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Earthquake Swarm in Arkansas Intensifies. Memphis, Tennessee could be epicenter for the next big one

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:59 PM
Fayetteville Arkansas here... No shakes from the quakes this far up...that I or mine have felt...mostlikly due the distance and change in landscape. We are in the mountains in the northern part of the state.

Here is a little local tid bit however. Most nights when the new mad fault has a small quake, the dogs around us get a little frisky. Barking into the night, then quietly laying awake but starting at any sudden movment.

There has not been much of that going on with these quakes. Possibly the consistant barage of them has the animals more comfortable, or it could just be the way the vibrations travel east and west along the river valleys rather then thru the old fault lines. *shrug* your guess is as good as mine.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

What I do know: fracking doesn't cause large animal die offs AND earthquakes AND user's reported headaches. thats TOO easy of an answer. only a building BIG ONE can explain this.

what in terms of fracking sites in arkansas do we know?

so we know what companies are fracking in the area?

is there scientific data showing fracking causes earthquakes?

is there an image of fracking areas correlating with earthquakes?

listen i will buy fracking causing multiple tremors and continiously magnitude quakes when the proof is compiled in 1 post.

and I don't mean a long talking post either. a quick post with links, correlating evidence, multiple sources, ect.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:10 PM
also wanted to point out a few facts:

Keene, California JUST started having low tremors. It wasn't reporting anything for days beforehand.

Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico has been having repeaters and a couple big ones recently.

Cantwell, Alaska has also had a few strange of the same low mag repeaters.

Those are all on 1 long sustaining fault line... What i'm concerned with is what if it's connected through Yellowstone and Rockies to the New Madrid Fault Line

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by 9Cib27
reply to post by PuterMan

What I do know: fracking doesn't cause large animal die offs AND earthquakes AND user's reported headaches. thats TOO easy of an answer. only a building BIG ONE can explain this.

Are you sure about that? Don't forget that fracking fluid and methane both contaminate the water table, and birds are susceptible to methane gas particularly. IF we could get the gas companies to realise/admit this then it would be an easy answer but they don't/won't so I am not sure that you could say our solution/reason was easy.

what in terms of fracking sites in arkansas do we know?

I have the list kindly provided by another poster and when I get time I am going to turn it into a KMZ for Google Earth. I cam tell you that the list contains 1000 entries - and I think there may be more. Of the one that I cam map - that have coordinates there are 346.

so we know what companies are fracking in the area?

Personally I cannot quote that but there are others on the thread who have done so I believe.

is there scientific data showing fracking causes earthquakes?

Now here you come to the crux of the whole matter. The geologists say no, only to injection wells, but fracking is also injection. We are not geologists, but we are intelligent people and believe there is cause to think that fracking is implicated. Certainly by the admission of the geologists injection is known to cause earthquakes. I will dig out some references for you. You must also realise that before these site are licensed, geologists have to be involved. Are they now likely to say that their advice has led to this contamination. Can you imagine the class law suit. No I believe that human nature will be to deny as much as possible.

is there an image of fracking areas correlating with earthquakes?

My last post shows the area of the earthquakes. Can you deny this is a fracking area?

listen i will buy fracking causing multiple tremors and continiously magnitude quakes when the proof is compiled in 1 post.

and I don't mean a long talking post either. a quick post with links, correlating evidence, multiple sources, ect.

If you would like more information please ask. I am sure one of us can oblige.

edit on 18/2/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:17 PM
Is it normal for the USGS to change the scale listing?

MAP 2.5 2011/02/18 16:04:23 35.244 -92.358 7.0 ARKANSAS
MAP 2.5 2011/02/18 13:06:50 35.263 -92.361 6.6 ARKANSAS
MAP 3.2 2011/02/18 12:18:24 35.269 -92.369 6.0 ARKANSAS
MAP 2.7 2011/02/18 11:53:34 35.259 -92.346 7.1 ARKANSAS
MAP 4.1 2011/02/18 08:13:35 35.271 -92.377 6.3 ARKANSAS
MAP 2.5 2011/02/18 06:10:32 35.255 -92.355 7.2 ARKANSAS
MAP 2.5 2011/02/18 05:02:02 35.264 -92.361 5.6 ARKANSAS
MAP 3.9 2011/02/18 04:59:50 35.257 -92.370 5.1 ARKANSAS
MAP 2.6 2011/02/18 04:42:25 35.255 -92.355 7.1 ARKANSAS
MAP 2.6 2011/02/18 04:24:19 35.258 -92.355 7.4 ARKANSAS
MAP 2.9 2011/02/18 02:30:13 35.261 -92.375 7.0 ARKANSAS
MAP 2.5 2011/02/18 01:24:29 35.254 -92.339 5.9 ARKANSAS

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by ashleys27
reply to post by 9Cib27

Yellowstone is having harmonics?? I haven't checked out their thread lately but I must have missed something big?

No sweetie, no harmonic tremors. Anywhere. Keep following me an if I smell wind of it I'll be the first asking the question. There's several here who would pick up on it and they'd have a big graph and back reference to prove their point. If someone suggests it or asks a question about it, that only means they're curious. And that's perfectly acceptable. There's a couple burps happening at Yellowstone, but it pales in comparison to what's happening here. Although, at the moment things are calming down and that's alright by me. It's Friday afternoon, and the guys on the injection pads have been working overtime on the test. They'll have the weekend off. It would be sensible to shut 'er down for the weekend and watch the squiggly lines.

I expect a long quiet period with only several small ones. If the moon is helping the process, they'll be a pick up in activity tonight. Or. Well, there's too many conclusions and not enough facts to know one way or another what's next.

I'm glad we're on topic. I am the most open-minded person in the world and will accept any idea in the world and not mock it. But I will not tolerate intolerance and will stand everytime. Gets me in a lot of fights- that. I myself hypothetically asked if puterman was CIA. He thought I accused him of being an agent. I didn't. Honest. I have been on opposite sides of many an issue and we've agrued about everything. Puterman, you are harsh, and so am I, but I am learning to try and forgive everyone before I even met them. If they were children, you can't talk to them like that. It's all about self esteem. Use you knowledge and skill to teach not debunk. I can debunk anything but I've got to let the other person believe whatever they want. I need to set an example and show why they should be following me rather than attacking me. My son says that people who drive cars are stupid and they should all buy smart cars. I tell him that nobody will change their mind if you call them names. Instead, educate them and live what you preach. I am a radical. And I live and think like a radical. But I want a peaceful revolution. I was trained to be a peace keeper. It's hard to stand firm when there's someone pulling back their fist and threatening to hit you. But as a Canadian Soldier, I was taught not to flinch when someone winds up and starts to punch you in the face. I had a Sargent stop a punch one inch from my nose. I was ordered to stand at attention. It's a sin to move. I didn't blink. That pissed him off even more. The rest of the day was hell.

That aside. I'm emotional and many of you've seen me fly off the handle. But this is more important than me. This is something which affects so many people. 11 million people could be directly affected by an earthquake, or earthquake around Memphis. Or elsewhere. This siesmic network is a complicated, complex mistress. I'm trying to find out all her secrets but it's tuff. I am so glad the media are starting to sniff around. But they're too far behind me. They need to find my research. All of it and then put it in context. The media is not talking about Colorado. They are not talking about the unique sandsoil in the region which is why the quakes here can be so severe. I don't want to fear monger. I want the 11 million people in the region to know all the facts and have a grand debate. I am doing my best here to help that happen. I was way ahead on this story and was ranting about the fracking fracking back when gas ruptures killed the fish and birds. There is a epic story here. It's like a bad Sci-fi flick. God help us. This is real and I'm not being Chicken Little. I knew on the moring of the 15th the all hell was going to break loose and put my hand up in the class of QuakeWatch and asked the class to watch the small quakes for awhile.

We've got the media spidey senses tingling. Bring them to me. I have the whole story. Every bitty bit. My eyes have not been off the prize and I'm not stopping til everyone hears my story. Please stay on topic. Please let everyone express their views in a civil way. If you want to talk about the more sensational aspects of possible causes, please start a spin off theard and direct people here as well. I think one of my own pet theroies should go on it's on thread. Me and the moon need to find a room. Here, I want to focus on the obvious. It's obvious that fracking and their deep well injection have caused an earthquake swarm near an area that has sandysoils and strada, and whose faults are in a complex network which is susepitble to quakes in neighbouring areas. This is sheer maddness. I have a mental illness. And I could rant about that and distract the topic, No, I recognize the isanity because I am an expert in the field and have decades of experience.

This is about an earthquake swarm. This is about faults in the Mississippi. It's about the people. Some of those people are in houses that are shaking and they are gracing us with thier presense. They are eye-witnesses and that make this thread valid. A testimonial. We are witnessing histroy. And we're part of it. Let's stand up and act like intelligent civilized people who will gather and act. I implore you to promote my thread and I may even make a stupid video and post it on you tube. I have others and detest making them. But when it's important you need to speak out loud and clearly.

Wow. Was that way too much preaching. Now get out and fight. Not one another, but the silence. Do absolutely everything you can to spread my message. I am right and I will prove time and time again I am right and I'll also bring the math and research to prove a point. I hate being wrong. More than anything else on this planet. I hate being wrong. That's not arrogance. That's determination. Link this thread. Bug people. Write to people. Don't shut up. Sorry, got wound up. Had to let it vent. like a volcano. Now you not need to wonder why I'm obssessed by Yellowstone.

Breathe robin breathe.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:21 PM
and you're welsh, that explains. finally

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:25 PM
People really need to take these swarms seriously. The New Madrid is a potential killer. If you look at topographical maps of the region you can clearly see the depression where the Mississippi River back filled an ancient land drop,-95.265483&z=3&t=h&hl=en A western line from Cape Giraideau Mo. To Little Rock Ark. To Pine Bluff Ark.down to Monroe La.then south. The Eastern line runs the river border all the way to Memphis then takes a huge bite out of Mississippi all the way down to Vicksburg then south. When this massive double fault system does decide to go it will probably take a lot of lives with it.
Please don't label me a fear monger this is serious because it's not an if it's a when.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:27 PM
believe it or not, those blackbirds are real tough and I don't think small amounts of methane will kill them

Case and point, I regularly watch the starlings sticking their heads down gas chimneys. some of the gas don't get burned so they would be getting a dose. What scare the birds in Bebee Arkansas was a gas rupture. But the gas didn't kill them. It was the noise of a gas release. Gale Moore a resident of Beebe described the noise, it's on NBC. go find it and post the interview. and note the description. i'm getting real busy so i many not have alot of time to write. it looks like things have calmed down on a few fronts so i need to get real. please stick the facts, i've provide a ton and thanks to all those who've also posted information and opinion. love you all, even the ones with a chip on their shoulders. i asked nicely, you all heard me.

God's speed

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:31 PM
Here Kuril island 5.3
see the moons position
if you notice the kurils are just leaving the shadow of the moon
I dont know if what im saying makes sense but just watch this for a few days and tell me if im off. lol
Well i know im off but lol
Ive noticed this for a long time just never have said anything about it.
edit on 18-2-2011 by Fritzthecat because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Now CNN is reporting on the quakes! Never a good sign when the msm reports on something like this..

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:36 PM
I will have to stay on the side of something unnaturally big is building.

Fracking does need to be stopped, but i don't think it's the source of the anomalies.

To me, as someone trying to differentiate between information that makes sense and information that doesn't: It makes sense to me that there may be a large Earthquake building in the New Madrid Fault Zone because there are strange animal dies offs, animals that usually rely on magnetics to survive. magnetics are usually tied to seismic activity and tectonics. the New Madrid Fault Zone, it keeps getting brought up in Government Emergency Scenerios.

PROBLEM: Quakes in both the Yellowstone area and the Arkansas areas are being misreported or changed. There's a SOLUTION to the PROBLEM

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Right here goes. From the first day this thread was started I was hooked. I find it of great interest and quite worrying at the same time.

I have sat here and read through every post and I think the guy's from Quake Watch and so on are doing a marvellous job of trying to determined were/what/how this activity in Arkansas is happening.

I myself wish I could help out as much as you guy's are. So I got to thinking about the recent spate of bird/animal deaths in the USA.

I opened up Google Earth and plotted out all the bird/animal deaths and joined them up with a nice red line

Now if you look at the below image, this is what i got:

You can see that Arkansas is sort of in the middle.(If you made a line down from New Madrid to Louisiana) Now I don't know if this is relevant at all, but on asking another member who has contributed to this thread a great deal. I decided to post it here.

Apologise if it is not relevant to this thread/discussion, but I just felt it should be seen here.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by boo1981

This is awesome thank you!! This very obviously highlights an area of the new Madrid Fault Zone affected area of a BIG ONE.

Please compare it to this map as well:

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to [url= by Robin Marks[/url]

Robin, here,s that interview with Faye Moore you referenced. Note the reporter mentions the birds getting caught in some kind of updraft...could be what you said about the gas releasing from the cracks.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by 9Cib27

Thank you

I have seen that image, its a shame the image is not clearer.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by butcherguy

That's actually an old technique. So is using acid, nitrogen, all kinds of other caustic chemicals. Heck they're using all of those in AR right now. They used to pump so much acid in Canada that whole areas turned to hydrogen sulfide. (Acid + hydrocarbons = H2S).

Please everybody. It's FRACing. I know I'm being picky, but there is no K as the post below shows in the diagram.

But yeah I know a lot of people in Arkansas, and I lived there for a couple of years. So I'm keeping an eye on this one.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:22 PM

MAP 3.9 2011/02/18 17:50:55 32.020 -115.040 10.0 31 km ( 19 mi) SSE of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico
MAP 5.1 2011/02/18 17:47:35 32.047 -115.062 15.0 27 km ( 17 mi) S of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico

Just to let you folks know: the town Guadalupe Victoria is the town on the edge of the ocean of Baja California - Mexico area. It is the fault zone connection to the ocean. Basically it is the town where california would start splitting during the BIG ONE

Take a look:
edit on 18-2-2011 by 9Cib27 because: edit

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by dyvfd
reply to post by butcherguy

That's actually an old technique. So is using acid, nitrogen, all kinds of other caustic chemicals. Heck they're using all of those in AR right now. They used to pump so much acid in Canada that whole areas turned to hydrogen sulfide. (Acid + hydrocarbons = H2S).

Please everybody. It's FRACing. I know I'm being picky, but there is no K as the post below shows in the diagram.

But yeah I know a lot of people in Arkansas, and I lived there for a couple of years. So I'm keeping an eye on this one.

I'm absolutely aware there is supposed to be no K. But it's the popular way of spelling it now. And besides, it's just like the eff word. And besides, isn't that what's happening here? We're being f$$ked. Or fracked. It's synonymous.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by megabogie
reply to [url= by Robin Marks[/url]

Robin, here,s that interview with Faye Moore you referenced. Note the reporter mentions the birds getting caught in some kind of updraft...could be what you said about the gas releasing from the cracks.

Thank you. How could I forget it was Faye Moore, not Gale Moore. People listen to her carefully. No fireworks.

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