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Reptiles, Nibiru, and Earth

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posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 01:53 AM
Maybe the Niburians are giants compared too us aswell and keep dinosaurs and elephants etc as pets like we do with dogs and cats. Maybe they have dragons and unicorns on their planet aswell..

I like the idea of another life harbouring planet in our solar system/galaxy. Is it impossible? certainly not. nice theory also btw.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by Neuromuscular
reply to post by Colton

I am pretty sure anyone with any kind of intellect will see that as a cop out.

Sorry, not trying to be a jerk here but that kind of response is just intellectual laziness or an admittance of not having the material to back up the claim

Really tho I was legitimately interested to see the information.

Thanks for the fish quote.

I see you as having intellectual laziness for not wanting to look for any possible connection yourself;
thats the thrill of the ride, even if there is no connection; at least your learning about something. what better things do you have to do than some research and reading? your on ATS or something anyways reading #, why not look up connections on the side or in your spare time, huh?

you are the intellectually lazy one.

in my opinion.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Neuromuscular
reply to post by Tayesin

Site your sources?

For each specific point or just which researcher you're referencing. Would be helpful
Inquisitive minds unite!


My info comes only from my old mentor.. long story.

Last time I named her here the elitist educateds did a quick Google search and then crucified her openly for one of her retirement hobbies of UFO Research. This person worked with the British Museum in the 70's to translate Cuneiform tablets from what was called "The Too Hard Basket" .. when Sitchin was researching for his books.. they had massive arguments over his "additions". Because of her Museum connections she was privvy to some reports I have read that shed great light on what is hidden at The Museum which can prove the reality of failed genetic experiments from the timeframe of NK's work manufacturing the Worker. She is in her now in her mid-80's and slowly dying from Cancer, her hand written work was last with the Otago University in New Zealand back in 2007 onwards.

When she passes I intend to make those reports public for all to see. Until then I can only share what I understand from her work.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Tayesin

i think i remember a post from awhile back
i think it was you
went along the lines like
your mentor said - these things are from our wost nightmares

it was a good thread - until - well you know - what usually happens to those threads

anyways - i love the sumarian story - i cant read enough


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Colton
Take your mind on a journey

Considering how much of a mess the claims in this OP are, I'd rather not...

Originally posted by Colton
Nibiru; using the "water giants"; Neptune and Uranus, created Earth as we know it today; a watery world.

What? Evidence?

Originally posted by Colton
What would be a better choice of life on a scarred and changing planet?
Life forms created suited for extreme weather and life in the outer solar system; in the image of the Nibiruans;
Cold-blooded reptiles [Dinosaurs]

Dinosaurs were not the first animals on the planet. Life has existed on the planet for around one billion years. Dinosaurs did not come on the scene until 300 million years ago. Before that there were anthropods, insects, fish and amphibians. Nor were dinosaurs cold-blooded; general consensus among paleontologists is that dinosaurs were endothermic.

Nor did dinosaurs go extinct. They became birds.

Originally posted by Colton
mammals that once inhabited Tiamat and Mars.

Really now? All fossil evidence indicates otherwise, sharing a common ancestor with dinosaurs.

Originally posted by Colton
in order for mammals to evolve and take their place as the rightful life forms of the inner solar system,
the dinosaurs had to go...
it was the Nibiruans who were responsible.

Why wait so long? There was about 140 million years between the appearance of mammals and the extinction of dinosaurs.

Originally posted by Colton
whether they wanted a slave species [mineral mining; apes] or whether they wanted to create an intelligent species [modern human] is unknown

That makes absolutely no sense. Why wait almost a billion years? Why, if the Nibiruans are so adapt at artificial evolution (as you stated) why wait so long for humans and not use the stronger, tougher species that developed before?
edit on 10-2-2011 by WingedBull because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2011 by WingedBull because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Colton
No, I cannot.

The stories must be read.

You must make the connections or it will all be meaningless.

"give a man a fish; feed him for a day. teach a man to fish; feed him for a lifetime."

That is a cop-out. Cite the texts you believe back up your claims.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by anumohi
I have to go along with the Sumerians on this...

Please cite the specific texts that back up your beliefs. Where do the Sumerians say anything resembling your beliefs?

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 12:41 PM
does anyone know if the Niburians are friendly in real life? i dont want answers from sceptics/debunkers/nWo/disinfo people, i want only replies from believers.

are they friendly?

how large are they?

what do their ships look like?

how powerful is their tech?

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by fishspeaker
does anyone know if the Niburians are friendly in real life? i dont want answers from sceptics/debunkers/nWo/disinfo people, i want only replies from believers.

What utter closed-mindedness.

Originally posted by fishspeaker
are they friendly?

They do not exist.

Originally posted by fishspeaker
how large are they?

Three apples tall.

Originally posted by fishspeaker
what do their ships look like?

Rainbows and dreams.

Originally posted by fishspeaker
how powerful is their tech?

Considering according to the OP they are at least one-billion years old, their technology would be beyond anything any of us can imagine.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by WingedBull
Considering according to the OP they are at least one-billion years old, their technology would be beyond anything any of us can imagine.

This is why I have little or no belief in this whole Stichin, Nibiru rubbish... these ridiculously large numbers thrown around.

Given the tech gradient we've experienced in the last 300 years going from sticks and stones essentially to space travel, minor cybernetics, genetic modification, computing power (hell in 20 years we went from land lines to car phones the size of small bricks to phone/camera/computer/gps combos smaller than the palm of your hand) etc.

A Billion year old civilization would not only be godlike but super godlike to the level that reality wouldn't even be an issue for them... yet somehow they run around having wars, forging empires, in large space ships with slaves mining gold etc etc visiting a small pocket of mud and water on the edge of 1 out of limitless numbers of galaxies... heck even in 3000 years if where still around we'll have hit the technological singularity a good 2000 years previously and be essentially godlike ourselves.

Yet people keep thinking these theories people like Stichin spout have merit?..

Sorry for the rant but im getting sick and tired of posts starting with what essentially boils down to "the only way you can see the truth is if you leave your brain at the door"... i see pink feathered horse where ever i go, leave your cynicism behind and just believe me for i speak the truth and an analytical mind will only lead you astray!.
Being 'aware' doesnt mean being gullible or stupid.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Colton
note; that journey is alot easier if you have background knowledge. don't know what something is? google it,
doubt any claims made, google it.

Is this the new thing? No links or sources, but if someone doubts it, then we should google it?

This embodies all that laziness is, was and always will be.

No soup for you!

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by fishspeaker
does anyone know if the Niburians are friendly in real life? i dont want answers from sceptics/debunkers/nWo/disinfo people, i want only replies from believers.

are they friendly?

how large are they?

what do their ships look like?

how powerful is their tech?


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:19 PM
ya'll need to read "the terra papers". you'd find this much more credible. its a creationist story. and a great read! google it, you're sure to find the pdf online.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by BigfootNZ
A Billion year old civilization would not only be godlike but super godlike to the level that reality wouldn't even be an issue for them... yet somehow they run around having wars, forging empires, in large space ships with slaves mining gold etc etc visiting a small pocket of mud and water on the edge of 1 out of limitless numbers of galaxies...

Sitchin and company illustrate the Annunaki much as the ancients did their gods, behaving in manners all too human. This belies how much Sitchin relies on evidence and how much he relies on his own imagination. And what a limited imagination it is.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by WingedBull

Sitchin was prone to flights of fancy, which my mentor tried to temper in him during their arguments about his "additions". But the general perception is quite good, especially when read as a History and not only as a Mythology.

One of the saddening things for me is in seeing proof and not being able to provide it to the public as yet. Some of this information will force us to reassess our own concepts of what is Myth and what is History. Should be an eye-opener for all concerned.. might knock some of the elitism out of those educated naysayers.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Tayesin
Sitchin was prone to flights of fancy, which my mentor tried to temper in him during their arguments about his "additions". But the general perception is quite good, especially when read as a History and not only as a Mythology.

Even read as history it is nothing resembling what Sitchin claims. Produce a single text that supports Sitchin; consistently when challenged on this, Sitchin supporters cannot follow through.

Originally posted by Tayesin
One of the saddening things for me is in seeing proof and not being able to provide it to the public as yet.

Right. Why can't you provide it to the public yet?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by WingedBull
Even read as history it is nothing resembling what Sitchin claims. Produce a single text that supports Sitchin; consistently when challenged on this, Sitchin supporters cannot follow through.

Firstly, you need to understand that I am NOT a Sitchin supporter, never have been. The reason you find that result so often is few people have read and researched things for themselves, outside of the controlled environment of the highly educated who have.

Originally posted by WingedBull
Right. Why can't you provide it to the public yet?

Because my mentor is still living, thus I have not yet been willed her hand written work from back in the 1970's, nor the official British Museum reports in her keeping.. one of which is supportive proof for a period of genetic experimentations providing euthenased failures that were dissected and sealed in pitch inside massive sarcophagai.. as described in the tablets.

I can talk about it, I just can't show you that proof as yet.
edit on 11-2-2011 by Tayesin because: (no reason given)

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