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Islam in Europe: Prepare for Civil War

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posted on Jan, 10 2014 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by 23432

Well I've partly changed my mind and watched the video but guess what. My opinion about that topic is unchanged.
But before I go on, let me say something. I'm not the guy who is rating somebody in terms of nationality. I always see the human being in front of me, not the passport and believe it or not, this is the common body of thought here in Germany. Ironically, the people who attach most importance to their nationality, their religion nowadays in Germany, are not the Germans, the Spanish, the Italian people who live here. No, but in case you're a Turk here in Germany, you are just very very, very proud to be one, to be a Turk in most of the cases. It's so common, banal, everybody knows it. Likewise the Arabs here are so unbelievable proud normally. They love it to call Germans "Opfer (victim
) ", "Kartoffel (potato
)" and other different dumb stuff, but that's not the problem. The problems are statements like this:

Turks do get a raw deal in Germany and that is not really in dispute at all .

Yes, exacttly, that's what Turks usually claim. Ouh I'm so sorry for these poor Turkish boys, sitting in front of their big flat screen, playing XBox, Playstation or whatever ( often the German government paid for it ), before they go out in their district to show the world what kind of proud Turks they are.

Ouh, how I hate these dumbasses with their stupid caps, how I hate their awkward redneck behaviour. In order to guard against misunderstandings again, I don't have any antipathy to Turks or any other nationality generally but I just don't like a dumbass normally. Anyway, this video is worth nothing. If you want to know the truth go on. Move to Berlin, Frankfurt (Rhein Main) or the Ruhrpott and learn how these people usually, really are.

I mean, these poor people who get such a raw deal here in Germany. This deal even so raw that they become famous politicians like Cem Özdemir, Lale Akgün, Ekin Deligoez, Tarek Al-Wazir, and so on... oh sorry, the last one was an Arab, but there is also something uniting these mentioned politicians. They all are members of the party "Die Grünen". A party which officially proclaims, that they are very very happy about the fact, that the German culture is more and more fading away. But that's not the point too, because after WW2 it's some kind of sport here to hate the own culture while nearly every other culture ( Sometimes except the American culture because of their imperialism) has to be adored and loved at heart. Busines as usual. A desease from which Turkish poeple have never heard so far. Not to mention, experienced. But as I've mentioned, they are still, just very proud to be Turkish. Or islamic. "You know, that's our culture" they often say. "Prophet Mohammed really knew what's best for us and if you eat pork, you either become gay or very ill" lol, I've heard it so often. Well then but, the Armenian Genocide? 1,5 million people dead, killed by the Turks? Never heard of!

Meanwhile in Germany even thousands upon thousands Turkish nationalists congress in public. I'm sure you've heard about this group, the grey Wolves, a Turkish ultra-nationalist, neo-fascist organisation. This group has 7000 official members here in Germany. Well let's look how much members the dangerous and bad German Neo Nazi party NPD has. Ouh, only 5000? What's going on in here?

Furthermore, if only a hundred of these German dumbass Nazis are marching through the streets, there are immediately thousands upon thousands of protesters against them on the same street. People from the left side mainly and that's fine by me. I don't like fascists. But I neither like the German fascists nor the Turkish fascists. It doesn't make any difference to me but when the grey wolves meet - absolutely nobody cares. Well then, I really have an understanding for the hard life, Turks have to deal with in Germany by now.
They really, really get such a raw deal here in Germany. LoL. Let me finish with a video, just for people like you:

Life in Germany isn't an enjoyment all the time - and never was. Instead poverty is growing and poverty, does not distinguish between German or Turkish people. Believe it or not but deal with it. By the way, why do all these disadvantaged people don't go and suck on a silver spoon? Like I, somehow disadvantaged too, also do...

And please, don't perceive this post personally, in case you are able to. I know this often is very hard for you guys but it's just my opinion, my experience and nothing personal, because it can't - I'm not acquainted with you personally

edit on 14Fri, 10 Jan 2014 14:44:16 -0600America/Chicago19America/ChicagoFri, 10 Jan 2014 14:44:16 -0600fpm02 by Grenzerfahrung because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 10:38 PM
islam is the religion of terror

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

They have NO idea but this would be close:

I am well aware there are a great deal who wouldn't believe this because they don't know their warriors in and out of uniform.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

I've lived all over the globe, spent many years in the U.S. and Europe. I'm currently residing in Norway, but often travel to Sweden and Denmark and a few times to Germany each year. I've served in the military in the latest Iraqi war. I've also served in Afghanistan. I've lived in places like the Philippines and China. I've seen a lot and have first hand experiences with a lot of the nonsense that goes on in the world today when it comes to both the government and on a social level.

Before I begin, I want to make this clear: Muslim people in their own country have always welcomed me with open arms. They've invited me over for dinner, coffee or tea and have always treated me with respect. In short, they've been some of the nicest people I've met.

Now, the flip side.

I moved to Europe in the year 2000. I was young and looking for adventure. I was raised by liberal parents and taught that "no matter what race, religion or sexuality a person has, they should always be treated the same and with respect". That was my motto growing up and my friends throughout my school years reflected this. I had Muslim friends, Jewish friends, Atheists and Christian friends, we all got along and always respected one another and our individual beliefs. If we didn't agree with their religion, we'd keep our mouth shut. Fortunately, most of us enjoyed our differences and that's what made us good friends.

So naturally, I came to Europe with the same point of view. But my beliefs were soon shattered and I was faced with the reality of mass-immigration into Europe. I came with the view point that Muslims were "hated on" simply because of their belief system. Having had nothing but positive experiences with Islam in the United States, I sought out and made Muslim friends.

As time progressed, I started noticing certain things that made me raise an eyebrow or two. Certain beliefs my Muslim friends had about Norwegians (or non-Muslims as they said; "Ikke muslimer"). I won't go into every single experience I've had, as that would be time consuming and quite frankly, there's been so many I've forgotten a good portion.

Some things always stood out to me, like their view points on European (Norwegian) women. Often have I heard them refer to them as "dogs", "over-used sluts" or other less than savory phrases. I've heard them openly bash Christianity so much that it went onto a hate filled rant which was eventually directed at me (being white) where I had to leave in fear of my safety. Their hatred towards anyone believing in anything other than Islam has in general been very unsettling.

I've known many Muslims who have dated European girls who have told me, "We only use them for sex and companionship. When I marry, I plan on marrying a nice Muslim girl". Many times, I've heard things like, "If my daughter ever dates a European I'd kill her". I was at an office party with a couple of American and English friends. We were standing near a table discussing a new game (or something like that). This was in early 2002, so 9/11 was still very fresh in mind. As we were talking, a person behind us said, "How did you like the gift we gave you?". We all turned around and sitting on the chair close to the table a young so called "moderate" Muslim man was sitting listening to us talk. We at first though he was going to tell a joke or something like that, so we smiled and replied, "What do you mean?" "9/11" was his reply.

We literally stood there with our mouths open and didn't know how to react. One of the team leaders from work came over and apologized on his behalf and asked him to leave. We offered to leave instead and did so. Come to find out, this "moderate" Muslim also ended up nearly killing his Norwegian girlfriend because she left him. He reportedly said, "No Norwegian dog will ever leave ME!".

All of this went against what I had initially believed. My Muslim friend and his family state side had never muttered such things. Yet, despite all of this, I still believed that, "Not every Muslim feels this way". And again, I was proven wrong.

I moved back to the U.S. for a few months in the middle of 2003 to enlist. After my time in Iraq, I returned to the U.S. and after two months returned to Norway only to end up moving to Sweden. After a week, I became familiar with the place as the town wasn't too big. It's almost right across the Norwegian border and Norwegians will often shop in the area. There's also a yearly car gathering that brings a lot of Norwegians to the area. But beyond that, it's typically very quiet and just what I needed.

One day, I was on my way to the store which was a hop and a skip away from my small apartment. I always looked forward to going to the store as unlike Norway, you were sometimes able to find American food along the shelves. My favorite were Dr. Pepper and Macaroni and Cheese. I grabbed my old backpack with the U.S. flag on it and went on my way. After shopping and placing the items in my bag, I left to walk back to my place. In the parking lot, there was a group of five to six young (20's) Muslim men. As I walked by, they started yelling something to me in broken Swedish. I didn't understand what they said, but I just wanted to go home. That's when one of them grabbed me by my backpack and was able to swing me down to the ground. They started to punch and kick me and only stopped as a couple of patrons ran over to break it up.

The folks who helped me called the cops, the people who attacked me ran. I ended up going to the hospital with broken bones. I can only surmise they attacked me due to the flag on my backpack as they said nothing until I had passed them.

These are just a couple of my own experiences, and believe me when I say I've left a lot out.

There's a common feeling of "them VS us", and it's not the Europeans that are the cause. In Oslo, Norway for example, there was (and still is to some measure) a "rape epidemic" that's going on. The American embassy in Oslo even warned Americans of the issue. Know who was behind that? I'll give you a hint - They're not Ethnic Norwegians. Give up? Muslims. When a couple of the people behind it were finally caught, their excuse was, "We don't see it as a big deal, Norwegian women are dogs and no one cares if you rape a dog". Of course, it still continues. A young woman was raped by some Somali Muslims outside of the train station, these idiots even took pictures of it. Again, they didn't feel it was a big deal.

There's a Muslim man who was caught not too long ago that came and took women sitting outside of cafes threatening them with a knife saying they'd slit their throats if they didn't give him their money. And those were the lucky ones, the other women were also fondled and beaten. Then there's the case of the Muslim man who made local newspapers as he would grab Norwegian women and demand their phone number. He'd physically hold onto them so they couldn't give him a fake phone number(!).

I could go on and on, there's places in Oslo now that look like they come straight out of the M.E. as shops, apartments and everyone around them (including signs) are in Arabic. These places are also high in crime and I've spoken to some police officers who have said they'd never chance going there.

People will turn a blind eye to all of this and say, "Oh but it's just a few!". I'm sorry to say that it's not. It's a culture of "Muslims VS Europeans" where they view Europeans as dogs to be conquered. It's not politically correct, but the truth rarely is.

You can find links to much of what I speak of above on Google if you're so inclined to search. I leave you with this video that shows you the signs of what mass-Islamic immigration is bringing Europe as a whole.

If video does not work click here

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