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Indiana prosecutor told Wisconsin governor to stage 'false flag' operation

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:56 AM
how do we know that THIS isn't the false flag event? Maybe this is a pro union move. I know, he lost his job so I'm wrong I guess.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Two local papers had to sue the governor to get his e-mails released after he refused a public disclosure request ( required by law in Wisconsin ). He lost in court and had to turn over the e-mails and pay $7,000 in legal fees to the papers.

It was still damn stupid of the guy to put in in writing, just goes to show one how much these guys believe their own ego fluff ( odd thing is at every level of the current system everyone at every level except the very tip top is considered expendable. I wonder when some of these stuffed shirts are going to realized that without a middle class there is no need in government for it's middle managers? When they came for the prosecutors i did nothing as I was not a .....)

As for corruption even though the current governor didn't take up on violence the current governmental body of sentiment, that "elections have consequences" as a justification for total disregard for the rule of law , and any existing structures of government or society that they find inconvenient is fully embodied by their continuing actions:
The local county district attorney had to sue the governor of his own state (this should have been the job of the state attorney general but visions of sugar plums are dancing in his head) because that group tried to subvert the legislative process .
When the county DA won and got the bill stopped for being illegal the governor is now simply ignoring the court and trying to proceed anyway

march 25th:

Despite the court’s order, the law was published today by the Legislative Reference Bureau and posted on the state legislature website. ...Majority Leader in the State Assembly, ... issuing a statement indicating that he assumed the law would now take effect tomorrow. It would seem that court orders mean absolutely nothing to the two top legislators in the state.

But they are still using the legal system when it suits them if someone uncovers their dirty secrets

On the plus side the people of Wisconsin are looking this new slavery ( and the fools whom believe they are it's masters) in the face and in their polite way sizing it up for a pair of concrete shoes

I hate to steal another man's line , but "the lie is different at every level", I wonder how many of these government types achieve what they were used for then get eaten by their own kind before they figure it guess is most of them because the one critical thing wrong with government in our nation is that the kind of people that want power are the last ones whom should ever have it Reagan said "...government is not the solution , government is the problem ..." any smart man asks , " then why are YOU part of it?
edit on 26-3-2011 by Silverlok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:37 AM
There better damn be prosecutions as if they were Arab they'd be all over the media but since they are white it don't matter.

The Neo ConserviBagggers are now legitimately terrorist organization.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Unions are sounding even more like great organizations by the minute! Wow... Shooting at people that are trying to make a living while the unions are pouting and picketing. Beating people for making their own unions without their permission. Kidnapping, coercion, how do they hide from RICO?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by crimvelvet

Unions are sounding even more like great organizations by the minute! Wow... Shooting at people that are trying to make a living while the unions are pouting and picketing. Beating people for making their own unions without their permission. Kidnapping, coercion, how do they hide from RICO?

A GOP AG was caught red handed trying to stage a terrorist attack. The ConserviBagger Dictatorship, driven by racism and hate.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Hes a lawyer what do you expect.Lawyers are all ways looking for ways around things legal or otherwise its the way they think.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

And your racist reply has what to do with what I said?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

And your racist reply has what to do with what I said?

The point is that since it was white GOP people planning this expect no prosecutions but if this was a bunch of Arabs that they would be up on terrorism charges so fast your head would spin.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Lol, I find it funny, everytime I see you enter a thread, you are bringing up race. Even where it has no relevance at all to the topic at hand. A morally corrupt lawyer, gave some illegal advice. The advice was not followed as far as I know. Lawyers can get away with breaking the law better than most, because they know where loopholes are. Not only white lawyers either....

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Lol, I find it funny, everytime I see you enter a thread, you are bringing up race. Even where it has no relevance at all to the topic at hand. A morally corrupt lawyer, gave some illegal advice. The advice was not followed as far as I know. Lawyers can get away with breaking the law better than most, because they know where loopholes are. Not only white lawyers either....

If I may interject...He may be a troll with an agenda. These types are unfortunately increasing here on ATS. You did the correct thing in pointing out his agenda. Truth causes trolls to take flight.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:54 AM
A troll I can totally assure I am not as I've met and spoken with a literate who's who of TPTB dating back a decade.

Look at my entire posting history and the only agenda I push is that of "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and "Freedom, democracy and majority rule".

What I am pointing out that none of the braindead idiots seem to understand or "get" is that since this dude is

The problem I have is that every GOP'r clearly does not get that Mr. Carlos Lam is a light skinned hispanic American but since he is GOP he will not be charged with plotting and committing an act of terrorism. Aparently only Arabic Muslims qualify for prosecution under the draconian GOP agenda.

Look at the last line of my sig, does that look like it would come from a troll? I hate and despise trolls.


Mr Lam should be in cuffs and in jail now awaiting trial but since he's GOP he will walk, that is the point, Neo ConserviBagger hypocrisy of the highest order, quick to black out on an Arab but quick to turn a blind eye when one of your own gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Now if this was Obama the world would not hear the end of it. What applies to one must apply to all and there are to be no exceptions.

Try to backpeddle out of this one

The entire GOP plan in a nutshell :

1. Continue and guarantee that the top 10% of earners don't have to contribute a thing to the economy.
2. Continually allow the banks to do whatever the flip they want and to blindly give them another multi trillion dollar bailout package whenever they get a bug up their tail.
3. Continually send our jobs oversees which will double and triple the unemployment rates.
4. Engage us in an armed conflict with Iran and North Korea while keeping the Wars Over Energy going.
5. Deny people the basic right to essential services like Medicaid, Social Security and cancel all social programs effectively leaving those like me who are unable to hold down a 40 hour 5 day a week job to fend for ourselves!
6. Allow time and time again the poisoning of our food and water supply while protecting the companies that are harming us.
7. Kill off the electric and non petrolchemical powered transportation.
8. Allow for more foriegn influence into our process domestically (law passages, elections)
9. Kill off any non white people!
10. Kill our chance to compete on the world's stage while cutting public school education while leaving the private schools alone.
11. Turn this "War On Terrorism" into a "Holy War" between Islam-Muslim and Christian-Hebrew!
12. Allow time and time again your health insurance company the control to deny you and your family any treatment they want. < These are the real "Death Panels" a bunch of insurance company employees sitting around dictating who gets what coverage.
13. Do nothing about this immigrant issue so the multi trillion dollar lobbyists firms can contunally exploit them for cheap and dirt cheap labour all the while not demanding that any of it remains stateside all while evading the Federal Income Tax laws,
14. Allow you to lose your job and home for whatever reason your employer and lender dictates and not have the populous the right to challenge any claim.
15. Return to an era whereas an African American was legally declared 2/3 of a person and Women weren't allowed out of the kitchen, forget about having the right to own property, hold down a job, have a say in matters pertaining to thier own bodies, have the right to vote, be forced to endure consistant beatings and belittements if they didn't have dinner done in time, being subjected to forced spousal rape. Do y'all really want to subject your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts to this? African Americans would be forced back into the cotton fields stripped of all rights, properties, jobs, and all money earned. McCain admitted this while on The View in Ear 08!

This is when "The Party of HELL NO!" dictates policy all the while protecting their wealthy donors. This has everything to do with the entire GOP, cutting social programs and eliminating them has been on the dockett since the 1970's so don't tell me this has nothing to do with the GOP.


The entire GOP's mantra is to make Obama a "1 Term President" and will destroy anything in this nation to achieve that goal even go as far as putting 150 Million out of work and forcing anyone who is not a rich, white, Neo Con to get cut all while striping the people and the nation of it's rights and freedoms.

The GOP will protect with life and limb the following industries :
Energy, Big Pharm, Banks, Anyone with an account worth more then $10 Million.

edit on 26-3-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:48 AM
This link is pretty interesting..

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:00 AM
What is amazing, is that these Fascists can be so blatant and incompetent, and the "working man" doesn't drag them into the streets.

We've had a 4 decades of destroying education, shifting costs from businesses and the wealthy to the middle class, and union busting. They've promoted every nit-wit who can speak a sentence and holds the Milton Friedman philosophy, and the ignorant in this country have been emboldened, while intelligent discourse, rarely graces the airwaves.

Are we LUCKY that this Wisconsin operation is so blatant, run by willing idiots? Or should we be really scared that it has gotten so bad, that even a fool caught with such betrayal and links to those who benefit from the "economic crisis" can still get away with it, and the media still breathlessly reports the "Republican response" as if it weren't a repetition of a lie than anyone with a clue and a memory no longer believes?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:16 AM
Just what we need, another extreme nut muddying up the waters.

That comment is totally inexcusable, especially coming from someone paid to uphold the law.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by mmerlinn
Just what we need, another extreme nut muddying up the waters.

That comment is totally inexcusable, especially coming from someone paid to uphold the law.

Not to forget, prosecutable as this dude was caught red handed trying to plan and commit an act of terrorism.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

I agree with what you are saying -- but the big joke is; those who support this Neo-fascism are NOT going to enjoy the benefits. The Conservatives were never upset over Clinton getting a BJ -- and I think a lot of the NeoCons secretly are OK with American workers getting desperate -- as long as they get prayer in schools and make Liberals miserable.

Remember, their sentiment is; "Our side won!" Really, the reasonable people will LOSE nobody but the elite pulling strings will win. When NeoCons describe the enemy, saying; "You cannot reason with them -- you can only make them fear you" it's really a projection of themselves. The ENEMY, is merely a dark mirror, wherein every flaw they ignore in themselves, is 10 times darker.

>>Why would anyone think the Birthers, the Tea Baggers, the John Birch Society, the Intelligent Design and the "next useful fools" had anything useful to say in a conversation? We used to ignore such people along with Big Foot (until someone traps a Big Foot -- why discuss it?). When Fascists take control -- the USEFUL FOOLS, are the first to be dispensed with. The push towards "fundamentalism" is important to the effort -- they don't care about prayer is schools or anti-abortion movements or the help of their anti-global warming friends (like saving 20% on fuel oil is going to make up for more expensive crops and more air conditioning) -- what is important, is a population of people who CANNOT BE REASONED WITH.

The people who constantly "WORRY" that some government employees might get a few bucks extra, and some healthcare -- DO NOT CARE that the Wisconsin governor fakes an "attack" by Union representatives -- they would not care if it was proved that Dick Cheney and George Bush planned 9/11. For some reason, they KNOW that their enemy is wrong -- even when most "terrorist" acts, have fingerprints of the CIA or FBI all over them. We fire teachers while spending Billions fighting an enemy we never see. The Underwear Bomber, "attacked" Detroit, because he couldn't afford a ticket to go to Chicago. Would spending another Trillion on this fiasco have made the CIA not let him on the plane against the wishes of the State Department -- is that an IMPORTANT detail as we debate with the supporters of Iran and Afghan wars to "punish" terrorists?

Everybody "KNOWS" that hippies spit on Vietnam Troops when they returned home. Could that have been STAGED as well? Unions are always corrupt and the reason for lost jobs, tariffs ruin trade, and lowering taxes helps promote investment -- these lies have been repeated without any proof over and over again.

Some people forget that we all learned that the Vietnam war was started because of a false flag. They forgot that the war was wrong -- and lagged on for years without ever accomplishing anything. The people who stood up against a powerful government, military, and police -- are the people who "betrayed America". Would the Vietnam war have EVER ended if people hadn't protested? Some forget that most of the "evil Commies" are now trading partners and own our debt and have corporations like GM building weapons for them.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:36 AM
Why didn't Walker or his staff report this e-mail? From the article it stated it was turned over in a FOIA request.

Even if you don't like unions, you shouldn't set-up people/organizations to take the blame for illegal acts.

Walker should be legally and/or ethically liable for not reporting this act!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

Originally posted by mmerlinn
Just what we need, another extreme nut muddying up the waters.

That comment is totally inexcusable, especially coming from someone paid to uphold the law.

Not to forget, prosecutable as this dude was caught red handed trying to plan and commit an act of terrorism.

It's only TERRORISM if the person is non-white or blowing up something owned by a Corporation.

Staging an attack by a Union -- is considered "one bad apple."

Of course, torture does not strike fear into people -- it is a "useful tool to protect us from terror" -- and anyway, it was only a few bad apples.

>> Terrorism really, is defined as "fighting back" agains those with power.

>> And all of a sudden, we care about Libya, even while in Yemen we support the tyrant shooting troublemakers in the head. A thousand protestors there become "Freedom Fighters" overnight -- because our Media told us so. And if Wisconsin's governor had been able to carry off their "false flag attack", the Union organizers would be accused of "being in collusion with terrorists" by the Liberal Media.

Tell me that isn't EXACTLY what would have happened... everyone who is against rampant Corporate power, must be proven innocent and reasonable, before they can be listened to. And anyone talking down about Peace Activists, or Unions, or worker's rights -- has to be caught red-handed and tried in a court of law before the Media will find someone else to put in front of the TV.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Daughter2
Why didn't Walker or his staff report this e-mail? From the article it stated it was turned over in a FOIA request.

Even if you don't like unions, you shouldn't set-up people/organizations to take the blame for illegal acts.

Walker should be legally and/or ethically liable for not reporting this act!

Sure, you are SUPPOSED to report people planning Terrorism.

But privacy is only for those in power -- I'm sure, if there is a big enough stink, someone with the FBI will claim that Walker was valiantly cooperating with an investigation -- as if they were AGAINST committing a false flag in the first place. It doesn't have to convince anyone with common sense -- merely just something for the Media to pretend to find a reasonable explanation.

Nobody need PROVE they are innocent when in power -- this will be dismissed as another "controversy."

>> But, really, you and I know that Walker and his Union-busting conspirators, are willing to engage in terrorism to achieve their political ends -- WE KNOW THIS. But we'll spend another Trillion going after people over seas who MIGHT be angry that we bombed their family at a soccer game.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

Very good posts.

The person who wrote the e-mail was stupid and sloppy. The smart ones would have NEVER wrote it down.

I don't think this was the first idea to stage an attack or all would have been stupid enough to write it down.

My theory is in the 1950's and 60's they wanted the union leaders to be corrupt so unions could lose power. (The Kennedy assassination has a lot of info about the mafia/unions being connected to the CIA).

edit on March 26th 2011 by Daughter2 because: (no reason given)

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