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Is The Government Poisoning Us From Planes?

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posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by apex

Proving anything will be difficult when it is officially denied, but then you know that.

I don't need proof, what I have is my experience.

As a kid we would discuss contrails; how they were formed and how they made jets look like little comets, with those little tails following them across the sky. I recall many conversations as a young child all the way up to high school in the seventies where we even discussed them in cultural anthropology class in relation to the Nostradamus "vision" which mentions the sky being filled with "cobwebs"...someone mentioned he could be referring to contrails except that they didn't last long enough to fill the sky, so we all assumed "cobwebs" would be more apt to describe missile or rocket exhaust. Everyone knew contrails didn't last long, and no one had ever heard of contrails expanding to fill the sky with a haze.

It never used to happen; something has changed.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

Since you mentioned Nostradamus i thought id point out the quote you mentioned was often thought to refer to WW2. If you look at videos from the battle of Britain contrails crossed the sky's of Britain for days. So way back in 1942 they had contrails that dispersed and formed clouds. But i guess some how that changed after you were born?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

Yes, something changed and it has become especially noticeable in the last couple years and I don't mean the usual persistent contrail groups you'd see meandering north and south between Seattle and LA for example.

Look, it is no secret that the military of most of the world want to control the weather and that in recent history great strides have been made in that direction. This is known in the public domain...who knows what their real capabilities are.

It is also no secret the military has a history of testing biological and chemical weapons on their own civilian populations. This is not up for debate I hope, and I'm not singling out the US military here, they all do it.

Patents exist for aerial spraying for the purpose of modifying the weather. Nothing new there.

Given the above history and track record of the military, it is a logical step to suspect a covert operation when one notices a drastic change in contrail behavior, coupled with the global warming hype, coupled with biblical storms.

The military would certainly have a cover story in place well in advance to reinforce and support such an operation. Al Gore comes to mind, but there would also be propaganda operatives deployed to deal with stubborn skeptics and assuage their suspicions any way possible; explaining it away as a persistent contrail seems like a reasonable way to do that, and resorting to ridicule is often effective.

It is reasonable to suspect this is a weather modification program.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Yankee451
reply to post by firepilot

And like I said, I couldn't care less if the jets are from Evergreen or not; who supplies them is irrelevant. Focusing on Evergreen is a distraction, which appears to be your only tactic...that and ignoring other points.

It is clear that weather modification exists.

It is clear weather modification is accomplished by spraying chemicals in the atmosphere.

Calling such practices "chem-trails" appears to be a justifiable name, whether I've witnessed them in action or not.

How could it be irrelevant who is doing it? Wouldnt that be a major detail? How are some of you all going to end it, if no one is going to try and figure out who is doing it. Wouldnt it matter where it was being done from too? Or, are most chemtrailers just content to talk about to each other on message boards but not really do anything that involves leaving their computer.

I can not address every delusional point someone makes, that are often so riddled with errors. Yes, cloud seeding happens, no it does not leave giant trails across the sky. It is done with small planes, inside of a precipitating cloud. This gets pointed out over and over, but chemtrailers ignore it and keep going like it was never mentioned.

If it was so clear, when why does every chemtrail video make huge errors, and false claims. If it is so clear, when why do chemtrailers put the same debunked photos up over and over where planes are falsely claimed to be something other what what they are.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:16 PM
Get it through your heads that just because people post the same stupid videos over and over doesn't compromise the existence of Chemtrails.
Yes- People are uninformed and are just trying to show other with what is available
Yes- At this point in time there is not 100% proof of Chemtrails
Yes- There is plenty of real evidence that supports the existence of Chemtrails
Yes- People are getting off there chairs and are trying to actually do something about it

Its like you anti-chemtrailers can't get past the fact that people do dumb crap on the web.... duhh You anti-chemtrailers are guilty of the same thing....linking the same CRAP websites over and over and over.... it's all propaganda.

People are getting evidence and we WILL eventually have proof. It takes time so if you aren't one for patience then best leave it alone. More and more people are becoming aware of this because it is OBVIOUS that within the last 5-10 years there has been a major change in our skys.... takes time for people to become really aware of what's going on. Make no doubt ..THERE WILL BE PROOF in the near future.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by dplum517

indeed...I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I'm going to be reduced to taking time-lapse photos of my perspective of the sky. I don't doubt what I have witnessed is unusual, but to prove it or disprove it means taking matters into my own hands. I am almost hoping they begin bombarding us again as in years past so I can show the difference.
edit on 7-2-2011 by Yankee451 because: typo

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

Also another thing I encourage those of you with the means to do so is get the highest power telephoto lenses and begin capturing images of the differing types of aircraft up close, to see the differences in standard commercial airliners and the ones spewing this garbage out. I think this will be quite telling.

Keep up the good fight fellas. As much as many would like to dissuade folks from asking questions and discussing this, we must never stop shining light on this subject. It is huge imho.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Agreed. I've never been able to justify the expense until now, but if you want something done right you've got to do it yourself. Hah...the things I do to rationalize spending money!

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

YES!!!! Please, please do this!!!:

Also another thing I encourage those of you with the means to do so is get the highest power telephoto lenses and begin capturing images of the differing types of aircraft up close, to see the differences in standard commercial airliners and the ones spewing this garbage out. I think this will be quite telling.

EACH AND EVERY one of you who "believe" in the so-called "chem"-trails. Please, please do!!

Show everyone the "chem"-trails that "spew" from anywhere else than directly aft of the engines. As NORMALLY seen in every contrail image.

edit on 7 February 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
reply to post by Yankee451

Also another thing I encourage those of you with the means to do so is get the highest power telephoto lenses and begin capturing images of the differing types of aircraft up close, to see the differences in standard commercial airliners and the ones spewing this garbage out. I think this will be quite telling.

Keep up the good fight fellas. As much as many would like to dissuade folks from asking questions and discussing this, we must never stop shining light on this subject. It is huge imho.

Who has ever dissuaded people from asking questions? I wish more chemtrailers would actually ask questions, instead of just believing what any chemtrail site says, without question. I want people to use resources that they have (aviation and weather websites), and try to get actual information and science, instead of just talking to like minded people. Look at how many chemtrailers just repost silly links from aircrap, or repost the same internal 777 pic from testing, without asking anyone first if it is actually a real "chemplane". Or when Gunderson claims Ft Sill has chemplanes, but no one questions him about it, even though Ft Sill does not have the runway for big planes. Or when Arizona Sky Watch claimed the air in phoenix is 4 percent aluminum..

Its actually been chemtrailers who try to limit who can post, or question why someone of an opposing viewpoint is in the thread, or insisting that people are government agents.

And with the photos, I agree, I say get photos of aircraft, find out what they are, you can also compare with flight tracking websites too! Go to too for photos, and use every resource you have.

edit on 7-2-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Yeah, photos of the sky aren't much help unless compared against flight patterns and weather conditions over time. It's a bummer to not have immediate gratification, and an even bigger bummer to think of my future expenses in camera equipment, but at this point I am only going to believe it if I prove it or disprove it to myself.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Speaking of this:

Go to too for photos...

I'll lend a hand. They have a nice album of selected CONTRAIL photos. Just so no one tries to pass them off as "chem"-trails....

Photo Album: "The Best of: Contrails"

Courtesy of

OF NOTE: ON first page, ninth photo (the one credited to "Dna")...that is NOT....I repeat, NOT a contrail image. Don't know why someone slipped that one in. It is a (looks like a Boeing 777 to me) fuel dump in progress. Nothing at all to do with contrails. AND, certainly NOTHING to do with so-called "chem"-trails, either.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

WeedWhacker,you are so certain that Chem-trails dont exist. I swear,its like listening to Al Gore give me undeniable proof of Global Warming! LOL I say it in Jest,BTW. I understand you fell the need to debunk this,but their have been greater men that were wrong,when it comes to "knowing" and believing in something. I sure hope you are right though.

Thank you for the information also.

edit on 7-2-2011 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 06:33 PM
Is there not a thread on ATS that hasn't yet been monitored by shills/dis-info etc.?
We're getting as bad as Youtube._javascript:icon('

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 02:07 AM
I believe that this entire news story is some sort of op being perpetuated by certain alphabet soup agencies or worse with the soul purpose of collecting intelligence on those who are watching and documenting the spraying of chem-trails.

Perhaps not everyone in this forum is as technologically adept as others, but allow me to throw some pieces of the puzzle together.

1. The article at cbsatlanta openly requests images to be submitted about an otherwise hush-hush topic
2. exif data in images can give much more juicy information than what a simple ip address can give. Your long/lat position CAN be in there as well, not always, and never if you know how to configure it correctly, but it it possible.

Put these together, and you essentially have a user-consented, user-generated database of image+location information in question. Sounds to me like someone is collecting intelligence, and I get the feeling that someone isn't doing it for our benefit.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by spookstory
1. The article at cbsatlanta openly requests images to be submitted about an otherwise hush-hush topic

Assuming, of course, that chemtrails actually exist. Otherwise it's a lot of images of some clouds.

2. exif data in images can give much more juicy information than what a simple ip address can give. Your long/lat position CAN be in there as well, not always, and never if you know how to configure it correctly, but it it possible.

Really? Proof?

Such information could only be stored in exif if it were actually known by the camera. Unless you are using a camera phone with GPS, I really can't see how it could possibly know that in the first place.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by spookstory

I believe that this entire news story is some sort of op being perpetuated by certain alphabet soup agencies or....

....OR, a dunderhead news editorial staff combined with a slow news day??

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

There are a lot of people who perpetuate bull# surrounding this subject. I know the difference between con-trails and chem-trails, apparently weedwacker you do not.

You want proof so badly, you obviously do not live in a part of america that is regularly being sprayed because proof is as simple as going outside, looking up, and seeing the lasting patterns in the sky, perpendicular to each other, sometimes at right angles, most of the time lasting for hours in the sky. This is completely different from ice crystals forming by normal commercial jets.

The problem is there is so much confusion that you get people who do not know what they are talking about and perpetuate bull# by taking pictures of the normal phenomenon of ice crystals forming, using that as proof, then arguing with people like you who rightly dismiss them as idiots.

The problem is when you see normal plane flight patterns in a certain area after decades of living there, you get to understand the difference of elevations of certain planes. The ones extremely high that create a con-trail that dissipates and is formed due to ice crystals is a totally different animal that what I am seeing. I am seeing planes flying at an altitude much lower than this, putting out a trail of white cloud that does not dissipate for hours, they make multiple passes over the same area over a period of hours laying down multiple layers of these trails.

The problem is you cannot convince me of something that I can easily see for myself by looking outside, the fact that you are not seeing the same thing where you live, means they are not spraying your location. I'm amused that you seem to spend all your time debunking chem-trail conspirators. If they are so wrong, stupid, misguided and ignorant as you so claim, what good would you arguing with them do? You obviously are not going to change their mind.

What you are saying, and your behavior do not add up.
edit on 9-2-2011 by spookstory because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-2-2011 by spookstory because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by spookstory

That's odd.....

I know the difference between con-trails and chem-trails....

....odd, because IF you are referring to the high trails produced at cruising altitudes by commercial airliners, and you call any of the "chem"-trails (in the manner that the hysteria has been blathering on about) is truly odd, since they don't exist. Except as a hoax, perpetuated amongst the gullible and ignorant.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 08:34 PM
They haven't been spraying lately in Central Texas. It has been a couple of weeks or so. We have had some snow, some rain, some sleet. Normal clouds, and clear skies for for the first time in a long time.
It's like old times, but they will be back I am sure.

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