a second video as an update to this one, here it is.

Basically this #4 was doomed as soon as it exploded. They need mass evacuations.

Now this is member contribution right here...thanks!
Embedding it for our fellow ATS'ers:

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:27 PM
Anyone think that this information may have been the reason that nuclear engineer in New Mexico killed himself or (more likely) was killed? Maybe this info is why it happened...for those of you who don't know about this here's a link....

and apparently there was an update on that too as of today...check it out....

notice that they said there was a suicide note in the first article...then correcting it in the second....think the police was paid to shut up and rule it a suicide? Why would they say that and correct it?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:32 PM
Safety is never an incentive for corporations and governments. All the current adult generation cares about is the money and they hope that disasters don't happen until they die.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by HelionPrime

I don't really know much about him, I just read your post and thought I would comment.

But I don't think a slip of the tongue is that big of a deal considering the situation, or even in general. I once had a police officer tell me I was "under the best" I couldn't help but chuckle, even though I was clearly being arrested. I didn't doubt his authority or experience as a police officer based on his slip up, he was frustrated and it was funny, yet understandable.

As far as mixing up the A in the acronym, I'm not sure what the intials mean but I often confuse even organizations I'm highly aware of and may say "association" when it's "agency" or similar.

I don't believe that because someone is intelligent, or holds a degree in a high field is any less human or less prone to slip ups and mistakes.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:38 PM
It would have been interesting if most of you had been around in the 60's when we were vaporizing half of the South Pacific and most of the Nevada desert. The "Chicken Little" mania is amusing. The next time a thunder cloud comes up walk outside your moms basement and stand in the rain. You will be more at risk.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Mandelbrot2012

Oh now that's an intelligent statemnent...............NOT !!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by MissingRonnieR
It would have been interesting if most of you had been around in the 60's when we were vaporizing half of the South Pacific and most of the Nevada desert. The "Chicken Little" mania is amusing. The next time a thunder cloud comes up walk outside your moms basement and stand in the rain. You will be more at risk.

I was around in the 60's - and was old enough to be aware of what was going on. They (MSM and our government) didn't tell us didly squat about the dangers of what they were doing. Everything's fine . . . just move along. Not much has changed. Thank God for sites like ATS who have the courage to put the truth out there.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by HelionPrime

I noticed those things too, however, have you ever tried to video yourself? How many times did it take to get it right? I had to make a military training video. I thought it would be easy and that I could do it without reading anything because I knew the material backward and forward and could have given a speech for hours on the subject. After about 20 tries, I realized that I was not going to be able to do the whole thing (which was about 8 minutes long) without messing up something and having to start all over. So I had to write it all out and read it in front of the camera. He is obviously not reading from a teleprompter or else those simple mistakes would not have been made. This is why most people, even the president, read from a teleprompter or have a powerpoint presentation when giving a speech.

The stumbling over an acronym (which in his field there are tons of them and he most likely commonly refers to them in acronym form) is common in the military because we had so many of them. For example: the ASPCA. We all know what the ASPCA is...but what does it stand for...had to think about it for a minute right? I bet some even had to look it up...

I think the others are just common slip-of-the-tongue things. I don't think it discredits him at all. I think he should probably write out what he intends to say and read it to avoid making any future slips though.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
IMO, the atom may lead to the demise
of the human species.

It's not the atom that is the problem. It's what people do with that atom that determines their outcome.

Thank you OP for bringing some truth to us. It's what we all need right now.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Nothing he said was anything I hadn't envisioned when this first happened, and I am wondering why these points were just now being put together.

Aw,man, I had hoped I was wrong but I had no doubts. I too wonder when They will hit the bunkers.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:42 PM
I think the grammatical errors are caused by three factors.

1. As someone above just said, recording yourself in a room, alone isn't easy and can take several attempts to even get close to what you would call perfect.

2. Proof that he isn't used to being on camera, he's definately not an actor and subsequently more human than most of the media shills that we have for news reports in the MSM.

3. As an intellegent and world wise individual, he maybe sub-consiously aware that by making these videos and releasing them, he is essentially potentially inviting a laser sight to his forhead. That kinda sub-consious pressure could easily explain a couple of grammatical slips and verbal pauses.

If you wish to distract yourself from the thuths offered in this video, I'll compile a copy of this video and split the image with the interview on the left side, and some footage of kittens play fighting on the other.

In many cases, there are reason to read between the lins (What is he not saying, hows he saying it, does he mean to have that colour tie on, is that a wig hes' not wearing) however such trivial and irrelevent discussion only serves to detract from what is really being said and really should be left out of this thread.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:52 PM
The consquences are a quantum thing
it will affect people in probabilities...

do your due diligence and prep as best you can
A Dr Cass Ingram seems to have had some success curing radiation sicknes with:
chaga fungus, glutathion, resveritrol, cummin, Vitamins C and E, sage, selenium, raw liver, oil of oregano..
this is also about curing the cancers caused by radiation as well...

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Boy this is not good for any of us. I knew they were not telling the truth...go figure

Look..what they need to do is just dig a hole 1000ft down, and bury the reactor, like they did at Chernobyl.
The main problem with that is Japan is prone to more earthquakes. If they do bury it, and another big quake hits, it could be exposed all over again..what a falderal

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
The consquences are a quantum thing
it will affect people in probabilities...

do your due diligence and prep as best you can
A Dr Cass Ingram seems to have had some success curing radiation sicknes with:
chaga fungus, glutathion, resveritrol, cummin, Vitamins C and E, sage, selenium, raw liver, oil of oregano..
this is also about curing the cancers caused by radiation as well...

Well... There is an oil derived from the cannabis plant that has shown very good results in curing cancers of a number of types. It's derived from the flowers and not the seeds.

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