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VACCINES: Get The Full Story

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
reply to post by jameshawkings

Source for the "tens of thousands" writing their MPs and all the protests?

There were replies going out to everyone who wrote to the MP's, I received one as did many people I know.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

Do you have a source for the "tens of thousands" of letters being sent to MPs or not? It's a simple question, why can't you just answer it, rather than dodging it?

If a SINGLE issue produced such a massive response, it should be fairly easy for you to find a BBC or Guardian article on it.
edit on 2/20/2011 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:10 PM

Childhood illnesses make us stronger,


What about the 440,000 children who die annually from rotavirus?

Or the 363,000 children who die annually from Haemophilus influenza B?

Or the 735,000 children who die annually from pneumococcal infection?

Just those three pathogens, all of which have cheap vaccines available, cause over 1.5 million deaths PER YEAR in children under 6.

Did the infection make those kids "stronger", or are you done talking out of your ass now?

This is not about science VneZonyDostupa, this is about business!

The only reason it isn't about science is because you refuse to DISCUSS THE SCIENCE. You would rather argue with anecdotes and Alex Jones-pushing blogs.

to use whatever tactic to debunk what has been said, whether a fair tactic or an underhand one.

Please quote where I have used an "underhanded tactic" to debunk ANYTHING. Posting ACTUAL SCIENCE isn't "underhanded".
edit on 2/20/2011 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
reply to post by jameshawkings

Do you have a source for the "tens of thousands" of letters being sent to MPs or not? It's a simple question, why can't you just answer it, rather than dodging it?

If a SINGLE issue produced such a massive response, it should be fairly easy for you to find a BBC or Guardian article on it.
edit on 2/20/2011 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

There are certain things that don't get reported (for a reason)

Perhaps you saw the leaked recording from the CFR where they were trying to work out how to get more people to receive the Swine Flu vaccine, someone there said they had to pretend they were running out to stimulate interest. As you might remember this tactic was then used both on TV and in the Newspapers.

The BBC were clearly under strict orders with Swine Flu to increase the number of takers. There weren't many newspapers who dared to print the other side of the story.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

So, you have NO source for the "tens of thousands" comment you made, then?

Are you going to admit you just made it up, or should I go ahead and point out that you're a liar myself?

You don't think ANY NEWS ORGANIZATION in the UK would have picked up a story about tens of thousands of letters, all about the same issue, flooding the officers of the MPs? NONE of them picked it up?


posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa
reply to post by jameshawkings

So, you have NO source for the "tens of thousands" comment you made, then?

Are you going to admit you just made it up, or should I go ahead and point out that you're a liar myself?

You don't think ANY NEWS ORGANIZATION in the UK would have picked up a story about tens of thousands of letters, all about the same issue, flooding the officers of the MPs? NONE of them picked it up?


I'll see if I've still got the letter and scan it. As for the News Organizations you have to look into how they are controlled

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

Anecdotes and Alex Jones gibberish about media control isn't "evidence".

Also, why won't you address my post about over 1.5 million children dying from vaccine-preventable diseases that you claim "make us stronger"?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:56 PM
Polio's vaccine history is very political.

The Sabin's group of scientists clashes with Salk's group of scientists.

Salk is killed, Sabin is live attenuated.

Sabin is the version that can cause polio and help receivers "vaccinate others", and Salk version is classically killed with formaldehyde on monkey kidneys, which contaminated vaccines with SV40 virus.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by jameshawkings

I'm suprised you'lll still paying attention to that guy James . His arrogance and robotic call for source is tedious .
He is either disinfo or seems to think his OPINION is law .

Like you said James they'll have to kill me because NOONE is forcing poison on me !

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Doomzilla

Asking for actual evidence makes me a "disinfo agent"?

Do you honestly think that? Seriously?

Why SHOULDN'T people ask for evidence when you make claims? That's sort of the basis of this site. For FSM's sake, the motto of the site is "Deny Ignorance"!

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:04 PM
Thought I'd bring this thread back for a read and post an online poll going on right now, but will be closing soon. It is from the Today Show, today.

Dr. Nancy Sneiderman is asking if the public thinks it should be ok to opt out of vaccines for your own children.

Dr. Nancy thinks it is outrageously irresponsible, and guess what, the poll is showing those results, so why not head on over here to cast your vote in favor of vaccine choice.
edit on 29-11-2011 by SunnyDee because: (no reason given)

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