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Parents who smoke should be found unfit to be parents...

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posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by BeenieWeenie
Smoking is poison.
Parents who smoke are poising their children.
Poising of children is an criminal offense.
Therefore parents who smoke are poising there children and are criminals and should be charged under the law.


Your right. Im not sure what poising a child is but it sounds like it should be illegal. Dont you dare poise my child!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by EvolEric

That is very sad - and exactly what I was talking about, thank you for sharing. I agree that there are a lot of people in it for the money and free labor. I don't doubt for a second there are more people in it for their own agendas rather than the child's best interests and that is just sad. I don't blame you for not being able to work there. It takes some very dedicated special caring individuals to do a job like that, and other jobs like caring for disabled people, the elderly, and the sick. I give a lot of credit to those compassionate caring individuals.

I have just come to the conclusion that people with views like the OP, have a very limited view and understanding of the world and the way it works. I have let go of any anger I felt anger I felt towards people with these views and I am left with a feeling of understanding for their way of thinking.... Ahhhhhh I love ATS every time I spend a little time here I leave a little more enlightened. I hope the OP and others can do the same.

Peace out - time to get some shut eye.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by QuantumDisciple
reply to post by monkeykillingmonkey

Only to put you back on path to becoming a "Good American."

You mean good Canadian

Originally posted by The Sword
I see that some of you couldn't handle the truth about smokers being weak-willed people so you went and tattled to the moderators.

Man up and deal with the truth. Smoking is an addiction. Like any other addictions (alcoholism, caffeine addiction and drug addiction), it is a sign of WEAKNESS and if you do it, YOU ARE WEAK.

There's nothing offensive here. It's the truth.
edit on 21-2-2011 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

That's funny cause it is widely accepted now that addiction is a disease. You don't choose whether or not to have it. But yes alcoholics and drug addicts are weak! Just like those weak cancer patients!

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by BeenieWeenie
Smoking is poison.
Parents who smoke are poising their children.
Poising of children is an criminal offense.
Therefore parents who smoke are poising there children and are criminals and should be charged under the law.


so by your logic

parents who drive are poising their children.
poising children is an criminal offense.
therefore parents who drive are poising their children and other peoples children and should be charged under the law.

companies who makes things and release toxins and pollution into the air are poising our children.
poising children is an criminal offense.
therefore companies who release toxins and pollution are poising our children and should be charged under the law.

i could go on and on with many examples. do you agree with my two examples? or are you a hypocrit and only bothered about smokers? rather than actually caring about what kids are breathing in and how that effects their health.

the fact is smokers are doing nothing wrong or different to what drivers and companies do. i believe what companies pump into the air and what transport pump into the air is far greater damage than me smoking outside in my backyard.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by nottheonlyone

You are a kind soul... I was so mad at the OP until I read what you said... it true... i feel sorrow for the OP now... i need to better contain my anger... i need to be more understanding...

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:16 AM
The topic creator is a freaking moron. i guess everyone is unfit to be parents. let me see. hmm... i suppose teen parents are unfit considering young people have more of the me me me attitude and are not mature enough eh. what about obese parents who provide their children with terrible food choices and 95% of the time end up obese like their parents. what about rich parents? why do their children starve for attention? maybe because daddy or mommy would rather make the big bucks then devote their time to their child. what about divorced parents? i know quite a few people who have parents that are divorced and these people have serious relationship issues and are very angry with life all because mommy and daddy didn't stay together.

what about poor people? without a average source of income, a lot of these kids grow up without the good life and get teased in school and also grow about un-confident. what about parents who come here to ats and read about the end of the world is coming posts. wouldn't they be considered unfit because my oh my that is just crazy thinking.
what about gamblers, alcoholicsm druggies, etc? yeah they are unfit to but they exist don't they.

i am a smoker and i love it. i can run on a treadmill faster than most people without losing any wind because it's all mind over matter. if you believe smoking makes you get tired easy, then guess what...your programing your brain to believe it and it comes true. why is it when doctors give a date to someone that is going to die and the person believes it? usually they die in that time frame unless they are a fighter, because they believe it.

i don't smoke in my car when my child is present nor do i smoke in my place because i respect my sons health. i always hear girls comment to my wife that i am a fantastic dad and they wish their husbands were more like me and guess what? they are none smokers. it doesn't hurt that i am a handsome lad but thats not the point.

i smoke because it's something i enjoy just like some people enjoy reading. one thing that is pretty common though amongst us smokers is something that we take pride in. we don't complain about everything non smokers do. thats right. non smokers have to be the whiniest bunch around. if something gets us smokers mad. what do we do. we light a good one up and it all goes away. what does a non smoker do? they whine and complain cause they have no outlet. when i head outside and lay in the grass and light a smoke and admire the rocks.

anyways.... i think the topic creator is just miserable and wants to complain. what the topic creator needs to do to chill out with their dumb opinion is head down to their local store and buy a pack of smokes and inhale all the beauty that nicotine provides.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by monkeykillingmonkey

Why drag cancer patients into this?

If someone has an addictive personality, they're going to get addicted to substances.

By weakness, I mean smokers who allow their habit to control their lives. They put it above everyone they love, their job and general health. They really don't give a crap how much the smell or the smoke bothers others as long as they get their fix.

It's commonplace in alcoholics and drug addicts as well.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by nottheonlyone

This is the classic argument used to defend cigarette use.

A few others come to mind:

1. "The air is far worse for people!"
2. "Cars pollute, so why don't we ban those too?"
3. "But alcoholics and drug addicts are far worse!"

I'm sure there are more but these 3 are the most commonly-used counters in an argument about smoking.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by TheRedneck

I enjoyed one of your threads so I will not throw dirt at your face on this one.

However, when someone is smoking in a public place, what about the people who are not smoking? I'm sure you'd tell them to go somewhere else.

But, what if there is no "somewhere else"? What if people smoke in large public buildings (they used to do this at one point!) or other areas where it's enough to bother non-smokers?

Where do the non-smokers go if people are allowed to smoke anywhere they please?

One of the biggest complaints about smoking bans in bars is the loss of business. But, they never considered the bars that lost business because their clientele was primarily smokers (pre-smoking ban). I'm sure there were non-smokers who would avoid such establishments, which would have an equal effect on business.

What you do in your own home is your business. However, if you have kids, you should at least smoke outside. My mother didn't and we all had to put up with her slimy habit for years.

I'll concede that it's extreme to remove children from a home with smokers in it. However, if the parents can't at least smoke outside, then they obviously don't give a crap about the child's health. Ditto on parents who feed their kids junk food everyday and so forth.
edit on 22-2-2011 by The Sword because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by nottheonlyone

This is the classic argument used to defend cigarette use.

A few others come to mind:

1. "The air is far worse for people!"
2. "Cars pollute, so why don't we ban those too?"
3. "But alcoholics and drug addicts are far worse!"

I'm sure there are more but these 3 are the most commonly-used counters in an argument about smoking.

no it is not an argument it is a fact. i simply do not understand how people can be bothered about somebody smoking yet could not care less about how much pollution they create. in fact i think it is a great cheek for people to moan about smokers then get in their car down to the local store which is only a 5 minute walk away, pumping fumes that other people might not want to breathe but have no choice.

and why should people not point it out? what are smokers suppose to do? not point out how people can be hypocrits? just agree with you when there are far worse things around that people use and do?
edit on 22-2-2011 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 01:10 AM
Wow so many judgemental people here
Maybe i should write a paper claiming that ex smokers are the biggest sooks and hypocrites on the planet,hows the view from up on your high horse guys

Yes i smoke,not in the car with my kids and not in the house full stop,to be told I'm a bad parent because i smoke is a joke,not a funny joke either,
What does make me laugh is some judgemental fools have decided without knowing a damn thing about me or my family that i am an unfit parent because i choose to enjoy a LEGAL substance

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 02:19 AM
Wow what a bunch of self centered rubbish being spilled in here....Smokers are UNFIT....what a joke....bunch of holier than thou selfrighteousness going on in this thread...if any one bothered to look some things up they might find that since the fuel shortage crisis back in the seventies....(do you remeber those)...the heavey introduction of diesel fuels were introduced into an unwitting society and funny enough cancer rates have gone way up since then..I am a non Dad never smoked and my mom has smoked all her life and she is now 89...hmmm not a bad deal.
People saying smokers are irresponsible....get a life.
i was a t a bus stop and a lady was being pummeled by the black smoke of a diesel bus and she had the nerve to tell a smoker in the open air to say that the smoker was bothering them...unbelievable.
many people i know that smoke are extremely responsible and do a wonderful job raising their kids..
choices are made by individuals...I also remember being dragged to bingo with my mother when smoking was allowed and the bingo hall was all filled with was a wonderful site....people getting together and enjoying themselves...and it was a image of a memory then will be missed by the young of nowadays.
Why dont all the do gooders of the world stop their moaning at what others is really none of your business...if people want to smoke drink do drugs or be vegetarians....they should be allowed to do so...STOP trying to choose for others...people can choose for themselves.
i guess chewing gum will come soon maybe people should not be allowed to dye their hair as it might offend some soft hearted T$&%.
I have not been poisoned....i am healthly and living a good life....I am a non smoker and but i am not selfrighteous and actually believe that people should not have the right to choose their own lifestyles.
The only unfit parents are the ones who don't show love to their children and have the decency to rise them with a strong sense of self worth.
the population of this planet has constantly been on the rise...and it did not happen because there was an overwhelming amount of unfit parents.
and remember...some kids are just little Fu*$^%s....because i know i was one.
My parents raised nine kids and if ever someone said my mom was unfit because she smoked i would gladly batter them.....lets see how many moms now that could raise nine kids and not i would have to start taking heroin if it was me.
If you are a non smoker and disagree with this join my group... N.A.N.A.S. (non-smokers against non-smokers against smokers).

Isn't there enough of this where some people think they know what is best for others....I think it is disgusting that people have to go outside to have a smoke where they have to be put at risk to the elements...people drive by and see groups outside their offices and buildings have a is shameful....It is like putting them in the hall at school.

I think the parents who rant and rave about what others do are the unfit they are raising a unfit bunch of non free thinkers who can only look down on others for what they do and how they live their lives.
teaching your children hate and to have disrespect for making ones own choices.
teaching your children to be robots and the not have the freedom of choice is wrong.

Am i a better person because i choose not to smoke and another chooses to smoke....not a chance.
Am i a better parent than one who smokes....give me a break....Of course not.
does a person who smoke love their children any less......If some say this is so...then they really need their heads examined.
everytime you take your child outside into a diesel filled enviroment your putting your child at risk.
every time you take your child down the perfume aisle in an shopping centre your exposing them to toxins.
everytime a child breaths our polluted air we live in they are put at risk.
Please take all your holier than thou selfrightteous rubbish out to the curb and have it disposed of,because it is that very thing that makes a parent unfit.
but really look it up...and realise that cancer rates have changed since the mass output of diesel fuels into the enviroment.....AND STOP TAKING MY SECONDHAND SMOKE FROM ME.

edit on 022828p://f35Tuesday by plube because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by jonnyblond

I really like what you say here..but i would like to interject one thing...being a non smoker myself...i think smokers are a great bunch of people...but i am not a reformed non smoker and i do believe there is a difference...the non smokers whom seem to complain the loudest are the ex smokers...the reformed smoker is a force to be reckoned with...they seem to be on a mission after they stop smoking...seem to have to validate their own reason for quiting by shouting it out.
I have never smoked...and i am disgusted at how peoples rights are getting taken away daily from us and how we are being told how we should or should not live our own personal lives....being told that if we do not conform to the so called norm then we are bad people people...unfit...or unworthy.

I think all these self righteous bas£$%s need to put a sock in it and get on with living their lives the way they see fit and stop moaning at others whom choose to live their lives their own way.

Power to our freedoms.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:07 AM
All children should be brought up by perfect parents.

However all mothers learn, through getting attacked over various aspects of mothering that other people disagree with, (and in western countries people love to viciously attack women on their mothering,) that the only perfect parents are those who have never had children, or those who have forgotten what raising kids was like.

I've often heard my mother boast to young mums, "well I raised 6 boys and none of them ever acted like your undisciplined little brutes," or words to that effect. The fact that her sons raped me until I was pregnant at 12, shot at me until I was deaf in one ear, left me with permanent injuries, and went on to become drug pushers, paedophiles, pimps and smug "born again Christians" is all conveniently forgotten. It's still, "Ohhh! None of my sons ever behaved like That!"

However no-one would have questioned my parents on their parenting because they had positions of power in the community. Poorer parents, on the other hand, who ran afoul of the law in minor ways and spoke rough "ocker" instead of sounding like displaced nobility couldn't put a foot wrong without their parenting skills being examined.

Any laws made on who can and cannot be a parent will be used against the poor and ignored when it comes to the wealthy. And the wealthy can make the worst parents.

All actual parents are deficient in some respects. It's too huge a job for anyone to be good at all of it. Once we start taking children from parents for one wrongdoing, it leaves things open to take children away for all sorts of things. Who would any of us trust to have this power? Child protection agencies have already proven they can't be trusted. I know in Melbourne for a few years, (at least,) the Health and Child Protection agency was using single men, who the director knew to be paedophiles, as foster "families" for young boys.

No parent should subject their child to second hand smoke. However living with their parents' smoke is still a better option for children than being dragged away from parents who love them and dumped in foster care or in a motel room, which is the other answer frequently used by HACS these days.

The "perfect" parents looking down on real parents should keep in mind, they're only perfect parents for as long as they do not have children.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused

Originally posted by Thunder heart woman

Smoking is a selfish habit that hurts others around you.

*insert addiction here* is a selfish habit that hurts others around you.

It doesn't matter what it is because we all treat our own habits and addictions as a part of ourselves and tend to overlook those around us. Smoking, drinking, techno-gadgets, video games, fat, caffeine, sugar, driving, name it, it has an affect on more than just you, even if it doesn't seem apparent or immediate.

Do you have one or more of these habits/addictions? How does it affect you? How does it affect those around you?

I'm not sure how one cup of coffee each morning would affect mine or my child's health. The doc says it's OK. I'm not perfect, that is for sure, but I choose to not engage in things that is destructive to my health. I do what I can to the best of my ability to take care of myself so that my child has a mother around. So does my husband. The point is, life in general is precarious. I could walk outside this morning and die from a runaway car hitting me. There's a difference between making choices for ourselves, and things that just happen that are beyond our control.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by Kailassa
All children should be brought up by perfect parents.

you were probably not.

what shall we do with you now?...
and your parents?

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by ElVividorDeLaVida

Originally posted by Kailassa
All children should be brought up by perfect parents.

you were probably not.
what shall we do with you now?...
and your parents?

You obviously only read the first line of my post.

It was sarcasm, as you would have known if you'd read any more.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Always the people who use to smoke have the greatest mouth about this topic... Please shut up with this sort of news!! All the air that's not clean anymore with all the toxic gases and our food with all the poison in them I mean we can go on and on about everything that's not GOOD for us, but live live live stop worrying about this type of grape!!

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:43 AM
OMG!! I haven't read your entire post as of yet, because i simply had to state this. It's NOT HARD to quit smoking. It's ONLY as hard as you make it. Read Allen Carrs "Easyway" and you will understand why. I was a smoker to, much longer than you, but i don't dwell in the illusion that it was hard to quit.

The reason i state this, is that the message that it's hard to qiut, is not a message smokers need to hear, if they are thinking about quiting. secondly, saying that smoking is an addiction as bad as heroin or crystal meth, is simply wrong and ignorant and extremly offensive to drug addicts. Yes smoking is an addiction, but the only hard part in quiting smoking is getting rid of the brainwashing. The only physical abstinences you get from quiting smoking is a small empty feeling, like you miss something, everything else you think you feel is psychological and feelings you create yourself with your mind. But the physical pain from quiting crystal meth or any drug, is VERY REAL.

Now that i said this i will continue to read your post, i'm sorry if this had already been said, but i simply had to make this clear.

P.S: Don't correct my grammar in an attempt to make me look less intelligent, since my main language is not English, but Danish, thank you.
edit on 22-2-2011 by JokerzReality because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by JokerzReality

Quitting smoking is very different for different people. For a girl who has started during early teens and smoked heavily for 10 years or more, quitting can be horrendously difficult and take months of self control. My daughter went through hell giving up, and I'm wonderfully proud of her succeeding.

There are physiological reasons why it is often harder for girls than for guys.

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