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Take note NWO! Top Military Commanders Defy Orders to Attack Civilians!

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posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:36 PM
2 Senior Colonels Defect From Libya After Defying Orders to Attack Civilians!

So, take note NWO... Do NOT count on your military stooges to do your bidding and start killing their fellow countrymen; their friends, their families and their neighbors, simply because you order them to do so. News like this should make you all very, VERY nervous. You can fully expect to see more of this as these freedom efforts escalate around the globe.

Here in the US we have the Oath Keepers and other such organizations are popping up around the globe. Be afraid, VERY afraid!

Kudos to the brave men and woman of the militaries of the world who have the courage to stand up to tyranny wherever it rears its ugly head. The days are numbered for the evil dictators, liars and cheats in power!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:40 PM
Very Interesting, and refreshing to see. Although I am sure some soldiers will follow commands, as they are people, and people are irrational due to the information thats relevant to them. It would take some soldiers to see someone they know being hurt for them to defect. These soldiers are the ones not privy to all information and the ones who do not think outside the box.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:42 PM
YES !!

May every military officer take notice and do the very same thing.

Your oath is to the country and it's people NOT whom ever is in charge at the time!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:43 PM
Yes I think obeying military orders comes on a person to person individual basis. Many join the military because they WANT to shoot people, innocent civilians does not matter to them. Some want to truly defend their country, and it's people. In America... the majority are Xbox Call Of Duty graduates who started off buying guns during their game play days, then upgraded to enlisting. Most of those soldiers are going to then become local police after their tours are over.
Yay... good times ahead.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by derst1988

True, there soldiers programmed to obey orders regardless of the legality - in fact, they are programmed to not question the legality and simply follow the orders. But when the lower ranks begin to see senior commanders defecting and defying, they will begin to break ranks and question things.

Keep in mind, some countries are using mercenary forces from other countries in order to enforce their authority. How long do you think it will take for the active military in that country to realize that foreigners are committing crimes and acts of war against their own friends, amilies and neighbors? How long before they take up arms against the mercenaries and then the leadership who ordered it?

This, my friends, is the beginning of their end and I believe we will bgin to witness their last acts of desperation. I only hope that that it won't amount to the use of WMD's!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

I don't disagree. However, I believe these soldiers to be few and far between. Those who fall into this category will most certainly be put in line by those who do not fit that mold - either by way of stockade or gunfire!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:54 PM
Side note
The German officer corp was not allowed to belong to a political party or organization pryor to Hitler making them swear Allegence to him and the Nazi party. I believe that led to a big infight between the german high command, Pryor to Hitler they had sworn allegiance to protect the German People from foreign and inside powers...
After a while the younger German officer corp forgot this and took the oath for the party. to protect it from the people.
So it shows. its up to the older ones to show the younger ones that it is imperiative to put the people first and not the state. kuddos to those that remember this and a spanking for those that dont. Just look at some imiages of berlin in 1945. That shows what blind Faith brings you..
edit on 21-2-2011 by Fritzthecat because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
2 Senior Colonels Defect From Libya After Defying Orders to Attack Civilians!

So, take note NWO... Do NOT count on your military stooges to do your bidding and start killing their fellow countrymen; their friends, their families and their neighbors, simply because you order them to do so. News like this should make you all very, VERY nervous. You can fully expect to see more of this as these freedom efforts escalate around the globe.

Here in the US we have the Oath Keepers and other such organizations are popping up around the globe. Be afraid, VERY afraid!

Kudos to the brave men and woman of the militaries of the world who have the courage to stand up to tyranny wherever it rears its ugly head. The days are numbered for the evil dictators, liars and cheats in power!

The NWO only need some of their warriors to do their will especially during harsh economic times. Anyone not following the status quo will quickly lose any power they have, therefore rendering them a non-threat.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Fritzthecat

This is why the education institutions are so loathe to teach a true accounting of history - for fear that the progeny will learn from it and never repeat it. The tyrants of the world aren't original enough to come up with new schemes for enslaving a nation, so they rely on the same old tired tactics from the past. The only way this works is to keep upcoming generations ignorant of historical fact.

It is up to each one of us to teach our children, neices and nephews and grandchildren true history so that they may learn how to forge a better future without repeating the errors committed in the past.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Fritzthecat
Side note
The German officer corp was not allowed to belong to a political party or organization pryor to Hitler making them swear Allegence to him and the Nazi party. I believe that led to a big infight between the german high command, Pryor to Hitler they had sworn allegiance to protect the German People from foreign and inside powers...
After a while the younger German officer corp forgot this and took the oath for the party. to protect it from the people.
So it shows. its up to the older ones to show the younger ones that it is imperiative to put the people first and not the state. kuddos to those that remember this and a spanking for those that dont. Just look at some imiages of berlin in 1945. That shows what blind Faith brings you..
edit on 21-2-2011 by Fritzthecat because: (no reason given)

True,but there were also some in the Military who tried to assasinate Hitler a few Times.

A quick Google Search:

42 times. including suicide bombers, shooting him, blowing him up, crashing his plane, making it look accidental and many more. His most Famous assisnation attempt would be of Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg whos July 20th 1944 plot to kill Hitler failed when his bomb blew up. From what he saw, he was fully convinced that no one in the room could have survived. Although four people were killed and almost all survivors were injured, Hitler himself was shielded from the blast by the heavy, solid-oak conference table and was only slightly wounded.
I'm not 100% sure of this, but I do think he had 16 known german assassination attempts on him during world war two.
i think at least 70.

------- There was 15 known German assassinations attempts, In 1944 OPERATION VALKYRIE (Unternehmen Walküre) was the most known.Colonel Claus Schenk Graf Von Stauffenberg who was responsible of carrying out both the assassination attempt and the Valkyrie Operations which did not succeed. He was executed among other senior officers for treason. He died at the age of 36.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Elzon
The NWO only need some of their warriors to do their will especially during harsh economic times. Anyone not following the status quo will quickly lose any power they have, therefore rendering them a non-threat.

That only works when an entire civilization is held steady by the gaze of propaganda. People are waking up and seeing for themselves the reality in front of them. Advanced civilzations are learning from third-world countries that no matter the amount of military might, a group of determined peasants can hold the most powerful military at bay and cause great casualties. Witness Iraq, Afghanistan (Then and now), the Balkans, Vietnam etc... And when one half of that military turns against itself, things only get increasingly complicated.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:13 PM
Good news however not all in the military are denying orders.

Military aircrafct attack Lybian crowds

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Namaste1001

As indicated in the article, the last gasps of a desperate regime trying to hold on to its very last strings of control. I guarantee that very, very soon the men in uniform won't be obeying the orders of a powerless dictator and that they will not wish to be held accountable for crimes against their own countrymen.

As my OP indicated, top military commanders are already defecting. You tell me... which way is this headed?

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
2 Senior Colonels Defect From Libya After Defying Orders to Attack Civilians!

So, take note NWO... Do NOT count on your military stooges to do your bidding and start killing their fellow countrymen; their friends, their families and their neighbors, simply because you order them to do so. News like this should make you all very, VERY nervous. You can fully expect to see more of this as these freedom efforts escalate around the globe.

Here in the US we have the Oath Keepers and other such organizations are popping up around the globe. Be afraid, VERY afraid!

Kudos to the brave men and woman of the militaries of the world who have the courage to stand up to tyranny wherever it rears its ugly head. The days are numbered for the evil dictators, liars and cheats in power!

This is commendable action on part of the Libyan Military Hierarchy... in the US however our Military Hierarchy wouldn't even blanch at the prospect. Be it a few or few million America would crush all opposition. Something to be proud of, is it not?


posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Abovo

I'm sorry but I simply cannot agree less! I have had the great pleasure of interacting with a great number of service personnel and this runs counter to my experiences. Again, I do agree that a certain number of soldiers would eagerly participate in the ruthless slaughter of fellow countrymen, as we've seen. BUT... their enthusiasm would wear off very quickly once the more intelligent and humane among them realized how wrong their actions were and defected, as we've also seen.

I'm not entirely prepared to write off humanity just yet. Vibrations are rising all around the world.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by derst1988
Very Interesting, and refreshing to see. Although I am sure some soldiers will follow commands, as they are people, and people are irrational due to the information thats relevant to them. It would take some soldiers to see someone they know being hurt for them to defect. These soldiers are the ones not privy to all information and the ones who do not think outside the box.

If our duly elected commander in chief was acting in protection of the constitution, they would act against rioters who were trying to overturn the Republic.

What is funny is that it is the NWO manipulaters who are orchestrating these riots/protests to create chaos for economic and currency collapses. They need economic and currency collapses so they can get their global currency and global government to supercede National governments. In the meantime people are totally fooled thinking these are movements for freedom. The Egyptian coup leaders are all trained by the US - probably the CIA throug the State Department according to wikileaks. They want to take out Iran's nukes, too.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
reply to post by Abovo

I'm sorry but I simply cannot agree less! I have had the great pleasure of interacting with a great number of service personnel and this runs counter to my experiences. Again, I do agree that a certain number of soldiers would eagerly participate in the ruthless slaughter of fellow countrymen, as we've seen. BUT... their enthusiasm would wear off very quickly once the more intelligent and humane among them realized how wrong their actions were and defected, as we've also seen.

I'm not entirely prepared to write off humanity just yet. Vibrations are rising all around the world.

I applaud your wishful and positive thinking.


posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 03:34 PM
More LIbyan military defy orders, switch allegience!

This should continue to make more and more of the worlds tyrants, including politicans in the US very, very scared. Even in the most desolate places, where militaries have bolstered dictators through the spilling of the blood of their own civilians, the tide is turning.

Beware western politicians... your armies will not be there to continue to back your criminal rule! When the people of western nations finally decide to stand tall, you should not expect your military to stomp them back down. They will turn on you, arrest you and allow the people to try you in a public court of the people's law! Continue to be VERY afraid!!!

Further applause to the fine men in uniform in Libya who have taken a principled stand against the tyranny that has held the country down for far too long!

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