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Why has "love" been stigmatized?

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:36 PM
Anybody else notice this? Love is always equated and associated with rainbows, unicorns, pink hearts, and bunnies. Was this an intentional plan to help justify callous competition between brothers and sisters?

Why is the act of hurting each other for personal gain considered a respected practice? I don't claim to be "enlightened" beyond others as there are several flaws I possess but... why is it the majority of the people I encounter just simply have no love for me or others around them? Why is it that I see fear and opportunistic flashes behind peoples' eyes when they look at me when all I feel is love and acceptance?

And why is this considered a negative trait?! I love fiercely and without reservation. It's no sissy love or a soft hand that just tries to spare feelings; it's a genuine wish for you and everybody else to do well.

So... my question to you ATS folks:

  • Do you have love for all of humanity?
  • If so, do you get a lot of questions as to why you feel this way?
  • If not, what keeps you from doing so? Is it because of the stigmas attached to it?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Well, you know. Love is two sides of the same coins. It's like what Freud said. It can be one of the happiest experiences ever but when love comes to bite you in the back and it doesn't work out the way that you want it to than you feel all depressed and ****. So. Yeah.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by Cuervo

Well, you know. Love is two sides of the same coins. It's like what Freud said. It can be one of the happiest experiences ever but when love comes to bite you in the back and it doesn't work out the way that you want it to than you feel all depressed and ****. So. Yeah.

I think we are talking about two different kinds of love here. Love for humans cannot backfire; it can only help the world. Love for a romantic interest is not always the same and, yes, that can definitely bite you in the back. Maybe that is why it took me being happily married for several years to come to where I'm at now. Thanks for pointing that out.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

A little sad but true...peace is for sissys.

Some say this can be traced back to toy manufactures and weapons promoting war play, shooting and violence. I think it is as possible as any reason.

Edit:There is an awful lot of war and fear mongering out there. Additionally I sense a deliberate undercurrent that seems to hunt down and kill or deliberately undermine efforts at peace, love and reconciliation. Princess Diana MLK, Kennedy, Lennon, Begin (in the Mideast sure I am spelling his name wrong) and they are there to ratchet up the violence whenever there is an opening.

Seems you cannot be a great and valiant warrior and a gentle peaceful lover at the same time.
You have to be one or the other and since one tends to kill the other.....numbers of peaceniks dwindle.

Just random observation...
Also I think sometimes people put forth a steely exterior and if you met those mean eyes one on one they might surprise you with their compassion and kindness. Meanness can be a defense against any or further hurt.
edit on 20-2-2011 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:01 PM
You are correct in using the lower-case "love." It's a misunderstanding of what Love is based on programming or confusing real Love with romantic love. They can be the same but not always. I always liked the Greek breakdown with "Agape" and "Philos" and "Eros." Love gets a bad name because people are screwed over by their romantic partners and are "bit in the back" as someone said, and they tie that in with their loving feelings for the person and with Love but don't understand that it is just one layer of the feeling we call Love. And Unicorns, puppies, and hearts make me want to wretch. Not what true Love is at all.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:11 PM
I do have love for all of humanity. Or maybe empathy... the two intermingle for me.

I grew up with "white is right", "adam and eve, not adam and steve", and "wipe them off the face of the map" thinking. It never took.

For this reason, I think the stigma you speak of is more of a personal choice rather than a societal pressure/enviromental issue. There are those of us who are born with self serving, selfish, make it to the top if I have to kill my mother to do it, attitudes. And there are those of us who are born with...can see both sides to most issues, empathize with others, here have my lunch if you're hungry, attitudes.

We can always choose to rise above our raising or ignore hateful influences. But I think most people generally have always been jaded or have always seen the best in humanity.

Yes I get questioned about it frequently. I rarely even enter into these conversations unless I think something can be gained from it. If it is a family member baiting with "white is right". I ignore it completely. I can only ride the merry go round so many times before I get sick. I just usuallytell them to go sell crazy somewhere else.. I'm all stocked up.

To love is to hurt and there are many who do not wish to partake in it for that reason alone. There is a tremendous amount of hate for a tremendous amount of things and people, a little love and empathy can go a long way.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Do you have love for all of humanity?

I doubt my love even for those near and dear to me, so love for humanity is a rather big ask. If I am able to step aside from my own ego concerns for a moment, here and there, I am aware of compassion for others, but love? I can aim for understanding and kindness, but love itself is a work in porgress for me.

f not, what keeps you from doing so? Is it because of the stigmas attached to it?

No, stigmas mean little to me. What keeps me from loving everyone is the neediness and selective attachments and desires of my own ego.
edit on 20-2-2011 by mysticnoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:12 PM
I'll be your sissy Bro.

I love everyone. I once had a guy pull a gun out on me when I was a teenager. I was walking along the rail road tracks by a local school where my friends were partying it up drinking beer and smokin bud. This kid my age and his buddy come walking up to me and put a 22 pistol up to my head and demand my money. I smiled at them and told them I didn't have any money, but if they put the gun away they could come have a beer with me. So, they did. By the end of the night we were all shooting beer cans and laughing it up.

True story there my friend.

I have tons of them were living in the spirit of love and having no fear has lead me to some of the most interesting people under the sun. We all have our baggage, but in the end, we are just lost souls trying our best to find the light in a dark world.

Be a light and the world will brighten up to you!

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:13 PM
Because it's the growing pains from animals to spiritual beings. Lust perverts things. shifting from a Homo-sapien consciousness to a Homo-luminous view point is lots of pain and work.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by mysticnoon

Wow, thanks for the honesty. I think a lot of people are of your bend but won't actually say it out loud.

And to Kanga: Thanks for the perspective. The nature versus nurture debate will never end and it is because of people like you who buck off bad influences and rise to be your own self. We all have baggage and it's good to see people leave it at the airport sometimes.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:19 PM
This kinda thread would just not be complete without him...

Turn it up...

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Listen and Learn
edit on 20-2-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
I once had a guy pull a gun out on me when I was a teenager. I was walking along the rail road tracks by a local school where my friends were partying it up drinking beer and smokin bud. This kid my age and his buddy come walking up to me and put a 22 pistol up to my head and demand my money. I smiled at them and told them I didn't have any money, but if they put the gun away they could come have a beer with me. So, they did. By the end of the night we were all shooting beer cans and laughing it up.

That is a perfect example of what love actually does. Thanks for sharing that story, man. Compassion for so-called "enemies" is tantamount to solving the world's problems as you soon discover that your "enemies" are only labeled so out of a lack of understanding.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:42 PM
Love and unity have been stigmatized because they are not conducive to the perpetuation of our current economic and social paradigms, ultimately.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by ballsdeep
Love and unity have been stigmatized because they are not conducive to the perpetuation of our current economic and social paradigms, ultimately.

You are absolutely correct!

Now how about we tear these old beasts down and rebuild a better kingdom?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by ballsdeep
Love and unity have been stigmatized because they are not conducive to the perpetuation of our current economic and social paradigms, ultimately.

You are absolutely correct!

Now how about we tear these old beasts down and rebuild a better kingdom?

With Love,

Your Brother

Doin' my best mate

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by ballsdeep
Love and unity have been stigmatized because they are not conducive to the perpetuation of our current economic and social paradigms, ultimately.

Precisely. America has become a warrior society. Look at our games, our hero's, our entertainment, social engineering for maximum profit and expandability. Art, creativity and learning has been stigmatized as "sissy" and unworthy of respect or value: Appreciated only by a very small sophisticated and educationally elite demographic.

Perhaps change will come but social Anthropology tells us that it is usually the result of social trauma and takes decades to settle out.

I predict a social dark age of violence, war and fascist brutality in most urbanized societies. I took awhile but "1984" is finally here. It's a brave new world, welcome to the monkey house.

God help us!
edit on 20-2-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

And love is always equated with new age, and that is put down as well. Its always got some put down verbiage by the ones who are determined to cast slurs and shut down threads that shine light or awaken others. Because they're not comfortable with the word love. There are some on real agendas, as in they are occult background, and or working for the paramilitary, and occult as well, and they do it as a tag team, it seems.

But, there are many people who are very uncomfortable to discover that unconditional love and the kind of service to others, and overcoming flaws, judgments, and willingness to take a background role and help others more, to put people before things, money, success, promotions, is how we pass the tests here. Not balance, you can't balance the positive with the negative. What does kindness balance with? What does love balance with? What does patience balance with?

They want it to be something that will have no accountability. Accountability, or sharing, giving up status and greed for example, is not something they want to hear.

If everything isn't all right, and the law of the jungle isn't the right thing, if its really about love and going against the current of the stream in life, then the test has right answers and wrong answers, and we have some degree of accountability. And this is not something many want to see.

So love is always treated as if its nothing, but its the thing that is the whole basis of this universe, cosmos, school, and its really simple things that shine their light in this world. People attempt to make it more complicated so they won't have to give up what they enjoy or covet.
edit on 20-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by ballsdeep
Love and unity have been stigmatized because they are not conducive to the perpetuation of our current economic and social paradigms, ultimately.

Precisely. America has become a warrior society. Look at our games, our hero's, our entertainment, social engineering for maximum profit and expandability. Art, creativity and learning has been stigmatized as "sissy" and unworthy of respect or value: Appreciated only by a very small sophisticated and educationally elite demographic.

Perhaps change will come but social Anthropology tells us that it is usually the result of social trauma and takes decades to settle out.

I predict a social dark age of violence, war and fascist brutality in most urbanized societies. I took awhile but "1984" is finally here. It's a brave new world, welcome to the monkey house.

God help us!
edit on 20-2-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

You're right although I think there are too many variables at play, we're seeing what a unified people can do all over the world as we speak. People everywhere have the resources to fight back, and are doing so now; while it's too early for the plug to be pulled on national services in the west without there being an uprising.
If Mr Orwell was on to something it's gonna be one helluva ride.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
I'll be your sissy Bro.

I love everyone. I once had a guy pull a gun out on me when I was a teenager. I was walking along the rail road tracks by a local school where my friends were partying it up drinking beer and smokin bud. This kid my age and his buddy come walking up to me and put a 22 pistol up to my head and demand my money. I smiled at them and told them I didn't have any money, but if they put the gun away they could come have a beer with me. So, they did. By the end of the night we were all shooting beer cans and laughing it up.

True story there my friend.

I have tons of them were living in the spirit of love and having no fear has lead me to some of the most interesting people under the sun. We all have our baggage, but in the end, we are just lost souls trying our best to find the light in a dark world.

Be a light and the world will brighten up to you!

With Love,

Your Brother

I can't help but feel that your own experience was in some other lifetime ago, and also that you had incredibly good luck. I doubt a similar outcome today. Whatever...
I don't mean to be jaded, but times change. Not that "hope" or "compassion" is irrelevant. It's just a lot less relevant these days. Just being realistic.

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