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ATS and YouTube Vids

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:05 PM
From where I am sitting, and that posistion is one of an increasingly sceptical nature with regards to ATS and what exactly its purpose and intentions are, I have to say I am completely fed up with threads that are started along these lines -

Title/Subject that bears no relation whatsoever with the content of the post.

Short paragraph of text along these lines -

"I think this, I thought of this while eating waffles over breakfast, I have nothing to back it up with, I didnt even bother thinking about it to much, please give me stars, because thats kinda cool, thx"

Then we get a Youtube Vid, not even a YouTube Vid done by the thread poster, just some random crap that was found by accident, this is then given as proof of whatever nonsense was thought up in the previous paragraph.

Then we get this -

"What do think guys ?, have you seen this, omg wow this blows everything wide open, oooh and dont forget to star me, needz me stars"

Now, I am fully aware that I am new boy, but this whole trend of just posting random Youtube crap is complete spherical danglers.

Above Top Secret, did I get that right ?, or did my ability to read fail me ?

90% of the stuff on here is not even above drunken bar room waffling, with a random YouTube video thrown in to promote someones book/website/views.

WTF, yeah go on, change it to


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Dajjal


Good point. Now, what?

OK, I'll take a shot - no video - but a chance to welcome a new member and get feedback on the project.

Welcome to ATS and I look forward to your first thread.

Perhaps, you would be so good as to respond to this project we have just initiated.

From what we know at this time, it appears that many of the earthquake lights appear about 30 minutes before a major earthquake. With enough data, it might be possible to postulate the birth of some sort of "early warning system," based on real-time data from enough respondents over a broad area - or pinpointed in places like Yellowstone, New Madrid, SoCal, Alaska, etc.

As a first responder and having lived in SoCal for 40 years, I can tell you that a 30-minute lead time on a quake could save thousands of lives.

How about assisting in this project which will correlate earthquake lights, strange sounds and rumblings - before, during, after - and earthquakes. The information collected could possibly lead to some sort of earthquake prediction system here within ATS if the data can be analyzed for some sort of predictive pattern. The idea is to collect the correct data from the start - and as soon as possible IMHO.

I, personally, would welcome any advice/help/suggestions/interested parties to make this idea better and a reality sooner.

It might be interesting to see if any of these sounds have "Earthquake Lights" associated with them before/during/after the sounds and an earthquake? Or were there sounds/lights and the EQ hasn't happened as yet - we really do not have enough data to make an informed decision as to the amount of time between events...?

Here's another thought...what about pre-quake smells?

Please help to spread the word to as many people as possible to quickly build the database as this information and map may prove to be quite timely - especially to people in the Yellowstone/New Madrid/West Coast/Alaska areas.

Earthquake Lights Map Live Update

Thank you for your time and consideration.

These challenges to life and sanity on this planet must be met with clear minds and sound hearts, so may your 2011 see you embracing its highest potential and onward through the fog!

In Peace & Light


Dodged a Solar Bullet

Global Emergency & Disaster Info

Earthquake Lights Map Live Update

Cometgate! Elenin + 2005 YU55 + Nibiru

Surviving the American Food Crisis of 2011

Will America's Nuclear Power Plants Fail in an 8.0 Earthquake?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Dajjal

A picture or I don't believe it.

The above text also annoys the hell out of me. It implies that pictures can't be manipulated or misinterpreted.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:31 PM
Welcome to ATS!

Lol, I get what you mean about the youtube vid threads..but ATS is a HUGE place actually. This is not just some fringe website where people can post weird youtube videos regardless of what you may think.

ATS is actually *the* best alternate news scource, hands down. The members on this site get news WAY before any other MSM outlet. There are also a ton of very well researched threads that will literally have you reading for hours.

I'll throw just a *few* of my favorites out there, and you can judge these as you please:

Best info anywhere about the nuclear situation in Japan. Some threads aren't about the opinion of the OP, many are about the content that follows, like this one.
Japan declars 'nuclear emergency after quake'

Day by day (minute by minute) earthquake activity monitoring and very informational content.
Quake watch 2011

Do you like the mysterious and unknown? Give this one a read but be prepared, it's long but WELL worth it.

PARA: Untersberg - The Mystery Mountain

This one kind of fits the theme of the last one, it's a great read.
Odd Sounds from "Spirit Cave" Tibet

Oh I almost forgot to post this one, oh my! Best thread on the internet about Yellowstone. Someday, when you have the time to read 700 pages of priceless info concerning the geology in and around Yellowstone, be sure to head over here.
What's going on at Yellowstone?

Aren't in the mood for up to date breaking headlines or the mysterious and unknown? Never fear, ATS also has an off-topic section, this thread is great when you just want a laugh.
Post A Funny Pic, I'm Bored...,

There are many other threads here with excellent content, please don't discredit the site based on a few crappy youtube threads. That is all.

edit on 28-3-2011 by Wookiep because: Edit to add Yellowstone thread, HOW could I forget that one??

edit on 28-3-2011 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

Yep, its a very good site for getting news updates, for example here in the UK we have had pritty much a complete news blackout regarding the events in Japan, from our very much respected BBC.

But the site needs more moderation, random spamming of Youtube vids needs to stopped.

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