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Gun owners made public

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:47 AM
I love it, they don't have to tell us anything they are doing or what they are stealing everyone's taxes for, but god forbid they don't know exactly what every citizens legally keeping in their house

these people must not understand what "public service" is or what hypocrisy means

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:12 PM
than you all for posting, it seems i am no threader that is ok, i will stick to posting.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by bekod

Hey, I think it's a good thread! I've enjoyed the read at the very least.

Now, if TPTB only worked half as hard to get the illegal firearms off the streets by the criminals that would be amazing. In my way of thinking the only "list" they should be concerned with as far as armed citizens is taking the current census list and coupling that with the 2nd amendment and assume that everyone excersises their 2nd amendment right.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Congress passed the Firearm Owners Protection Act decades ago.

Any State that creates a registry of gun owners is violating Federal Law.

We all know they have secret gun registries. The Pennsylvania State Police are one who are suspected of keeping a secret firearm registry.

Fight them with everything you have. Hillary and Obama want America to be a part of the UN Small Arms ban.

Buy everything you can get and burry it in PVC tubes where ever you can. Obama knows he's not going to win re-election and don't be surprised if he signs that UN Treaty. Don't think our military will fight against that Treaty. There are Generals and Admirals that fully support Obama signing that. McPeak is one of those anti-American advisors advising Obama...wouldn't be surprised if he and Wesley Clark come out supporting it.

Remember Wesley Clark is the guy that released US Army ordinance to be used to kill Americans at WACO. Where women and children were BURNED alive. Slick move General Clark...those flash grenades/smoke grenades lit up those straw bails they had for insulation in there pretty good. All over 1 man who didn't pay a $250 Federal Tax, had an illegal machine gun banned with the 1986 machine gun ban. They could have caught that 1 guy walking around in town....instead decided to kill women and children.

Guess who's next?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:37 PM
Speaking of secret gun registries I read an article from a state gun owners association recently. Unfortunately it isnt psted on their site as receiving the print newsletter is a "members only" deal and I really dont feel like typing it out.

So the gist is that those gun deal rebates are working as a sort of national registry.

When you fill out a card to redeem one of those rebates they ask you the serial number, model, caliber, where/when you bought it, your address, name, phone number etc... and because it's a "contest" of sorts the fed requires the records be kept.

I'll see if I can scan the article or something.

It blew me away. No way is getting two free mags and a t-shirt worth sticking myself on some national registry.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by MyMindIsMyOwn
but that would mean they would have to do there job, actually work at it, not just sit and type in a name and see if that person can or can not own a firearm, and thank you.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Pervius

yes yes and yes i do remember Waco and Ruby Ridge, there have been many others less know in national news OR WA UT CA or just a few AZ is a good one to look up as far as ATF BATFE, depending and what your looking for, this is just one of there latest "made a mess of" fiasco's and by reading the head lines we gun owners seem to be winning. check it out!!!!
keep your powder dry and watch your top notch

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere
yes i have seen and know all about them "contest free stuff cards" it is nothing more the a deception, and i am not being paranoid, do the research as to why it say a copy will be sent to ATF or state agency, just like a back ground check.

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