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Meth addicts everywhere: Prepare for product prices to soar.

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posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:17 AM
If you were a commoditiy investor I would buy big in Crystal Meth (only joking) But I bet ten to one the street drug prices are going to sky rocket due to the new funding given to southern counties in Arizona to wage war on drug cartels, brought upon by the killing of those two federal (ISS) agents.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by PeoriaAZ

Explanation: S&F!

It would be illegal to invest in illicit drugs so why not alternatively and legitimately invest in the precursor chemicals and or Big Pharma etc.

Personal Disclosure: A memory from a previous poor choice lifestyle brought me here!

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

But the most important part of that sentence is 'previous lifestyle'. And I know where you're comin' from.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:42 AM
I would be very surprised if dope pries soar because of an increased presence on the border.
Too much is made over the smuggling trip when the real shipments are commiing in plane loads of tons and tons of dope.All by the courtesy of your loocal CIA/DEA
You really should check out a few of the florida threads...mena airport etc....where the 9/11 hijackers trained?
Big dope connections there, i bet they go upwards from there to the Bush cartel....

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:55 AM
The prices have already exploded in the last 3 years actually. In some places it has tripled, and others it has doubled.

I fail to see how it can go higher because people will just switch to something else much cheaper.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by PeoriaAZ

I could care less! Stop the flood of coke and MJ too and close the border down

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by PeoriaAZ

I like that people imagine this money is going to go where it's supposed to. It's kind of cute. Each county is going to blow their money on, to put it bluntly, crap they don't need, rather than actually put more men out there keeping an eye on things.

Happens every time you throw money at law enforcement; the Sheriff gets a new car, the goon squad gets a bit of a raise, and a town of seven hundred will get riot gear, just in case.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

9 times out of ten I would absolutely agree with you, but I really believe that the Cartels struck a nerve this time and they're gonna pay, plus I'm sure since they will be federal agencies, they will be looting the drugs and cash for a little more funding, also a bonus incentive for agents...the more you catch the more drug money you can steal, win win situation, I'm glad it gonna hapen too, those cartell torment many good law bidding tax paying citizens in the more southern counties if AZ, they deserve to live in fear now, they got a big slice of hell coming there way I guarantee you that.


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