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Introduction & Real-Time Ionospheric TEC (Total Electron Content) Disturbance

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:25 PM
Excellent research, sir! I too made the connection between the girl on Youtube and the build-up this past week with a drop starting today! This is great info and certainly something to watch. F&S.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by princeguy

Indeed, you are correct, I was discussing precisely what you said

By the way, I think you'll find I'm a dudette, not a dude lol

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by tacjtg
reply to [url= by PuterMan[/url]

Wow. Perhaps the correlations are not nearly as strong as once thought. Thank you for pointing that out PuterMan!

Although that's good info, I wouldn't necessarily say it debunks it. ie. to say that "all the killers had brown shoes" doesn't mean "everybody with brown shoes is a killer".

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Phage

Total Electron Content is a measure of the amount of ions trapped within the magnetosphere.

Sorry, but you are wrong. An ion is a positively charged particle, while an electron is negatively charged. They are very different.

As far as your thread goes, you are talking about sunspots and the Earths magnetic field, which is different than electrical charge. While the Earth may have north and south magnetic poles, it is negatively charged around the planet. From my understanding, overall, the ionosphere has a positive charge. We are talking about the Ionosphere on this thread.

Wiki should work in this instance.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:47 PM
Well done. I'm going to keep an eye on that sight. Thanks

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by princeguy

Originally posted by kro32

Actually the earth is more stable right now than any other period of time. Don't forget what's happened in the past from killer volcanoes to ice ages to huge fluctuations in the temperature. Also remember some of the serious plagues we've been affected by in the past.

What's going on right now is really nothing compared to what's happened in the past.

I think what he is talking about is the changes that have been happening over the last couple decades, and how do you know that the earth is more stable than any other period in time? I don't think we have seismograph and solar flare readings from 1000 years ago.

Do you really want me to prove this to you or do you just want to retract this silly statement now?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Phage

While sunspot numbers are a good indication of solar activity it may be better to look at something which we know is directly affected by that activity and which in turn may influence earthquakes, an intermediary so to speak. We know that solar activity can heavily influence the Earth's magnetosphere, creating fluctuations which we know as geomagnetic storms. Can we find a relationship between these storms and earthquake activity?

The primary method of measuring geomagnetic activity is though the Kp index

Well perhaps it was précising the detail a little too much but basically that is what your statement reads to me.

Sun spots are a good activity indicator > sun spots affect geomagnetism > KP index measures geomagnetic activity. Thus the KP index is an indicator of sun spot activity, therefore you were in effect comparing sunspot activity to earthquake activity. Did I miss something?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Solasis

Sol, Chadwickus, as well as Phage have always had a bias against research that contradicts their point of view.
They both conduct their own made up studies, and pick and choose whatever data they want discarding everything else and then try to conclude victoriously, at least they think so, that they are right even though they are completely wrong.

Let me give you an example.

Chadwickus made up this thread and then concluded that solar activity does not affect earthquakes. He proclaimed that he selected the right data, even though he didn't even check if such flares were directed at Earth, such as the following, which he proclaimed should have caused an earthquake but he didn't check that this cme wasn't directed at Earth.

04/11/03 – X28+
This solar flare was observed by NASA’s GOES satellite system and is the strongest solar flare recorded to date. It was not directed directly at Earth, but did cause some radio blackouts.

edit on 31-3-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: errors.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:29 PM
Can geomagnetic storms be used as precursorsof earthquakes for predictions?

"Researchers using NASA's fleet of five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a form of space weather that packs the punch of an earthquake and plays a key role in sparking bright Northern Lights.

They call it "a space-quake." That's part of a message to the press making headlines today. The 5 THEMIS satellites were parked 'behind' Earth in its magnetic tail, stretching out deep into space due to the solar wind.

The solar wind is a stream of charged particles ejected from the Sun, sometimes causing severe space weather and geomagnetic storms with beautiful aurora displays. These storms can be dangerous for astronauts, but also cause effects on the Earth' surface. Power outages for example, or earthquakes. As I have written many times it seemed obvious there exists a connection between 'space storms' and devastating earthquakes. Their occurrence came too close for comfort, although in a way unpredictable.

The results from THEMIS now indicate that we shouldn't look so much for the bow shock (where the solar energy hits the magnetosphere), but rather for the tail of the Earth' magnetic field, that spreads out to about 25 times the radius of the Earth (about 6.500 km) into space. Sometimes however the magnetic field lines reconnect and catapult tremendous amounts of energy back to Earth. This causes 'sub-storms' (see left: status) with aurora phenomena at the South- and North-poles. They are accompanied by violent changes of the magnetic field on Earth, causing electro-magnetic anomalies that could be dangerous for us, our electronics and the power grid...

J. Ind. Geophys. Union ( April 2010 )
Vol.14, No.2, pp.115-131
Ionospheric precursors observed during some earthquakes
A.K.Gwal, Santosh Kumar Jain, Gopal Panda 1 and S.K.Vijay 2
Space Science Laboratory, Department of Physics Barkatullah University, Bhopal – 462 026
1Department of Engineering Physics, RKDF Institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal – 462 026
2Department of Physics, Govt. Geetanjali Girls College, Bhopal – 462 026
E-mail: [email protected]

Ionospheric anomalies in association with earthquakes were derived using foF2 records from
ionospheric stations. The present study reports the ionospheric perturbations, if any, observed
over the related ionospheric station prior to occurrences of five earthquakes during last three years
at various locations. Initially, foF2 data were analyzed with upper and lower bound and the
observed anomalous changes related to geomagnetic disturbances were filtered out. Then the
remaining perturbations were analyzed in relation to the occurrence of seismic activities. Hence
period considered in this study comes under the quiet geomagnetic conditions. The results of
the study showed some unusual perturbations. These anomalies are strongly time dependent and
appeared some days before the main shock. The possible mechanism to explain these anomalies
is the effect of seismogenic electric field generated just above the surface of the earth within the
earthquake preparation zone well before the earthquake.

National Institute for Earth Physics, P.O. Box MG-2, Bucharest-Mãgurele, Romania
Received July 6, 2005
The association between a precursory geomagnetic anomaly and a Vrancea
earthquake of moderate-to-high magnitude (MW = 6.3) followed by weaker earthquakes
(MW < 5) was first proved in this paper. This finding extended to a broader magnitude
range 3.7 ≤ MW ≤ 6.3 the conclusion of our earlier papers [1–6], i.e., that the great
majority of Vrancea earthquakes of magnitudes 3.7 ≤ MW ≤ 5.0 were accompanied
by observable precursory electromagnetic anomalies.
Right now, it seems that neither the precursor time nor the amplitude of the
precursory magnetic anomaly can be linked reliably with the magnitude of the
anticipated earthquake. Knowing the way electric resistivity varies ahead of an
earthquake, we can assert that the earthquake-precursory growth in geomagnetic
impedance is matched by an earthquake-precursory decrease of electric resistivity.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Aelfrede

Great analogy.... HAARP could very well be the angry man!

Very interesting post from the OP

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by Phage

Total Electron Content is a measure of the amount of ions trapped within the magnetosphere.

Sorry, but you are wrong. An ion is a positively charged particle, while an electron is negatively charged. They are very different.

Also from Wiki:

An ion is an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
reply to post by Solasis

Sol, Chadwickus, as well as Phage have always had a bias against research that contradicts their point of view.
They both conduct their own made up studies, and pick and choose whatever data they want discarding everything else and then try to conclude victoriously, at least they think so, that they are right even though they are completely wrong.

I fail to see how what you just described differs from what you did.

Well, except that you didn't bother to pick and choose the data. You just threw it all out there and claimed that it showed that the sun did effect geologic activity, even though each study claimed that earthquakes were increased by directly opposed aspects of solar activity.

As for the other thing, I still have yet to see Phage be disingenuous in any way.

And although I don't know Chadwickus at all, and don't know about how strong his biases are, I'm willing to bet that he simply made a mistake. Maybe he saw that it had an effect on Earth and so jumped the gun a little to the conclusion that it was earth-directed. A bad jump, yes, but not an unreasonable one. I notice that he hasn't been around to reply to that one yet, and will probably adjust his numbers when he sees it.

Your aggression does you no good; you transform your position into a position against Chadwickus and PHage rather than against their evidence. It's... annoying.
edit on 31-3-2011 by Solasis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Solasis

But an electron is never positive, it is always negative. Which means that an electron is not an ion, whether it is a positive or negative ion. Electrons do not have to be attached to an atom or a molecule.

Charge is not the same as a magnetic field.

The claim made that it is a measure of ions is still wrong. Oxygen tends to be a negative ion normally. The claim is completely off base.

And the article I linked to earlier from Cornell clearly states that there is a correlation, which again means that Phage's dismissal is wrong.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by kro32

Originally posted by DesirableAnswers
Actually something that will interest all of you, As much as the attention was focused on California because of that girls prediction. The information provided by the original poster was right in there being an earthquake a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit 438 Km's Northwest of Tonga at a depth of 23 km's no reports of injuries or damage or tsunami warnings though. But just because it didn't hit as predicted a large earthquake did strike within the time frame for this to be pretty accurate.

Man, less that 15 hours after the big quake hit there they had 2 aftershocks that were over 7.0 and I believe they had over 300 over magnitude 3.0 in the first 3 days.

Quit trying to reach to verify something.

Reach what exactly? I was just pointing out that there was a news report of an earthquake which fit within the timeframe of the what the OP was saying in regards to his information since everyone else for a few pages was saying they were paying attention solely to there being an earthquake in california because of some girls predicition on youtube. I was simply pointing out Tonga as an earthquake can happen anywhere America isn't the center of the universe. If you have issues with such things put your tinfoil hat back on and bury your head

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Heyyo_yoyo

So why are you attacking me?
What did I do but post some info and my opinion.
I just thought some of you might want to look at the graphs and draw some
of your own conclusions.
Sorry if I offended you in some way,even though it's not your thread to begin with.

edit on 31-3-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Solasis
Your aggression does you no good; you transform your position into a position against Chadwickus and PHage rather than against their evidence. It's... annoying.
edit on 31-3-2011 by Solasis because: (no reason given)

I present the evidence, and the evidence shows that yes during fluctuations in solar activity either up or down there are effects on seismic and magmatic activity.

I have posted several other research that demonstrate this in the past. I don't pick just some random data, and discard the rest and then make up my own conclusion.

If Chad wasn't so condescending I wouldn't be so hard on him, and Phage never, ever admits to being wrong, and sorry to tell you but the claims Phage made in that thread he made are wrong. They both make exactly the same claims and ignore all other factors and evidence simply because it doesn't fit with their preconcieved perception.

The Earth is similar to a giant magnet, and what happens to magnets if you apply another magnetic field, either oposite, or the same?... The magnet reacts, either by pushing away, if they are the same polarities, or by attracting each other if they are different polarities. The same thing happens to the Earth but instead of being pushed, or pulled it causes the Earth to increase its magmatic and seismic activity, but it also depends on other factors not just solar activity.

You actually think that nothing happens to the Earth when the heliosphere weakens and more interstellar dust, high energy particles, radiation etc enters the Solar System?...

What happens when your immune system is down?... Don't you get sick? Hence when the solar activity is very low it means the Solar System's defenses are weakened, and when the Sun's activity is up, even though the Solar System's defenses are up it still affects planets like Earth.

It shouldn't be that hard to understand.

edit on 31-3-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: add comments.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:29 PM
Anyway, does solar activity affects seismic activity? Yes it does.

Solar activity as a triggering mechanism for earthquakes

John F. Simpsona, b

a Goodyear Aerospace Corporation, USA

b University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, USA

Received 7 November 1967; revised 16 December 1967. Available online 28 October 2002.


Solar activity, as indicated by sunspots, radio noise and geomagnetic indices, plays a significant but by no means exclusive role in the triggering of earthquakes. Maximum quake frequency occurs at times of moderately high and fluctuating solar activity. Terrestrial solar flare effects which are the actual coupling mechanisms which trigger quakes appear to be either abrupt accelerations in the earths angular velocity or surges of telluric currents in the earths crust. The graphs presented in this paper permit probabilistic forecasting of earthquakes, and when used in conjunction with local indicators may provide a significant tool for specific earthquake prediction.

To find some other peer-reviewed research that supports the fact that there is a correlation between solar activity and seismic/magmatic activity on Earth, below is a link with some of that research.

edit on 31-3-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Phage
There is little evidence of a relationship between geomagnetic activity and earthquakes.

That is not true, Phage.

Here's a quick sample of some credible scientific papers which indicate that such a relationship does indeed exist. I gathered these references by typing "electron precipitation earthquake" into google, then following a few links on the first couple of result pages. Mind-you, this is what popped-up immediately, without any further digging or searching. I have done extensive research into this over the last ten years, and I can assure you that there are plenty of highly credible scientific studies which show convincingly that geomagnetic activity, (esp. charged-particle precipitation events) and earthquakes are most definitely connected.

Relationship between night airglow and seismic activity Fishkova, L. M.; Gokhberg, M. B.; Pilipenko, V. A. Annales Geophysicae (ISSN 0755-0685), vol. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1985, p. 689-694.
The results of photometric observations of the night airglow at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory at the time of near-by earthquakes are given. The intensity of the green oxygen line (lambda = 5577 A) was observed to go through a maximum several hours before the earthquake. This increase is proved by the statistical analysis of 400 small local earthquakes. The intensities of the red oxygen line (lambda = 6300 A) and hydroxyl OH bands had no distinct anomalies. The described phenomena may be related to an enhanced electron precipitation into the lower ionosphere induced by radioemission of seismic origin.
Paper: Temporal Evolution of Energetic Electron Precipitation as a Promising Tool for Earthquake Prediction Research: Analysis of IDP / DEMETER Observations Volume: 424, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society Page: 67 Authors: Anagnostopoulos, G.; Rigas, V.; Athanasiou, M.; Iliopoulos, A.; Vassiliadis, E.; Iossifidis, N.
Abstract: In this study we present spatial and temporal correlation results of energetic (70 – 2350 keV) electron bursts (EBs) detected by the DEMETER spacecraft (700 km alt.) before great (M>6.7) Earthquakes (EQs) in general and statistical results for 13 EQs in and near Japan. The EBs were found to show a characteristic flux-time profile, time duration and energy spectrum and are associated with VLF activity. The most important finding of this study is a characteristic pattern of the temporal distribution of the daily number of EBs that shows an increasing at the first phase (which starts 2–4 weeks before the EQ), and a decreasing in the second phase, that reaches a local minimum around the occurrence time of the EQ, in agreement with some other physical parameters related with EQs. This temporal evolution pattern allows the determination of a first signal, a long time (several days to few weeks) before a possible intense seismic event, and a short time (few to several hours) signal before the coming EQ. The statistical analysis of EBs of this type confirms a strong correlation between the number of EBs observed near the EQ epicenter and all over the globe, suggesting a useful prediction research tool even for distant EQs.
Radiation belt electron precipitation in the upper ionosphere at middle latitudes before strong earthquakes G. Anagnostopoulos, V. Rigas, E. Vassiliadis (Submitted on 16 Dec 2010) In this article we present examples of a wider study of space-time correlation of electron precipitation event of the Van Allen belts with the position and time of occurrence of strong (M>6.5) earthquakes. The study is based on the analysis of observations of electron bursts (EBs) with energies 70 - 2350 keV at middle geographic latitudes, which were detected by DEMETER satellite (at an altitude of ~700 km). The EBs show a relative peak-to-background increase usually < 100, they have a time duration ~0.5 - 3 min, energy spectrum with peaks moving in higher energies as the satellite moves towards the equator, and highest energy limit

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by zerotensor

Originally posted by Phage
There is little evidence of a relationship between geomagnetic activity and earthquakes.

That is not true, Phage.

Trust me, you won't get Phage to accept, or admit he is wrong, EVER...

Some other members and myself have tried for a long time, but he just doesn't like to admit ever being wrong. No matter how much peer-reviewed research you show him.

I have posted at least two dozen, if not more research which shows the contrary to what Phage likes to claim, but he just keeps going back to that made up thread he made and which he linked to here, and is full of fallacies and bad assumptions.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by General.Lee

Originally posted by tacjtg
reply to [url= by PuterMan[/url]

Wow. Perhaps the correlations are not nearly as strong as once thought. Thank you for pointing that out PuterMan!

Although that's good info, I wouldn't necessarily say it debunks it. ie. to say that "all the killers had brown shoes" doesn't mean "everybody with brown shoes is a killer".

Put simply, correlation does not equal cause.

I intend at some stage to put these things in perspective by relating energies output in these events to mass (E=MC^2). By looking at the actual output in terms understood by most people I hope to dispel the idea that small forces can in any way be affecting these large events.
edit on 1/4/2011 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I'm impressed by your ability to sum up your distaste for Chad and Phage when challenged, and the ncontinue to present the evidence. You've done a good job of pulling yourself up from having your argument be against them rather than their evidence.

... But I totally saw Phage admit he was wrong once, I think!!!11!!1111!

... Yeah I don't have any more to contribute to this thread, hehe ^^;;;

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